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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I agree it needs to be the top priority. It's the key to the future success of this stock.
I love this board! I really like Neostem(NBS).It's been such a great investment for me. I just purchased my first block of BCLI today. I think that the stem cell sector has a lot of potential.
Very interesting info. I just got into this stock today.It looks like it has potential.
It's really nice to see the increase in volume too.
I agree.It's nice to see some movement here.
I would love to see us hit $2 again.:) This has been a really good stock for me.
Thats a good question. After this 2nd split i'm totally wiped out. So i'm assuming it will just disappear.
I'm wondering same thing. It would be nice to know the status of the r/s.
ARNH-This week the company announced a 2500 to 1 reverse split. The previous year they did a 1500 to 1 r/s.So over the course of a year the company has done a 4000 to 1 reverse split. It's a real shame how some of these OTC stocks destroy shareholder value.It's just sad.
I hope that you are right. I continue to hold my shares. I'm hoping for the best. I still see potential here.Would love to see an increase in the pps.:)
It's really sad how PCFG has ended up. I sold mine awhile back for a loss.
Are you still bullish about GSX? The price lately has been disappointing.I think things could turn around though.At least I hope.:)
Very nice to see the product in stock at Amazon and that orders are being filled.
I just took a small position here today.I'm hoping it turns out to be a good one.I see a lot of potential in this co.Time will tell.
Some great entertainment over there.I've never seen anything quite like it.
I like AAPT.Imo it looks like it could be a good one.
I got my Adia order today.I placed the order on friday night and it was delivered today via USPS.It was packed professionally and the shipping was prompt.I ordered the orange drink mix.It has a great taste and it's really good for you.I'm sure that i'll order more in the future.After trying the product i'm even more enthusiastic about my investment in Adia.
Thanks for the chart.It's really nice to see the volume increasing here.
I'm not complaining.I like TSNP. I wouldn't have invested if I didn't think it had a lot of potential. It's one of the few .0001 stocks with actual revenues.
Yes,ADIA and that other hidden gem are my 2 favorites right now.:)
I hope so.It does seems like a good company.I look at it as a lotto play.If things start to move i'll be very happy!:)
I got some more today too.I'm hoping we see great things in the months ahead.
I picked up some more shares today.Everything really seems to be coming together here.Imo the future looks bright.
I just got in to this stock today.I think this company looks very promising.
Thanks for all the work you are doing for LKEN.I've held this one for a long time now.It would be great to see this company come alive and get some return on our investments. Let's hope for the best.
It's a real shame what happened here.I'm glad that I didn't invest too much.I feel sorry for those that did.
Nice to see you back
I just added some more too.I look forward to seeing what the future brings for NBRI.
I'm afraid I have to agree.I think the trips will be here soon.I got caught in the last RS so I don't have many shares left. Sometimes I think about buying more and averaging down.But,I just don't have any faith in the people that run ARNH.
This stock looks interesting.I'm keeping an eye on it.Glad to see you back by the way.:)
I added some more today.I think this has a lot of potential.At least I hope it does.:)
I've been looking at this one for a long time now.I finally decided to buy a small amount today.I'm hoping that this will be a good long term stock.I see some potential.
I'm new to this stock.But,I really like the potential here.This company seems to have a lot of good things going for it.
I just got bought my first block of this stock looks like an interesting company with good potential.
I'm down about 50% on my investment.I think i'm going to buy more too.I really hope that Eddie will be able to get things done.Time will tell.I'm certainly hoping for the best.
I agree, I don't think he will ever file.This one looks to be dead and buried.I had high hopes for this stock at one time.I think in the right hands the machines could have been a hit.
The commercial is very impressive.I see a lot of potential in this company.I've placed a bid to acquire my first small block of this stock.I look forward to being a stockholder and watching this co hopefully grow.:)
I think that this company has a lot of potential.I've been adding more recently.I look at this stock as a long term investment.It will be interesting to see what happens here.
I just got into this one today. It looks like it has some potential. Lets hope that 2012 will be a great year for SNDY.
Great post! That sums it up very nicely.I've held this one for awhile and I added more shares today.I agree that it seems to be a good company heading in the right direction.I'm excited about what the future may bring to the co.