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Hold your hats. It's old Waitedg--at age 90--still alive but about as much so as is FASC. And, you wont believe this, but this past April 2nd I got married again to a young lady of 89!. We share a room in a nursing home.
Have been on hospice three times now--but the good Lord is still giving me a little more time. Still amazed that there is still a faint flicker of hope here..........
Wont post often as quite limited--but my wife, Eileen, and I send our best wishes and continud hopes. - Dave
Hi RJ - Things did not work out with Porter Hills. Looks now that I will be going to Brookcrest Nursing Home in Grandville--with 90% certainty. Likely move is somewhere between a week and two weeks.
If you can make it, will enjoy a visit. Apartment is torn up with moving boxes, and "living out of suitcase" so to speak. Just had my Thanksgiving dinner--so happy Thanksgiving to the few of you who still keep a dim fire under the FASC embers. It is all if God's hands. Dave
Sam - Working on my own eulogy!! Next you will be asking me to smile at the audience during my funeral ceremony. I am reminded of the story of the hypochondriac who had printed on his gravestone: "I told you I was really sick!"
Sunspotter - Thanks for your very kind words. I've learned a lot from you. Although very assertive and truth oriented, you really have a beautiful spirit. It took me a while to learn what the true Sunspotter is like, and I have grown in the process of learning that. You are a good friend.
Janice--I sense a person I would have liked to have known. Doing this kind of work in a female body! Wow! I guess I might go a little overboard, But like RJ I feel that our good Lord did something very good when He created females.
Sorry for the rest of you, but that's all the "complement energy" I have for one day. My table mate, Howie (cerebral palsy) likes to provide us with a daily joke. Today's" What do you call a man who crosses the ocean twice and never takes a bath?" Give up? Answer: A dirty double crosser". You see, as I approach my 90th birthday, I can still find enjoyment in a little nonsense. - Dave
PS I still think we may have some more on topic,FASC posts forthcoming. Someone will get through to Brian. FASC is still in race. The problem is that the betting odds are more likely 150 to 1 now
Sam - I feel I am already going for the "big dream". President John Kennedy once stated: "The only difference between fantasy and (successful) reality is hard work." I disagree with that. We have had a lot of "hard work" on FASC for 15 plus years. And "hard work" can have a lot of fantasy in it when a skewed, unbalance picture is presented. "The truth sets us free." Our new moderators did a great service for us because they had the "power" and control and concern to bring us a balanced picture--even though too late for most of us.
Great successful investors such as Buffett and John Templeton have had a spiritual or better said, a spiritual charitable side. And this is a part of a better investment--investment toward the neighbor . Charity such as Bill Gates and Buffett have are reality and unfortunately are characterized as "off topic." Buffett, for example, when asked what he looked for as most important, stated, "I would want someone who really loved me if I only had a dime" Off topic? Yes I guess so, if one likes only countable and describable "facts".
I learned long ago that "truth without love is not really Truth". Likewise "Love without truth is not really love." RJ is coming over to Grand Rapids to visit with an old, frail man. That is the truth with love--and without FASC, that would not have happened.
Does anyone here beside me give thanks to Sunspotter, Janice, etc, etc. for their role? I certainly do. For no one else had the power and control to give us balance. If no one else thanks them, I repeat,I certainly do.
i am not "dreaming" but I am headed toward "the "Big Dream". I am joyful, even though very poor. We only take with us who we are as internal private people where our true values dwell. Quite simply we are told to love our Maker by serving Him, and, what is similar to this, to love one another without expectation of return.
My computer is sold as of November 27th. I can only manage now a small tablet. If my son can set it up for me, I may post from the skilled nursing floor--if there are any here who want to continue regardless of a delisted, declared worthless, FASC stock (TD Amaritrade). Most have "jumped ship". So our board may die. - Dave
Sam - What are you suggesting: "Why not wish for that pretty nurse to bring you a bottle of tequila.. and Margarita mix?" Do you want to get me excommunicated from the skilled nursing center? If they kicked me out, I would likely have to get moved to where RJ works--and have him pull a few strings. Think I can accomplish that goal by having people on the outside (like RJ) hide it under their coat, peak up and down the hall for an all clear, and then have a quick "chug a lug".
And to heck with those meds that say, "Do not mix with alcohol"
Thanks for your complement. - Dave
Hi RJ - Transferring to Porter Hills Village Health Center on Monday, November 30th. You ask what we can talk about besides FASC. What about keeping an eternal friendship regardless of FASC? Brian may let us down but the Man Upstairs will not.
You know RJ, You have one of the sweetest wives and sweetest daughters I have ever met. This,your best investment, shows you have the gift, if not in picking stocks, at least in picking women. I know high ranking officer Sambeau offers something also that transcends a zero valuation to our stock. And thank you Janice for your kind words.And also for bringing more reality to this board. We needed this to take our loss and move on.
I enjoyed my friendships on this board over the years. Money you can't take with you, but love you can--and some relationships are eternal.
In twelve more days I will be sharing a bed in a small room with a roommate. My excitement may be in pushing the call button and hoping a very pretty nurse of aide brings me a diet coke. Still have to try to turn lemons into lemonade.
If you drop in on Thursday, you will see boxes going to Salvation Army and other such users pilled up. But if you look around you will find me in a far corner hidden behind a box.
Your friend - Dave
I am transferring to a skilled nursing facility either shortly before or shortly after December 1st. Am no longer able to get sufficient care in assisted living.I have sold my computer (as of day of moving)so this may be my last post. My son is getting me a tablet for my new location. Anyone wishing to reach me,my Email may be the same, or a phone call to 616-954-1799 will get though to me.
My son asked me whether to take a tax loss write-off on FASC. I advised him not to do so. Wait a year, and if no change,do it the end of 2016. It is a 100 to 1 long shot now--in my opinion--but if you take a write-off you lose the shares.
I shall miss some of you, and appreciate the relationships we developed over the years. My investment in my eternal home is the one investment that will hold up. God bless - Dave
Hi Sam - Yes - still hanging on. I have more or less written off FASC as worthless now. Don't think we will ever hear from Brian again.I am trying to get into a skilled nursing facility now to be better taken care of in my final days. If so, may no longer be able to use a computer. Dave
Had a conversation with two different Ameritrade staff regarding questions on FASC. This is what I was told.
1.DO NOT use FASC as a tax loss during tax season--as long as you believe there is even the remotest possibility of the stock assuming value again.
2. Once written off, the stock cannot be "reversed" and put back into an account. It is permanently gone.
3. Even though my account now shows "zero" in it as I have withdrawn what cash I had, the account by law cannot be removed or dissolved. They may put it in an inactive file or something, but they cannot discard, even though it has a zero valuation.
From this, I am advising my two sons to hold their shares. Others may want to talk with their brokers on this subject. - Dave
RJ -
I like the wisdom in your statement:"Once a person takes responsibility for his own decisions he can then move on and not repeat the same errors. I do feel a little old for this very expensive lesson....We continue to eat, drink, have shelter and socialize."
When we end up blaming others, we can just end up being a "bitter victim". I listed my loss at just $32000 plus. Actually it was more totally at least twice that, for I was in and out one earlier period where my loss was also at least equal to that amount.
I guess most of the posters here were (are) just interested in their FASC investment. We all have an eternal investment in life--which is much more important that the success or failure of a stock. We do indeed "continue to eat, drink, have shelter and socialize." You and I and Sam still appear to be "hanging around".
RJ -
Although it has cost me a bundle, I would conclude we have made an investment--via FASC-- in our relationship that has a permanence to it. Oddly enough I have grown quite fond of my male aides this past year. And more and more men are going into nursing.
MY time left in being able to post on this board is growing short. Need help now in showering, dressing, etc. People ask, "How are you today, Dave." My answer:"Better than I deserve, but not as good as I would like it to be."
Will pose one FASC question to you? Do you think we have more than "a China-man's chance" of having a resurrection of FASC? Wonder what would happen if anyone took a tax loss write-off of zero on their FASC stock (as Ameritrade now has it)and then somehow it came back. Interesting tax question.
Best wishes - Dave
On My monthly TD Ameritrade statement my 1.7 million shares are officially given a value of zero showing a $32,000 plus loss. Reality really sets in. Dave
Sam & Others - IT will be too difficult for me to reply by private Email when I call Adam or Brian. To conserve energy, I may call RJ and give him the message and let him post for me--if he wants to.Shortness of breath is causing me more problems now. Will do my best. Dave
Sam - a good year and a half! Old soldiers like FASC and Waitedg don't seem to die-- they just fade away--too quote General Douglas MacArthur).
Seriously -- as sad as the condition of FASC is, there is still a semblance of a board here. My call to Brian (when I am ready) will be more in giving him advice--oddly enough. I am formulating a plan slowly in how he might move to the betterment of himself, the company, his son and the shareholders. Sometimes it is better to wait until we are ready to call. I see it coming --but not ready yet. Dave
Bill - Thanks for the nice message. Will Email you. Dave
Test Email sent, Sam.
Your friend - Dave
Hi RJ -
Nice to hear from you, and get your updated information and opinion on FASC's status. I, too, have some advice to give Brian. When I call him and talk with him, I will post the fact that I have done so here on the board.
I, will, however, ask anyone who is still interested in the details of our conversation to Email me, and I will send a prepared Email to each sender. In this way I can speak more honestly and openly with no concerns relative to editing or deleting.
I pretty much see FASC, if it bounces back, as occurring after I am gone. That is fine with me. Shares can transfer from TD Ameritrade now only under TOD status (transfer on death). No other type of transfer, internal or external, is possible. The one exception possibly still open is to an accepting different broker.
Your friend - Dave
Your post offers a couple of rays of hope for FASC. I probably am the only one who can find something quite positive in Ameritrade giving a zero value to FASC at present.
My Case Manager is having me apply for Medicaid Waiver--a form of Medicaid that provides additional government paid help in the home to help in my final days. In exchange, Medicaid takes all assets down to $2000 with few exceptions. If my FASC had a value and could be sold for even .0001, they would make it be sold. By giving it no value at all, it does not have to be declared.
After I "graduate", it would be nice to see FASC rise from the dust, and have value again. Not an impossibility. I do think it would be good if board members would commit to at least one posting per week--just to keep us from becoming extinct--RJ, Net-Man, Charlie,
Sleepin, Techisbest, and all the rest.
There is something very positive about preparing for death. Will leave you with a paradox. Growing closer to death is truly growing closer to life.I feel a tremendous inner peace and a thanksgiving for Him in whose hands my life is held. - Dave
TD Ameritrade has put a zero value on my 1.7 million shares--zilch!
This is playing out pretty much the way Lucky Dog, Sunspotter, etc. told us it would. I don't know whether Ameritrade would attempt to transfer shares from or two another broker or not. Maybe not anymore.
Brian could post another post of the FASC web site updating his April one. He chooses not to do so. Maybe we should hire Donald Trump to intercede for us. No one wants to confront Brian with the tough questions. Nothing to lose now.
Our board appears to be drying up pretty fast also. Net-Man --are you still following the French situation.? If we had something concrete that showed a current ray of progress, it would make a call to FASC more thinkable. Dave
Sleepin - I agree. My inclination to call has at present been "over-ruled" by an inclination to hold back for now. I meditate on this. I may get the urge to call later, but for now the ball is squarely in Brian's hands.
He told me he was concerned about his son, Adam, as he had brought him into FASC 8 or 9 years ago. If he is really concerned about Adam, he would want to show his son the example of being an honest and honorable man to his shareholders--the supposed co-owners of this company.
He posted once. Will he have the integrity to do it again--even if it is not the most pleasant of news? Dave
I love Yogi Berra "Yogi-isms. One of the best is "It ain't over til it's over". A good one for FASC followers--for there may be a faint heartbeat left. Another yogi-ism is "If you see a fork in the road, take it".
Like the rest of you I am just 'asittin and arockin". I think we can all see now the importance of the integrity of management. Why no further posting by him on the present course and direction of FASC is certainly an extremely negative indicator. Will just have to take what comes. Dave
There appears to be hardly a heart beat left to the board. This is the time when faith needs to replace human effort. I find it better to wait until I feel moved to call Brian. The time is not yet--but I will call. - Hang in there. Ain't over till the fat lady sings, and I hear she still has a case of laryngitis. - Dave
Sunspotter - I agree with you. Will attempt, in a diplomatic way I plan, for one thing to ask direct questions. One will deal with the question Charlie raised. I am not interested, Net-Man, in a "how are things going" question (except for France). Will leave that to you. I am interested in getting a bit of the fog moved away as to his intentions to shareholders, on the assumption of sufficient revenue to face the shareholder issue.
When getting my doctorate degree, when computers were in their infancy, there was a basic comment used: "Garbage in/garbage out". I must frame my comments or questions specifically, and see what type of response I get back--straight answers, avoidance, broad generalities (leaving us still in a bunch of fog")etc. I will be more interested in how direct and honest he is(or is not). I plan to deal with why no further updates on the FASC web site are not forthcoming.
I plan to be very friendly, and non-threatening. Will do my best. And will give a summary to the board. My telephone call would not be necessary if Brian's focus on us shareholders was higher on his priority list. Dave
Sam -Your comment is related to the most important purpose of the call. If there is avoidance of an answer, change of subject, I will find this unacceptable--and attempt to get back on target.
Anyone of us can hide behind what we externally show of ourselves to the world around us, and what our true inner motivations are. A statement of where we are and where he hopes to go with us (if anywhere), should be forthcoming, and posted on the FASC web site.
Be prepared for answers that may be very unsatisfying. Perhaps we may be surprised and see a ray of sunshine.- Dave
Have reevaluated my contacting Brian. Sending an Email is really too difficult for me. So I plan to phone him. I like to listen to how he answers my questions, and hope he will not find my probing too overly assertive. If anyone has a specific question you want brought out, please list it on board in the next two or three days. I may or may not address it --as I "play it by ear" Dave
Sam -
I am going to send a personal Email to Brian. It will be shared with the Board). I think the response, or lack of it, will tell us Brian's intent--assuming sufficient assets to make a decision.
Due to limited health (my breathing is quite labored with any exertion) It may take several days to get this off.
i am disappointed that after 16 plus years, so few ongoing personal relationships are continuing with FASC in its present situation. I am glad you are one exception to the rule, Sam.
Mu message will deal with "higher ground" issues, personal responsibilities, consideration of eternal values and consequences.
Since we have no way to go further down other than consider we "own wallpaper", I think we might consider some long shot, positive considerations.
As I think about it, it comes to me that anything positive most likely will come from FASC as a private company. I wonder, assuming positive increased sales, and an honest Brian, if a private reverse split might be considered as a management strategy. Too costly? Perhaps. But a 1 new share for 10 old, or more likely a 1 for 5 reverse would get outstanding shares down to about 40,000,000. Only feasible if a real value came back to at least .02 per old share.
Getting FASC back up to dime (old value .02) would give it some semblance of connection to the real world. It would also be more connective to a buyout or takeover for the technology value, and tax loss advantages of a prospective suitor.
I have a hunch that FASC may choose to not go public again--even if it has the finances and legal capacity to do so. Only a hunch. So "shoot me down" or add a couple of logs to the mini-fire. As low as FASC sinks, something inside me just cannot spiritually "toss in the towel". - Dave
And so we sit and wait. It reminds me of the General's famous statement: "Old soldiers (like FASC) never die. They just fade away."
The most important DD (and my opinion most neglected) relates and has related to the character of the management.
Revenue and sales are very relevant, but so is what management does or does not do for us. These two factors, and their possible or non-existent inter-relationship, are what hold us-- with many in the two to five plus million share range. Nothing we can do except wait to see if a long shot still rises from the ashes of FASC.
My Dad, who was the President of the Waite Chair Company in Massachusetts, had a beautiful saying that went something like this:
Hope for the most,
Do your very best,
Then take what God sends.
Ameritrade will not permit any ordinary internal or external transfer. The only two alternatives are a TOD (Transfer on Death) or finding another broker who wants to transfer in or export out a specific number of shares--and as a courtesy they will help do this. Whether they still will since the delisting am not sure--but assume so. Dave
Net-Man - You have expressed your opinion on FASC: "More to the point - sales are all that matter".
This is one point of view. Another point of view is the integrity, or lack of it, of the management,impressions of such, the scenario statistically of other companies in similar delisted situations, and the likelihood of our stock having any value at all regardless of sales or lack of them.
There are different opinions on this. And the non- trading, or should I say transfer, of FASC shares at any price in my opinion bears out the importance of the DD provided my our new Ihub moderators. My opinion.-Dave
Sam -Were you able to find out why one of your posts the other day was deleted? The administrator will help, or perhaps one of the moderators might like to assist you. I know that you mentioned a part of it was something complimentary toward me. Perhaps that is why, or there may have been some other reason. Dave
And please also remember that on topic FASC comment includes subjective impressions of FASC management or lack of it based on comments, contacts, etc. And that this type of broadened interpretation of on topic criteria has been brought to our help via the aid of new moderator assistance. Dave
Net-Man - You have your pudding by loving your neighbor--as the good Word says.Digging deeper will show how blessed we are by giving to others.Pink Floyd may have one answer. I prefer the answer given the rich young man who had outwardly lived an exemplary life, and "talked all the right talk". The Lord told him to sell all his possessions and give to the poor-- then follow Him. The young man waked away sorrowfully--and never saw the pudding.
Looking at this externally only one comes up with no answer or a meaningless answer. Looking at this with spiritual eyes opened, and the pudding is there with topping to boot.
You state "molding people in the same fashion isn't a good thing". We agree. Cult followings are an example. Leaders can tilt the scale to one side only, and there can be a conscious or unconscious attempt at "molding". In reality, we all have free choices. It is always best to freely and openly present all sides in a decision making forum. With FASC this has now occurred, but unfortunately for many, the price paid has been heavy and come too late, and partly due to a one-sided FASC presented picture only. Dave
Mfred - Excellent post--and should be re-read and digested by any remaining board persons. In simplistic terms "the proof is in the pudding". There have been a great deal of "pudding recipes" served up, but no pudding has materialized. The fact that the integrity of our delisted management is a major ingredient to successful, resulting "pudding" has been ignored and discouraged--and ignored or treated as of no importance.
In my opinion this has been hurtful to the more novice members of this board--and I have spoken as harshly as I could. There have been "blinders", in my opinion, on some eyes, and to the discredit this has done to a fair evaluation of this situation. And so here we sit with what we have--with none of this direction included or encouraged in past DD--until brought out be the input of the new Ihub moderators.
I recently offered to transfer 1.7 million shares to anyone at about any transfer price. No one responded. My morning hospice care has just been doubled, and the chaplain now visits twice a week. That explains my status.
I will make a reverse, "crap shoot" offer--because the loss will be meaningless. If anyone (or two) wants to transfer 2 million shares at a price of .001, I will pay $2000 for them. If interested, send name of your broker, account name, etc to This offer is obviously for a limited time only.- Dave
PS -If no one wants to transfer this way also, it shows the value of FASC--as far as the market is concerned. Again, this is a crap shoot for me, for shortly the $2000 will have no value to me one way or the other.
Tech - In response to your post:
"The wink was a reference to the damned if they do, damned if they don't position you are in, given that their failure to be successful is what keeps you ticking as you wait for their success. smile
As much as I would like you to stick around sharing your stories, I do hope you eventually get to rest in peace."
Tech - Another paradox: - To grow close to death is to grow closer to life. This is happening until I see nothing but a transition. I must admit, however, the road has severe curves, and ups and downs. But ultimately a growing peace and blessedness is occurring which is also transitional from one world into the next.
Another paradox: Can a stock as totally dead as FASC is be really dead? Or can resurrection have such a broad meaning as to include even near death experiences such as FASC. Should a miracle occur, my hope is that a few, at least, might say, "Thank you, Lord" rather than "Boy am I lucky"
I really am quite peaceful, but "dieing is definitely not for sissies!" Stick around, please. It is good to see as many posts as we have had today--for a "dead dog" like FASC - Dave
Sam - In response to"just to have met you. [almost :)]"
I have a very strong hunch we will be meeting again, Sam, in the next world. Occasionally, when I have a chance, I tell my friends that I know the former Mayor of Reno! Tell them you are quite an unusual guy--a person with a very good heart, and a strong motivation to correct some of the evils, selfishness and greed in the political world. Also you have pretty fine spiritual values. Nice to have a friend like you, Sam - Dave
PS. - Although FASC looks totally dead, remember the old hymn--"He's Got The Whole World In His Arms". This includes FASC.
In response to"
"Dave - I truly believe that the trials and tribulations of FASC are what is keeping you alive.
God forbid FASC is ever successful. wink
I wish that your last days, whenever they come, are peaceful ones."
Techisbest -
Why the "wink" in your comment. Do you have any doubt that FASC is the turnaround miracle of the century? ("semi-wink"). The fat lady has not started to sing yet, and I hear she has a bad case of laryngitis.
My belief, Tech, is that there is no such thing as death--in a real sense.We are either going to a much better place or a worse place. My blind "daughter" Robin says she will be attending my "graduation" service! Interesting that you are still visiting this board. Glad you are. Need you around. - Dave
Something inside me still believes FASC has a turnaround possibility. Logic and expert opinion and advice all would say no. Our board has slowed down to a trickle of postings.
Sam, Net-Man & Board -
Sam - I think you came close to my thoughts with your comment, although Brian and I may have a different "Higher Authority" in mind-- (perhaps not). To quote you:
"My opinion is he thinks the outcome
of FASC is in hands of Higher Authorities.
And he was depending on Them doing
the right thing by/for FASC. And
Brian has you, myself and Net-man still thinking he will not desert the shareholder (although my faith admittedlly grew quite weak at times). Our hope is that some type of miracle may still occur, and equally important--that Brian may be the one in one hundred exception to the rule--and play fair with the shareholders.
I have now been on Grace Hospice for 1 1/2 years.I am the only patient with longevity of this degree with them--although one lady, I understand, has been on for nearly a year. They have just this week put me on maximum care of 5 weekdays a week--which is usually reserved for those in their last week or two of life. (Maybe that's my case, as I huff and puff moving just a few feet).--Yet I managed to Wii bowl a 268 last week from my motorized chair. That's about the only activity I can still participate in.
Like FASC, I think my situation is in the hands of a Higher Authority, and His angel helpers. Like Timex watch, I have taken quite a licking, but I still go on ticking (at least for a short time longer).
Do you ever get the feeling that something more important than whether FASC makes it or not is going on in the background of the interior of our minds and spirits? I do. - Dave
Net-Man - It is good to hear a few encouraging words. What is your "feel" regarding Brian's responsibility toward share holders? Dave