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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Sniff. Maybe I should just close the Bar.
See how easy it is? Help yourself to the "cupid M&Ms" in that bowl over there.
So I don't get one? After all the free drinks!
Is that my Valentine?
Yes, Wash U always seems to have the debates. I have taken some graduate courses there too.
Nope - not in St. Louis. Sunny, cold but will warm to the 40s.
LOL! Neither would win a prize!
I can't believe how unattractive those guys are.
My favorite commercial was the one where the Clydesdale colt pulled the wagon.
I am sorry I wasn't here - and am late in responding! I did have a good excuse, though!
LOL! You are probably correct!
A lousy game - and the officiating was dreadful. The NFL better do something about that.
Silly me!
What does it taste like?
What is it? What do you sell?
Phew! I figured but I like to hear you say it anyway!
Bad one, huh? May this week be chirpy!
What a week we have had! Up and down market; Osama rearing his ugly head; politics as usual; you name it!
Anyway, I am going to have a drink.
I have seen that before and have always loved it. Thank you for putting it here.
I sure will!
He posts on some threads on SI - so I "see" him there. Why don't you send him a PM here?
Some people just never want to grow up. <g>
And your bankie too?
You're welcome. I am glad you all were able to come.
Funny how that happens. <g> I completely understand.
I have 3 cats who are all the ssame age. They all eat the same amount of food. Two are related. One of the related weighs about 10 pounds more than the others and I cannot figure out why. Maybe some are just prone to obesity!
OMG - that cat!!! The poor thing!
It was so ridiculous! Did theythink your plane would fall out of the air? COme on!
You're right. I didn't do anything either.
I remember how they started in the Far East and went around the world. A non-event.
It seems like only yesterday everyone was worried about Y2K.
Hi, mick. How are you feeling this morning? <g>
Only a few hardy souls could accomplish that!
LOL! Oh, let him sleep. I'll put a blanket over him.
And now everyone is still abed!
I have to leave for awhile so I expect you all to behave!
I am sure she would be most appreciative.
Freeze them or incorporate them into a fruitcake for your aunt.
No! Christmas was last week!