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Yesterday I talked about that proverbial fork in the road concerning Life. And of course what I was talking about was at the age of 15 when I came up on that fork in the road I chose the road that led me to 25 years of drugs and booze and that Helter skelter life that almost put me in my grave who knows how many times. And only through God's grace and mercy…Jesus sacrifice on the cross… and the conviction of the Holy Spirit upon me. I made it to the other side to experience the free gift of salvation turning my back on my flesh and the world and satan and becoming a born-again believer. And this morning I wanna talk about…kinda sorta…the same thing but in a different way. All of us are born into this world sinners headed to hell. Some of us hear the calling of Jesus and become born again…securing our place in heaven. However the majority of people stay blinded to the light and that calling…that conviction of the Holy Spirit…and they continue living their life their way headed straight to hell. Now of course the Bible speaks of this in Matthew 7:13-14..."For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". So my thought this morning and putting it into the context of what I was saying yesterday about that proverbial fork in the road of life....and this scripture… it is all the same thing… Right? Meaning…every human being that has ever been born has a decision to make. And every day God gives us the opportunity to make that decision to choose that narrow road to heaven… or we continue on that wide road headed to hell. Remember…God gave us all a free will to choose…yes…many people like to say how can a loving God send somebody to hell…but we have to remember…God lets us choose our eternal destination. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life…If anybody wants to go to heaven and see God you must do it through a relationship with Jesus. So God lets us choose our eternal home in heaven or our eternal home in hell… We do know that right? And the thing is…in some way shape or form as a unbeliever we face that spiritual fork in the road every single day…to choose the road of righteousness or the road to destruction. When we die our eternal destination is set…remember folks…there are no do-overs. So I ask you this morning…where are you headed. If you're still on that road of destruction I would beg you to not only put the brakes on but jam it into low gear and jerk the emergency brake and say yes to Jesus before it's too late. I can promise you… It's the most important decision you will ever make while you walk this road of life here on planet earth. What will it be....the joy of hearing well done my good and faithful servent...or...the horror of hearing depart from Me I never knew you!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I Have No Regrets About My Past...My Past Is Who I Am Today...Born Again!
Rick j Sane
Test and Approve
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” ~ Romans 12:2
Most of life will be spent on the plains. Although the mountains are most exciting and the valleys most devastating, the plains are the most prevalent.
In order to make the most out of life, we have to figure out how to live through the mundane with excellence. How do we steward boredom and the everyday opportunities that might not make our lifetime highlight reel?
The way we steward the plains is the most indicative measure for the character we are stewarding.
Accepting the value of the plains does not mean resigning ourselves to apathy. Scripture says that one of the most powerful ways to express our faith is by avoiding the world’s call to complacency.
And so, the plains are an opportunity. This particular arena of life presents us with a particular choice: apathy or integrity.
• Will we melt into the mundane, giving our hearts to the flesh and the sleepy numbness of complacency? Or,
• Will we see each day, each moment as a chance to know God by faith, to love and care for one another, and participate in the Kingdom of Heaven?
All arenas of life are valuable. The plains invite us into consistency, discernment, and renewed patterns. The plains are a fertile testing ground, a place where we can pursue God’s approval by stewarding well the choices before us.
~ published by: Yellow Balloons
......i cant say with absolute certainty...but im thinking it was like 1971 at the age of 15...that i was walking along one day and i unexpectedly walked upon the proverbial fork in the road of life. Now i would like to think that i stopped and looked to the right and then to the left and maybe stood there for a spell and tried to make a conscience decision as to which way i might go. thinking i most likely didnt give it a second thought and just kept on truckin. Dont know if i went left or right...if one way looked more traveled...safer...more appealing...but i can assure you of this. It was one wild and crazy magic carpet ride that i ended up on! The road i choose was the road that found me trying to set new records as to just how much drugs and booze one human could put into their body and still continue down the helter skelter path of destruction without actually dying...although i came close so many times not really giving a hoot about much of nothing. Living on the edge and knocking on deaths door seemed to be my favorite past times...all for the 25 years that i traveled down that self inflected hell on earth that i had created for myself...right along with my then good friend satan! Then one night...flying high as always...thinking i would never see another sober day in my life that i was sure to end soon. I got on my knees in my bedroom and cried out to Jesus and guess what...He was right there waiting for me and not only did He save my soul He also saved my life. For 29 years now Jesus has kept me on the new path of righteousness and away from the life that almost destroyed me for those 25 years. So my point? No matter what you have done in the matter what you are doing right now. If you will surrender your life to Jesus and ask for His forgiveness...He will save you right here and now and reserve you a place in heaven for all eternity...and just as awesome...Jesus will walk with you all the days of your life here on planet earth...Yes...He loves you that much!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
I Have No Regrets About My Past...My Past Is Who I Am Today...Born Again!
Rick j Sane
Our Plans and God’s Plans
““For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration.” ~ Isaiah 55:8
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:8-12
Many years ago, my husband decided to take a trip to Africa with a group of people from his church. At the last minute, the group was prevented from going on its journey. Everyone was disappointed, but the money they’d collected for airfare, lodging, and food was donated to the people they’d tried to visit. The people used it to construct a building that would shelter victims of abuse.
Recently, at a prayer breakfast, my husband met someone who lived in the village he’d almost traveled to so many years ago. This person was a teacher who said he walked by the building every day. He confirmed that God had used it to provide for the most vulnerable people in the area.
Our plans and desires don’t always match what God has in mind. For His “thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways His ways” (Isaiah 55:8). God’s ways aren’t just different from ours; His ways are “higher” and better because what He does is consistent with who He is (v. 9). This truth gives us hope when our efforts to serve Him don’t turn out the way we’d planned.
It might be years before we’re able to look back and trace God’s influence through certain situations. For now, though, as we continue to reach out to the world in His name, we can remember that God is always powerfully at work (v. 11).
~ by Jennifer Benson Schuldt
Reflect & Pray:
• When have you felt disappointed with an experience?
• How might God use this to teach you something about Himself?
"Dear God, You’re the all-knowing one. When I don’t understand what’s happening, please help me to trust You. Amen."
Scripture Insight:
The book of Isaiah is the first of the five books referred to as the Major Prophets, so named because of their length, not their importance. The other Major Prophets are Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Isaiah is the sixth longest book of the Bible, and two other prophetical books – Jeremiah and Ezekiel – are even longer. Isaiah contains many prophecies related to divine judgment and many others about the coming Messiah. J. A. Martin in The Bible Knowledge Commentary points out: “Isaiah had a lofty view of God. The Lord is seen as the Initiator of events in history. He is apart from and greater than His Creation; yet He is involved in the affairs of that Creation. Whether in His dealings with sin or His promise of redemption, Isaiah portrays God’s greatness as above all that He has created.”
~ by Bill Crowder
Discover more from the book of Isaiah.
From the Pastor’s Heart – February 2025
~ God is willing to direct us, and we have the Holy Spirit to help us.
We’re here to encourage you in your own mission of loving and serving the Lord, wherever that leads you.
Dr. Stanley’s calling was simple – to get the gospel out to as many people and places as God would take it. Today his calling remains our calling. But finding the shape of that isn’t always easy when it comes to your personal life.
So this month, we’ll help you find and follow God’s plan for your life, through advice from Dr. Stanley on asking and receiving God’s direction.
When my children were growing up, they’d often come to me with questions. I would say, “You need to ask God about that.” And they would answer, “Oh, Dad! We don’t know Him like you do. Can’t you just tell us?”
Most of us would rather not wait or struggle to understand the Lord’s will. But that’s how we grow in our relationship with Him. God is willing to direct us, and we have the Holy Spirit to help us.
So, how do we go about discovering God’s guidance?
First – clear the pathway:
We must remove sin, which fogs our thinking and divides our mind. We must also relinquish preconceived notions about what to do. Though we have many desires, God must bring us to a place of submissive listening so we can discern His path. Submissive listening means we can say, “Lord, You know best.”
Second – exercise patience:
Refuse to rush ahead of God. “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD” (Psalm 27:14). The stronger the desire, the more difficult it is to wait for God’s clear direction. But patience always brings rewards.
Third – be alert to pressure:
Clear guidance does not come by listening to everybody’s opinion. Sift advice in prayer and the Word. If you don’t have a sense of God’s guidance, don’t step forward because of external pressure. Should, ought, and must can get you in a lot of trouble.
Fourth – persist in prayer:
“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When you’re praying about something, don’t let go of it. God will bring to the surface consequences or motives you weren’t aware of. These godly insights can steer you away from painful mistakes.
And remember, God’s goal isn’t to give you everything you want, but to make you more Christlike. Sometimes He lets us pray until He’s refined us and we say, “Okay, Lord, I want what You want.”
Fifth – let Scripture reshape you:
When you search it prayerfully, God’s Word filters your thinking. The Spirit will set off an alarm in your conscience that something you are doing or thinking is not what God wants. He says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you” (Psalm 32:8).
Sixth – wait for peace:
Is there harmony between what God is thinking and what I am thinking? God wants us to have a tranquil mind and sense of contentment. If the next step still seems uncertain, or you have misgivings, wait.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” ~ Philippians 4:6
As you follow these guidelines, you’ll start to experience clarity and wisdom for moving forward in life. There will be greater harmony between your desires and God’s will. You’ll begin to recognize His voice and feel the joy of walking in the Spirit.
We fondly recall how Dr. Stanley would submit ministry plans to God in prayer, and urge us to do the same. He knew how it felt to wait, to become attuned to God’s leading as he stepped forward in faith. He taught us well, so we’ll be here for you.
As you seek God’s plan for your life, we’re in this together. Till next time, God bless you.
For His glory,
Your friends at In Touch Ministries
P.S. Our prayer list for 2025 is full of plans, projects, and people that are important to us – and this includes you! Find out what’s on our heart for the year ahead and join us in asking the Lord to lead us in making disciples everywhere. We are so thankful for you, today and always.
The Impact of Prayer
~ Through prayer, we can participate in God's work all over the world.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-11
Those who ask will receive answers. Those who seek will find. Those who knock will have the door opened. The acrostic “A-S-K” will help us remember to “ask, seek, and knock.”
Our heavenly Father wants us to pray, not only because it honors Him but also because communicating helps us grow closer to Him. What’s more, prayer connects us to His work in the world. You can pray for anyone anywhere and have confidence that the God of the entire universe will hear you and answer.
For this reason, prayer is one of the best ways to get involved in kingdom work. What a wonderful privilege it is to be able to participate in God’s mission by asking Him to help His children and impact His creation.
Another reason the Lord instructs us to pray is to build our faith in Him. Even sinful men give gifts to their children. How much more does our God enjoy giving good gifts to those who ask Him (Matthew 7:11)! The Lord also loves to answer our prayers and see us grow bolder in our walk and witness.
God’s Word tells us that He is faithful because “He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). Be certain to set aside time every day to speak with and listen to Him. Then you will learn this truth firsthand.
~ published by: In Touch Ministries
Jesus – Our Peace
"He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from Him, and peace to the Jews who were near. Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.” ~ Ephesians 2:17-18
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:11-18
Joan groaned when she saw Susan’s social media post. The photo showed ten church friends smiling around a restaurant table. For the second time this month, they were having a grand time – without her. Joan blinked away tears. She didn’t always get along with the others, but still. How strange to attend church with people who didn’t include her!
How strangely first century! But Jesus desires unity and came to heal our division. From the church’s beginning, people who didn’t get along were to find common ground in Him. Jews looked down on gentiles for not keeping the law, and gentiles loathed Jews for thinking they were better. Then Jesus “made the two groups one”; He “destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in His flesh the law with its commands” (Ephesians 2:14-15). Keeping the law no longer mattered. What counted was Jesus. Would Jew and gentile unite in Him?
That depended on their response. Jesus “preached peace to” gentiles “who were far away and peace to Jews who were near” (v. 17). Same message, different application. Self-righteous Jews needed to admit they weren’t better, while snubbed gentiles needed to believe they weren’t worse. Both needed to stop fretting about the other and focus on Christ, who was creating “in Himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace” (v. 15).
Feeling snubbed? That hurts. It’s not right. But you can be a peacemaker as you rest in Jesus. He’s still our peace.
~ by Mike Wittmer
Reflect & Pray:
• When have you felt snubbed?
• How can you be a peacemaker?
"Dear Father, when I’m snubbed, I’ll rest in Your Son. Amen."
Scripture Insight:
Ephesians 2:11-22 is theologically rich. Like a cord of three strands, this passage brings together three key doctrines of the faith in Jesus: teaching about Christ (Christology), the church (ecclesiology), and the Holy Spirit (pneumatology). Jesus, through His reconciling work, is the source of our peace with God (vv. 14, 16) and through Him two disparate groups – Jews and gentiles – could become one new humanity (vv. 14-15). The church is indeed one body and a new family (vv. 14-18) “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone” (v. 20). The Holy Spirit has been and is at work in forming and sustaining the church. He facilitates our decision for salvation (v. 18) and indwells the church that Jesus is building (v. 22).
~ by Arthur Jackson
I call myself a born again believer…and although i don't particularly care for this word ill use it…Christian…and as a reminder to why… there's a big difference in calling oneself a christian and actually being a born again believer…to make my point just look around. So with all this in mind let's look in the mirror this morning… not talking about looking at our physical appearance…im talking about looking at that spiritual mirror and seeing ourselves deep down inside...who we really are…because we do know ourselves pretty well…right? So when i am around my believer friends…do i do a pretty good job of not just talking the talk but also walking the walk? I mean...if we act in a worldly way around our believer friends we have to be concerned about tarnishing our halo as a believer...being talked about...maybe even moved to the top of the church gossip grape vine...maybe even confronted...Yikes! But then...when we are around our unbeliever friends…do we tend to let a cuss word fly here and there…do we sometimes even take the Lord's name in vain…remember taking the Lord's name in vain includes anything that takes away from who God is. When im at work…or at a ball game...or any kind of event and I know I'm in the presence of believers…do i act one way…you know singing Kumbaya being all warm and fuzzy for Jesus. Then...when im at the same places hanging out with unbeliever friends…am I taking part in listening to dirty jokes and laughing with everybody else…maybe i even get involved and tell one myself. Maybe i engage in verbalizing some unclean thoughts about somebody of the opposite sex…i mean hey the rest of the crowd is doing it so i don't wanna look like a weirdo or Jesus freak. I just want to fit cool. When I'm at the grocery store or restaurant or an auto garage and something don't go my way and I see one of my believer friends around do I handle it all the way that I should…but... if I don't see anybody that I know do I fly off the handle and stick it to them real good…show my hind end...i mean I don't have to take this… long as none of my believer friends are around… Right? This list can go on and on but you get my point…who am i…am I really a follower of Jesus…or do I find myself from time to time and maybe often…still acting like the old Rick and putting a big smile on satans face. Now hear me folks…none of us can be perfect…the Bible tells us to be perfect…but God knows that we can't. That of course is why God sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. But...even though i know i cannot be perfect i cannot use that as an excuse... right? I can still each and every day be striving for perfection until that day that God calls me home. We are all going to mess up from time to time…and of course the definition of mess up is…Sin. We are human and we do still have our sin nature…but…as a believer we also have God the Holy Spirit living within us. Not hovering above us not walking beside us the Holy Spirit is living within us… meaning…i have everything that I need with me 24/7 to be the person that God desires me to be. So when we look in our spiritual mirror what do we see…who do we really see. Remember…We can pull the wool over other people's eyes…and unfortunately we can even pull the wool over our own eyes…but to tell us what we already know…we can never pull the wool over Gods eyes. As a born again believer…who am I…what am I… am i really walking the walk or do I find myself often times just talking to talk… All depending on who's watching? As the book of Proverbs often talks i being a fool? When we act like a fool around believers it just makes us look like a fool. When we act like a fool around non-believers it ruins our witness and testimony...we are one of those hypocrite christians in their eyes...thats serious stuff. I will add to a quote here... "You can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time"...but we can fool God none of the time. God is always watching and He really is the one that matters…right? So with all of that in mind. Ole Rick is a work on progress..its called sanctification. God begin making me more and more into the likeness of Jesus the day i was born-again and He will continue to do so until the day i die...but...ive got to be open to all that thru my surrender and obedience to Jesus...and...ole Rick can struggle sometimes but praise God im headed in the right direction. As the old saying goes....Im not yet where i need to be but i have come a long ways from where i use to be. And that my friends is all by Gods grace and mercy!
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.
Proverbs 15:3
Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 23:24
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
I Have No Regrets About My Past...My Past Is Who I Am Today...Born Again!
Rick j Sane
Caring in Christ
"Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” ~ Philippians 2:3-4
Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-11
Ms. Charlene, my friend Dwayne’s mother, is ninety-four years old, under five feet tall, and weighs less than a hundred pounds. Yet this doesn’t stop her from doing what she can to care for her son, whose physical health prevents him from caring for himself. Visits to their two-story home often find her on the second floor, where she resides. Slowly, she descends sixteen stairs to the first floor to greet her guests, just as she does to assist in caring for the son whom she loves.
Ms. Charlene’s selfless determination convicts, challenges, and inspires me as she prioritizes her son’s well-being over her own. She models what Paul encourages in Philippians 2: “In humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (vv. 3-4).
Caring for those with health challenges or other needs can be costly. The demands of life can be all-consuming, and even those closest to us can be shortchanged if we’re not intentional about taking our eyes off ourselves. But humbly caring is what believers in Jesus are called to do. When we give of ourselves, we follow the example of Jesus and help others in the process. The apostle reminds us: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (v. 5).
~ by Arthur Jackson
Reflect & Pray:
• Who inspires you to be more caring and selfless?
• What obstacles might you have to navigate to meet others’ needs?
"Dear Jesus, please help me to be more intentional in giving myself for the good of others. Amen"
Scripture Insight:
Paul’s call to imitate Jesus’ example of self-giving love (Philippians 2:5-8) begins with a call to unity: “Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (v. 2). This kind of deep unity isn’t accomplished by a lack of differences but a willingness to surrender “selfish ambition” and “vain conceit” (v. 3) in order to see and serve others with a heart like His. When believers in Christ live out what He modeled – the humility and willingness to surrender for the well-being of others – unity is possible.
~ by Monica La Rose
Executive Order Establishing White House Faith Office
~ The new office will 'empower faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to better serve families and communities'.
President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order establishing a White House Faith Office on Friday.
The new office will "empower faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to better serve families and communities," according to a fact sheet.
The office will be housed under the Domestic Policy Council and will consult experts in the faith community on policy changes to "better align with American values."
The office plans to coordinate with other agencies on training for religious liberty and on elevating grant opportunities for non-profit faith-based entities, community organizations and houses of worship. It will also collaborate with the Department of Justice on identifying constitutional religious liberty protections.
The order will come one day after Trump signed an order to create a task force to identify "anti-Christian bias."
The White House said this "Task Force to End the War on Christians" will comprise members of the president’s Cabinet and key government agencies, and the order seeks to "end the anti-Christian weaponization of government."
It came after nearly two dozen pro-life Christians were charged and sentenced for demonstrating outside abortion facilities during the Biden administration. Trump pardoned 23 pro-life protesters in his first week on the job.
~ by Morgan Phillips
Navigating Negative Emotions Part Seven: More Room Than We Think
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:6
Nothing can prepare us for when tragedy strikes. It sneaks up like a thief in the night. And while we cannot do anything to completely avoid tragedy, we are not destined to be destroyed by it. Our inability to prepare, to control, is only equaled by our ability to respond.
When tragedy strikes, it is the way in which we reply that most determines the effect. There is room for sorrow. Plenty of room. There is space for anger and confusion and dreariness. These are natural responses to tragedy. Necessary responses. We often try to gloss over the pain, thinking there is space for either acknowledgement OR healing.
The truth is we have the capacity for both.
Negative emotions are so weighty they seem to fill our whole atmosphere. But there is space for more. Room for hope. Room for learning. Room for perseverance. Room for intimacy. For forgiveness. For growth.
We are much stronger than we think.
We cannot prepare ourselves for tragedy. But in its wake, we can keep breathing. And we find, impossibly, that our hearts, our souls, and our minds expand, revealing a capacity bigger than we would have imagined ourselves capable of.
~ published by: Yellow Balloons
Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land, and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Navigating Negative Emotions Part Five: Casting Anxiety
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” ~ 1 Peter 5:6-8
Our society is locked in a great struggle with anxiety. The Bible tells us how to deal with anxiety. We are instructed to “cast” our anxiety onto God.
There is plenty to be anxious about. Satan and the powers of darkness are prowling around like lions, looking for a chance to steal, kill, and destroy the life within us. One of his preferred tactics is to point to circumstances we cannot control or understand.
This verse doesn’t tell us to deny this reality. In fact, it tells us to be alert and sober. To see the reality for what it is. Life is filled with peril. We are often put down, ignored, passed over, and abused. We are taken advantage of and taken for granted. We don’t get the recognition we think we deserve. All sources of anxiety.
The answer to anxiety is the same no matter the source: humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand. Cast our anxieties upon Him. Trust He cares for us, and will lift us up in due time. His time. We sometimes try to avoid anxiety by hiding from reality. Or perhaps we try to control it by seeking control over uncontrollable circumstances. Both are futile.
Anxiety is not pain. The pain will likely remain. But there is no need to remain anxious. God is in control. He desires our best. He will see that all things are put to right. It is hard to wait for His time, we prefer things to be done on our time. But God will decide what is “due time.” If we believe this, our reasons for worry diminish greatly.
Navigating Negative Emotions Part Six: The Only Way to Heal Faster
“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” ~ Romans 5:3-5
Pain hurts. It is unpleasant. A digging kind of sorrow. A nagging sort of torture.
As such, we avoid pain at all costs. It is a classic human instinct. We see pain coming and we fight or run. We hide from pain.
When pain inevitably catches up with us and finds its way into our story, we do our best to quiet it. We rub dirt over it, sweep it under the rug, pretend it isn’t there. We lie to our friends, our spouses, even our own self. Our instinct tells us to ignore it until it goes away. Our society tells us to get over it quickly, that we aren’t okay if we don’t feel okay (or pretend to).
But it doesn’t quite work, does it? Sorrow is like an alarm clock. It won’t go off until you acknowledge it. We cannot explain away our sorrow. Nor can we outrun it. So many of us are acting in unhealthy ways because of years and years, layer upon layer, of unaddressed pain.
As counterintuitive as it sounds, the quickest way to heal is to press into the hurt. Not to make an idol out of it or drive yourself over the cliff, but to name it and address it. Share the truth of your hurt with those who love you most. It will hurt more upfront, but the back-end is a quicker path to healing.
Although pain hurts, sorrow is an opportunity, a path to growth, intimacy, and perseverance. As such, the best way to get over pain is to find the lesson, to feel your way through it honestly. We cannot side-step our hurt by ignoring it. The only way around is through. And in the end, a messy acknowledgment is the quickest route to healing.
Next time, we will explore "Navigating Negative Emotions: Part 7"
~ published by: Yellow Balloons
Is there someone in our life that has wronged us in some way and for a few days now...or weeks...maybe even years we have had unforgiveness in our heart for them? I mean...maybe what they did wasnt really so bad but it hurt us and we just cant seem to let it go...or...maybe they hurt us in a way that shook us to our core and we made up our minds right then and there we would never forgive them and that unforgiveness has grown like a cancer to some degree within us! You know folks...i often talk and write about unforgiveness...but its for a reason...because i believe there really is so much unforgiveness in the world...yes...even among folks that profess to be born-again...and trust me...unforgiveness in any way shape or holding those people back in their walk with Jesus be they believe it or not! So...let me offer my thoughts this morning. One of the quickest ways to let satan into our lives is from unforgiveness of others. God requires...not suggest or prefers. God commands us to forgive folks from our heart...always. We are to forgive others just as Jesus forgives us! Do we realize how unworthy we were and are of Gods forgiveness yet He not only forgives He chooses not to remember our sin when we repent! Not only does unforgiveness hinder our relationship with God and slanders our personal relationship with also allows satan a tool to help lead us astray. When we harbor any unforgiveness in our heart...blessings from God can stop coming our way...prayers can go unanswered...our fellowship with God is effected...yes...because we have unforgiveness in our heart for someone...scripture tells us if we wont forgive that same time...God will NOT forgive us...thats serious stuff! Now hear me...if we are born-again that dont mean we lose our salvation...that means when we harbor unforgiveness in our heart each time that we sin and ask God for forgiveness...guess what...God is gonna forgive us when we let go and forgive that person or persons we have marked off our list. When we refuse to forgive someone we harbor a form of hate and sin in our hearts and as we should also know...scripture tells us when we hate...dislike someone...we have committed murder in our heart...think about that. I believe unforgiveness to be like a disease...and unforgiveness and anger go hand in will in time eat your heart and mind alive be we know it or well as steal our joy peace and contentment! Think about it really worth it?
And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
Mark 11:25
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:14-15
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32
I Have No Regrets About My Past...My Past Is Who I Am Today...Born Again!
Rick j Sane