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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Whens the Kabooommm coming? I don't have all day now...
hmmmm, I will check on this one..
Looking good
I'm going to have a garage sale this weekend to buy more... Lol.. X-mass sale..
I think im going to start loading a third boat... Kabbboooommmmmm
This day turned out better then I thought.. Now I have two boats loaded... GO QASP Next week MJ News Penny town wooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
QASP X-MASS Deal Today...
It's a slow day.. sir stockalot lesson of the day...To short a stock you are betting that the value of a stock will go down. Shorting stocks is the act of selling something that you do not own. In order to do this you have to borrow the shares of stock from your broker.
Intrigued? Read on...
What is "shorting stocks"?
When you short a stock, you will borrow the shares from your broker, wait until the price drops, buy the shares, then return the borrowed shares back and you will profit the difference. Here is an example:
Microsoft is trading at $30.00 a share. You think that the price is going to go down so you short 200 shares ($6000.00). You are borrowing shares of Microsoft from your broker at this high price of $30.00. Just as you expected Microsoft goes down to $20.00 a share.
You decide that you are ready to cash in, so you buy (called covering) the shares at $20.00. Your broker will now return the borrowed shares to the owner and you will profit the difference. Since you shorted at $30.00 and covered at $20.00 your profit is $10.00 a share on 200 shares - $2000.00.
If this all sounds confusing, imagine this scenario:
You buy a new plasma TV for $4000.00 and invite me over to see it. You say that you have to leave for the day and that I can continue to watch it. While you are gone, I see a commercial for the exact TV that has just gone on sale for $3500.00 - at the same place that you bought it!
So what do I do? I pack up your TV, grab your receipt, and take it to the store. I pretend that I am you and complain. The store manager gives me the difference between the price you paid and the sale price - $500.00. I return the TV to your house, pocket the $500.00, and you never knew what happened!
It is the same thing with shorting stocks.
From a traders perspective, all of this happens behind the scenes. You just simply log on to your account and click the sell (or short) button and you have just shorted the stock (your broker borrowed the shares from someone else). When you are ready to cover, you click the buy (or cover) button and your done.
Pretty simple right? Not so fast.
There are some things you need to be aware of...
?You must have a margin account to be able to short stocks.
?Your online broker may not have enough shares available for you to short.
?If the stock pays a dividend while you are short, YOU will be liable (you'll have to pay it).
Is shorting stocks ethical?
Some people claim that shorting stocks is un-ethical because they are contributing to the stock price going down. This is bogus! Remember that after you short a stock, you then have to buy it back! This creates buying pressure on the stock.
Short sellers slow the rapid decline of a stock by buying to cover on the way down. If the short sellers were not involved in the stock, it could plummet! Also, short sellers can be caught in a "short squeeze".
What's a short squeeze?
This happens with a stock that has heavy short interest. Let's say that a lot of traders are short a particular stock. If the stock begins to rise rapidly, then short sellers will get nervous and want to buy (cover). This could add significant buying pressure to the stock, encourage new long positions, and make the stock explode!
There is nothing wrong with shorting. It's just part of the everyday workings of the stock market.
Should I short stocks?
It is essential that a swing trader learn to short stocks. Buying stocks is only half of the equation! If the market in general is in a downtrend, you are not going to want to be buying stocks. So in order to make any money you need to learn the art of shorting.
Learning to short stocks will also help you to better understand where reversals will take place. By shorting stocks yourself, you will be able to gauge where other traders are going to short stocks and cover their positions.
Sometimes you can make money faster by shorting than by buying. Why? Because stocks typically go down at a faster rate, then when they go up! Fear is a much more powerful emotion than greed.
The general public only plays the long side of the market. They do not realize that you can make money when stocks go down. They think that if a stock goes up, then this is "good". If a stock goes down, then this is "bad".
Wrong! It depends on which side (long or short) of the market you are on.
I think Wall Street really doesn't want the public to know about shorting stocks. In a bear market, the professionals on TV talk about how "horrible" the market is to encourage investors to sell.
They are shorting stocks and profiting all the way down.
Yep, This will close at .0035-.0040+ I'll take some bets on it..
X-mass at .0027
That's Buffet, He keeps changing his mind to buy are sell..
"Quasar's negotiations in the MJ industry have progressed significantly with my visit to Colorado. Although the specific details are not being released at this time, when this new venture is finalized the shareholders will be excited about the future of Quasar." Can you say $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
Yep, some people really don't no how Huge this play is...
The support is strong on the bid and buffet changed his mind selling his 17,000,000.00
It will close strong today....
Just sitting back relaxing.. It will run.. Buy and Hold.. A REAL STRONG MJ PLAY.. I say this will be up 300% to 500% next week with the real meat and potatoes News.. QASP will close strong today..... .0038 to .0040+ Then Monday, you will not see those lows ever again..
Evrything is going to turn Green Soon.. MJ... Nice News....
Yep Huge News MJ Play.. Kaboooommmmm...
Yep, That VNDM is a pain in my ... I would but im trying to load 6 mill more at .0028 before the update. I just might have to grab .0030...
It's just a waiting game now, One up date and Kaboooommmm.. Load up.. Im telling you.. Huge play in my opin.....
Huge MJ play... I think that up dates coming soon..
Yes, And it smells like $$$$$$$$$$
Just relaxing till the up date comes.. and it will come.. Load the boat....
I smell an update coming today.. Kaboooommmmmmm
I Think an up date is coming... Kabooommm Mrs. Vigil has scheduled meetings with several parties in relation to the MJ market. Mrs. Vigil shall update the shareholders and investment community during her visit as events unfold.
Going to a dime easy and then so on... The company also announced that they are in the final funding stages with PRIMARQ and are confident that upon completion of this acquisition, PRIMARQ will add a minimum of the projected $200 million in annual revenue to Fortitudes bottom line.
I think we get an up date this week... Kaboooommmm...
Just sit back and enjoy the ride North.. Just make sure your boat is loaded...
Wait till News hits... Penny land real soon....
This should Gap big time...
We did it .04 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Monster WOW!!!!!!!!
Yep .04 Today......
Strong Very strong.. Wooooooo weeeeeeeeeee
SILVER Hold strong, Very thin...
Hold on ... Silver coming real soon...
USEI..Great time to get in USEI.. NEWS..
We finish about at .0145-.0155 Today.. Next week about .05-.10 Go USEI
HOLD.... USEI is going north...... Go USEI
You got to love it, GO TWTRQ