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looks like tien is back with ax_tg now lol
ZNTR registration revoked:
Sorry to tell you WBDF, but Zentric is done. By the time the SEC gets through with them, they'll only be a sad, distant memory.
I’d like this stock to do something.. sitting here with over 1mil shares “patiently” waiting for a couple of years now...
Why buy? Unable to find news on this stock.
do you know if this is still trading or is it suspended?
So quiet here on this board. Don't fret I've been in a few micros that fell silent for years and then POW they wake up big time. Time will tell.
Anyone know for sure about the suspension?
Any suggestions on how I can verify it myself?
Something is going on over 12 million ZNTR shares bought at .0001 the last few minutes. Why would someone want to throw away over $1,200
Is this trading back on regular exchange?
FINRA shows Trade Resume as of June 4. I was able to place sell orders again today.
It was fake lol
Sadily I wish I could
Not gonna happen, tell me of one suspension stock that has traded again. RIP Zentric
is the suspension lifted yet. Im actually hoping the stock will go up when the suspension is lifted(so I can get out of this stock)
This is what happens when you don't pay your court judgments and you run roughshod over people. Trust me, this is only the beginning for Tien and Mak. Wait till the SEC sets their sights on MelStevia and AlphaLujo.
The bureaucrats are simply jealous of the multi-baggers
I hope this doesnt kill this stock with a dumb suspension. If there has been no filing since 12/2015 why suspend them now. It makes no sense and is irritating. I hope the stock goes upto .01. I'm sorry if I am comming off a little upset but Im sick of these sub penny stocks going down and me getting nothing. I would go with better stocks but there not much else one can get with $15.
More than one and the most recent that I know of is BLLB and HIRU
Why do you say that? There are grey market stocks that performed very well.
Yeah it's over on grey market, not even sure why they have one
The trading suspension and the grey market result are actually two separate issues. The suspension is levied by the SEC. Going grey is a byproduct of that due to FINRA rules.
The suspension is the only unilateral action the SEC is able to take under the law. Anything else, like the revocation has due process with an administrative law judge deciding. It is not up the the SEC to decide...they only act as the prosecutor.
And Congress limited the SEC’s power to act unilaterally to 10 days no matter how bad the transgression may be. It is only meant to act as a warning to investors.
However almost everyone understands that when the SEC suspends it is pretty much a slam dunk case given how few suspensions they hand out relative to the number of “scams” there are in the OTC...thus the pps usually tanks when it re-opens on the grey market.
Why the 10 days? Why not go straight to grey?
“Can the company do anything within the 10 days to regain trading status? Do they automatically go to grey market?” is automatic. The suspension leads to loss of compliance with Rule 15c2-11, which leads to the stock going to the grey market. That happens within 4 trading days. Nothing will change that. After 10 days, when the suspension is lifted that is where it will open for trading.
Can the company do anything within the 10 days to regain trading status? Do they automatically go to grey market? (Death sentence)
This is from SEC:
"A broker must also file a form with FINRA that needs to be approved before quoting can resume. The broker can file the form after it obtains and reviews current information about the company, including:
the company’s organization, operations and certain control affiliates;the title and class of securities outstanding and being traded; andthe company’s most recent balance sheet and profit and loss and retained earnings statement.
The broker filing the form must have a reasonable basis for believing the information is accurate and that it comes from reliable sources. A broker generally cannot quote the stock or solicit or recommend the stock to any investor until the form is approved. After approval, the broker can begin quoting—and other brokers may also quote the stock relying, or "piggybacking," on the first broker’s quote without filing the form or reviewing the company information on their own. Be aware that the SEC’s ability to continue a trading suspension indefinitely is strictly limited. As a result, the lifting of a trading suspension does not mean that the SEC’s concerns have been addressed and no longer apply. "
Wow another one of mine hit. Ouch
Has anyone tried to reach out to management?
Clearly did not do what they promised in the article.
Time to delete this ticker from my watch list. Lmao. Good luck on the gray. The last dilution was insane they sold everything they had cause they knew they would not be able to back anything. Many other will be suspended.
Why suspend trading instead of freezing the account of the crooks who put out the fake news in my opinion.
"Wow , this may force them to start filing and become fully reporting company like they said in the news"
They were already a registrant and "fully reporting". They were majorly delinquent in meeting their reporting obligations.
The SEC warned them...they did nothing to fix it is too late.
They will reopen on the grey market in 10 business days and then, in about 2-3 months, the ticker will be revoked and disappear.
No ticker that has been suspended for delinquency has ever avoided revocation.
Nah this will not trade again
Lol. Wow , this may force them to start filing and become fully reporting company like they said in the news
ZNTR SEC Suspension
Admin Proceedings
Fill me at 0001’s CEO. You know you want to sell more.
Some do, this one was just vomit and a joke
here's another read: (click view details when you get there)
your crazy if you think this is fake imo: TiENPAY Limited Announces Expansion Into South Korea With New Joint Venture...Feb 2018 news here's the link:
this sucker is going to bust mega pennies...imo