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So Marc's shares were worth 40 million.
Two obvious questions arise.
1. What are his shares worth now?
2. How smart is Marc?
And Marc is going to cut a new deal with the Chinese even though the chan group holds a majority of the shares. Why would Shengda waste their time talking to Marc when he can't close anything? If they negotiate with anyone, it will be Chan.
I also find it interesting that shareholders around here want the Chan group to inform them about their intentions. Why should they? They have control. You'll get what they give you, like It or not. And has it crossed anybody's mind around here that the Chan group might also hold a substantial part of Shengda?
This mess gets worse by the day. I want to see the next 10Q to see how much Marc has syphoned from the company last quarter. The longer he hangs on the more he can bleed the assets.
I don't think you have to worry too much about Marc doing anything FOR the company. If Marc does anything I'd bet it would be for Marc.
That's funny FDA. With the stock selling for less than 2 cents a share you want to say my call is bad.
Well, go right ahead. Everybody on the board knows the truth about you.
By the way, I don't hear any mariachi music.
My dilemma?! Why is Marc bringing the share price to any figure you care to name become a dilemma for me to understand? What changes at 5 cents a share? 10 cents?
In any case, I can't wait to see how your hero pulls it off. Other than your pumping, I can't see much supporting the stock price. And I see Marc doing zero for the company itself.
I keep wondering what Marc does. Nobody seems to have an answer. But he's sure paid well for doing it.
You really do need to look at your last post. You want a vote at the AGM on a deal Marc makes. Please explain how that changes anything. Is it that you expect the Chinese to vote with Marc? What exactly is your point?
The truth is the Chinese have the votes.
Opinions about them and their intentions don't matter. Your votes don't really matter. It boils down to math. Who has over 50%? The Chinese.
Frankly it wouldn't surprise me to see the stock rise a bit after the current parasite is eliminated.
Speculation is just that. I can't say if you're right or wrong. They're all just assumptions. Fine with me if believe what you want.
Doesn't matter much to me - but I think your idea is a bit far fetched. Nobody can say that it's 100% wrong or right, though.
What is it?
It's a decision by the Delaware Supreme Court that Marc can't hide behind his Canadian citizenship in a lawsuit filed against him. A million bucks Marc "appropriated" from the Chinese is at issue.
But I'm sure Marc is as pure as the driven snow.
I don't prefer that Chan takes over. I don't really care. I'm just astounded by the fact a proven failure has any shareholder support at all, particularly one who continues to raid the treasury for his own benefit.
But if Chan is the majority shareholder - Chan should make the call about who runs the company.
I'm speculating here, but if, as you claim, the rival shareholders had not filed the correct forms with the SEC, then it only makes sense for them to want to postpone the annual meeting until such forms could be properly filed. This would prevent Marc from ramming through his nominees for the board (and thus control of the company) as well stopping his ludicrous pay demands by holding a premature meeting he controlled.
And why would Marc at this stage seek an injunction against the majority shareholders? To retain power and his cushy salary and benefits of course. And is he using company (shareholder) funds to fight this legal battle? I bet he his but I have no way of knowing for sure.
I do know this for a fact. Those holding a majority of shares in the company have both a legal and moral right to chose who runs it.
If Marc and the Chinese engage in a costly legal battle over this, guess who loses? Every shareholder. And it takes two to make a fight.
About bandwagons.
Personally I don't care who runs SDRG. I simply point out that Marc bleeds the company dry and produces nothing. Were I a shareholder, I would be willing to try any manager other than the current incompetent one.
And history is a funny thing. It's hard to change when it's been proven. 40 cents a share minimun. Where did that come from? According to you, Marc.
You didn't answer. Has Marc's injunction been granted?
And I suggest you stop calling other posters names.
So Marc is seeking an injunction.
Did the courts lift the restraining order against him?
Is the injunction a done deal? Seeking and granting are two different animals.
And is it really good news if Marc is left in charge to continue to pillage the cash from the company?
Marc was slapped with a restraining order.
Before Marc could get him and his cronies elected to the board again and his cushy salary and rent deal through, the courts stopped him.
Too bad, Marc. You lose.
Oh boy! Another trip to China!
And another delay.
Maybe Marc will get a raise. And he has another full month to pillage the cash.
Is SDRG trading at 40 cents yet or did I miss it?
FDA voting for Marc.
Sure. Vote for the guy who's already a proven incompetent.
Doesn't matter. The Chinese have the votes.
The SEC? Marc didn't hold an annual meeting for years. He was forced into it.
My, my, where is FDA?
When does SDRG hit 40 cents? Where is that dividend FDA promised? How about that new director? How is that new gold hunt in Ecuador coming? Where is the tender offer for SDRG shares? What's up with the counter offer?
Come to think of it, who owns this POS now?
A liar for a year and a half. That sums it up.
Nothing you touted was remotely true. Nothing.
You really do need to get a life instead of trying to tout others into bailing your sorry butt out.
It's over. Get used to it.
FDA is still here? Remarkable.
After having proven himself useless and a liar for a year and a half, he's still pedaling his line of BS.
At least Junk appears to know when the con job is over.
Honestly FDA, we all know it's not official until Marc's voted out next week. But if you believe Marc has a way to void the will of the majority of shareholders, the "tough Canuk" better have plenty of money for lawyers and be ready to have the SEC crawl up his butt.
Of course he could always take the job as a puppet front for the Chinese and sell out everybody else, if that's what the Chinese want. That would fit his style, wouldn't it?
Get control? They already have control.
Here's the problem(s) you longs have. Marc is out (you hope) and that's good because all he ever did was bleed the company. If he's not, he's a Chinese puppet on a string anyway. The Chinese are indeed an unknown quantity. If they take over you can kiss a Canadian office goodby as redundant. But if that happens you can also kiss goodby any sort of knowledge about what (if anything) is going on with the company. Another problem may be that if operations are removed to China they may tell the SEC to kiss off, in which case financial reports won't be issued and trading may be suspended.
Then again, all may be lollipops and roses with the Chinese. Good luck with that.
And of course you know your upcoming vote in the annual meeting is meaningless. The Chinese have a lock.
Hey FDA, better call IR again.
Bow wow!
The reality is less than 2 cents a share.
Deal with it, FDA. You attack posters - not facts.
And please, show me one, just one post where I said there would be no "deal". I maintained that any deal wouldn't be near what you said it would. So who was right?
Of course, you're off on another tangent about this counter offer, again implying more millions. Let's wait a couple of weeks. Then contact your "IR" if there's any left to contact.
IMO Marc isn't trying to get the shareholders a better deal. My opinion is he's looking for a payout for himself just to make him go away.
Yep. The gravy train is over.
Really FDA!? You want to compare your share price predictions to mine? Go ahead.
Your last was 20 cents if I recall. What is it now?
Look at the stock. It's trading below TWO CENTS. That in line with what you thought?
Sorry, but if you ever had any credibility you sure don't have it now, despite all the red herrings and straw men you set up.
To put it simply you were and are dead wrong. Everybody on the board knows it - except, perhaps, you.
By the way, where's your pal Junk? Hiding?
Anybody else see this?
"The Company retained Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited, a Toronto-based consulting firm, to provide an independent review of the valuation of the Dadi and Laopandao projects held by Guangda using the same data and using the same Chinese valuation guidelines to provide a third party fairness opinion to the Board of Directors (the “Board”) with a basis for comparison to assess the valuation and the offer received from Shengda. The initial report suggests that the valuation may be fair however the terms and conditions may not be."
So the valuation is fair for the property Shengda wants. They just don't want the other crap - probably for good reason. So Marc suffers under the delusion that he can force them to buy what they don't want while he changes the terms of the deal. Good luck with that.
Shengda waits two weeks and Marc is history anyway. The share price should be telling that to anybody with any sense.
SDRG "internal estimates". Is that the same "internal estimate" that said 40 to 80 cents a share? In other words, Marc's BS.
Please FCom777, stop asking logical questions.
It's quite obvious that Shengda doesn't want the other properties, FDA.
But let's just see what happens when Marc is voted out of his parasitic CEO job and new management takes over. Marc is whistling past the graveyard. So are you.
SDRG soaring on counter offer! $83 trade!
Yes, the action is getting hot and heavy as Marc (the tough Canuk) bends Shengda to his will by demanding more money at a faster rate. Shenga headquarters was said to be panic stricken by the offer but calmer heads were heard to remark, "let's wait a couple of weeks before we crumble".
"Troller in charge deletes almost every post". LIE
A lie and you know it. I have deleted 3 of your posts. Two were duplicates. One (today) for the reason I stated.
The other posts deleted were done so by admin as being off topic. Go argue with them.
I can take your exaggerations and truth stretching but out and out lies are something else.
Oh, I'm sorry FDA, is the current price in line with your predictions? You do know the price is 1 point 72 cents, not 17 point 2 cents. Is that what you predicted?
And yes, your post was deleted - by me. It was nothing more than a name calling personal attack. Normally I overlook a certain amount of it, but yours was over the top.
SDRG roars higher! Can nothing stop this dynamo?
A counter offer. That's funny. From who?
Why the SDRG "board" of course, meaning that "tough Canuk" Marc.
So what does Shengda do? Does our "tough Canuk" have them over a barrel? What a laugh.
All Shengda has to do is wait two weeks until Marc is out on his ass and the Chinese take over. Why do you think there's been all these 13G filings in the first place? Don't you think they knew what was coming? Marc is irrelevant. And the present SDRG "board" is and always has been a joke.
But keep up the smoke screen FDA. HAR!
I assume immediately, but I can't state that for a fact.
If contested, lawsuits would fly back and forth and (as usual ) the only winners would be lawyers.
If not, I'd bet the Toronto office is history and the new corporate office would be in China. If that happens, who knows if you ever get informed about anything. Will the Chinese comply with SEC regs? Don't know.
The reality is you don't have a choice.
The Chinese are majority shareholders. If they vote as a block (and they will) other shareholder votes are meaningless.
The one good you can see coming is that Marc is out on his butt. Other than that, their motives are unclear.
It's over for the "tough Canuk".
The alternate proxy has an entirely new slate of directors, slashes Marc's outrageous salary and makes long overdue reforms.
FDA's hero is headed out the door (where he should have been years ago) because the Chinese have enough votes to do it. No more money for nothing, no expense account, no rent. How sad.
This could be a game changer, but I'd bet the Chinese will accept the sale terms "as is". Very hard to predict the ultimate outcome except to say you won't know until 2019.
Can't wait for the FDA whining that's coming. HAR!
No more questions, Frankie. FDA needs to rest.
SDRG breaks the 2 cent barrier, coiling for a major rally.
And somebody in admin really doesn't like Michaelrecycler, having erased my post (showing a copy of his) for reasons I can't fathom.
I seems that FDA still suffers under the delusion that Marc controls the company. Marc is merely a face for the Chinese. He controls nothing - a role he plays that he's vastly overpaid to perform.