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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
First trade in over a year today..
Got a kick out of the Batman flick.
Market Cap $37 mil.. You have to ask yourself, Is $500 mil possible?
I think so...
Next month could be the wildest ride you've ever seen. I don't profess to be any guru, but if you just look at the derivative market then you know that the hedgies are screwed.
The new share structure with volume will drive the dark pool to cover once everything starts falling into place with Cenntro. It's the perfect storm.
How far can we go?
Your guess is a good as mine, but it may make last year meme stocks look like child's play.
Haven't posted in a long long time, but I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in here. Do your DD, but when do you have a clean shell RM with a 100mil company? This will jump straight to NASDAQ IMO...
GL & GB!!
I'm all in!!
More Fake News!! They didn't mention anyone else either.. What a joke!!
$STRL beautiful day today! Now up another .71 after hours. Looking for 52 week highs soon..
Been awhile since I've been around here, but I don't think you can go wrong with $STRL. Hurricane stock that will benefit from Texas catastrophe.
$STRL HUGE Hurricane Stock! Going over $20 easily..
Yes Sir!! Still Holding Strong!! Would love to see $2 plus..
WTF??? Silver flying and GPL dying...
$GPL breaking $1.58, Where will it go?
Great day for GPL, AUMN, AND NAK! Great job AF!!
$THLD, In Heavy Here!! Waiting Patiently...
Running away from us pre-market...
GMO 8X34 cross today.. Link back.. Lots of room to run..
GMO volume alert 8X34 cross coming...
Where's NAK heading? Looks like clear skies ahead...
Not in, but watched the whole thing in living color. Shoulda woulda coulda....
70000 share buy at close.... HMMM...
Bought a million more! Gonna pop sooner than later!
I've been waiting all summer for this POS to do something.. The only thing going for it is that their is a strong bid at .0001.....
AS OF 10:19 AM ET 09/01/2015
Last [Tick] $0.0001 [-]
Change down $-0.0001
% Change down -50.00%
Bid $0.0001
Bid Size 230,669,920
Ask $0.0002
Ask Size 55,689,168
Open $0.0001
Volume 232,000
Day High $0.0001
Day Low $0.0001
Previous Close $0.0002
Prev. Close Date 08/28/2015
$CRGP I hammered the .008's!!
Kicking myself for not getting in after it ran to over $2.00... Tough to get in any stock after 100% run. Congrats to those who held on. What a ride!!
They walked right over me at 1.10 and I wasn't around to get my shares. That sucked out loud!!
Here's what Amilya is up to...
$HJOE, LMAO they put the energy shot right next to the Trojan's!!
LOL!! Off to see Rogue Nation!! Have a great weekend!!
NO problem.. A stock of this magnitude needs to be given it's proper DD..
But didn't go public til' 1947...
People don't know that the whole foods concept was started in Austin Texas. Central Texas is a good place for this company. I'll dip my toe in and see where this goes..
$HJOE This is where you butter your bread!! GL GENTS!!
Nice!! Now they have the financing to put Iomad-B in production very soon...