var msg_id=141190357;var g_id=2;var ia=0;var wsloc='../ws/';
Defending that bogus website is beyond belief.
Riddled with errors and a page plagiarized from investopedia.
The clowns that put this together are probably laughing. Or are super dumb to think no one would notice.

And the page plagiarized from investopedia:

I think the reason why there is so
  Sprycel on 5/31/2018 8:38:33 AM
Just place markers until fully updated IMO. So who
  OTC_Buyer on 5/31/2018 10:01:10 AM
Doesn't seem like too many people mind to me.
  Legster1969 on 5/31/2018 11:20:05 AM
Just wanted to make sure this post had
  OTC_Buyer on 5/31/2018 6:53:37 PM
This post is no longer relevant and should
  dubz25 on 8/5/2018 3:28:53 AM
The link in this post is broken and
  OTC_Buyer on 8/14/2018 9:19:29 AM