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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
The reverse stock split occurred because Citadel, Goldman coordinated with MMs to sell the stock to under $1 in order to frustrate to Foxconn deal, destroy shareholders (unintended victims), as they stalk me and attack any stocks I own. I have several active ongoing SEC, DOJ, FBI complaints regarding the fraud/crime. "CRIME," because they also hacked my PCs to gather information to continue manipulating stocks in my portfolio. These are facts that are contained in the complaints with regulators and FBI.
You can see on why the MMs are coordinating to manipulate RIDE. See Twitter posts under @igbo_man.
Haahaaahaaa! I battled the AXIS OF EVIL NASDAQ, ARCA, EDGX plus BATS on this name and won.....just like the US won against it's own Axis. APPLAUD ME
I've given you CRIMINALS time to repent and leave me the heck alone. You DOUBLED DOWN. I will give you anoround of this war!!! Stop stealing my DATA!!!!!!
CRIMINAL MARKET MAKERS stealing our data, remember that will remain the supplicant snake that coils at your doorstep. It is your painful obligation recourse to cry as you attempt to kill me!!!
Market Specialists from ARCA, BATS, NSDQ and EDGX are CRIMINALS parading as market makers. The bid question is, how do we send them to the jail they belong!
Yes. Unbelievable what happens in this business. It is much that people don't see. I have a huge book coming out soon
Market Makers: I must confess that I didn't know much about these guys when our beef started. It's been quite a journey!!! Now, I know!
So the CRIMINALS making market here seatnon the stock at $1.02 all day waiting for me to sell. Instead, I load. Then after hours they try to cover some. Fraudulent CRIMINALS parading as market Specialists.
These CRIMINAL market Makers are still following me around and I am committed to ensure they spread their employers money and resources as far as I can stretch them. The fight has resumed!!!!!
Nice to watch these CRIMINAL market Makers lose their pants here!!!
This has been soooooo much fun from $0.139 just six trading days ago. Wasn't this so apparent??? I mean, even if Joe wasn't going to win (which I never doubted fo once), the company just converted the debt at $0.16. So it was free money that my market maker detractors decided to give me. I will take that!!!
I am suing for peace more Red or Blue States. MMs....Citadel, let's make that happen. At the end of the day, it's all about making money. Cheers!
Cracking up all day here as I watched the crooked MMs play around for me to sell to them. Loaded this at $0.49 on the demented sell-off. It was $8 prior. So, the rest of my shares will see $8.
That P&D trade might have been complicated by my entry into the stock. If you read my other posts, you may understand why the stock is now under $2. Me!
APPLAUD ME!!! Imagine how smart you gotta to be to take on an entire caravan of criminals parading as market makers and yet be smashing them to shreds.....even with all that bank and investor cash that they have free reign for gambling. I wish I am dealing with them one on one....the bankruptcy courts would have been swarmed by now. Of course these CROOKED Specialists criminally follow my trades, they know none of them could be a match. So they have to call on like-minded crooks and serial Securities bad boys like Citadel etc to help. LMFAOO again and again.
LMFAOO....played a little game with CRIMINALS covering their DUMB shorts!!!
Funny, I still have a bid at $0.07 while CROOKED Citadel is selling around the bid to $0.685. Crooks acting kn our market system. With all the SEC actions against Citadel's, they still relish securities fraud. Amazing!
Back in the days, I'd start buying and these CRIMINALS would gang up aga6me pushing the stocks to ridiculous levels. Then I didn't even know that these market makers have shared my identity to each other for the purpose of trading against me until I exited. So I'd sell at some point and they'd dance the stocks up. It wasn't until UAVS and INTEQ that it became apparent that most of the CRIMINALS parading as Specialists including Specialists from all the major exchanges, have formed an alliance to trade specifically against me.
So, every morning since then, I'd sing the first song that I learnt during naval training at Great Lakes, Il: I DON'T KNOW BUT I'VE BEN TOLD!
I don't know but I've been told
I don't know but I've been told
That criminal market Makers are out for me
That criminal market Makers are out for me
From NASD, from ARCA, from EDGX , from Cdel
From the exchanges, from the exchanges
From serial fraudster Citadel
But I don't know but I've been told
I don't know but I've been told
That criminal Exchange Specialists are out for me
That criminal market Makers are out for me!!!
LMFAOO...the CRIMINALS making market are trading against many times will I post this bro? But, I am taking advantage....on my way to 200k shares now. Waiting for $0.13s and $0.12s....let's ho, IDIOTS, we can get there, right? After all, you fools lose nothing much, you just sell to each other and square the gains later. Let's do that, let's do that NOW!!!
I tried buying more from the serial Securities fraudsters at Citadel at 6.5 cents. They filled like 300 shares. Well I pulled the order and had to take a few dollar losses to add to SNDL...unfortunately, because this can only be bought from just one of our brokers, Fidelity and Firstrade won't permit any bouys, I have to grab some whenever I can. Besides, there's no hurry here and I have tons of it.
Do these fools do anything else except collectively strategizing how to.make Keekee lose a thousand or two??? You get amused and annoyed the same time, knowing that these fools get paid to be violating the laws and rules of the industry feeding them. You can only hope someday a new crop of folks will come and clean up the retards....either by exposing them or jailing them.
It's only 140k shares from serial Securities bad boy, Citadel to spite me. Os is almost 12 million. I bought 17000 today by the way, did get the low, so I will retry.
Trying to give the IDIOTS at Citadel opportunity to sell higher than yesterday. Bidding for more at $0.092...yet IDIOTS only sold 200 shares to me. I early got 19=800 at $0.091. Added a penny for them....come on. Let's fill that
Because these exchanges make tons of money from these traders and criminal specialists, they just turn a blind eye. Same happened in the case of the lone spoofer, Navinder Singh Sarao. There was a five-year delay in arresting the criminal, accused of exacerbating the 2010 Flash Crash—one of the most turbulent periods in the history of financial markets. That delay placed the self-regulatory bodies such as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange & Chicago Board of Trade under scrutiny. "The CME was described as being in a "massively conflicted" position as they make huge profits from the HFT and algorithmic trading."
Although Congress outlawed the practice in 2010, what we're are seeing in trades on TOPS, etc is exactly spoof trades being perpetuated these racket of market specialists representing all the major exchanges. Unfortunately, the law is slow, only 20 traders have been charged so far, but the DOJ is intensifying that effort. Most reasonably, investors don't complain because they saw what appeared to be normal. But, at the heart of these crimes is the erosion of integrity in the market system!
See the kinds of criminal enterprises NASDAQ uses these days as Market Makers. Google: Citadel Securities, Quantlab Loom Over Trial Probing Whether Human Traders Tricked Machines:
"CHICAGO—Citadel Securities’ headquarters stands across the street from this city’s federal courthouse. The high-speed trading powerhouse had an even closer view when one of its traders began testifying Friday in a criminal trial over market manipulation known as spoofing.
Citadel Securities and Quantlab Financial LLC, another electronic trading firm that uses computer models to automate buying and selling, have loomed over this week’s trial. The firms were allegedly victimized by the spoofing of two former Deutsche Bank precious-metals traders, who are fighting fraud charges against them.
Attorneys for the two former traders, James Vorley and Cedric Chanu, deny the charges and have attacked a basis for the case—that the men defrauded “supercomputers” by flooding the market with phony orders that gave a misleading picture of supply and demand, also known as spoofing. The orders were in fact genuine because any participant, defense attorneys countered, could trade with them before they were canceled.
Some critics of the Justice Department’s spoofing crackdown say prosecutors have turned routine behavior into a crime on a par with insider trading, while the alleged victims are often computerized trading firms that update or cancel orders in milliseconds. Many investors say the enforcement is justified because rampant spoofing undermines the integrity of prices.
Since Congress outlawed the practice in 2010, the Justice Department has charged 20 traders with spoofing-related crimes and eight have pleaded guilty."
Why are we posting these information: Because we have 111 followers here, and a good number of them are these exchange specialists criminalizing the industry. We want to ensure that knowledge of the criminal nature of their actions is imputed on them!!!
Some Nasdaq market makers have also worked improperly
together in this way to fill customer orders or to reduce
inventory exposure.-[60]- In such cases, a market maker
having a sizeable customer order or an inventory imbalance called
upon other market makers to coordinate their quotations and
transactions with the requesting market maker. The fact that a market maker used these arrangements when engaged in buying or selling securities for a customer was typically not disclosed and may have violated the duties owed by the market maker to its customer.
Such undisclosed collaboration can injure the interests of
both retail and institutional investors. A market maker
representing a customer order is required to obtain the most
favorable terms for its customer that are available under the
circumstances. See, e.g., Opper v. Hancock Securities (Supplied by us: Opper v. Hancock Securities Corporation, 250 F. Supp. 668 (S.D.N.Y. 1966)).
" The following taped conversation illustrates this
type of coordination. On June 17, 1994, a market
maker (Market Maker 1) in the common stock of AES
Corp. (AESC) had an order to buy a quantity of
AESC stock. Market Maker 1 entered a bid of $18
1/4, a quarter point above the other bids in the
market, to attract sellers. Another market maker
(Market Maker 2) had an order to sell AESC stock.
Market Maker 2 called and asked Market Maker 1 to
lower its bid because Market Maker 2 wanted to pay
less for the stock it was buying (as the
counterparty to the order to sell that it had received.
MM 2: I just seen [sic] you go 1/4 bid. Without like
going through a whole bunch of, you know, **** **** I
know I got a bunch of these for sale at the opening. I
would rather buy them at 18, if you know what I'm
saying. If there's a ticket to write, I will write it
with you [meaning I will sell some AESC stock to you if
you are looking to buy some].
MM 1: There absolutely is a ticket to write.
MM 2: OK.
MM 1: I can make a sale at the opening myself.
MM 2: You can?
MM 1: Yes.
MM 2: OK, so.
MM 1: As long as it's -- I can go down . . . .
Trading records indicate that Market Maker 1 dropped
its bid price to $18. Market Maker 2 proceeded to
purchase 8,000 shares of AESC stock at $18. In the
meantime, Market Maker 1 sold 16,700 shares at $18 1/2
to its customer, of which 7,500 shares were sold short.
Market Maker 2 subsequently sold 6,500 shares to Market
Maker 1 at $18 1/4. Market Maker 2 injured the
interests of the seller by asking Market Maker 1 to
lower its bid price so that Market Maker 2 could pay
$18 per share, rather than $18 1/4 (a difference of
$2,000 for the entire trade). Market Maker 1 was also
a participant, since it changed its bid at Market Maker
2's request, to create a deceptive appearance to the
market, and made it harder for th
Citadel, the bad boy of the securities industry, leading GTS Securities and PUMA in a ravaging securities fraud against an investor! Time is running out!!!
"You know, some of market makers here were able to know our trading identity by the numbers and times of purchases we publish. They shared this data and conspired to trade against us...even to the point of ridiculousness and criminality. That helped us to but some cool PFDs here around $3. They haven't given up. And there is an active SEC complaint specifically on this now. We post this information for folks to know what happens in this business. A lot of criminals or people that have a great dislike for law and regulation, were hired as market specialists and they just follow the criminal way...using institutional resources. They share information about their targets with other associated market makers and the system and all its orderliness continues to suffer. The SROs are incapable of policing these criminal specialists. And we hope that the SEC can, though that is a far cry, given the explosion in the securities industry these days. Individual investors' actions like the campaign we are spearheading may be the ultimate: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING! Slowly the long arm of the law will catch up to these criminal specialists!!!"
You know, some of market makers here were able to know our trading identity by the numbers and times of purchases we publish. They shared this data and conspired to trade against us...even to the point of ridiculousness and criminality. That helped us to but some cool PFDs here around $3. They haven't given up. And there is an active SEC complaint specifically on this now. We post this information for folks to know what happens in this business. A lot of criminals or people that have a great dislike for law and regulation, were hired as market specialists and they just follow the criminal way...using institutional resources. They share information about their targets with other associated market makers and the system and all its orderliness continues to suffer. The SROs are incapable of policing these criminal specialists. And we hope that the SEC can, though that is a far cry, given the explosion in the securities industry these days. Individual investors' actions like the campaign we are spearheading may be the ultimate: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING! Slowly the long arm of the law will catch up to these criminal specialists!!!
I have invited the SEC to look at the tapes of these stocks. I supplied ten stocks and I do hope that the SEC acts to protect this primary mission.
"Improper co-ordination of trades by market makers creating a false or misleading appearance of trading activity in the Nasdaq market" This is violative of the antifraud provisions of the market.
This is exactly what we have going on in CANF. See our posts on TOPS too. MARKET MAKERS are criminally coordinating their trading in the stock and squaring each other. THIS IS CRIMINAL!!!
THE SEC further found: Read and see the kinds of criminals we have as market makers:
"The investigation has determined that a number of Nasdaq
market makers have coordinated quotations, trades, and trade
reports with other Nasdaq market makers for the purpose of
advancing or protecting the market makers' proprietary trading
interests.-[58]- By engaging in such conduct, these market
makers may have acted contrary to the best interests of their
customers and created a false or misleading appearance of trading
activity in the Nasdaq market.
For example, the tapes reflect numerous occasions in which
market makers have asked other market makers to move their
displayed quotations in a particular direction to help the
requesting market maker trade (often with customers) at prices
more favorable to the requesting market maker. The requesting
market maker generally disclosed his or her intentions for future
price movements and transactions to the cooperating market
makers. Cooperating market makers acceded to these requests
because of an expectation that the requesting market maker would
reciprocate in the future. Such cooperative activity improperly
influenced prices, often at the expense of investors, while
creating an inaccurate picture of market conditions. The market
makers involved in such conduct may, depending upon the facts and
circumstances of each particular situation, be deemed to have
engaged in unlawful manipulation of the market or otherwise
violated applicable antifraud provisions of the federal
securities laws or NASD rules."
"The Exchange Act contemplates that the U.S. securities
markets shall be "free and open"-[28]- with safeguards "to
protect investors and the public interest."-[29]- Vigorous
price competition is a hallmark of a free and open market and is
critically important to the efficient functioning and regulation
of a dispersed dealer market. Because Nasdaq market makers trade
securities which are otherwise fungible, price should be a
principal means of competition in the Nasdaq market. Any
significant hindrance to price competition impedes the free and
open market prescribed by the Exchange Act. The investigation
found that certain activities of Nasdaq market makers have both
directly and indirectly impeded price competition in the Nasdaq
BUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN NASQ, BATS.ARCA, EDGX, PHLX, Citadel, PUMA, GTS Securities, etc form a racket to trade against particular investors that post on social media??? That is the big question before the SEC. No doubt these actions were not permitted by the management of these institutions. BUT, shouldn't someone police the foot soldier specialists engaging in these criminal acts?????
"Vigorous inter-dealer competition was seen as assuring
efficient price discovery, narrow spreads, absence of collusive
opportunity, and the self-enforcing effects for which self-
regulation strives."
"In addition, media accounts reported widespread
allegations that market makers routinely refused to trade at
their published quotes, intentionally reported transactions late
in order to hide trades from other market participants, and
engaged in other market practices detrimental to individual
But what happens when BATS, NSDQ, EDGX and ARCA, and serial securities fraudsters like Citadel form a racket to trade and oppress individual investors!!! That is the subject of or complaint now to the SEC!
"Vigorous inter-dealer competition was seen as assuring
efficient price discovery, narrow spreads, absence of collusive
opportunity, and the self-enforcing effects for which self-
regulation strives."
But what happens when BATS, NSDQ, EDGX and ARCA, and serial securities fraudsters like Citadel form a racket to trade and oppress individual investors!!! That is the subject of or complaint now to the SEC!
"The investigation revealed that the Nasdaq market has not
always operated in an open and freely competitive manner. Nasdaq
market makers have engaged in a variety of abusive practices to
suppress competition and mislead customers."