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Hello every one..
Looking for some conversations here.
Research to be fast and furious and get to the root of this hopeful sleeper...
Lets get this thing going...
nice video and simple explanation.
Ed, again thank you for your insight here.
I have a couple of friends in my network that have been buyers here and have accumulated shares over the last several months. One of them did in fact meet with the upper level management and I feel that utilizing my network to get introduced to them is the key. I did see the high volume day and I do believe that most of it was a couple of my friends getting their toes wet with this one.
I have been compiling several questions to bring to them and I would ultimately really like to see if we can get some guidance for the next couple months and the next 6 out.
I have made plenty and lost plenty in the PINKY land, and have seen my fair share of winners and losers but this one feels like it has the making of a winner. The revenues with losses though can be defended with a couple good explanations, but if they keep hitting on large contracts things have to turn.
I also see that several Wall Street firms are their clients, and if not mistake even one of the exchanges... Maybe there is some guidance there. Lastly the Construction business usually has high contracts with low margins. This might just be their growth phase that could be easily explained.
They do need some help and guidance in this critical phase and I hope they seek it and see the value in getting the right group.
I love the questions. Especially the 4th.
I will keep you all posted and will put some serious time and effort into this.
Any other questions please forward and I will get these to management.
Thank you
I love the questions. Especially the 4th.
I will keep you all posted and will put some serious time and effort into this.
Any other questions please forward and I will get these to management.
Thank you
Is there anything you would like to see?
I have a couple calls in with management this week and we can ask what ever questions we want.
Please send me any questions or info you would like to see.
Nothing new here guys?
Where is the chatter here.
I would love to get this baby rolling
I would like to see some updated information and some communications with management. I will try to work some magic and see if we can have a real discussion with solid factual info in the very near future.
I used to be a very active Penny player and I am looking to get back in.. I feel I have to catch up on several fields, but I hope to be a real asset to this group.
How long have you been tracking this, or have been an owner of this company? I see there is not too much talk here, but I would like to see that change as this gets more relevant and the Volume calls for attention.
This is a winner!!
I am new to this board, but I am very Familiar with this company. I have researched it extently and have spoken to management. I see this company as a fully listed exchange stock with revenues and profitability. I do not give it much time before it takes off.
The problem here is that the WHolesalers and the Shorts.. Manipulation at its finest. Ownership has taken notice and will execute a strategic game plan in the very near future.
I just got off the phone with an attny who spoke very highly of your DD.. Would you mind if I contacted you privately?
I cannot send a private message.. I have not been active here for some time.. could you message me a good contact # or email.. thank you
This will not be a quick play here.. but a good stock to watch closely in the near future..This one is an Investment not a flip quick stock.
I just goy off the phone with the CEO.. Keeping stock close.. then once they reach a specific goal set they have ever intention to go to OTC being fully reporting and compliant.
Strong business and asles in action.
Good company here good views going forward.
I know for a fact that chad curtis was pulling the strings behind closed doors for years... going back to SLJB, PHBP, & MDOR. He has little henchmen to do the dirty work but he is the money behind it all.. He was a stockbroker and put client money and collegues client money BEHIND positions he owned.. This all was a scam from the beginning. This is his RETIREMENT that he just stole from you all. Passing reigns to Joseph was all part of the plan.. it was his exit strategy. He has made millions stealing from investors just like you all.
Is there really any business... has any product actually REALLY been moved or sold...
Every thing looks good here.
No reply back yet from SEC so trading should be close.
I know they need the Audit done and a Market Maker signed but looks good.
Lets GO ZUMA!!!!
Sent response back to SEC.
A request of information to finalize trading once again was submitted last week and if all goes well should have a new market maker in just a few weeks.
This is ready to take the F*** OFF!!
Not gonna lie here.. but short term financing is needed here.
100-150K to get things caught up.. Audited Financials, Update alot or News Releases, Close a deal.. short money...
It looks like they will be in line to get a GREAT Debt Financing Deal done in early . Looking like a Feb. Time frame.
Thanks. I have been gone for a while, but now I am back and ready to make a killing in 2011.
I will check out this company to the 9's.
Will report back.
I was thinking of giving Ron a call as well.
I should be in ATL early 2011.
Would love to see what he has in store for the comming year.
Zuma Beach Entertainment (ZMBC)
This is an oldie, with not alot of volume, but keep an eye out for this one.
I will give a good explination as to what is going on and I have a very good link to upper management.
Hope all of you are having a great holiday season.
I it know that freeport is drilling in a neighboring location.
It is said by Tombstone management and Professionals in the region that Freeport "Is still drilling and going to 5000 feet."
I guess the word is that they hit the 2000 ft mark and found it to be a good drill site. They are going to or have reached to next target depth of 5000 ft to get a more in depth idea of the reserve.
I actually do not have the definitive answer here. If Freeport would like to buy Tombstone or just that property I guess it would have to be a decision on upper management of course, but I know this.. Tombstone is not a drilling company. I could think of many dozens of drillers off the top of my head that would actually drill this site. Tombstone is a land owner and looking to sell.. This is my thoughts..
Lookin to direct help to Pure H20.
Through Financing, Debt offerings, Private Equity money...
Lets see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
Yes quiet, but hope to get this thing started again.
Lets see what we can do.
I don't see this as a drill project.. I see this as a buy out play..
Supposedly Freeport MacMoran is a neighbor... they are drilling to 5000 feet, and I dont think they would do that if there was not alot of minerals there...
Freeport could easily buy us out for a very nice profit here..
I have met with upper management and Rugby is still very much a big part of the future, but I hear Angel Babies and a new IP are going to be looked at first
Does any one here live out in CA??
I have been in and out of IHUB for nearly 4 years, I know not too long and I come and go.. but this reemergence is due to a lot of high expectations from ZUMA this year.. KEEP THIS ONE ON YOUR WATCH LIST, and BUY BUY BUY!!!!
I know there is a back log of news and alot of new share holders.
There are Revenues here folks and IP getting set to be developed.
Management has done a good job at keeping this company afloat, and 2011 looks to be a new beginning.
looking forward to December.. Lots of back dated news and some new developments all around here.
Development of I's....
New Parterships...
Lots comming..
Kep this on your watch list,
Rebel good talking to you again.
Glad to see everything going well..
Lots of Potentials here..
talk to you soon.
My take is he is very capable of driving this company in the right direction.
He has been a CFO for other public companies in the past and is very hands on and very thorough.
He is also in charge of a couple other businesses, but Sungro is in the right position to take to the next level the quickest. He has been working with lawyers, shareholders and investment bankers to really make this ship sail soon...
My understanding is that the Geological reports are done and have been done for some time now.
All the companies financial and reports are up to date and Erwin is looking forward to the very near future to fund the project.
I can introduce him to local Investor that LOVE gold projects and are very liquid right now...
Gold is definitely a sweet spot.
Also I have connections at Large Hedge funds and Investment Bankers, the only proble with that is any thing under $25m is a headache for the large firms. Where I see Erwin is only looking for a number closer to $5m...
His Office is small but works. Low over head and smart with the money they have. Close to RI's Airport and Business centers, just 10 minutes from Providence.
I look forward to helping this company and also being a shareholder.
My Attny out of DC and LA introduced me to CEO Erwin Vahlsing and though we should meet. We have alot of synergies.
my first post in this company.. starting some DD here
What is the temperature here???
Here we gooooooo
IP looks like it starting to be developed.
Moving forward and love where it is in their business plan.
Was CSHD one of your long shots a few years ago???
I am not completely sure on this one yet, but I hear good things and I feel there is Physical assets to be added to this company.
I know Ben Stepped down. THe word is he is taking care of his past experiences with Rufus and need to focus on that. There is supposed to be news comming out soon to let every one know of the upcomming year outlook...
Time will tell on this one.
Study hard and dig deep...
MM's Hate this one.. EXTERE Market Manip...
Office is Residential and Facility is in GA Somewhere.
YES!!!!! confirmed