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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I know that!
I'm busy!
Hmph! Go ahead, rub it in.
Ha! As if!
Carrot cake was the choice at the wedding I attended this past weekend. A great one. <g>
So, I shall bake you a carrot cake.
Forgot your birthday? What a shame! You are welcome to stay, have your favorite food and beverage on the house, and I'll bake a cake for you! What kind do you like?
You too, MK. But too many visits to those casinos and cocktail waitresses will end up costing you a bundle!
Yes! Mt. Rushmore and all that. I love that movie.
No, I haven't. Funny you should mention the Black Hills. My exterminator came early this month because he is going there this weekend for a vacation. I told him I wanted to hear all about it.
I just remember North By Nothwest.
That is cool! How long will it take to finish the monument?
Your heart is in the right place.
I agree. So it is not just me.
I went to bed! LOL
The length of time to load (I have cable) and the noise.
It is really confusing.
LOL! How dumb can you get?
Not at all. YOu get the jist. <g>
LOL! Perfect! But plagiaristic!
I don't know anyone who doesn't like this.
I don't run a hotel!
Does that include lodging and meals?
LOL! We know, Chas, we know. I hope your 4th was a very nice and safe one.
Excellent, excellent!
Yea! Same to you and to everyone!
Good luck, then!
The ibox is merely the header you see when you click on the main thread link. I updated it yesterday with a new photo and Original will put in some music.
Excellent! It should be our theme song!
Thank you for stopping by. Make yourself at home. We stock everything, which is the big benefit of cyber bars.
But not by the Bar owner. By the staff. Of retired librarians, to thwart Chas.
Depends. <g>
Mustard? Ketchup? Onion?
LOL! I promise.
A general comment here. I know this election will polarize people, but I stress that this Bar will be free from that. This is a fun place for everyone to relax, chat, have something to eat and drink, be casual, lurk, that sort of thing.
That is why they had to excuse themselves for a few minutes, while they went outside in front to eat them.
That is one thing this Bar will not stock.
Then we'd better get some more. Afterwards I can see that I will need to keep the refrigerator locked.
We will keep it warm, friendly and well-stocked for passersby.
Thank you and Original for all you have done for the Bar. What a weekend!!