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Ok, so no one wants to talk about Berekely, how about the progress the CA MMJ is making?
What is the boards opinion on the Berekely application not making the final cut of 3? So far I have the council saved the shareholders 500K(with a correction).
Bummer, would have been a good location:
Magna Financing would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who support the purchasing of our shares for the build out of Nevada. We are looking forward to the Blum aquisition shares coming soon to a market maker near you. Bring on Berekely, Bakersfeild, Seattle, Detroit and all California areas under the vision. We will accept the Netherlands shares from our off shore account. Please disregard the rising A/S, it means nothing...Party on Wayne!
Thanks for the updated and edited(by CannaLaw) link to that article by lawyers. Used to be a trusted source of information, now it's suspect as well. Good to know!
Which part....
Not my read the article, especially the paragraph that quotes state law.
"The takeaway is that even though it is now legal in California to possess and distribute medical marijuana extracts, it is still illegal for anyone to produce them."
Lets see if anyone can figure the risk here....
The point is that Med-West was a major distributor in California, moving legitimate products from companies like Bhang and O.Pen. This distributor was also running a supercritical extractor(per their web site) from this location and might have been non compliant with a BHO lab also(rumor). That move would jeopardize the product as authorities confiscate all contents of that warehouse.
Was all products paid for in advance or was it a net 30/60 payment? If so, those companies lost their product and might be culpable in the following complaint. At the minimum, the products are lost. TRTC is supposedly dropping $2mm product at a time, I would want to know terms and risks associated with an at risk operation.
IMO, section i) is not inclusive that 144K in rent is to the cultivation facility where they will set up their extractor.
Humor me since I don't twit or follow pictures, I do not see the name of the SoCal distributor, could you just write the name here for me to see? Or anyone, so magnum doesn't have to waste his limited posts on this silly request?
Do share that name. No need to hide things.
That may be the reason for the raid, or it could be a disgruntled former employee called the hot line to tip the authorities that an illegal BHO operation was on going at that warehouse. That would be enough for Bonnie to run her Gestapo tactic she is well known for without further cause. Shut it down and let the courts decide if we were right or wrong. Media loves her and eats from her hand. Is it real?
Can you tell me the name of this SoCal distributor? I would like to research more on this unnamed company.
As you can see from San Diego, not all state compliant operators are shielded from local intervention. Not all of LA, Orange and Riverside counties are super friendly to the cause either. Care and follow up with partners is required.
I see. Just figured that would have been a material event(if it actually is happening) through a 8K? Transparency and all...I'll be on the look out for that.
Really would like to know who is making the product in NV. Do you know if that cultivator has its license in order?
Those boys also supplied O.Pen's oil cartridges:
Very concerning if TRTC is using a distributor in California.
While you're working things out with that fella, these two lay out a nice framework for the administrative course.
Its really not just my opinion, it's the markets. Why else would the awesomeness of the aquisition only last two days without sustaining the rise? Market knows the deal and doesn't care if they are in escrow. In 12 months, 300mm shares will hit the market, that's what it knows.
Have you read the deal with Salwa's partners in Berkeley? How is TRTC going to fund that operation? How are they going to pay for the so called Bakersfield double? Escrow those 500mm shares for three years? Where's all the free cash flow coming from to fund the 'incubator arm', whatever that is...Sean Parker going to swoop in with his billions and give em a solid?
You are right, nobody reasonable will be selling this week...
What the vision fails to account for is the total shares that were needed to accomplish this deal. DP was not the only player involved.
What I do believe is that it will be hard for TRTC to maintain shareholder value at its current state. The share structure and the capital needs of the future makes it difficult for me to put my money here. Even if all things do come to fruition, the MC will be unsustainable and your shares will be devalued to cover this reality.
By employing remote viewing techniques, chicken bones and extrapolating from the scientific method thought process, I've come to the conclusion that none of those things will come to pass.
None of those things are coming, except the Naz talking part.
Sure hope the 2mm product dump wasn't through Med-West....
My grandma thought the same thing, then she lost her entire pension
Unless...the FDA forces the DEA's hand? Then Congress will have to suck the hind teet as second place in the history books.
Those numbers would tend to support the market cap with the new A/S count.
That's the funny thing about untested laws...what side of the line does it drop on.
80% escrowed. That means 20% can hit the market, how many did they issue?
Could be they all ready are, and the selling might not even be the equity line?
No 4's were filed EOY...Where are those vested shares that were just awarded?
Was Blum 'Oakland' in business by Jan 1, 2016?
Best free advice on the internet right there.
Standing ovation ensuing....
The only things that are obvious is the share count rising and they tapped the old equity line.
Sideways shuffle until absorbed.
Those numbers do not include the shares TRTC will issue once the Oakland deal closes.
Fully diluted is how to come up with the correct market cap. Can't use one without the other.
TRTC is sure getting itself pretty
T-trade and now the sideways shuffle from the mm's denotes that TRTC has tapped its equity line (with who?) after the run up on a tentative acquisition news. This is why DP says they have adequate financing for Nevada, the use of the S1...smartly done on the high volume of newly acquired friends. Line forms at the rear.
Some are getting rich here, but it isn't you...yet. Job is to protect your involvement and understand reality.
Big dog eats first, TRTC looks pretty, not your turn.
Don't let bullies prevent the truth being told.
Reality needs clarity.
Spot on, this has shown its true color as evidenced by the late day t-trade. We find that while DP says they are funded in all of their endeavors in NV, what he neglects to inform is that they will drop 1mm chucks of shares to pay for the contractor services through the use of the S1, and PR's to maximize the return. OTC 101. Magnum ain't done and they don't care about your investment, only theirs.
Discipline every time.
Right on que. Using the OTC stinky finger model, opportunity will present itself.
Discipline every time.
So if this thing pukes back down to .12X, and holds, are we gonna call that support?
Wanna be
ready for the run to CNBC, yummy, lunch money
TRTC will be a Billion dollar company when the Feds legalize.
Can't comment on sp as the A/S is being raised and who knows where it lands on that day.