Once every seven years I get a little "randy."
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Looking at the last 3 daily charts, VPER is spiking on average 4 times every day and almost regular intervals. Now, I won't bother to type out the obvious disclaimer here, but I sure would not be even remotely surprised if we did not see a spike in time to make a good run on the eod.
Time for me to add heaps. The MMs have been setting themselves up since yesterday morning to make an absolute thunderous killing and I plan to go along for some of the ride. I will admit I did not think they would drive it this hard, but the losses from Tuesday must have been so egregious and the signs for active interest in this stock remain so intense that they are working their plan in this manner. Be ready now, if you're not yet.
This is not any P&D I have ever seen.
Spock out.
Based on all I can see, I have every reason to expect that, barring a Mass Coronal Ejection that renders Wall Street a slice of burnt toast, tomorrow has AT LEAST as much potential as yesterday had.
Sensors indicate there is enough potential energy here to turn every Klingon into an Ewok 5.38 times over. Approximately.
Spock out.
TY LW for the email. I understand perfectly now. I do not get those emails, nor do I want them.
Live Long & Prosper.
My Vulcan perspective is that where are precisely where we were at EOD Tuesday when the entire world was waking up to the insane amount of potential the stock had. Now, all that has really happened is a massive redistribution, but unless something dramatic has happened behind the scenes, all that potential remains largely untapped.
Given that, I see no logical move to make but to add to what I have. We all get a second sip from the well.
Not for nothing, but yesterday, as i recall, was a perfectly miserable day for the markets. it seems only reasonable that lots of MMs have some making up to do and they are going to set themselves up for massive profit-taking a.s.a.p. Surely that have been buying massive amounts of this as it drops and tomorrow will, be a perfect day to have us all hi-fiving once again. Play on. Spock out.
May I ask what toy mean by the "email pump"? TY. Spock,out.
Go OTCdoc. As always, penetrating analysis, razor-sharp market - assessment skills and when all else fails, a healthy dose of support. I gotta admire his "can't-do" spirit.
Hey, Doc.. A question for you: I think this is a fair question given that you pretty much seem to post the same message every time I see you have posted. What is it about being positive that you seem to dislike so much?
Even my tricorder malfunctions when you are near.
Thought I had missed a good chance to partake in the excitement this morning. Appears I have been given a 2nd chance. The MMs in my view are working the volatility over thoroughly. They may even have more shares in their coffers than they began the day with. My bet is that they're about ready to wring some cash out of USNL shortly.
I will respectfully respond to the comment made earlier that VPER is dead in the water until a decent PR happens. PRs can certainly help sometimes spur on a little activity depending on the situation but the situation VPER is in right now, in my opinion, requires no PR for this to have a major run, like tomorrow. All we need is for the MMs to step aside and start taking profits for even a day. Clearly they always accumulate on the price droppage and to my eye it looks like about that time to start stepping aside to let the market drive it completely and to take some profits for themselves.
Without a major PR I don't thing the next run will last very long, maybe 2-3 days tops, but if a good PR comes, too, then it's anybody's best guess. My read is that this is a bit like the pencil that is exactly half way off the desktop. A little breeze and over it goes.
Why does Mr. Scott always want to get me drunk?
The 1K share buy is undoubtedly a signal. No one is paying any commission on a transaction that small anyway. I saw exactly this "flare" go up with another prepenny stock last week. Within two sessions, it popped. Not saying this is definitely what is going on here because I am not in a position to know for 100% certainty, however, there are not any other plausible explanations I know of ( but I am willing to learn). Also, I do not know what the signal translates to. Good catch, for sure.
Spock out.
CUP & Handle OR MM absence?
Within 30 minutes of it being brought to our attention that a particular chart was showing the C&H, the bounce began. And what a bounce it was!!! Now, do we put more value on that chart sign or on the notion that VERT and NITE stepped aside to let the market bring them some more profits? Comments?
Vulcans have an idea but we value the consensus of the whole group. Have made 140 % on this since I bought in. Extraordinary.
That Cup & Handle was exactly the harbinger of yesterday's stunning performance here. Exactly.
We have all seen this sort of thing happen before. What impresses me is how very many seem to be holding very tightly..as well they should. Any meteoric opening like we saw just 2 hours ago must have some time to get its yin synched back up with its yang. There is such an enormous base of strength built here. Walk away from your monitors for awhile. You're right where you want to be. Don't let very predictable oscillations such as these rattle you. The whole investment remains a no-brainer at these prices.
Peptalk from a Vulcan? What is this planet coming to?
Sorry, I must share this: Woke up this morning having had a very vivid dream of me looking at the per share value of TIVU in my account at $18.26.
AVeryHappyVulcan I was!
I will admit to feeling as discouraged as a Vulcan let's himself get, bu tat the same time I feel very, very confident that sitting back and just letting the market do its thing is all that needs to happen. This stock is just itching to bust out. It is in percolating mode and one day (today I thought, honestly) was as likely to be the tipping point as anything. Hang tight and keeping scouting out your next kill.
Divine Intervention....Vulcans don't believe in it, but a careful eye must be maintained when you have placed a sell order at 0.0045 and about 15 minutes before eod you're at 0.0044 and you duck back down a tad to close the day still holding it. Perhaps, I should hang on a bit longer . Is there a brief synopsis anywhere that explains exactly what happened to this stock for its share price to fall the way it has and for the company to be making the moves they are now making. I am unfamiliar with this situation and would like to learn more about it.
Much gratitude from your Happy Vulcan. I will be in my quarters for the balance of the night. Spock out.
Personally, I enjoy ( as much as a Vulcan may) watching 45,000,000 to 120,000,000 bounce around between ask and bid fields as if they are typographical errors. This activity tells me just about nothing useful and does nothing to enhance my investment decision-making process. How many times in the past month have I watched some enormous number of shares change hands in this stock , then watched tens of millions of "new" shares suddenly step out from behind the curtain and yell, "Gotcha!".
Those with a deeper insight into the finer working points of the market must be laughing until it hurts. In fact, I regularly watch another stock, an explicit P&D--not even trying to hide the fact-- outperform TIVU...an actual company with real employees and a market plan. I wonder where in the hyperpages of Investopedia I can learn what is really going on here.
It is easier to live in the holodeck than it is the real world.
Spock out.
A most sincere thanks to blah, nudlesj, jwez, et al for DD and analysis. Tivus is experiencing the labor pains any decent business with a new concept usually goes through. I don't know how big Tivus will be able to get, but I came looking for potential and I have found it...in spades, as they say. I am here for the long haul. A great concept ushered in by talented people..what more can one ask for? Again, we are in the right place and the right time is obviously on the way.
Vulcans do giggle, but we are not allowed to display it publicly.
First, re: earlier question to my post about small TIVU trades, I would be willing to accept that maybe one report could've been erroneous, but to see three (min) under 1500 shares, that is less likely to be erroneous reporting in my view.
As for R3: I am there with you. This new PR is great news, but as we all experiences here a few weeks ago, good "news" can mean little in terms of $$$$ value. That being said, it is becoming even more clear why some are long on TIVU. He is putting the right people in the right places. It cannot be easy to do when you don't have much cash (but if you do have more cash than you have previously had and you have willing partners who see potential and you have new income you did not have before) , but it gives a decent rational to diluting some shares ---to attract the right folks.
We are still in the right place, and it looks like the right time is coming, perhaps a tad sooner than maybe we had thought..but not tooooooo soooon.
BTW, was every single share traded yesterday a short share?
This morning, I am a Happy Vulcan. To Mr. Sulu, your April Fool's joke will not go "unpunished".
Though it does not show on the chart I look at, there were 3 dips today, possibly four, from .0004 to .0003 and then immediately back. Each time, the size of the order was between 1000 and 1500 shares!
I find it curious to say the least that these microscopic transactions continue to take place. As soon as they happen, they are, of course, immediately filled . I can't imagine buying less than a dollar's worth of a stock only to have to pay a commission on the transaction which is several times the cost of the investment. SO, is this some sort of account test? FOr example when I opened my ETR account, a a couple of tiny transactions were done to verify certain things about my new account.
This is definitely something I am going to investigate and learn from. It cannot be assumed it is a "normal" investment transaction.
Highly illogical.
The silence is deafening.
I remain cautious about ascribing much meaning to not seeing any new financials as this comp,any has a history of filing later rather than sooner. I have heard nothing negative. I believe Jwez did mention something about having to sign an NDA before being allowed to observe advertising meetings and as far as I know, he remains very long indeed on Tivus.
If the price continues to remain as it is, this , I would imagine, would make something like a merger or an acquisition an easier proposition from the buyer's perspective.
I am indeed fascinated by the momentary dips which seem to get addressed immediately every time they occur.That CANNOT be insignificant.(As for "new" shares, who must sign off on the distribution of additional shares? Anyone?)
I don't feel confident that the usual market/chart indicators can be terribly reliable in this case. Something is afoot. As all the information we do have of late is positive, I am taking the position that all of us are in a fantastic position. We are in the right place and the right time is likely very close.
Last, in a situation where NDAs are likely flying back and forth, this should indicate that a number of interests are hanging together to protect whatever it is they see Tivus becoming.
I have never seen a "perfect" cloaking device and I don't believe there is one now. I "feel" right.
(A little Vulcan humor there.) SPock out.
It seems very, very clear to me that "market manipulation" is in progress here. The supply/demand concept is being"pretzelized" into something very useful to someone, but that someone would not be the small investor. (This is my own opinion.)
In the past 3 weeks I have stood quietly on the sidelines of a couple of different stocks and watched as fantastic news was made public and the expected increase in share values did not manifest. The opposite occurred. The ones who benefited (so far)---and, yes, I have continued to watch very, very closely, are those who held firm .
Whatever manipulation seems to be occurring ultimately gives way under the pressure of real value. This company has real value and it certainly appears as though that value is not eroding in any way, so my thinking is that any big dips are , in fact, stupendous buying opportunities for those who see what I have been seeing.
Hold tight, reward yourself for your fortitude and your thick skin, set your specific investment goal for this gem and wait. Don't kill yourself refreshing your screen every ten minutes just to get "horriblized" by the momentary fluctuations every stock goes through.
Wanna hear a Vulcan joke?
Spock out.
From the "FWIW" dep't: A friend of mine called the OTC (not sure exactly who they called, they just said "the OTC") and were told they are currently running 3-5 business days behind updating new filings as relates to, among other things, quarterlies.
Perhaps, as they were on the the "k's" today, Tivus filings are still a couple of days away.
Curiously, both times TIVU recently dropped to 3 I had had a purchase order in and it did not get filled either time. That would tend to make me an UNhappy Vulcan, but I have my emotions in check and my phasers on kill just in case I should happen to find the guy who failed to fill my orders. No, I don't feel vengeance, I just see a value for the rest of us as I slightly modify ( read 'cleanse" ) the present gene pool.
Some things can just make my green blood boil.
Spock out.
The Bigger picture...... for those who may benefit from this perspective: The "pros" are making money regardless of which way this moves. They have the required capital to play short and make minor fortunes when small dips cause the squeamish to squeam..and the faint of heart to faint.
If you were among the many who just jumped on the bandwagon late last week and expected this to soar out of orbit putting you "poolside" by the end of trading today, some among you are now looking at this morning's chart and feeling "icky". You are telling yerself to get out while the gittin's not too horrible. The "pro" is banking on you doing exactly that and most of you will not let him down.
This is precisely the opportunity YOU need to add another millimeter to that otherwise thin skin you may have. Everyone can do the math and see that this stock is worth more than it is trading for so strap yourself in, take a shot of liquid courage and hold out for the gain you demand.
Then come teach at Starfleet Academy.
Just wish to make note that I have seen exactly this scenario play our within the last 3 weeks. Target stock is white hot with public interest. Market demand for shares is extremely high, Stock trades well above average number of shares per day which VPER is clearly going to do today.
Market price does not come even close to being a manifestation of demand. Watchdog entity is said to come around to ask why this is happening. All goes quiet.
I am NOT in any position to say this is what definitely is happening here, only that the appearance is remarkable similar. Bottom line: Do not be upset by the unexpected. We are in this stock for very good reasons. Hang tight, Stay long. There is no reason I can see for this little gem NOT to go where we expect it to go.
Spock out.
I have never made a post for this particular stock, but I have been watching it for about 10 weeks now. I am trying to learn from what happens here.
Perhaps someone among you can clear up a question I have. It is very obvious with minimal DD that this particular stock is , by any measure, an unwise investment. Yet, despite this, the stock does move a little bit, the tiniest steps possible, but steps none-the-less. At the risk of sounding beyond ignorant, what makes this happen? The actual dollar amount allegedly causing these moves is a few hundred dollars usually.
And for those of you who post here with some regularity, I often wonder what compels you to spend any of your time here. Is it simply that you wish to help others avoid making a bad move? I wouldn't blame you a bit. In fact, I'd probably do the same if I had spent any money on this one.
Thank you very much. Good luck to all of you.
Spock out.
To pennylandspirit
I will help you.
I very respectfully disagree that people do not buy when there is no news. I am a novice in a way, not many hours in the air as it were, but all of my experience is with stocks whose prices start with three zeroes after the decimal point. I cannot begin to count how many times I have watched these sorts of stocks move by 30 to 150 percent in just a few hours without a hint of any news anywhere that I can find.
I will admit I am deeply intrigued by this behavior and I endeavor to understand it better. At this point, it seems to me that stocks like these are traded by groups of people smaller than , say a thousand. Some are certainly insiders. These are the folks who get news that the outsiders can't get too often, but my suspicion is that if a few dozen people get wind of a significant development ( a rumor in most cases) this is all it takes for a spark to quickly turn into a fire. When the fire fails to turn into raging beast, most- who just don't really have thick enough skin to weather such wild conditions- jump ship.
I like the plan, mostly. My tweak would be to just leave the nice compliment and move on. Perhaps if we could become more than just faceless email inbox filler we could become welcomed communicators, he would warm up to us and see as as the real vult...uh, people we are, thereby feeling a bit more compelled to maintain a dialog with us.
What I do NOT want him to do is to spill beans that could be used against TIVUS in any way.
Good thinking.
One to beam up.
Insidious paranoia.
I was doing research on another company right now who appears to be in an interesting place because of moves made by what is believed by many to be a group of financial terrorists. It got me thinking about how effective such a strategy could be if used against a company like Tivus.
In short, the suggested strategy was to drop the value of the company's shares drastically, and-therefore- the investors' confidence, by going on a campaign of short selling, sometimes referred to as "naked" shorting.
The result has been that the shares are available at a stunning bargain. This company, however, has the financial power to weather out the storm. Tivus, on the other hand, is more vulnerable. The same same campaign waged by a competitor with deep pockets could quickly remove Tivus from the field of competitors and render the Tivus concept practically up for grabs.
As for LNET creating their own software to mimic what Tivus does, well, it had always been my understanding that companies do not like to spend money recreating a wheel that's already been designed by someone else. From that perspective, a partnership could makes more sense. LNET could just used the Tivus model and merge it with their own, probably for less than it would cost to redesign it from scratch. Strategic partnerships can be very lucrative, but I do not know if SP is the kind of gentleman who would rather see how far he can take it on his own even if such a partnership made more business sense.
Somehow, SP has gotten this far. Questionable financial decisions not withstanding, he must be placing some level of faith in his lawyers, accountants and advisers that they have his best interests at heart, that they know more about this aspect of the business than does he and that by keeping the competition guessing helps to keep them on the defensive instead of the offensive.
Since it has been shown to work at least on some level, then with minimal tweaking it is fair game for partnerships, mergers, franchises, buyouts. SP may now be "dumb as a fox" as the saying goes.
In the meantime, would it be a good move for SP to start quietly buying back shares in small amounts to start removing ongoing dilution from the table of inquiry?
Pretty chatty this morning for a vulcan, yes?
A HUGE Thanky to Jwez. Much appreciated.
Actually much can be gleaned form even that modest disclosure. And I am more than a little pleased ( for a Vulcan, anyway --[thanks, mother]that's a big deal) that SP returned the call in a reasonable amount of time and that he seems to have been candid.
If he has to cough up all this money to counselors and so forth, we must hope they are all giving him sound financial advice. His success is, to varying degrees, their successes.
I have to confess it cannot be an easy task to try and market to new potential clients while pursuing ongoing ads for places where the system is already up and running.
(Imagine trying to maintain a steady stream of ad content in Nebraska and in Pennsylvania at the same time....and , if you can fit it in, establish new client hotels in other cities.) Then there is all the billing and hand-holding that goes with bringing new ad-generating customers into the process. My expectation would then be that adding a few employees to help manage this new workload would be appropriate. Much advertising is on a net 30 to net 90 day turnaround so there could be significant fluctuations in the amount of cash in the till until their operation evolves to the self-sustaining point. At least SP probably gets breaks in the cost of hotel stays while he works deals out, right?
Again, thank you, Jwez. Great job. This is very helpful.
Off to my chess rematch with Chekov.( He will lose. Again.)
CJSTOCKSUP is on the money. I also think..no surprise here..that it may have been something of a setup to crank out some short sales. I'll have the ration a bit later today.
We've all been through this ride before. Hang tight. Don't panic. Every day this closes near any recent high OR breaks new ground is good for those of us who see a value in going long. We know the days of euphoria have just barely begun to knock on the door. Pull yourselves away from the monitor for awhile, like, the rest of the day. The stress of babysitting fluctuations that amount to, what, a few hundredths of a cent are SO not worth the aggravation they can cause.It's a great company. We know it. The market will catch up.
What doesn't kill you , makes you stronger.
Very illogical.
I had thought I heard (radio show) SP say that investors would be rewarded shortly and that he was looking forward to communicating with shareholders (SP interview).
This situation is not for the faint of heart. Hang tough. Hang tough. I just re-read their Q3 from 2011 and I found much more good in it that not good, that is for sure. Based on the choices they had to make to get where they were by September 30,2011 it is very clear that a course had been set upon earlier and that well-defined steps had been taken to get there. Those goals were largely met and the path for the next six months were established. From what little we heard going into the HOST convention, TIVUS was still on track. My own expectation is that the Q4 report will show continued growth, it will show evidence of a contract and it will outline in detail two other major installations they want to get completed this year.
I don't think ( my opinion only) dilution is how they like to raise capital, but they are keen to keep their debt load very low and only drop investment dollars where the business plan tells them to. They seem to have given themselves somewhat short, but reasonable timeframe to get things done and it appears to be working.
It would be helpful to know if they hit their target income production for the Doubletree people. Not that a failure to make the mark there would even come close to killing TIVUS, but it would place an expense obligation on them that would cut into the ad revenue they're generating now.
As for partnership, I won't get any windier here, I just would be surprised to see a partnership at this point. Someone buying TIVUS out seems like a more plausible scenario, but not in the short term.
Spock out.
I have been looking around for a new workhorse after just having made proper gains on a couple of others very recently. Based on the indicators I have been having success with, I may have just found my new beast of burden. I like what I see here. I need to do a bit more DD, but I am liking this much.
Hmmmmm. Fascinating.
I must say it is fascinating to see how impatient some can be. The last time..what, a couple of weeks ago..there was a hint of news, TIVU was ON FIRE. Even the smoke detector near my computer went off. Then what happened? Hundreds of millions of shares traded hands in a couple of days ( way above average volumes) and the price went where? Can you blame Tivus or their TA for going deep and dark? I bet neither is too willing to have a repeat of that play out any time soon. The entire episode is worthy of a healthy investigation IMO.
Now, reverse splits. I don't know how hard it can be to finance a baby company even with a signed contract in one's back pocket, but if you finance via dilution, is that smarter and cheaper than small business loans? Any pros want to to weigh in on that? If you finance part of your start up through dilution and you have an option to reverse a split it seems to me it MIGHT be a better option and it would help retain control rather than add unwanted integers to the debt side of the balance sheet.
If I understand correctly ( and I am sure I do), we're but a couple of weeks away from the time SP expected to be in full selling mode to have advertisers signing on. Since we know for a fact that some already did in time for the Host conference, it is easy to extrapolate that the company has now entered the income production phase. These hard data won't be public info for another 4 months but we're all smart enough to figure out this peach is ripening just fine.
As for partnership, I will have to turn my Vulcan brain to this question to see what logic dictates. To even have it be a plausible possibility testifies to huge potential some --in the right places-- see in the Tivus concept. The economy is waking up, companies are starting to spend a bitmore. Smart money appears to grabbing shares of this, sometimes in big chunks, at extraordinary bargain levels. Very logical. I have NO PROBLEM understanding why some are very long on Tivus. Aside from playing things quite close to the vest (not necessarily a bad thing) , everything else we can see looks the way it should look. If Host enters into a partnership it would be very wise to let Tivus have plenty of breathing room as it could become very big, very very quickly.
Back to the Holodeck. 3D chess with Chekov.
I think your point is completely valid and I am glad you saw fit to "rant". I am not merely listening, either. Every post I see here teaches me something. appreciate your post and I encourage you to continue. I must believe at some point, the words on forums populated by shareholders find their way to the board. This can't be a bad thing. Well done.
I am not sure about what exactly HOST has at risk, As far as Marriott is concerned, the notion was raised- and a good one I think- that there could be the appearance of conflict of interest or other impropriety if the Marriott cousins remained on the board.
As for the Marriott Four Seasons, I don't know what dollar amount, if any, they had made getting the Tivus system in house, but if it did NOT go well you do run a small risk of having a slew of unhappy customers for awhile, there may well be a contract to get out of -which will incur legal expenses if not a lawsuit, and you have the expense of retro-fitting your hotel with some other IPTV platform which , from the looks of it, is not a small matter.. and then there is the inevitable explanation to the big bosses. It also occurs to me that if Marriott had local ads running over the Tivus system and then you pull the Tivus system you run a real risk of losing some significant goodwill and reputation locally as neighboring businesses don't get any return at all in their investment in the system.
SO, maybe there isn't much in hard, short-term dollars at risk, but there is potential for fallout that could take alot of time to repair. Damage control could be a nightmare.
I think your question is a fair one and worthy of more thought, which I will do. Thank you.
One thing I feel comfortable with is human nature. I see a small group of guys going out, working very hard, spending time away from families to get something going. I see them getting real - world results and attention. I see them spending time doing the bullwork that people just generally don't do unless there seems to be good reason. From a human nature perspective, these guys are taking steps to continue moving forward in a positive way. Of course, it guarantees nothing, but like Jwez pointed out, they've done a hell of a lot of work in the past couple of years and they're NOT getting laughed out of the room. To convince a manager to put your system in an entire building full of rooms you got to have something worthwhile. Let's give them some credit for taking a good idea and turning it into reality. Short of them inventing a new wheel, I'd say we're as close to a sure bet as one probably gets in this game.I see no reason to bail on Tivus at all.
SPock out.
If Harris RF is the company providing digital media services in place of Echostar, that would be, possibly unprecedented as Harris is a very major player in the military communications industry. Providing this sort of content, while well within their abilities I am sure, does not seem like the sort of venture in which they'd participate. Interesting, to be sure.
For what it is worth, while we are all starved for news on which we can hang our hopes, there is some value in leadership that has an ability to go deep and silent when need be. Many an entrepreneurial type may have the intellectual goods to bring a great new concept to market while not possessing the communication skills (at least up front)to satisfy the insatiable wants of the investor. I agree they'd do well to keep investors apprised of the company's vital signs.. but if there just isn't news to print, I'd rather not read fluff, personally.
Gotta go, possible Klingon incursion into the neutral zone.