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Troy Clymer should be included in the litigation
Funny how they all welcomed people to call them. But then refuse to face the music after. Brett LOVES texting people back "you've been blocked," because he's a teenage baby girl.
Freaking post those #s on America's Most Wanted list.
Again -- I sold, then re-bought when Massey said in January '23 that Arbiter would close by end of the month. I did not sell since then, but I already sold my loss in January to report. Next sell will obviously be an even larger loss. Besides, how do you not know I don't have other tax documents to download that are not associated with sirc?
I don't expect you to remember everyone's moves on this board.
Separate note: Time to email Massey, Brad, Brett and Troy to remind them what scumbags they are.
The reason I have not done taxes yet: I'm afraid to see that -99% worthless account to even download my documents.
Anyone see Televet lately? I owe him gratitude for convincing me to buy this
Congratulations on doing something a privately owned company can do. HOLY F*** this "company" has nothing going for it. NOTHING.
And Brad did NOTHING to avoid dilution of this NOTHING company.
I will harass Brad, Wanda, Troy, Brent and Dave until the day I die
$700,000 worth of shares about to be diluted!!
Good lord. Excludes other lawsuits and such.
This is a shell company with 2 employees. Nothing more.
My retirement and lifestyle is ruined.
Can someone go onto X and yell at Brett?
Tell Troy Clymer what a S*** he is.
Also, use the contact form on their site:
That way Troy's employees know that he is a lying scam artist
Well, it's the truth. Long ago, when I sold, I didn't post that I shortly bought back in. Was worried I would miss the Arbiter reversal.
I'm on vacation, depressed about how costly it is and how I can't afford so many things. Trying to find pleasure and beauty in the smaller things.
I just want my money back. Not even a profit. Just even money so life can return to normal. I should see a therapist; you think Brett will pay for that??
Over 2yrs. I sold once for a week, until Massey said last January that Arbiter would be complete by end of month. Still holding, but I lost everything. Everything.
UNF***ING BELIEVABLE! SPAC postponed too, not that there's any evidence it will help.
Another holiday season ruined. My retirement obliterated. And zero light at the end of this shell company.
Meanwhile, Brett is living his multimillion dollar life of luxury in his mansion. Disgusting liar of a scammer
Was Troy always simultaneously CEO of Balance Claims? Or did he have to drop that role when he joined SIRC? His profile makes it sound like he never left...what a manipulative scumbag.
Troy should be sued for his many lies.
Over 1.7 Billion Shares. This is a shell company, nothing more
How did Wanda get her accounting degree??
How do I post a picture here?
I wish I was kidding too. Not sure why Pembroke says I sold months ago. Boards aren't helpful
Time to write another scathing message to SIRC.
I have continuous nightmares about the day my family finds out I blew my retirement
Well said, Pembroke. It's a USELESS, DESPERATE stunt they're pulling, and Brett (that FU**ING CON ARTIST) is hyping it up.
I hope he falls down the stairs, gets paralyzed, divorced and becomes homeless in a wheelchair sucking c*** for cash.
I CAN'T BELIEVE SIRC NOW REPLIES ON RB CAPITAL. They actually rely on that s*** to even keep the lights on for years!
Can't wait for them to have cash so that a class action suit can happen.
Maybe sue Brett directly and privately.
F*** TROY! Emailing SIRC nasty messages.
Every move by SIRC is worth than the previous. I will never be able to afford a family. Never afford a home of my own. Never afford a decent vacation. Never afford a decent lifestyle. Never afford a decent retirement.
?!?! Good morning?!?! Huh?!?!
They have been missing payments to his loans, not utilizing his LOC, and Brett bought millions when this was $3. Even if loans repaid, he'll still be WAY down. GOOD! I HOPE HE ROTS IN HELL
Brett Rosen lost his money. He has no more pull due to the SPAC. SIRC has to get their money from other diluting sources because Brett won't waste more of his money here.
Based on what??
Me too. Me too. Trying to schedule my first vacation this year, but now I have to really consider my budget, thanks to SIRC.
I think Troy will be next to go.
The latest letter from the SEC is freaky. I think Massey removed themselves from SEC because he can't answer that letter's questions
Massey can't even tell the truth as he leaves! What a scumbag.
IT'S A SCAM!! VERB does the same thing a number of times, and look at them. Just another way to pump.
I did not watch the Q&A or review the recent filings. Do I bother?
What did Massey have to say about his lie on tv about $25M revenue, but then it turns out they only had ~$8M?
What about loans?
What about how they dropped from $300M/year (or was it $200 or $400?), to what could be <$50M/year?
Did Troy mention how F***ING STUPID his multiple comments about his excitement for revenue?
Did they explain why on earth they think laying off so many in their company (to reduce cost?!?!) is a good thing???
I'm on board if you lead the way.
I lost my ENTIRE ROTH IRA. Yup, you read that correctly. Biggest dumb move in the history of dumb moves.
Not to mention the other account I lost.
Just doing the normal thing going forward.
And why on earth do you think it will rebound??
Another 40% drop in revs. No cash. No income. Etc
When it comes to % and how much this has affected one's life, I think I'm at the top of the list.
An unconstructive, selfish comment on my part, but I just had to say it.
Wondering how much longer I can keep my situation a secret from my family, though I'm a single guy. Will never be able to buy a house now. Will never have a comfortable retirement.
You'd trust Troy??? Considering his pumping of revenues that FELL FLAT! He's a lying, manipulative scumbag! He too should be arrested.
I'd like to sue them all!!!
He should be sued, in jail, and banned for life from the stock market and chat boards.
I guess this means they still don't have money to buy plemco, and they still can lose plemco completely.
This addendum amends the Stock Purchase Agreement dated 15-March-2021 ("Agreement") concerning the sale of shares of business entity "Pacific Lighting Mgt Inc (dba PLEMCo)" which is a California corporation ("Company"). This amendment revises and overrides only the terms of "Transaction No. 2" outlined in the second paragraph of section 1.02 of the Agreement. The terms of the Agreement continue to apply to any items not explicitly mentioned herein and this Addendum shall not be deemed a waiver of Sellers rights under the Agreement.
The Buyer (Solar Integrated Roofing Corp.) and the Sellers (Amad Noruz, and Tim Hatamian) agree to replace only the paragraph beginning with "Transaction No. 2." with the following:
"Transaction No. 2. Seller shall sell and Buyer shall purchase the remaining Forty (40%) of the Shares for six hundred thousand dollars (US$600,000.00) in three equal installments of two hundred thousand dollars (US$200,000.00) with the first due March 15, 2023, the second due April 15, 2023, and the third due May 15, 2023 (individually "Payment" and collectively "Payments"). Payments will first apply towards the settlement of prior loans given to Buyer by Sellers (equal to US$288,774.00), and only subsequently toward the buyout of remaining shares. If any Payment is made three (3) business days after each of the payment dates entitles the Sellers to assume full ownership (100% of shares) of the Company and its assets but none of its liabilities prior to the applicable grace-period. In the event of any form of declaration of insolvency, or effective legal equivalent, the Sellers will assume full ownership (100% of shares) of the company and its assets but none of its liabilities prior to the date of such filing or legal-determination."
Anyone ask Luke, that lazy POS to clarify today's useless, ambiguous "announcement" about plemco?
Isn't it his JOB to act as liasan to shareholders?? WTF?!
It wasn't clear to me if the $4 would change the same ratio as the reverse split
Brett's strike price is $4? How does he think it can go that high? I don't get it.
Which Q&A did Troy make that RIDICULOUS lie about exceeding expectations?
Because Elon invests in clean energy companies. So you never know.
It's also possible for 10 swimsuit models to ask me to marry them and live in their mansion, so you never know.