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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
SSH Volume starting,chart squeezingHeadsUP!1.70s
GBSN adding here .04s ready 4 big bounce,check chart ready to start up
>>GBSN They starting to LOAD in here .07s Huge bottom bounce!
This 1 ready to squeeze here soon! Watch L2&4 news.Should be real soon read the past news hinting to positive results within weeks... PBMD
Get Ready, News expected soon&squeeze run SetUP 2 go big imho! AMDA
RPRX ATNM AMDA PBMD all looking primed for a nice squeeze run w/News expected soon which can cause these stocks to skyrocket!
DEJ > Earnings! Chart & Volume Sneaking IN! Watch L2 some large buys trickle soon! imho.... DEJ gooooooooooooooooooooo .23s
DEJ > &There clicks in some Volume! :) Watch for .28 Breakthru then off to the races!!
DEJ >Earnings IN & PositiveAllSetUP2Booooom>Friday keeping it from running,however ALL the DD & Chart Lined Up for START OF BIG RUN NEXT WEEK! Super Positive Signs ALL Over this stock do your DD & U will C ! :) Best Wishes ALL,Stay Positive! :) DEJ .23s
DEJ NaturalGasBOOM!Slowly Accumulating .27s& Gaining More attention..Really set2go
DEJ Accumulating Big!Winter Months coming&News Continually hinting more positive News to follow.. .27s going .30 Break will send her parabolic!!Wish u all the best! Stay Positive!
DEJ Ready4RunUP.27&Squeezing>All Set UP Super Positive Signs of run Coming UP > DD&Chart
DEJ HeadsUP!.27 squeezing chart+Constant Positive Building News,Chart &Future production ALL SETUP 4 A Big RUN! Seems Really Here Just check chart & DD! All Supper Positive & Ready to accumulate BIG!
DEJ Booom There she goes .24 NEWS Spreading on JV
>> DEJ Breakout from NEWS last night JV w/U.S. Company .23
DEJ booooomThereSheGoesCOngratsAllIn&Loading.24&Going Strong
>> DEJ Breaking out,NEWS last night JV(JointVenture with U.S. Company) .22
DEJ HereComesThe.19sWatchL2about2BreakoutOn1stTapof.20 get ready4 run CORT also squeezing here
DEJ Super Squeeze@.18s here,Watch for Breakout
DEJ Here she goes Uptick Ut Ut Ut Ready 4 a nice runUP!!! .21s going
DEJ Watch L2,bids building here .21 watch4volume surge soon Earnings&production R UP News Yesterday and not many noticed,Big Move setUP2Squeeze here anytime....
DEJ HeadsUP!DD&Chart Super Positive&About to Breakthru,Just had gr8 earnings&BuildingUP every quarter
DEJ>HeadsUP>Earnings Reported UP 44%,Dejour Energy reports Q1 gross revenue $2.79M vs $2.04M last year
Reports Q1 Average production 546 boepd, a 44% increase over average production of 379 boepd last year. Reports Q1 operating netbacks for oil and gas operations of $55.53 and $13.85 per boe respectively, representing 60% and 575% increases over comparable operating netbacks in 1Q13
DEJ>TheyLiningUpHere@theBid!Watch4Breakthru.23&RunHereSoon!Chart&DDhaveManyPositives!>Check it out! Many Missing this 1or going to miss,will b hard to chase once brokenthru some small Resistance
DEJ>HeadsUP!Chart&DDsuggestBigStuffAheadEvenBuffetRumors2InvestInNaturalGasAlreadyHeadlinedInManyArticles&DEJhastheDD&ChartSetUP4anExplosiveRun!! Hope all doing well,Stay Positive :)
DEJ Super Support50DMA@.22w/Bolly SqueezingHardHereSoon,DEJPutOutApostingOnTheirFACEBOOKpageWithApossiblePartner>MorePositivesJustKeepComingIn.DoUrDD&CheckChart,Wish u the best Stay Positive!! :)
DEJ Big Heads UP! .22 Bolly Squeeze DD showing super positive as well, Just check chart & DD has hints to run all over the place with super positive buzz all over the place... Looking @ a strong BUY & Add Hold & add & Hold ADD! ADD ADD :) Feeling good vibes on this 1 the more i research...
DEJ Just starting here @ .23s Positive News expected soon & Has until May of 2015
DEJ> Squeezing,News Expected Soon All Positive Hints in last CC,Check chart,this looks like real nice area to load up, Buffet & Others also gathering Natural gas stocks..
DEJ HeadsUP,Chart+DD SetUP2go Here,Look4Volume&Breakthru.24
>>DEJ Heads UP.25!ChartSqueeze+DD+Sector gaining+Buzz+Just a big +
DEJ Congrats All In&Loading,She gapping up here .2750 gaining attention
DEJ Gapping UP! .2750 after Hours.Congrats all in&Loading
DEJ Heads UP! Breaking out here soon Big Volume Check chart & DD Hints big plans ahead with SEC giving them till MAY 2015 above $1
DEJ Here she goes! .25s Loading Big,Bidders lining the bid UP strong here,
DEJ Starting Big run,They Announced some big plans last CC&SEC gave them till may 2015 for compliance plans, they rarely give such a long time for company's to get their act together. The plan they submitted must be strong... Check chart& Do your DD.
DEJ Heads UP!.22 News Positive+Chart squeezing set2go,DO dd & Check chart , CC was positive & THey opening up more wells +60% Gain in 1 recently!!