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Just as it always has over the years.
What did you expect, it's only been a little less than twenty years since SSTY has been operational, give it some time. ;)
The amount of shares are unknown, some could have been retired, we can only guess.
Here's that never ending trade pattern...2208 shares.
A PR is coming? Problem is, there has been a PR coming for the last 16 years and counting.
If anyone wants to buy shares, do it now because if and when there is a PR, it will be too late to buy in this price range.
300,000 there goes our monthly trade.
Yep another trade....80,000
We are zooming along again(since 2009) now 570,000 have traded!
Those with deep pockets are buying :) ..... 3,200 shares traded.
Could be there are some plans for SSTY somewhere in the future.
100,000 trade again for the last 15 years! LOL
No, it was only a scam after Cimino went to the dark side, before Sure Trace had some breakthrough technology. Go back to 2005 and follow the events up to 2008.
Here we go 100,000 shares traded,
Still trades? The reason is a mystery.
The good news is, we can't add any more zeros, ;)
Over 2 million now,must be the "big" money. LOL
trade...1.7 million!
FOBI(Canadian) did not go down.
Yep, it was 20,000 and the beat goes on and on and on. You never know what could happen someday....always watching.
This and most insider buying indicates management knows something positive is coming in the near future.
That's nice, but no mention of FOBI.
Another PR and down we go......again and again and again. Based on these events, if they stopped PRs, we would go up.
You must be joking.
I watched the podcast and as usual, nothing about numbers, in fact more than once the discussion was about how some people focus on numbers and they wonder why.
This is a publicly traded company isn't it? Guess what, investors are interested in the numbers, so then they can decide how to place a particular value on the company, which leads to either investing in said company or moving on to something else.
George said record numbers next quarter, Rob remained silent on the subject. I find it very interesting that there no verification to that by Rob and he allowed George to make that statement and not himself.
Uplisting? What, if, when, where, there will be an uplisting? Never one word about that, do you think that might be something investors are interesting in, since Rob mentioned that in the previous PR ??
I can go on, but just how more is needed to be said?
No, my thoughts about FOBI are focused on the lack of their ability to promote their own stock.
I have seen inexperienced car salesmen do a better job selling a product to people(in our case investors).
I bought in 2005 and yes it was a scam, but it has become a very strange acting stock.
The plan is to slowly acquire shares over time and eventually own a majority, with the time being about 30 years ,so we only have(give or take 5 years) 15 years to wait for a major upside move. Go SSTY!!!!!!
Another useless PR, nothing to see here except potential value, whatever that is.
Another trade, 225,000.
There it is a million share trade, go SSTY!!!!LOL
Yeh they do, month after month, year after year. ;)
The decline is what I thought would happen. This seems to be the normal reaction to the ongoing lack of any updates about any(financial) progress and the fact that only small/minute cap companies are interested in FOBI's product.
You're not the only one :)
Podcast over? The market says.........dud!
Podcast, notice how the volume is low today, after reporting "record" growth? IMO, those who speak today need to improve their speaking skills or maybe investors response will be negative, again!
I won't be. Rob or whoever couldn't sell popsicles on the equator. The previous podcasts were a flop, because they don't have what's needed to appeal to investors concerns about future growth. Everything is stated in generalities, nothing concrete. Rob says "I don't know what else to say or do".......yep and that's a problem.
Here we go again 35,000 trade.
50,000 trade, back to 5 zeros.