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Correct with the stability of both Wise Buys and Hacketts a bank loan for this debt would take Tom less then five min. to apply for and get approved in my opinion. Have a good day and get ready for some laughs as the bashers will be out in FULL force today. Should be fun reading!
Good Morning Everyone (except for powerforward, you are truly a basher my friend), naw just kidding morning to you too. Cargo me thinks you have hit the secret weapon with the buy back the debt. That is where I feel Tom will show his colors to the shareholders of this stock. We need to let it settle, force the shorts to cover and before Cornell can begin their second phase of share conversion I feel he will pay the debt off. JMO of coarse.
Remember what Steve told all of you this morning, watch the bid from here on out. MM will know if a after hours PR is coming. And who the Hell is GNLN he has not been on the MM bid or ask that I remember
Cargo very rarely do I dissagree with you, but I think Cornell sold some this morning. Also remember Cornell has a debt to clear off its books and does not sit and wait for a stock price it wants, it sells regularly. Most times I have found that company's like Cornell will let the bowerer (in this case its Seaway Capitol) know that they want X amount of shares today, they get, lets say for argument 1 million shares. They use their agent and say sell 1 million the agent puts in the order, the MM see the order and begin to move the bid down, as it goes doen some of the order by Cornell is filled on the open market, when the MM gets it to the bid price HE wants he fills the remaing part of the order and we see what was filled in bulk at the end of the day on a FORM T TRADE. This happened this morning, stock opened and went to .068, Cornell wanted to sell, the MM took us down to .0061 filled in my opinion the Cornell order and we will see like we have on Thursday and Friday of last week a FORM T TRADE after the market closes today for somewhere in the neighbor hood of 5 to 8 million shares. JMO of how this is working with Cornell. Also I will not be suprised if Tom pays off the debt before Cornell gets the whole debt cleared with stock. Again JMO
A yea, the MM took it down there so the trade could be made, its the exact same pattern used last Friday and Thursday. That bid was intentional, I think that is the point some of us are trying to make. Only have 5 posts left and want to save them for afternoon so by for now folks. Also a form t has nothing to do with after hours trading. It means the trade went thur pre or after, the trade itself can be made during the trading day, it just goes thru in either pre or after hours.
PD that is my thinking exactly, my money says we will not go any lower then .0063 and until the 8-K and name and symbol change come we may stay at .0063 for a few days even one more week.
Well there is was, did any of you catch it. At 11:56:07 a trade for 1000K shares went thru for .0061. For the past two trading days before today some time after 16:00 a form t trade has taken place for .0061,each being for more then 5 million shares. I am very confident that today we will once again see a form t trade after 16:00 hours.
Major, Martha went to jail for one reason and one reason only, she lied about having the information. She did not break any laws by having the info, she lied about having it and asked her broker to lie about it also. The wrong doing was the CEO called Martha and told her that they would be getting a unfavorable report from the FDA on an imclone drug, he is the one who broke the SEC rules. Just want to clarify that for you and everyone else. Tom giving out info that a 8-K would be filed and the day he gave is not breaking any SEC laws, but it borders, but my source says it is not against the rules. My source on that is a broker friend at Edward Jones.
Billion in answer to your private message, the horse its self.
Nice job Creos
If we find that out, he is on latrine duty for all of Aug.
Hey Major lets not knock what some people can afford to buy, different budgets for different people. Maybe his daddy did not go to West Point and he is just a hard working enlisted man and not a officer. LOL LOL
Company's like Cornell are not selling for the money they sell to cover a debt. Its on their books and has to come off as soon as possible. They are in the business of loaning money not trading stocks.
Peorge, no disrespect, but you are what I call the instant potatoe investor...add water and money and wait two min. and I should be rich. Give it some time to cook, this is a gormet meal not a drive thur.
Good Morning to everyone, and to our company Seaway Capitol. I believe that this is the week the "Little Engine That Could, Will" and Major as a basher you make a great comedian.
Well here comes the weekend,and me I am heading up north with the family for some boating and fihing. Plan on taking the lap top so I can read all of the posts that go something like this...'
How much does Cornell have coming
When do we get the financial
Where did Tom get that money
Who is really diluting the stock
What will happen when Cornell gets done. Gad there are more Who, What , When Where and Why questions here then in a full year of 8th grade english. Tom should hire a full time person to sit and read the posts here so they could answer all of your questions the second you ask know like ALL THE OTHER BIG LIGIT STOCKS DO. I know I see that "Questions Answered Here" section on the web site of all the biggies, IBM, APPL,GM,GOOG,all the good companies... Same questions are being asked now that were being asked at 10:30 It not just funny its down right entertaining..Have a very good weekend each and everyone of you. TJG
I am delighted that some of you are beginging to understand how this is playing out. The rest of you who can not wait and see the developments are most likly the ones that will buy the new Harry Potter book and read the last chapeter to see what happens. Kids, this all takes time, if any of you have ever been involved with management in any form you know that you just dont say "Think I will open a store, find a building and then the next day open the doors. You build the business first, vendors, associates, product, training et et. Some of you aske the same questions that were asked 10 posts ago and want a new answer to the one that was given because you dont like the first answer. Well then make up you own answer. Tom has stated nither he or the company is selling shares, good enough for me, I just shared it with you, if you dont like that answer make one up. He said that he was giving shares to cover the debt held by Cornell when they requested them, good enough for me, if you dont like that one, make one up, I to have heard that more news on this will be coming and I support Steve that it will be in a 8-K filing, good enough for me, if you dont like that make one up. God some of you are unreal in your wanting this to be a bad thing. If anyone here needs some fool on a board to help them decide how to invest their money, then do what Steve said, get a damn CD and watch re-runs of Magnum PI. TJG
P.S not directed at you C just used you last post
Crooked all I was told was that when Cornell called for shares the company had to provide them. No numbers were given me or for how long it would be until they were done. I only get 15 post so will be silent for a while, want to put my two cents in at the end of the day too.
I have been told that neither Tom or the Company is selling shares. That in fact Tom has given up his shares and that the selling is coming from Cornell, as part of the original deal when Seaway took over GSCR. Also if you understand the conversion process you would understand that when Cornell wants shares from Seaway to convert they need fewer shares as the price goes up. So could be the MM are working to keep it down until Cornell has finished converting what is owed them. Then up, up and away. If you go back and do YOUR OWN DD you will see how many shares Cornell has from the deal that took place back in June. We, or I will not spoon feed some of you who do not do DD, but want all of the answers given to you.
This all releates to the fact that you need to be patient and this stock will pay off for you. STOP WAITING TO SEE SIX CENTS IN ONE DAY AGAIN!! That is not going to happen, this will be a well organized move up, just like all good revenue producing companies do. Any of you wana get rich quick clods ever see stock that is on the big boards go up 2000% like we did on June 22, no good company"s go up in a well organized way. Be patient and you will get your pot of gold.
Crooked my appologies he did not tell me that, he only said the gag was lifted and that the o/s was up to that number. I did the bad thing of Asuming ( we all know what that means right) that it was to pay for Hacketts, but I think in rereading the PR I am wrong on that account. Sorry for the misleading statement. TJG
Major, ever now and then you make me proud to say I have had contact with an officer...ha ha great post and exactly what some of us with the patients of Jobe have been trying to tell all of these wana get rich over night kids. TJG
Will Len Clap please contact me, thank you TJG
I am reluctant to post this, but at the request of Tom, and no I am not going to produce the email. He has asked me to let all of you know that the gag order on the TA is off. Also the O/S is now 256,071,004. One thing could we have just one person do the calling to varify, Tom gagged them because they were getting so many calls. He has lifted the gag because he then was getting so many inquires. Try to ack like men and women here and lets have Crooked33 call as it was he who brought the gag issue to us to begin with. The O/S went up to help pay for the Hackett deal so lets not panic about that ok. TJG
so let me see if I understand you penny, buy on rumor and sell on news is what you are saying. So that is why we went from .0090 on July 17 down to .0061 on July 19 all those people were buy the rumor and then today we will be selling on the news so we are up. I am a believer in buy on rumor and sell on news, but sir we are a new company that has not extablished a history that allows for that type of buying pattern yet. Admit it, you just want this down for your own personal reasons. TJG
All of you TA gag scardie cats can come out from under your bed now. The boogie man is gone. Ha Ha
Thanks Cargo, now I have to go and hide so the gaged TA boogie man does not get me. LOL, God I hope that subject gets put to rest early today.
Morning everyone, question for the board, does anyone have level II up and showing and bid and ask numbers for GSCR. My etrad level II shows no one on the bid or ask this morning. Thanks
Hey Abby with my last post of the day let me ask you this, if you were going to change your name from abbytraderwin to ohhappydaysarehere, would you put out a PR and tell us about it? Just wondering, hint hint
Nellocat I can not private message...but will watch and react when told
So my 5000 shares goes thru at 11:58 and not one of the people here holding part of the 64 plus million shares you all claim to be a part of has 50 bucks to buy in at noon. Big time spenders you all are.
L2 is starting to look like an old Bufflo Springfield song...Theres something happening here, what it is aint exactly fear...Get ready were, as George Jefferson said...Movin on Up
Etrade show a bid of .0013 and a ask of .0016 for AMRE
That was suspost to be 1000 shares and I will be buying 1500 Sorry about that
Yea joe we are all sticking together, so what do you all say why dont we do lunch together. Lets make an MM stew, everyone who has funds during the luch hour lets hit the ask for some shares, does not have to be a big hit, 100 shares or so, lets show the MM how strong our numbers are, let them know, as Jack Nicklson said "You F***ed with the wrong Marine" At noon I'm hitting the ask for 150 shares so you will know its me.
US Army 68-70 nice to meet you rjdover. Yea RR tracks did get the respect they deserved, but the louies were fun to mess with.
Son we grunt Sgt. eat Lt. like bon bons, then shit them out.
While these two were bickering did anyone notice that it took over ten min. for a trade to occure. 10:21 til 10:31. Which I view as a good thing, as for you two soldiers, your both lucky you are not in my platoon and its 40 years would both be burning out house smudg pots in 100 degree heat.
I agree, billion, maybe some of the people who dont think this is being minipulated will finaly get the point. We need the symbol and name change and need it quick.
So 500k shares are bought at the .0068 ask so then the ask dropes to .0066 yea this thing is not being manuvered, its all on the up and bet
Say I have a question for anyone out there...Do you think that our CEO Tom may have been sitting around the cigar table one day and said to his rich friends at the club..."You guys Im going to buy this shell company and move all of my Seaway assets into it. Damn thing is dirt cheap now, but come first of Aug or so it wont be. If any of you are interested that is...So then the rich boys say hey lets get in on this, so they do some investing and minipulating and then when the name change comes they are sitting nice and wa-la everyone is just a little bit richer then when they started.. hmmmm
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