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Good News in !!!! CA-BOOOM Shorts take cover LOL IMO
"he Company identified key input parameters in five specific aspects of its production operations that contributed to the exceptional results in the spring trials. "
WOW more than 1M share traded in the first 15 min imo
If your read between the lines imo i think you will find out that we can expect more PR's and payed promo during the next 6 months
If i understood currect the payed promo will be ending in 6 months time - so i think that by than the company will not need those promo as the news will be coverd by others for free... That's only my 5 cents....
Thank you Igotthemojo.
Could we even start to translate this outstanding msg, into numbers via PPS?
I fully understand that what is pointed out could take 2,3,4,5 yeras to build , active and start seeing mass prod. and sales from those future new bases for production...
For that to happen it should jump around 760% in a time line of around 6 weeks .
Could it ? it depends on many factors ...
Will it? nobody really knows we can only hope ...
How did the number 1.00PPS get to the net? i do not know how did someone get to this number and not 0.77PPS or 1.11 for that matter.
We all wait for some more info. hope to get better understanding
I know you understand techniacls and i do not but do i spot a cup form?
Many thanks.
breaking 0.12 and imo 0.15 tomorow with expection for next week... IMO
Looks like a thin layer of resisitance imo....could be easy break upwards imo
Wthi all the good new , KT should feel comeratable to publish heavy vol. PR's from now on imo.
But i did read you post on the cost of PR's so i understand it if he will need to cut back on sum of PR and bomb us with few PR"S with a WoW effect .
I think that yesturday strated the march up to the point of tens of cents .
Let see if voulme is high as well to back this idea also. long.
The Solical Media is on to KBLB after yestirdays PR -IMO
Hopefully the investors out there will stop looking at KBLB as a "roulette wheel" like you pointed out and more as a good investment for the mid-long run. imo.
Now that we have factes and data i hope KT could start sharing names, contracts , sums, that might give us an idea where the pps and company is going in the next few weeks and months a head.
"Thompson is now returning to the U.S. to enact the next stages of its spider silk production expansion plan and complete the Company's transition from a technology developer to a large-scale spider silk manufacturer".
"unabashed success" says KT lets see what MM NITE has to say about it
"it isnt that long from is doing just need for him to get hasty...and ill add that i dont think mass production will get us to a dollar...i think that and a combination of other things will..."
As i understand from your former postes this could/might/should / will happen ->1.00PPS by June?
Oh whats another month after 15 years (-: lol... let see
A. Like you i am bullish.
B. Like you i am frustrated.
C. Like you i ask if this is so good than how come the word is not getting out there... ( and do not listen to those that say :"cause we are in otc land" - i , imo do not buy it ...).
D. If KT knows that this time we are heading for the real thing (PPS wise) than why not share this with the financal world , or, is this just a matter of time till he does.
E. I am in from 2009. And so does alot of the pepole who post hear. Some are very negative and some are more than positive ( thinking evey year is the year...sice 2009 lol).
F. I think that there is a lot of FOMO going on via LT investors .
Good luck
Yes. I agree. And will wait till the end of the show or a few minutes before that. it dipendes on the pps....i read your 1.00PPS till Jun 2024 i hope for both of us it will even pass it and continue ( will minor setbacks)
"All the lights are green"??!? NITE the MM is blocking the bid&ASK for some time now IMO....
If the word is out and some think that the pps could get to 0.15PPS by the end of April and 1.00PPS till end of June 2024 why dont we see that Volume wise , PPS wise, Social Media wise , Neswpaper wise in VM and U.S i hope it will get there but i can not see any indection - The worse thing for KBLB - IMO- is the OTC could it be also the best thing for it once things get to the place KT wants it to be at in 2024?!? Time will tell ...Good luck to us long term. P.S why does NITE - MM blocks the prices each day? will they be run over whhen news comes?
nice good luck to us! Long terms.
I also think more news could come by end of year - could be in the form of the EOY letter or a PR.
During Nov. i got 100K shares for 0.026 thanks for a LT limit order - that nice due to the fact that we are near the 0.04 pps area.
I one on Thus. Dec.15th. 100K for 0.034 - yes some will say i payed to much but MT i think we will see the pps in the tens of cents and in the LT could pass 1$pps - imo. Yes it needed sime thinking out of the box for a KBLB LT investor 14 years now but after seeing that photo of KT with the Spidersilk that i think i the begining of a new fase for the LAB and investors. Showing the start of proof of consept is something we are not used to lol....just for that i leave some room for optimisim or elase some of us longs would not still be here.
Good Luck and thanks for all your intake Sickzone i am sure we all love reading your take on the lab and the progress!
A vote of confidense on my part.imo.
i got 100K share yesturday at 0.026 set a limit some weeks ago and forgot about it.
having said that i understand that some of the sellling is due to end of year tax for some.
Like i understand that we could a expect a letter by KT as evey EOY come Dec.
No news from Kings or the lab or the US army.
I hoped to have those shoot pack protect ISR in battle again Hamas-ISIS....
I hold.
I hope they'll get a buyout offer so that we can make some money out of this after so many years...
what ever happen to the deal, 40M USD was it?
The US Army contract or is it the Airforce?
Interviews, spceiall doc. on kblb - was i dreaming? guess so )-:
But i hold and i hope...
Let me ask you this dear Arachnodube
Do you see something happening till the end of Q4 23 that could change the pps? i mean something thay could get the pps 10 time the current pps?
I hope it will but do not see this happening due to past history. Many thanks!
KBLB anf the LT investors will have there day. imo.
Do you really think we are in for an up trande?
0.0365 PPS i did not expect to see this price mid. Q3 2023...
Hope you are right
but lets wait with the champagne...
it aint signed till it signed imo..and with KT we most likely we wont hear about
it if nothing would come out of it.
Alot of data to digest...imo
"Beyond the creation of additional robust production strains of our spider silk transgenics, our research team has been quietly working over the last months on multiple projects that we hope to begin sharing more details on soon".
Interestingly, this is a conclusion that more and more people who write here lately are reaching. Long-term investors here have actually done a "doctorate " on the company and on the competitors, so these conclusions cannot be ignored.
"i kept thinking that the AF would want to weaponize spider silk...but im starting to think that maybe this is really all about the Space Force"...
This might explane to us yeras of secrecy.
Could it be that KT did not update on moves coserning the Army simply because they did let him?
For years we judged him harshly for that...if there is some breaking news coming form that area , some posters will eat there hat ... as we say ( i do not know if you have that Expression in the U.S
I think that there is a hugh antisipation for a big event to be publish till the end of this month.
It could be via Kings or the lab or will it be from the U.S airforce?
As always we are been keapt in the dark.
Some of it - the vibe i mean can be found via tens of posts here ,
the up and down ppd, and the growwing volume.
P.S due to the jump to 0.06 area i managed to buy 50K shares at 0.043 yesturday from those how sold .
good luck to us.
"its really not a terrible thing for those who can trade...but for those who dont, they can drive you"
After 14 years with KBLB ,KT ect. crazy does not effect you any more
"cause kblb imo is not a stock to trade . its a stock to hold. imo."
Said me some years ago... lol
14 years on my part, see you when we cross that finish line...
Power hour ( the last hour of trade today) could be interesting imo.
Will he or it appear once again?!?
Bingo! Agree.
by the way 1M shares traded during the last 40 min.
"Getting back to 50 cents will not count as ‘monumental’ in my book. That’s simply undoing several years of damage by Thompson. $8 bucks a share, yeah, I’d call that ‘monumental.’
bingo. Agree.
Those of us how saw 0.47PPS and did not sell
will not and could not relaite to 0.07 as
"breaking .05 was HUGE...but breaking .07 would be MONUMENTAL!."
If i were you i would save the words "Huge" and "Monumenta".for a much higher pps in the near future imo.
But i am no you and i respect your way of thinking and trading with no stings attached.
Some of us fell in love with this stock. you did not.
You say Buy at 0.03 give or take , and sell at 3/4/5 times not more than wait for the pps to go back down.
14 years here and i can not allow myself to sell at 0.07 or 3X or 4X...
Eather way Good luck to us and all those LT investors .
"Now if you look you might see an opportunity".
Agree. understood.