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Just spoke to eTrade, the shares haven’t been delivered yet, your position will just show the old cusip and you old share count until they are received.
Now I show something at .0003 and not .3……guess we need to contact a broker with eTrade to change things?
1:4000 RS effective 12/08/2022. Announced 12/07/2022
You need to request your broker to change it in their system. They may charge a fee.
Anyone know what the hell
Is going on? I still have all my shares in a random cusip…when is the r/s effective?
Park's brother in-law buying in today (178 shares) to try and get the ball rolling on this POS fallacy!!
I posted earlier that I didn't expect that we would hear from Mr. Park by the end of the year. This wanna be businessman is just satisfied with having his name associated with an OTC ticker. Unfortunately, that ticker is "LRDR".
Any word from this little clown? This was supposed to be LRDR's BIG year.
**Honk, honk**
I can't even get my 1-4000 in the new ticker on Etrade... nothing shows yet, only the old
We've been parked !!
I'm still showing millions of shares under that same number as u... I'm guessing it's just basically zero... I don't even have the ability to see my 1-4000 split or trade them for quarters.. lol
Nobody will buy this POS until it goes sub penny then hold for years and get burned again if mr.park still holds the ticker.
I hold 100 shares in etrade (after the R/S - has some # associated with 516811205) and 875 in fidelity...not sure what to do at this point besides just wait it out (another 2 years)
I'm sure everything will be explained at his Press Conference here in the US in front of the round-eyed, White-devils of the American press.
does anyone hold theirs in Etrade?... I don't see my shares anymore and I certainly don't have any of the new ticker... crazy!
I think we just saw his forward-looking statement...not sure what to say except right at this moment - f*#k. Things might change, but as of today this statement sucks
WTF...Dude better uplist immediately and have some badass revenues in the next report. This horseshit move just cost us a ton of $ and screwed the legacy folks.
exactly.. scamming korean asshole
This is super lame, I did make a decent profit back during the run. Got back in for some dumb ass reason around a penny 500k shares now at 118 shares worth 120$.. this only needs to run to $50 for me to make a small profit.. ouch..
Need to send his ass to NORTH Korea
me too...that ten cents was a gift..i was busy with life and saw it months after... damn
totally fucked us legacy shareholders... i think this is on purpose...prob selling the shell and this gets rid of us...bastards..
LRDR changed to LRDRD, one for 4,000 reverse split:
My thoughts exactly, this makes zero sense with no plan moving forward. If he just wanted a ticker to promote those damn trees he could have just left everything as is. This makes the as/os 2 million and the float a ridiculous 84,000? Has to be to uplist. Based on closing price that makes this now $1.20? That how this works??
Can’t really post it on here from my phone, but it came through filing:re
greybeard, please post the link about the R/S. THX SG
Makes sense, keep our fingers crossed.
Exactly, that’s the only hope now.
Only way this turns out well is if we get a good annual report then he turns around and starts the uplist process. Park owns common shares so this effects him as well so can't understand the reason behind this reverse split unless it's to uplist with revenues that are great
Manny, I made the same mistake.
Been holding since 2010. Worst stock I've ever bought.
Park,the wanna be player burned us with his ignorance, ego, and pipe dream....HE WILL NEVER SUCCEED IN THE MARKET. Sad but true !!
Made a big mistake not selling everything when it hit me 10 cents. At this point I'm just going to continue to hold and see what happens. Reverse split effects park's common shares as well. Hopefully the annual reports shows something
Damn, out of this one for a while but still on my watchlist. Wtf are they thinking — OS will be 2mil.
From Park to reverse. This guy sucks, oughta just sell the shell… Doo-nothin
Would’ve been nice, but nope
Thought it was 1 for 400?
Reverse split just came through. 1/4000
As of 12-1-2022 Mr. Park has 31days left to make good on his forward-looking statement regarding "LRDR" and it's 2022 outlook. 2023 might be the year he hopefully dumps his pipe dream and sells this shell to someone with a lesser ego and the ambition to succeed !! Good luck to all of the investors that were taken in by this man. SG
all of a sudden there is a little bit of volume???
I got another alert to a 3rd filing for Noncommercial Registered Agent-Statement...
Not sure what that is either, but I'd expect to see some changes in our Annual Report by the end of the month.
Thought of the potential uplist idea too. Even if it's just QB tier of OTC I'd be happy with more communication and transparency on their end.
I'm very curious to see where the stock price goes, and if that indeed raises the coin price for the 1:1 ratio he claimed. To my knowledge they can't split the coins, so anything over 1$ share/coin would work out pretty well for us.
Yes he does, but so does the previous owner of this shell. Just have to see what his plans are.
Unfortunately im not able to get the other document. I see AS is now 20 million so yea it looks like a 1-400 RS. At least it's looking like he's not trying to dilute by making the authorized share count some high number post reverse split. This will have a very low share structure. Float of 772000 based on current 309 million float. This also effects the commons Park owned. Hopefully he had good reason to reduce the AS/OS to put us at $2 per share based on today's closing price. Maybe we get the assets/revenue we've been looking to get in the upcoming annual report then an uplist?
Doesn’t he own a bunch of the outstanding shares? Seems like he is screeinf himself as well
It's unfortunate if correct. I was always concerned about Gardeners shares and having the AS maxed out, but was hopeful Park had a better plan.
Wonder how all his business partners feel about it after signing over control of their companies and intellectual property for what amounts to peanuts now..
Millions of shares will be nearly worthless if this turns out to be the case, but I'm curious to see what this will do to the price of the OFTG coin.