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i'M WONDERING WHY Hartman has not try to update us. Seems like he should say something on what's going on.
might be gefilte fish! love my gefilte fish. I still think this is a BIG scam
don't forget Sukkot Sept 26-30. Shmini Atzeret Oct 1st and Simchat Oct2nd and one or two others
Can we trust Hartman? Seems he lied, pumped. and had no intention of making a legit business here. He just wanted to support his own greed. I'm not saying greed is bad just share a little of it. lol jmo
actually it's a shame that our service men and woman have to suffer pain when there might have been something there to help them though their suffering.
could you imagine if a member of his family was injured how he would feel if help was refuse to there loved ones how Hartman would feel. I have no ill will towards him but i hope he would take a moment and think about it
our military people and first responders deserve better instead of false promises.
Is anything going on with BIEI, or have they closed doors?
I was hoping to see the pps going up, so much for hoping.
I've been hearing that for years. I'd be happy with a POP.
stop sign and defunct what more can we ask. how about "subco" Sounds like a good investment to me. NOT!!! Are any of their mines worth more than .001???
hoping we're at a dime monday. lol
I think with all this talking going on here that stock would be soaring this week. Makes no sense to me. How’s
I won't believe it until i see it!!!!! Hopefully we see it in the next few days. Maybe??????
where do you think stock should be (price wise)and when? Right now I'd be happy with a dime/share next week. YEAH BABY lol actually I think this will be a disappointment. Just hoping it isn't
whombat40 Thanks for responding you could only wish that one day they would come through do something for the investors
Not getting my hopes up But hoping we get REAL positive Filings tonight. Been down this road to many times.
I really don't care one way or the other. I've accepted a long time ago that I made a mistake invested in this. If it turns out I'm wrong and something positive happens here that would be great, but if nothing positive happens. Let the buyer be wear.
I can't believe anyone would still believe in this company after so many lies and false promises. These guy are pro's. THEY KNOW EXACTLY how to hype to extract every last penny from the investors. I only have shares from decades ago and refused to buy more. I've excepted I was scammed from day one. Let the buyer beware.
That being said I hope that it turns around a little to help those who over extended themselves and lost everything because of these con artists. just my thoughts.
how how many years does it take to build a webb site??? days ,weeks, monthes,or years???
lol i'll go for that.
any guesses?????? mine is they dropped the ball and every things called off.. hope I'm wrong
i'm too pissed. I just realized you were sarcastic. no one said all my fuses were on lol, great, lmao at myself for not getting it at first.
not me. i've been in this too long to believe these guys were up standing, honest or even believable. they're crooks and always have been. just my opinion
as they say,That's old news"
in my eyes gold has nothing to do with the company. it's just a scam.imo
why do people think this would be any different than the last 10 or so years? It's a scam and always was and always will be.If it wasn't the pps would have moved up a while ago. all just my opinion
It would be nice to see the pps move up a little. Am I miss reading that because I thought that was good news even tho it could be B.S.
Can you show us the e mail
did anyone really think they would be honest and up front ?? POST means what??? maybe NEVER in my opinion they are professional crooks I've been here for years and it's always the same bs> jmo
Is their aNY HOPE THAT THIS IS A REAL COMPANY? Is their any reason why we should believe anything these guys say what's suppose to happen with the p/s or sale, jv of this company? It's the same thing that's they have done for for year over year. pump and dump. jmo
Has anyone heard anything more about the NFL or the MILITARY buying into any of this pain meds??
Actually I'm more concerned about our people in the military than the NFL.
But I won't go into that
got this on OTC Short Report
Date Close High Low Volume Short Volume % of Vol Shorted
Sep 07 NA NA NA 13,840,000 1,000,000 7.23
Sep 06 NA NA NA 107,571,280 57,532,280 53.48
Sep 05 NA NA NA 5,540,000 5,490,000 99.10
Sep 04 NA NA NA 18,488,970 1,040,000 5.62
Aug 31 NA NA NA 16,541,813 6,116,745 36.98
Aug 30 NA NA NA 17,518,071 5,090,871 29.06
Aug 28 NA NA NA 6,398,000 3,010,000 47.05
Aug 27 NA NA NA 8,768,200 5,929,100 67.62
Aug 24 NA NA NA 10,550,000 1,518,800 14.40
Aug 23 NA NA NA 2,620,000 500,000 19.08
Aug 22 NA NA NA 9,973,051 2,346,000 23.52
Aug 20 NA NA NA 19,550,000 19,500,000 99.74
Aug 17 NA NA NA 17,084,521 975,479 5.71
Aug 15 NA NA NA 8,556,500 100,000 1.17
Aug 14 NA NA NA 250,000 250,000 100.00
Aug 13 NA NA NA 13,660,245 7,510,000 54.98
Aug 10 NA NA NA 3,000,000 1,000,000 33.33
If Hartman found the cure for "old age" why is he still looking old?
how much of this miss information do we meed to determent. both way. up and down. Am i a gluten for punishment or what? I've been with so called company for years. All it is is the same bs. Nothing changes For over 15 years the same old same old. Radar love THese mines are worth billions. sold the rights, don't believe they sold anything. I could go on and on But why waste my time? I'm just sick of alll this hype and see nothig in return except more lies and dis informantion. just rambling on
Or not at all. Can you say SCAM
guess I can write this off as a major scam jmo surprise surprise
post, LABOR DAY. guess we know what that means. don't call us ,we'll tell you when WE'RE ready
Hope your right. My fingers are crossed I'LL just wait and see. hoping your right and i'm wrong. I'm wishing everyone the best
so when will we see when all this great stuff is going to happen , today? tomorrow, next week? next month? Oh Post. That tells me a lot
Would love to hear something today or tomorrow from the company. Oh yeah, they said "radio silent" Don't call us we'ii call you
Now that inspires confidence"
I was tempted to buy more But I didn't thank goodness. Keep thinking What the word "POST"meant to them and Past news releases that told us of GREAT things to come our way and never did.
They always had lame excuses why their promises never came to fruition.
Be interesting " POST" holiday
The Word "POST" has me "concerned" What does it really mean? Tomorrow? a Million years from this weekend. I'm "wishing" for this coming week.
From past experience with these guys i regret to say I don't have much confidance in them coming threw for us.
isn't that we all have???
I AGREE !!!!!!!!!! With tears
The way I interpret the filling would be any time after the Labor Day weekend. .which could be 10 years from now