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Congrats on your gain ST.....however FDA feeling real fine these days with his position already staked out in SDRG @ well under a penny ...And lots of it !!
***Looking more & more like by the time we even get to PR after Marc's last trip to China ...that PR itself may turn out to be a rather anticlimactic event as PPS will have already creeped up to true Market Value before any announcement is ever made??... Chinese themselves will also be informing family-friends & associates ...
Now at least other shareholders on this board know for you just stated in your own writing " I never talked to...." Marc ever before! And already admitted you DO NOT own any shares of SDRG! Right? Yet you inserted yourself here as moderator of this obscure small company to bladder out your nonsensical rhetoric going on @ least 2 or 3 yrs now?? 3 or 4 Red Flags there IMO! Only Question remaining ?? Who are you really ????????
And .0125 just got filled ......
Look > 200,000 share price bid now @ .0125 !!!! Not bad @ all !
Things are looking up almost day by day now as finalizing Asset Sale draws closer come May...FDA loving It
Wow....How Deep.............................!
"Bagholders" <<< such a clever word & how original ..!!
Is that really the best you can do here? So typical of the arrogant "Alt-Left" who you no doubt identify with! Right? You are one of them! It's so obvious!
Now here's a question for you Mr. Moderator?
Have you ever talked to Marc Hazout one single time? Answer >> OF COURSE NOT !! And why?... because "Fake News" never requires evidence or facts!
FDA aka Super Silver Bug !!!
Most undervalued asset on the planet !!!
Greatest investment opp. maybe in the history of the world?
Only asset never to have eclipsed it's 1981 high !!
REPEAT !!.....this can only mean Reuters wants nothing to do with those frauds @ the LBMA ...Breaking their contract with them right in the middle of it no less ...infers manipulators @ the Comex as well are going to lose their long standing corrupting control of the PMs much sooner rather than later....!
"For what purpose?" you ask Pg?...Well so how about for those shareholders wise enough to add more to their position well under a penny or for those new comers who scooped up a bunch by the millions between .005 & .01 which are not available @ that PPS in those amounts anymore? LOL
***Once HSBS, Deutsche & JP Morgan can no longer manipulate...?? (& that may happen this year***) Then any company with silver in it's name will be moon the price of silver itself goes parabolic...
*** :
Almost only a month away now until Marc leaves the building ...then begins his very last journey to finalize Asset Sale in China ...!!!
Market is rightfully anticipating millions in cash getting infused on to balance sheet once Transfer Docs are signed abroad.
Just a matter of time before volume will also surge along with stock price itself! FDA predicting a minimum of .03$+ PPS leading up to PR announcement where shareholders will then have the option (luxury) of deciding whether to maintain their position, sell or buy more...?
Forward Ho, FDA
So Again FDA Will Ask The Question ??? Where are all the worried
sellers below a penny ??? Hmmmm? Like....where did they all go??
Public Float is still hovering around approx. 120 million
shares.......last time FDA checked ??
(at least in the millions) Just asking? Anybody? FDA
DC you are probably right...but no big follow through today from silver (so far?)after yesterday's FED rate hike indicates possible classic head fake here?? However, any earth shaking PR Announcements could surely over-ride a choppy PM market going in to the coming weeks & possibly summer ???
FDA keeping what little extra powder dry for now, but will probably regret waiting for that double bottom between 1.10 to 1.20 as I prepare myself for membership with the Blind, Deaf, & Dumb!
GLTA Shareholders, FDA
Good analysis here again by Jordon Roy B........IMO
Maybe we need some guidance here from a young fresh pro. tech guy...who truly sounds like he knows what he's talking about?
Jordon says a double bottom correction in the midst of a major bull market run like this one is unusual but claims pretty much that's exactly what's going on here...? *** "aligns with our outlook spring & summer being a grind" ***
This also jives with Mike Maloney pointing out we have the largest short position in history for both gold & silver which is supposed to run until about mid summer...? Then after that...they both basically agree's Katie bar the door?
Keeping things in perspective...? Patience is genius, FDA
Good analysis here again by Jordon Roy B........IMO
Maybe we need some guidance here from a young fresh pro. tech guy...who truly sounds like he knows what he's talking about?
Jordon says a double bottom correction in the midst of a major bull market run like this one is unusual but claims pretty much that's exactly what's going on here...? *** "aligns with our outlook spring & summer being a grind" ***
This also jives with Mike Maloney pointing out we have the largest short position in history for both gold & silver which is supposed to run until about mid summer...? Then after that...they both basically agree's Katie bar the door?
Keeping things in perspective...? Patience is genius, FDA
FOMC up a quarter as about expected....! Volume weak !
We keep correcting in the weeks & possibly months ahead IMO
No problem...hoping for opps to buy more ...GLTA, FDA
FOMC about to announce?? All indications are they will raise interest rates??
So could it be that silver stocks have been creeping up in the last week or so based on the rumor that the FED will raise ...?? ...then go down on the actual news as the old cliché goes? "buy on the rumor, sell on the news" ???
Just FDAs take? Who the hell really knows?
We will know in about one hour from now.. GL
Man O Man & hang on Nelly....This is going to be a real hoot !!
Those so called poor slobs who bought in by the truck loads under
a penny will not be the ones suffering from any regrets in due
time !!
Can guarantee you that much... Written in stone, FDA
He calls this Predictive Linguistics ????
FDA not exactly sure what to make of this? Just something else to think about..? Got to admit though .. it sounds convincing...
Pretty obvious how sellers under a penny have dried up !
** @ least in as far as any substantial volume goes ?
Marc's "Seal The Deal" trip to China only weeks away now !
Market finally starting to anticipate better times ahead
for the dragon IMO!
FDA just wondering how many new comers got in big @ less than
a cent while others wasted their time whining & complaining ??
Great Weekend ahead. GLTA faithful shareholders, FDA
So is FDA in or out ???? Just make up your mind...Will Ya ??
Lets put it this way...There's nothing wrong or illegal about
being a "Double-Dipper" ....At least with stocks that is.. Right?
FDA not the type who loves pulling others chain..but just can't
resist when there are occasional exceptions to the rule! Too much fun when they deserve you Uzzy!
***Gosh...participating on this board over the years without a doubt has been much more enjoyable than discouraging for sure! Especially when your about to make a ton of doe the 2nd time around on the same stock!
Triple bagger from here @ least. GLTA Shareholders, FDA
Thanks for the FOMC reminder DC .....Something to be aware of
for sure....LOL FDA
So how many times in the past has SDRG gone through many days where millions in volume traded then back to zero volume over the course of many years which in fact FDA witnessed way before you ever even appeared on Ihub ???? Different Stocks...Different personalities!
Actually...calling the secretary might be a good start for you since it's now become obvious you are afraid to confront the CEO of this company on your own...! Also explains why you are mostly "ignored" on this board...! There is no there there, & shareholders can tell! Taking pot shots, & guessing from the about you have to offer! Sad!
& O ya right!..FDA..really looking for a way out with weak volume...! So scared I am huh?? perceptive! & how funny! More like... thankful I got in while the pickings where easy at under a penny is more like it! Just another one of your meaningless misreads by a clueless wondering lost Troller..
***Shareholders will have plenty of opportunity to either sell or keep riding this horse once it reaches 3 to 4 cents as volume increases dramatically into the millions again! ...& that time is not so far away...Just the nature of this stock under the circumstances!!
Book It, FDA
Looks like we may grind lower for a while yet ?? GLTA FDA
Surprise! Never communicated with Marc about this once !
(8-K) Filing explained everything if you just took the time to
read it carefully!
*** For Shareholders interest....FDA will try to find out perhaps from Marc's secretary which date exactly he will be departing for China as May draws closer?
Correction on appraisal 60 day time limit ....!
Clock does not begin ticking for completion of valuation until another 2 days.. (make that March 5th... oops)
You mean by a myriad of factors such as proven & probable, accessibility, grade, general climate, location, etc. & of course MINING RIGHTS??? ..all basically unchangeable factors which have already been established long ago & already most likely included in previous appraisal...except of course for current price of silver which MINING RIGHTS will be primarily based off of ?? Daaaa... !!
FYI ...Every appraisal has a "specific date" signed by it's author to pin point market value @ a particular point in time! And March 1st will be that date! It would also be fair to assume a 1 to 3 year trailing silver price average would be applicable...but where does it say it? Does anybody on this board ever call IR to get specifics except FDA...?? NOT
***BTW ..And once again??...what ever happened to all those sellers in the millions under a penny...Any more brilliant explanations?
FDA is waiting with bated breath to know?
Well...OK, So lets see what the MOU actually said :
Current Report Filing (8-K) 1-25-2017
Item 8.01 >> 5th paragraph:
"The parties agree that the valuation of Dadi Mining Rights must reflect it's value as at 1 march, 2017."
So FDA will ask you again Uzzy ?? ... when are you going to stop mis-leading shareholders on this board & remove yourself as moderator...??
Or are you going to take the cowards way out as usual & delete this post also? FDA
Bill Holter Is Right On QS!! If the CFTC ever clamps down on the
fiat frauds screwing around with comex silver contracts...(& it
will have to eventually) the price of silver will literally
become undeterminable as it rockets upwards faster than the speed of light!!!
Just do the math...Only 60 billion ounces ever mined ..much of which already back in the ground because "Fake Price" makes it unsalvageable! ...yet 100 billion ounces traded last year alone??? Go figure ...! What a shock this will be to the naysayers of silver...who for decades & decades have adopted an attitude known as what FDA likes calling "The Mt. Vesuvius Mind Set"...! & with a bit of arrogance backing it I might add!
Just you wait & see boys & girls....! Not discouraged at all, FDA
Excellent Timing For Sino-Top Appraisal !!!
Valuation supposed to be all based on March 1st silver price
close just as it peaked yesterday....Now today silver taking a
huge plunge !!
Shareholders have got to love the timing here....FDA
Well...there ya go ST !! We are heading higher....
Not a matter of if...only when?
Clock begins ticking today...officially !! LOL FDA
Final valuation for Sino-top will be based on today's (March 1st)closing price for silver if FDA reads last press release correctly? Simultaneously, the 60 day time limit for completion of appraisal also begins today...! So once Marc heads off to China ...FOR THE LAST TIME !!!!!......then shareholders will know coming right after that...(in a matter of days or so)..that our long awaited >>>> PR of all PRs <<<< will FINALLY be able to state in big black bold letters..... exactly the number (In CASH MILIONS) to be transferred on to SDRG's BALANCE SHEET !!!!!
***since sellers appear to have been wrung-out below a penny in past weeks ....The Dragon could be's PPS might want to begin doing the slow crawl up to rightful share value as PR draws FDAs opinion??? GLTA
Thanks DC ...............To say the future looks bright for AXU
is an understatement !!!!
If FDA is as smart as you say???....then I won't have to worry about getting murdered by my wife ??? Only took the minimum requirement out of her account @ 15 grand ...but the 15% commission already puts us $2,250 behind right off the bat! I am also accumulating a little BTC on Coinbase which has been a real pain to work with!
Gold & Silver Miners though...are still FDAs primary target for getting best return on your money...Lord only knows where AXU will end up once PMs start heading for the stratosphere ??? Probably in some other universe at it's peak?...When ...NOT the only remaining question now ? LOL FDA
You Bet Eddy ...For sure!! ...just stashed a little more in my wife's IRA ROLLOVER!
Found out only last week this can be done with your IRA, so I jumped on it ! 15% commission is excessive though!
***However ...when you hear things like 90% of the worlds population will own their own cell phones by 2020...the numbers do start to jump out @ you....??? Nothing like having a "Swiss Bank Account" in your back pocket !!! BTC is adopting about one million new users every 3 months! Between Gold, Silver & Bitcoin....we may be at the cusp of the greatest transfer of wealth in human history??? Would be wonderful to see some poor slavish third worlder's get their chance to actually compete elite globalist frauds if all this should come to fruition?? (only 2.5% of world currencies invested in BTC puts it @ $750,000 per unit according some international bankers??) Hell... FDA will take $5000 which seems very doable at this point IMO!
Apparently PMs not ready to go parabolic quite yet ????
Jordan Roy B....pretty Right On again when you consider this last report was published Monday Feb. 20th.....
Just trying to find some guidance in here...This guy isn't to bad at all IMO !
Clock starts ticking next week for Sino-top Appraisal to be completed & submitted to finalize asset sale ! Market will then be able to recognize true value of PPS with say about .... 20 mil in cash sitting on the books after transfer docs are signed.... would be FDAs best Guestimate ?? Now do the math !!!
Noticed 560,000 share buy order @ .0096 not getting filled earlier this morning ????? Hmmmmm....wonder why??? Wasn't it just about 4 to 5 weeks ago or so that any schlub could have picked up a ton of SDRG in the millions of shares @ that price with no problem ....?? & even much lower??? ...or maybe FDAs memory could be somewhat @ fault here ???...honestly don't think that's the case....
GLTA have certainly waited long enough for this moment to arrive !!! ...expecting next 6 weeks to get very interesting...FDA
Good one Nitwit......Here's one of my favs...
Ya SlowTRD ....sorry about getting back late with you on this ...but as I mentioned before ...I actually did take a look @ this one some time back, but didn't move on it??....Hmmm???...maybe FDA watched that movie BLOOD DIAMOND one too many times??? Good movie though...
Wishing you GL on DOLV....
How Brilliant !!