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Ortex update 74.56% SI of FF
I think so. Already hit $14.36 pre and over 4M volume.
Last post today. I should note that the conversion rate was based on the price like 6 months ago. Final conversion is based on 10 day average before merge. So a lot more bang for the buck at these levels.
That is of course if I read it right?
GL to all
We were even mentioned in a MW article I saw earlier. Word is still spreading.
Have not seen an update for many hours. 71% (+2%) at 2 o'clock today was last I saw
After hours pop and volume. Still think this is just starting. But what do I know?
Another 1K shares $12.89 Getting so deep in this one.....
Need it to break past $14.10 That would help restart it
Iborrow has a few at about 90% lending
YOLO'd another 5K shares at $13.23 average, (2 orders) Nerve racking. Took cost average up a hair
Bounced off $13.25 See if it holds. Lot of flippers should be out? I don't know.
SI increased OH MY!
Lending rate climbing fast
LOL. Did you mean $15? $14 and counting already
Wow, look at it go!
1M shares traded. Not even 9AM yet
Was that a quick pop to $11.49? Someone up early to get some shares.
I have no idea, personally I just watch charts, the novice I am, got to learn to trust my gut! Like I said I missed that $9 buyin today, my bad. I really hate averaging up, but maybe this has just begun?
One account I am averaged in at $6.97 the other $7.92 but a much, much larger position! Should have listened sooner. But to YOLO at my age is risky. Paper hands always scare me.
I remember riding GME up to $300+ seeing it drop to $175ish, on one day. I was still in the clear as I was in at $125, but that was scary on 2000 shares. Sold at $225ish, if I had held…..well it’s all history.
Everyone needs their own buy in and exit strategy, and their own pain points. I will never project, or ask anyone to hold, buy, or sell anything. Hell I may be out tomorrow, I may buy more. It’s a personal decision.
Again I want to thank Masterofdisaster as they were the ONLY one posting here a few weeks ago. Should have listened sooner, so kudos.
So what I saw on Ortex a whopping 6k bought back. This is just the start in my very novice opinion.
I don’t know can only post what I see.
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda bought more at $9 this morning. Had finger on buy button. Just have so many already.
Gotcha, thank you for the clarification
Didnt see any real covering on latest ortex posted. It was like 10K shares
Latest SI I just saw was still no real covering. Like 10K?
And I don't think those big blocks going through earlier is retail, so who?
Massive buys coming in. Just passed 10M shares traded today
Looks like we have a new battleground at $9.40
Seems so
Monday coming quick. Get ammo ready!
What I can’t figure is the data sets on numbers out there. Institutions maybe 25%? Insiders 64%? SI 70%? That’s like 160%?? What about retail?
The numbers just don’t make any sense to me. Maybe one of you smarter people can figure it out because I am apparently lost. Or just don’t understand the whole Float/AS/OS numbers. Are institutions based on A/S maybe? O/S?
Maybe it’s just bad data, I don’t know?
Help appreciated.
Latest data I found was Insider Shares 9,282,974 which Shares Outstanding 24,237,876 shares
Institutional Shares 4,193,460
It say insider ownership of the float is 64% I don’t know how accurate that is or what it is based on, or even how that is calculated with the 70% reported short interest.
Lot of questions with no real answers
I did see another report that institutions own 34%. No idea what the true float is.
On July 30, 2021, 24,237,876. Institutions hold about 20% leaving about 20M. Don’t have time right now to check how much insiders own.
What the Reddit crowd doesn’t seem to get, this isn’t retail “Paper Hands” IMHO. It’s shorts setting up the scenario that this won’t get higher than $11. Therefore everyone dumps soon as it gets close. Ever time it gets close there are massive options sold, maybe naked, maybe not. I don’t know, I am just a novice.
I just watch the charts, and my novice skills say this is a lot more shorted than believed. Either way I keep adding the dips. Sooner or later something will give. Just don’t know which way.
My personal belief is if this gets past $12 and change, it’s going to explode. Again, I am just a novice, do your own DD.
There is always next week. Exciting day to day, but I figured this was going to take several weeks to months. At least closer to 9/10. Word is still getting out.
Have a great weekend and appreciate all the DD
Yea, looking for an EOD rally. Just don't know....... They are really stacking that ASK
Latest Ortex I saw showed SI increased again. Man talk about digging in heals.
Checked Etrade twice today, still no shares to short available.
Yea. right now watching that $9.30 area. It looks to be a launch point. But this stock is wacky, who knows
Its fun to watch. At this time I am not counting chickens until we get into $30's. But that could change on a dime as well.
From what I am seeing shorts still have not covered, and in fact sold more?
Just incredible
But again, what do I know?