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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
The only thing removable here is your money
Yes, the scammer's ...
This stock is fully owned by scammer! Do bot buy !!! whas a scam site and is now dead!
To LA4321, do you not fell like talking to a wall????
Could be
This stock is fully owned by scammer! Do bot buy !!! whas a scam site and is now dead!
only 2?
Just sel your share then.
casino always win
Unlike gamestop, it unstopable...
I don't think so:
Remote server returned '550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try 550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or 550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at 550 5.1.1 ay44-20020a05620a17ac00b0077f0afe9b46si1094935qkb.275 - gsmtp'
Relax in dubai:
For thos who's still not believe this is a scam: the CGCX.IO site is down for "upgrading" since days and who's own millions shares (lol) they can send mail to for clarifications BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🤔
Those kind of people need to go to jail!
I just will told you don't play casino, it will rope you
don't invest your money in stock, it will rope you
don't buy bitcoin, it will rope you
don't do anything and you will always have your money safe
invest in your bank trust and earn 2% at the end of the year
Serioulsy man, if you don't take risk, just earn 1 or 2% year.. But don't think byuing a stok today will you earn 10000% tomorow...
Investement is time meaning.. like poker... need to carefully put in the game !
are you not happy?
I don't know, like you I guest...
100% agree, why shareholders are buying thing ? Just because they hope updates ? it is ridiculous ^^ lol
No Idea, I am not into finance, just a investor...
Has I rember PTEL going to 0 value so it was 100% loss but it was more than 10 year ago...
It's off to a good start and I'm proud to contribute a little to this new company which helps save our little planet.
In resto spect DUTV was a weed company... btw I though it was digital tv company
And Ptel ...what is that?
I feel like a very noob on OTC but it is funny...
but yes 12,000,000 may seem a lot today but with inflation, in 10 years it will be 10 times less
To see Mister Mg, he invests 100% in his project, I may think but if I have 12,000,000 $ I stay quietly at home and enjoy the life I have left.. Who can win 12,000 .000 while working as an employee in a company?
like the buisness today or I don't know OTC... I see company that have a buisness in somthing and the becam completly different... it is very very strange us buisness... like MJWL, it was a transportation company and then overnight it became a cryptocurrency company
@.000x result of split.... and nothing to do with current management
You mean 0.05 by end of day?
"has to start making his presence known" that the point He cleary say I don't need your money, I do it with or without you ...
Episode is still there, go to "Learn More About the NEXT Unicorn" and move to the right ...
You can watch the episode right now :
4 yes 3 no
Why? It is exactly the same has OTC
I need your crystal ball
Does it end with a religious war?
more serious:
This stock was "LPS" and it is not the case anymore that's all I have to say.
Any stock listed as LPS on my stock list cost me 5€ per month.
What? Unicorn crypto has nothing to do with dutv!
Level 10 show X100
you mean 0.015?
you hope
oh, twitter always gives the right information
Where do you see it?
should be refer too inside z notes I think...