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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
DEJ Building BigBuys Last of the .30s here it looks!
>DEJ Here she goes!Big Trigger @.30FewMore&Boooom!
DEJ Heads Up! GoldenCross GettingAttentionHereBigVolumeStarting2breakInto.30s
HKTU Starting Big Bottom Bounce! Going nicely here .028 New highs&Chart squeezing hard!!
HKTU Above avg.Volume adding more .02s off big bottom,ready for a nice run here soon!Watch L2 Bids have been building & Volume slowly gaining
HKTU Heads UP! .02s Slowly Building Above Avg.Vol&Chart Squeeze about 2 go!
DARA$330,000BuyWentThruYesterday!ChartSettingUPagainStrong&NewsOnTheWaySoon! imho
They Buyin PreMarket Gapping her UP, .64s going DARA
DM BooomHereSheGoes.70sComingInBigSetupRunready2go,CheckChart,HappyNewYearAll
DM >HereTheyCome,SheGoing2RunUPagain,.70withPreVolSpikeSetUPAbout2make Chart Squeeze Bigtime
RITT -> Heads UP! BreakingOutHere1.64
DM BreakingOutBigTimeCongratsAllIn&Loading.72now&going
DM Congrats AllIn&LoadingSheBreakingOuT!.72s
DM DoubleGoinTripleVolume<HereSheGoes,HEadsUP!CheckChartAbout2SqueezeReallyHardOn.70Breakthru
DM ->BigBottomBreakoutJustStartNhere.68SqueezingHard
DM BOOOM!BreakingOutBigBottom.69&going,CheckChartBigSqueezegoingthruhere
DM >BIG HeadsUP!BreakoutHere.64/65HugeSqueezeAbout2go
OXF Booooooom!BreakoutStartNBigBuyAlertsContinueBigBreakAt1.20+
OXF TriggeringBigBuyAlertsHereBreakoutGoing1.20CheckChart,BigBuysStartnIN
OXF Chart+TripleBottomBreakoutHere1.15
OXF HeadsUP*BigAlertsJustStartN2GoOffBottomBreakout1.14
OXF ThereSheGoesOffBigBottomHEADSUP1.15UpTickJustGettinNoticed
OXF HeadsUP! BottomBreakoutJustStarting1.13About2run
On the Filing .59 (Assumed) Either way it looks UP!
Unusual Volume Creating L2 Bull 100 block match MM buys,Last time 100s came in like that she ran soon after,Looking foirward to a nice run&then news sending her into parabolic multibagger --> DARA
DARA TicTocOnNews/MMsJugglingHere,About2Go,AnyNews&ThisHasPotential4aMultiBagger well over 1000%
DARA ThereGoesThe100sAgain,GetnReady4RunUP!
DARA ExpectingNews,NewMMs,L2lightingUpW/100s,Something is UP,Big buys still today&no news yet,that itself should say something!Chart is explosive looking
DARA Bigger Buys Sneaking in,SheGetnReady2go!
DARA Loading UP,B4News>Way Overdue for News&Major volume this week came in,anticipating some major +news
DARABioSciencesAnnouncesSubmissionOfKRN5500toFDAforOrphanDesignation->Nov29,2012 So Remember this is On FASTTRACK So Should Be on high Priority for FDA to make decision. Its been over 12months now,So tic toc should be sooooon!
DARA They PackingInTheTrainAbout2LeaveTheStation>NEWS Awaiting/Anticipating Good News
DARA Flapping Wings About2FLY!BigBuyscomingin
DARA & ThereSHEGOESboooooom
DARA Super Squeeze Breakout Ready,Check Chart&do dd
DARA Ready4Round2,News Expected+Chart explosive,we ready 2 go
DARA Boooooom! Breakthru 5,000,000 Going strong ShortSqueeze coming UP
DARA CongratsALLsheStartnBigMove$15,000 $20,000 Buys Starting in again..Ready4Power hour..Going to get noticed tonight by chartists&investors could snowball&then maybe +news..Looking for breakthru .57 &shortSqueeze more.652(200dma) then lookin for the $1.00 regain compliance
DARA Almost 5,000,000@.54 GettingBigAttention