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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Now that the stock sits at .0001, with no bid and you have no financial interest, why do you continue to spend your time actively posting on the board?
It is just odd that for someone who does not have any $$$ interest to be as active as you are on the board.
You are certainely free to post and I have enjoyed reading most of them but was more curious as to why you spend the time that you do?
Have a good weekend
L2 anyone? Thanks
.0012 seems to be our resistance, if we can get past .0012 we can start to spread our wings and FLY,FLY,FLY,
Happy Friday everyone - CHEERS - a great time to crack a COLD ONE
Great Morning ADTJ followers!!!!
Let's start where we left off yesterday and keep the MOMO going!!!!
Come on in Gordie, hell for that matter have your wife buy some!!!
if your riding free posts, use them all up to talk up Aladdin...YIPPEE let's get the word out and move this puppy NORTH!!!!
I love cold beer -- bought in 3 days ago. The ASK is looking thin,thin,thin.... We need some MOMO and this stock could shoot up as fast as I can slam a ice cold 12oz!
I hope my opinion or gut feeling is wrong and those that have bought in see the PPS rise to over .40!! GLTYA
have been on the sidelines and will remain....
someone asked for an example and I provided
I started reading about the stock a few weeks ago. My first thought was WOW this is trading at .10 and is being bought out around .40, what a great opportunity I thought. However it never moved up, infact the stock has dropped every since. Does not make sense to me. In my opinion, the Italian father son combo dropped this news the day after the fueled up the printing machine.
I still have not got filled on my test bid of 500k at .0001. The order was submitted on 11/19 at 1:20pm.
Why would the MM's hide the bid or not fill it for that matter
pretty funny all these trades with no bid...
I've had a small test bid in for 500K shares at .0001 for the past hour yet they continue to show CBAY with no bid.
come to think of it Riksea, they never release the name of the company(s) that they do business with.
Could just be company policy or could support your thought...
It's just hard to believe a company with a legit $27M in Rev would be down this low in PPS... IMO
wow very positive!!! Great entry point IMO
I also believe Wick as recieving the email.
A few weeks ago, Wick helped uncover the paid property taxes. He has provided info that would be seen as both good and bad regarding the stock.
Wick was it the new TA, Robert Wood, that gave you the company contact info?
Or was it the old TA?
isn't the new TA listed as Robert Wood.
I believe that the old TA gave Wick the contact info. I think it was First AMerican????
Does anyone else remember who gave WICK the contact #.
I do not know the reliability of your email test keymaster, but it does say that the email address is "NOT VALID"
If that was a FAKE email then that was a deliberate attempt to shake people out by someone to pick up more shares at .0001. If this is the case I feel sorry for those that were shaken out, because it also sends a signal that something is about to happen. IMO
Perhaps Syed Form 4's are legit and Pawson is trying to buy back control of the company ( at a cheap price ) by shaking everyone out with these 2 emails.. just a thought
I think they missed a few zeros when they announced a target price of .095 back in August, the must have meant .0009..
Sad thing is it is SOOOO tempting to jump back in to this thing at this price... Riksea please talk me off the ledge from doing so!!!!
Do we know the current status of the other properties?
Aspen Cove Resort, Utah
40+ Acres prime residential development property and operational
lakefront lodge.
Management valuation based on comparative lot sales:
Texas Recreational Sports Facility, Dallas TX:
Stonewal Estates Fist Trust Deed, FL
Legal recovery currently
North County, California, 3+ Acres
LOL... 100 share trade to knock it down to .0001!!!
thanks brezzlin
brezzlin -
are you going to keep the rest of us in the dark.
Why share a partial PM message?
Thanks dffhogs for setting up the board.
Company has great potential. Should be a nice ride.
Jeffery Gendell purchased over 67M shares of the company.
For those who do not know who Gendell is, do some DD and take a look at other companies he has bought and what has happened with the PPS of these stocks.
Here are some of his holdings:
I will be looking to pick up some shares once I sell some other stocks.
yes i have.. at a very good price right now. My father is a big follower of Gendell and has made some serious $$$ following him. He gave me the heads up on Miscor. He bought in but I have not, have my $$$ tied up right now.
Resident Agent Change filed 10/30/07 with Nevada SOS
When I saw that Jeff Gendell bought 27m shares a few months ago I thought this baby was going to fly.... I let it slip away and never bought any. Now look at this baby move.
When Jeff Gendell buys into a stock, it turns to GOLD!!!!
For those that own shares enjoy the ride!!!!
here is some other companies Gendell and his investment firm, Tontine Associates LLC..
This guy knows what he is doing.
I read the same information you did and I read the remainder of the information.
From what I gather, someone must be representing Cal-Bay, otherwise why would the judge conduct a Case Management Conference to try to settle this before it goes to trial.
In order to try and settle there has to be both parties to agree on the settlement. IMO
The only question is who is representing or speaking on behalf of Cal-Bay?
they must have just updated...
can someone with legal knowledge explain what the purpose of a case management conference is and why it would be scheduled as far back as Feb?
I just checked the court website and there is no updated info
well said Kronus...
I'm in to see how this plays out..
I'll be either taking the family to Disney Land in the spring or wallpapering my garage with my certificates! LOL
513M outstanding, not as bad as I thought it would be
what is the significance of -1.00???
I have never seen this before.
down to 3MM's on ASK at .0002, nice to see IMO
Only 4 MM's on the Ask at .0002... if we had some buying pressure we could really move..
Check it out
did you get filled now?
Thanks for the info WICK... Glad to hear it's NOT PAWSON....
no one has been able to get 1's... why are we to believe you were so special to recently get 1's
how many MM left on 2's?