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It went above 2
I dropped Ihub after years, but come back over sometimes, this little stock seems to be transformed into something like a miracle for me my wife had a good filling so we hung on to it and added some a long time ago , God Be with us all , and let us take our country and the earth back for all Gods Children , the way its should be as above so below , you have a wonderful day and always !
Gold and Silver / ioni looks to be real deal, had high hopes for this, not knowing the inside scope, if gold and silver continue I think this will move with it or faster like a real gold silver mine, good luck Gods Speed, maybe we found one that is real for a change!
Seems unreal or really good,not sure yet, but it kinda makes sense in a way with the new quantum systems
no trka was getting spammed on every message board I took a look was thinking of get some, but the spam kept coming on all these boards, I had checked into NVSOS and also found a chart on dilution in last few months of 22 was well over 300 % than you got these folks saying oh no the quit dilution and the os is only 30mil bs its well over 300mil, makes perfect since why it takes over 30 mil day to move a tone a bricks, I get tired of all the lies , I'm done with liars, lost all my money several times over the years in pennies sure you can make it quick put loos it 10 times at another time, you cant short a penny stock unless your a bank broker off shore period but the brokers and banksters can all day long and they do it on all stocks some of them they break, no Im not a basher period either , if I had some cash laying around I may have jumped in at ,20 cents I new this would take off again, it didn't need to be pumped on other message boards it has its own boards, pumping is fine excitements fime I wish the best but lets not lie and say the os is 30mil its not its over 300, and they have 825 million authorized and no where did I read that that was off the table is still at sos and it reads perpetual, for what ever they want to create, why would they need it if they are making all these millions hope this goes in dollars for all in who knows maybe I will jump in some day, not saying I wont but keeping it some what honest is the way longer term, besides God Loves us even more when we are honest, who cares about money when we can live forever
I don't think anyone has this on radar and knows this is all new management with seems like a goldilox plan
Bid: 0.25x147942
Volume (M)
878,317.00 Million with an M today and your trying to tell me it has 30 million float only come on that's a bit much everyone know its much more in the float otherwise this would have been up 1000% today alone, good luck on it hope it hits 100 dollars but telling big fibs wont help it get to $100 either, please do post if you find where the company said they were not dilating anymore cause they were big, this can do good without bs, never hurts to pull off your initial stack
NV SOS has authorized still at 825,000,000 shares rumor going around they stopped dilation but I don't see it in black and white stated by company please post that if you have it , that is not the float by they way its higher, by a lot
Some how this has been God sent , don't know how it all adds up but miracles Jesus 74 Christ 77 any things possible with the Father Mother and th Child we are, more than human, I think we are Angels we fall to be human than earn our wings back to rise above the swamp to see truth by being mankind Good eventually take over evil 17 Q
Thank you to Bob for every thing its a greater than ever before, once I went within and discovered I had the source with me 24 7 a new beginning , Spreading Love vibrations , why it took me 69 years I don't know , I hope everyone get there asap
Just seen this on twits about the new folks :
This is acting like either the guy that resign was corrupt or the new people are seriously knowing how to get this on a role business wise God Will its on the level and no corruption , the new quantum system in play now catches the corrupt
Looking better than it ever did trading wise , I think I would have never known but I started watching again after a long period of just forgetting I had it, wanting to forget it, not many bounce back like this though, hope this ends up a straight deal on the level for all
I been with this wti a long time never could figure how they get away with all these short trades but guess it like you say the agos , no this company has low debit , and black rock and vanguard are filling to go by by eventually bank of america going in some places end of the fed reserve , cant wait tell I learn how to fill for American National a rebuke my citizen and become free of the cabal system, this thing should be trading at $20 IMO for a fair PE
Their original plan was to be a premium and than get on the bigger board trade, and they have been reporting like a premium penny stock
I don't know it was suppose to be couple years ago I was hearing , but it got shut down, I think the guy that resigned was doing something fishy with us stock holders , now as soon as he resigned and they placed new management the stock ioni is trading way up and at a 12 month high, seems like fells like maybe something honest going on now , and some rumor they been buying back some shares , and it does seem like the float and or the os is less than it was, I really don't know but it fill better now , Im hoping the new management will be honest , especially with the quantum system firing up and being able to catch any funny business in the fins, sorry if I did not help enough , i'm more going by gut that maybe this is honest a real now that the bad guy resigned , I don't know I'm not his judge , only God knows and I pray every one turns to man kindness and does right.
Many more I 'can't wait for the 13 month calendar
I really don't know all that stuff , long as its lawful and honest , im ok with it
Some are loading up this one late couple months it is weird , I never sold it figured it was win or take all , does appear the activity last few months maybe just maybe , may maybe thi maybe could run again, I have no clue what so ever someone on twits bs probably the rumor was a buy back , trust your own instinct , me just let it ride not suggesting to buy or sale, maybe some hope yet that this wont be another penny stock scam, the quantum system will catch all the scammer, when its full fired up , God Bless everyone on there investing and life, were we go one we go all as brothers and sisters all having the same mother and father ioni still has a prayer maybe, I can at least get back what I put in 74 = Jesus 77= Christ in gematria 55 God also he is all things most high number 99999 9 he is all things lets light the world cast out net to the right catch 153 large fish by taking no thoughts to our life and rising up to the light
999 is most high number that be God the Father he blesses me every day now , he came to me at age 69-70 my life is much better now , to be kind and it comes back too me always
holding a few gold and silver real stuff
some hard assets
holding wti offshore
God Bless You mick
High Bob and God Bless You too always , I'm all in with our creator now on the trail of mine 74 Jesus 77 Christ 151 Jesus Christ 55 God 144 111 all the good vibration from the one giving Father, were we go one we go all
High Bob and God Bless You too always , I'm all in with our creator now on the trail of mine 74 Jesus 77 Christ 151 Jesus Christ 55 God 144 111 all the good vibration from the one giving Father
This ioni is on stocktwits now had no idea , but some mentions over there that they are buying back shares, i have no idea if its true , never knew how to find out yet or not
people could have bought this Godly honest company and held it ,
is this the one
WTI offshore maybe starting up a DIV in the next 12 months first time since 2014 abouts !
Does this mean they decided to leave this stock along like original entry, not 100% , they better be on the straight, good for them if they decided too not pull any funny stuff, they may have figured out the new quantium system will catch all bad actors, or maybe they just decided to go the straight an narrow path, I don't really know for sure what this means, but they are going to catch in this world sting any bad actors will not escape what is coming with nesara gesara and this huge sting operation world wide!!!!!!!!
20 cents estimate
I don't have PM I quit paying ihub but I gave you a follow, been busy fighting the lies with truth me ANON lot harder than my tour in Vietnam was a vacation hope you know the earth is flat , we never went to the moon , we were lied to about everything the biggest lie told about any man was Hitler and Jesus Christ it is one story not a bazillion, lots of people waking up to a level earth now hope you have also water is level and does not curve , God Bless and thanks for your service. Follow Q and us anon's watch flat earth video watch and pic apart nasa is all fake get out of the prison they made for us our left brain
In 4 weeks another quarter earnings about 2x what the last one was it will seem early but not, last one was late, it maybe 20 cents be my guess another beat
wander where the vol came from and up
Figure no posters here on a good thing wti