Im a Daytrader / Investor, always buying, always selling, all post are just my opinion please do your own DD.
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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Damn CJ Congrats!!!
Learned something today bro! Lol keeps mind sharp
No shit? Lol who knew
As i was joking the other night,
gonna be movin on up, lol hated that show just sayin lol
From our CEO, not sure anyone posted this! When namer and Ticker changes get ready!
CGAC - PR company is EIN Presswire, for all of those doubting asking where and who our PR company is.
Nets out drop that bitch!! Ill take some red for week in my crypto! Lol
Btc gettin bloody nose today
You think i need followers to make $$ someone get your basher in place for f%cksake lmfao,
Siesta time!
Lmfao you bet brother!
Dude you drunk, nice debate goto bed
Red Flag, people are loading the stock you own to make a profit? What red flag?
Im retired and bored now, time to beat the “Next Level” Already beat last one! $CGAC!
Yes Sir! It does happen !
Never surrender! Freebies, lol
Damn and few others that i was in with most yall CJ Included didnt always post
Vff twice to 19
I will buy back down to bottom we are panning gold at fort knox! glta there are plays that change lives! Ive done it before$$$$$$CGAC
Know what yourBuying!!!!
Gobbling up a few milly myself! Damn bidsitters! Lol $CGAC
Preach it! My money is just dots on a screen, we all want high score! Lol goes up goes down! Time to go up again lol
Lottery tickets
Anyone hit on a Scratcher? As fishman said Well played Sir, Never hurts to lend a hand! Makes your heart feel good!
Nice bro woulda loved to been with ya, lmfao
Yep have great St Pattys day all! Green beer and Cabbage, lol $CGAC
Somebody is Picasso today $CGAC
Thats funny!
Looks like BTC tryin to push back on a payday fri after the dip! $CGAC
22 mil gone no slap
Wheres our Slappin Buddy, lol
Yea keeps board active on slow day, lol $CGAC
Anyone have a scarecrow we can set up in our $CGAC Area?
Maybe next week name and ticker change! $CGAC it coming!
Well played
Mornin all
Did you slap all day?
Are you like the “NEW INVESTOR” savior? Trade how you like bro if we all traded the same their would be no gains or losses. Go create a board for new investors, preach the evil of bid sitting and talk them into buying your shares the next tick up! $CGAC
Couldnt agree more! Siesta time, tomorrow a new day!
Busy day see didnt miss anything