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Sotherly Hotels Inc. (SOHO) Announces Quarterly Dividends
Sotherly Hotels Inc. ( SOHO) (the “Company”) today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized, and the Company has declared, a quarterly cash dividend of $0.105 per common share of beneficial interest. The quarterly dividend will be paid on July 11, 2017 to shareholders of record as of June 15, 2017. The common dividend represents an increase of 5.0 percent over the prior period and an annualized yield of approximately 7.3 percent based on the closing price of the Company’s common shares on April 21, 2017.
Div increase +5% not bad . . .
Delek Logistics Partners, LP Increases Quarterly Cash Distribution to $0.69 per Limited Partner Unit
GlobeNewswire•April 24, 2017
BRENTWOOD, Tenn., April 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Delek Logistics Partners, LP (DKL) (“Delek Logistics”) today declared its quarterly cash distribution for the first quarter 2017 of $0.69 per limited partner unit, or $2.76 per limited partner unit on an annualized basis. This distribution represents a 1.5 percent increase from the distribution for the fourth quarter 2016 of $0.68 per limited partner unit ($2.72 per limited partner unit annualized) and a 13.1 percent increase over Delek Logistics’ distribution for the first quarter 2016 of $0.61 per limited partner unit ($2.44 per limited partner unit annualized). The first quarter 2017 cash distribution is payable on May 12, 2017 to unitholders of record on May 5, 2017.
Also lots of Insider Buying!
Yeah, I played the mortgage REIT market for a bit when the government first announced they were supporting it. Now it has gotten a bit more sketchy.
As to ARR, currently at $4.35 and hits major resistance at $4.67.
I don't think I'd be jumping into that market right now.
Looks to me like the shipping companies may be in play. I probably need to review those.
Well, there is ARR which is a mortgage REIT. They have already declared a monthly dividend for the remainder of 2014 of 5¢.
As long as the treasury yield curve remains steep share price should be relatively safe. But if yields rise on low end bonds, share price will crash. As long as you are willing to keep an eye on the bond market, share price is relatively predictable.
There is some research here:
Sorry, that was supposed to be MLP. Master Limited Partnerships.
As to the insane dividends, IF the company is carrying an abundance of cash, it means they are very profitable. The other alternative is if they are buying back shares.
Let me say, if you go back and check the companies we discussed, many did very well for me. Of course, you have do research them and not buy purely for the dividend. But I found some great trades with them.
I would be a little leery about buying in just to collect a special dividend as they usually reflect directly on the stock price.
What's LP or MMP mean?
True enough. This board was great in the months before Obama changed the tax laws and corps were dumping their cash as special dividends. That was a very short term period.
However, I'm looking for a stock paying 7%+ dividend that has earnings to boot. zebra was a decent source for them.
In other words, you're talking about blue chip growth stocks, and right now I'm looking for an LP or MMP or preferred with a healthy dividend. I sold all my SPH yesterday and am looking for a replacement.
Better to invest in stocks with a history of dividend growth while maintaining a very low yield.
An insane yield is often a symptom of a sick company.
What happened to you? I need a dividend idea today.
That's what I was thinking. :)
I wouldn't say that qualifies as an "insane" dividend.
CenterPoint Energy, Inc. declares $0.2375 dividend
CenterPoint Energy, Inc. ( CNP) declares $0.2375/share quarterly dividend, 14.5% increase from prior dividend of $0.2075.
Forward yield 4.06%
Payable March 10; for shareholders of record Feb. 14; ex-div Feb. 12.
Definitely not their past history:
Nov 13, 2013 0.207 Dividend
Aug 14, 2013 0.207 Dividend
May 14, 2013 0.207 Dividend
Feb 13, 2013 0.207 Dividend
Nov 14, 2012 0.203 Dividend
Aug 14, 2012 0.203 Dividend
May 14, 2012 0.203 Dividend
Feb 14, 2012 0.203 Dividend
Nov 14, 2011 0.198 Dividend
Aug 12, 2011 0.198 Dividend
May 12, 2011 0.198 Dividend
Feb 14, 2011 0.198 Dividend
Nov 12, 2010 0.195 Dividend
Aug 12, 2010 0.195 Dividend
May 12, 2010 0.195 Dividend
Feb 11, 2010 0.195 Dividend
Nov 12, 2009 0.19 Dividend
Aug 12, 2009 0.19 Dividend
May 13, 2009 0.19 Dividend
Feb 11, 2009 0.19 Dividend
Nov 12, 2008 0.183 Dividend
Aug 13, 2008 0.183 Dividend
May 14, 2008 0.183 Dividend
Feb 13, 2008
Then quit responding numbnuts. This is a dividend board. Let us know when chunks of silver starts paying out a dividend.
Your perception of reality is about as important to me as you are.
Well ahl ah no is this retarded purson's account went up a hole bunch and yurs tanked.
You do understand the word "reality", right?
I never said the market didn't out perform metals last year. You said that. "The market" (OMG LMFAO!) did, "outperform" (Bwa-ha-ha-ha!) metals but not because of any inherent market based reasons. If true price discovery were the determinant of value you'd be chirping a different tune.
Unless you are retarded, you should know precious metals were targeted for suppression to protect the dollar, interest rates, derivative exposure, and the bond market.
Unless you are even further retarded, you also realize the facade of manicured and tampered economic data cannot last indefinitely. Sooner or later economic reality comes home to roost.
The powers that be manipulate everything from Libor rates, the stock market, the oil market, the diamond market, to energy markets, and it isn't going to end well. The dupes will go down with the ship blaming all the wrong reasons, but still toeing the party line.
Rest assured, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You aren't that important.
Someone once pointed out to me the advantage of buying silver quarters was, at the very least, you can put them into a coke machine.
I've read so many ridiculous arguments on Ihub from penny stock mullets who swear one day they will be rich, however NEVER have I ever had one argue that history was wrong. The fact that you are arguing with many that the market didn't outperform metals over the last few years is not only beyond belief, but proof positive you are a bonafide nutjob.
What's a reliable source for bullion coins nowadays? I don't mean some double-wide with a PO Box in Utah.
I remember large banks selling gold in the 80s. Some of the large mutual fund companies had precious metals divisions then too.
It ain't a theory, it's a fact (see London Gold Pool et al). Folks will find out sooner or later. The smart ones will be sooner, ...
It ain't about betting on the right horse. The track is rigged.
By the time the dupes in the west figure it out it will be too late for them.
I don't care to proselytize to anyone. You've either figured it out already or you haven't. In terms of time and effort, the cost to benefit ratio to start from scratch and "'splain it" ain't there. It just isn't worth my time. Besides, there are lots better sources for you to educate yourself if you are so inclined.
Paper dollars were fabulous investments in '29. The Depression saw 30% deflation in a few years. Bucks under the mattress were one of the best things one could have, at least in the U.S., and certainly better than the 20s version of penny stocks.
I've heard these same arguments since 1980 when metals soared (silver to $50!)and collapsed.
I'm all for intelligent economic debate. But what remains on the metals boards are a handful of conspiracy nutcases that seem to get wackier with every new high of the stock market.
They bet heavily... and on the wrong horse.
Because they are not wrong. The rest of the world has it figured out, it's only the deluded dupes in the west that are believing the fairy tale of a "recovery." They still see precious metals as a "trade" LMFAO!
The gains in the stock market since 2008 are a putrid veneer hand smeared over a corrupted trading structure on the verge of collapse. You can't fund debt with additional debt indefinitely.
The markets were setting new 52 week highs on a daily basis in 1929 too. Guys in the stock market are gonna get it handed to them. Best thing you can do right now is buy physical Silver. When the financial reset occurs, silver sands to gain the most, percentage wise. Nobody is gonna want dollars.
Absolutely agree!
Have you looked at the smaller gold boards lately? No one admits they've been wrong, terribly wrong.
But posting numbers have collapsed. What's left are the hard core nutcakes.... perhaps posting from their Montana cabins. Never once do they point to the stock market's incredible 5 year run. Some have been short that whole time, LOL! A couple have really gone off the deep end in recent months.
Gotta run for my Illuminati Masonic meeting...
Sure. Nice pick on that gold and silver this year. Maybe next year.
So what. I post on lots of boards. Doesn't mean I buy them all. I wouldn't mind picking up some of those but I got other faves ahead of them. You are out of your depth so why not quit while you think you're ahead.
I'm sure....
the cork Member Level Monday, 07/30/12 03:36:00 PM
Re: rarefind post# 26709
Post # of 53448
Wouldn't break my heart to pick some 5's after the first of the month. I wouldn't necessarily pay 8 or 9 right now but I'd jump on 5's all day long, wouldn't you?
What I find most intriguing of all about Ihubbers, are people's unwillingness to ever admit they were wrong. Boggles the mind. It's not even like I know who they are, but it would tarnish their image as a fake person I guess.
If, this year, you can't say buying gold was a mistake, then how can I take anything else you might say with any validity.
FWIW, I've spent countless hours on these boards pointing out scam stocks to witless posters, and the amount of times they eventually apologize or thank me for my efforts are minute.....although some do.
Wrong on that score too LMFAO.
People use the same argument as the gold bugs do about buying physical gold as justification for buying non-existent Bit-Coins as well, so go figure..
That's why tracking their picks by what they actually put in their profile as their picks, would be awesome. No more could they lie about their results. Once they remove the pick, the price would be marked. Talk is cheap. I'd actually like to see a small cap tracker and a large or medium cap tracker. THEN Ihub would actually have value.
I'd be like the penny pick sites that claim "98% of our hot picks have risen", but the time frame can be anywhere from a hour to years later. And selling even an hour later at market is often impossible.
What's needed are educated and less greedy investors. Wonder if Buffett ever used the word "bagger?" Most IHUB flippers would be surprised to learn the world's 2nd wealthiest man only averaged about 20% growth a year.
Oh wait! You're an NBRI guy! That explains much.
LOL! Nothing like being proven dead wrong, then not having the time to explain why doing the right thing was ignorant.
You are aware you can just look at results to see how wrong you are, right?
Not that I have anything against buying commodities, but it was the absolute worst place to be this year. It's alright, you can say it. It'll only hurt for a moment.
BTW, why are you on the "insane dividends" board if you're buying hunks of metal?
Like I said, use your best judgement and I hope everything works out well for you. And yeah, I did mean ignorant.
I don't have the time or inclination to straighten you out.
ignorant?? Seriously?? You believe owning stuff that drops is better than owning things that go up??
So I'm guessing you don't actually trade stocks then?