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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
That was heart-breaking! If it does, it will be exciting. But the rest of the country may be angry?
I hope you can get there soon.
Done! I have friends who suffer from this disease, and anything that may help is worth it.
That was writtien when you had pneumonia. How are you now? Are you still in Pensacola?
Well done. Me neither - I am patient.
She deserves it! Give her a hug from me and be thankful cb is nowhere nearby!
I know - you have a strong conference there. Will be some good games. Unfortunately, figure skating's world championships are this weekend too!
There is an article in the paper this morning about UAB and their style of play. Looks fearsome.
Un uh. Go KU!
I appreciate that!
Me too!
Ok - I did. We need to be able to sleep at night.
I can't read this.
Do I need to call a cab?
Right. Sure. You got it.
Which is?
Ha! Better behave or you will be out the door!
Good grief! What a line up!
I am sure you are not unique. <g>
I deleted your last post (not the one to which I am replying) because I didn't think it was appropriate.
You don't own anything! And if Pre sides with you, he's out of a job too! Off he goes from being a director (whatever that means!)
Oops! I thought he had just applied and it was not effective yet.
You're fired!
Hmph. We don't need any more - we are fully staffed.
Excuse me, this is MY private hot tub. YOU have never been invited and so know nothing about it.
I can't believe that. Sort of like those sonic machines which are supposed to keep pests away.
I can only imagine the lines some innocent young things will be subjected to.
I don't know where you two come up with this stuff!
I personally selected these fine, upstanding women. Otherwise, I would not let them visit my hot tub!
I see this!
Welcome. Burpzilla and PennyKing. Pay no attention to Original. I control the girls - we have a nice bunch of retired librarians for the wait staff.
How are you feeling today? Any better?
Of course not. We're here.
LOL! Who let all these flies in here? Chas! Go get some bug spray!!
LOL! I meant you made it over here!
The important thing is - you made it!
Original! Is that you?
At 7 in the morning??
Gee, thanks. <g>
And chocolates!
Chocolates for everyone! Diets don't count today!!
Oh, I wish I had known that! I played Even and Red for someone and won! Rudi was playing 10 and 24 for her daughter.