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The silence of bankruptcy is in stark contrast to
Thriving corporations . There’s nothing here . This corporation is dead . Hellooooo just the same .
Merry Christmas . Clearly , they have moved on . They are likely years into bankruptcy. We should move on too . It would have been considerate to let us know when they closed shop . Then again , they were never god on consideration or honesty . The good news is , my driveway is clear of snow now .
B ball guy’s layup was rejected .. they’re likely 2 years into bankruptcy… where they belong. B ball guy
I'm gathering that this pink stock con job is gonzo . Can we all finally agree that this was all a scam from the start please .
Is anyone really buying this nonsense?
It amazes me , all the lies told by this corporation and even moreso the continued deception by the enablers on this message board .
This was always a scam
You've all been had
There is some sleight of hand deceptive behavior going on here
It's readily apparent that something catastrophic has occurred with this dog of a stock and company .The leadership has abandoned us and all their duties and obligations to communicate and be transparent with regard to status of this company and stock and the state of operations . The CEO .. some De la Nunez guy and all his cronies are gonzo . Sounds like the CEO moved on to some other company selling car door ding repair stuff. This company is out of business and just a shell of an office somewhere in rural Florida .Why ? Who knows . Legitimate multi national corporations don't conduct themselves in this fashion . Say goodbye to all, we're not gonna hear anything honest or substantial from these crooks .
Silence is golden … unless it’s related to the shady dealings of this faux corporation. The SEC should put the criminals running this scam operation in jail . 3 years now , No trading for 3 years and lips sealed shut on what happened and why we are .. where we are . The geniuses running this penny scam need to be exposed for what they are .. con artists .
This company now bankrupt and out of business it seems . What a crappy bunch of shysters they were. Honest communication wasn't exactly their strong suit. Good riddance.
My friend works in Colombian gas sector . He has never heard of Altenesol . He says it's a classical scam operation . Nobody denying it ,just trying to bury the negative posts .
There is no altenesol at this point . They all moved on to the next con .
Altenesol was always a penny stock scam
This POS crooked penny still scamworthy ?? Are the criminals running this enterprise in jail yet ? Gonna fix all of Colombia's problems with natural gas ? Hydrogen ? Or maybe nuclear fusion this week??All out of a closet sized office in a forgettable strip mall in rural Florida ?? Laughable
This company still dead I see . As it should be . A bunch of crooks at the helm of this criminal enterprise . So much for hydrogen .. etc etc etc . All lies
If I may , this company and its pack of liars has not made any public comment in 2 years . Despite the cheerleaders’ distractions , there is no company at this juncture . The lights came on in this sham company and the roaches ( their company officers )ran and hid when their scam unraveled. If they started talking, they would have to explain their behavior/ lies/ misrepresentations/ untruths / criminal behavior . That is the only explanation . Securities fraud would invite the kind of unwanted scrutiny these losers do not want .
Yeah , that's all great for ecopetrol, Shell , Exxon - Mobil , Devon , Brazil , Venezuela, petrobras ... And anybody else we've excluded . That's not so good for Altenesol . Everybody else is progressing with their ventures . IAHL?? Absent from the playing field . We're left with entertaining cheerleaders educating us on how good everyone else but Altenesol is doing . What a scam this stock ( iahl) turned out to be.
Iahl CEO seller car parts now , no respectable physical office, no follow up on the last series of mistruths.... Sorry pal . We've been had
now we can finally all agree that this piece of shit stock , a scam all along is dead and done for .
no Christmas miracle here with this flea-bitten dog of a stock and company ..the shareholders have been left holding the bag . What horrid individuals these were running this company .Criminals at heart . At the very least they could have and should have communicated the end of this charade . Merry Christmas to everyone else but these con men.
Mare bare, these guys are con men ( altenesol).. not business men . Don’t hold your breath .
lol. Houthi ballistic missiles are slowing down the pace of progress for Altenesol’s pace of progress and operations . These criminals have every excuse in the book . No trading , no assets , not even any communication telling investors if the lights are even on or not . The silence speaks volumes . This stinky pinky penny stock scam is dead in the water . These enablers should be ashamed of themselves for perpetuating this con .
sorry , I'm confused . Is this still the IAHL board ... Or is it the deflect , dodge ,obfuscate , smoke and mirrors board ????
someone refresh my memory. Has it been 2 ..3? Years now since we were last trading ??? Just as well. It was all lies spewed out by this penny stock scam anyway . They had nothing , did nothing , owned nothing and had every lie and excuse in the book . They were just simple con artists .
Strange how the cheerleaders have made 100s of posts about everything but the subject of this forum .. iahl. Criminality has no bounds . They are complicit in this scam .
They’re bankrupt. They Just won’t admit it . They’ve run out of lies to tell.
I’ve never heard of NG energy international ; nevertheless, it’s safe to say they’ve never heard of IAHL/ Altenesol unless they’re being briefed on penny stock scams
Even the diehards are realizing they’ve been swindled here . Lies , lies and more lies this company has been engaging in for year after year after year . Nobody can deny that now .
Currently .. Altenesol Is in the gutter . No news here . All these ridiculous updates on world and regional energy status are purely to hide the real news relevant on this message board .
Is the broom closet this Sham operation is doing business out if in “ rockledge ?” Florida even still open ?? Is rockledge even a place or more lies ? If open , how does their clerk in the office even make a paycheck ?? Phone call scams maybe? Where is the florida attorney general on this ?
This company doesn’t need any more cover while not releasing any updates / news/ signs of life / proof of life . You’re not really suggesting that their ongoing silence going forward will be related to Middle East violence I hope .
It is truly amazing how nobody even talks about this “ company” on this company’s board / forum . Just propaganda unrelated to
This board needs to be re- named . There is no relevance to the named corporation on this board . Just “ noise “ and information pertinent to actual oil and gas companies and not thus failed penny stock scam / venture which has apparently gone down in flames .
Lies , lies .. and more lies . All this company ( Altenesol ) has ever done is lie
The big question is .. why are these insiders hiding the truth and giving us these ridiculous posts about oil and gas that do not relate in any way to this forum ???
More sector news . To distract from the real news about iahl / altenesol . It’s a pump and dump penny stock scam operation . Whole company valued at like 10$ right now . It hasn’t traded in years and there are some enablers trying to hide the criminal activity by constantly deflecting away from the truth .
I believe they’re just laughing at us and using their proxies ( probably insiders ) to toy with us . I believe they’re truly enjoying watching us wiggle on the hook . Fate gonna catch up with these jokers