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I've thought about that myself. It's hard to imagine with these guys (or guy) that they would hold anything back, however. At least in the past they would hype whatever they could. Perhaps David gave up trying to raise the PPS and IS doing something for the company. October is as good a month as any I suppose.
steve, although we dont have much info to go on , these odd buys which crop up every so often have really got me intrigued, not enough to buy more but i feel something is going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to. i am thinkking October may be the month.
Weird. Good digging Jitz.
still no luck, on the bright side someone loading today, (its not me!)
left voicemail & e-mail ( Dave Herr, no contact yet, will try again tomorrow,
Also i was reading stervc DD again and he definitely thought we had something to do with the resort which opens next month, so we might be in for a nice surprise then, watch for volume i guess.
let you guys know if i find out anything
Steve i am still in this stock but basically calling john was a waste of time as he is no longer with the company as of 9 months ago.
So decided i need to talk to David Herr at a number listed on the website (it was actually listed for John?!)but apparently he was out. Website seems to be terribly out of date , i am surprised we even got the newsletter posted there
The woman on the phone thought i was a salesman which p*ssed me off. she was also was saying her current bosses owned the building as westlin had become Bankrupt. I tried to explain they had exited bankruptcy, but she didnt know any more. she was also really cagey and I felt a little confrontational.
So Anyway David Herr does have some role there in some capacity but will only find out what exactly after talking to him.
Currently i am waiting call back from David if front desk passed on my details correctly, which i am not relying on, so another call will be going in that direction later today.
John Foster mentioned it might be worth talking to someone called don dickson but the lady at the westland building didnt know him and presumed he was with westlin.
so basically nothing good (yet), hopefully have something better later, thought i would get what i had down before i forget!
No fair dumping your shares before you tell us the news Jitz.
sorry steve only attempted once then i got busy but will try again for sure, stay tuned!
Thanks for the leg work J! Never know what you're getting into down here in this market
didnt find this press release anywhere?
its about their relationship with level 3
thay have a nice website.. is on the same IP address, although it talks about westland corporation, in the corner it has the westlin symbol and name, maybe a name change coming?
also to note that it has copyright 2008 whereas the other website has copyright 2002-2006, maybe they are working on this website as their new one?
I am trying to piece this together, i have got hold of John fosters cell number so i may call him tomorrow. If someone else feels like calling him instead give me your e-mail and i will forward the number. (you'll probably make a better job!)
anyway from what i have gathered the westland building(is this the bunker & other buildings?) is owned by "cross development" which is "montgomery Westland" I think Stervc mentioned this in his last call. They are having a contract renewed as per this link:
seems they have owned it since december 07 possibly according to this link:
so if they own this i am not sure what westlin own,maybe they just get a share of the proceeds?
westlin sales e-mail links on the website lead to the westland building but the people on the other end dont seem to be working for westlin, so still trying to work that one out, however the may newsletter did say 'david' so i guessed that was David Herr and so other website information does seem to still pertain to westlin corporation.
sorry if the above is already known but its just what i found out in an afternoon of browsing.
Any questions you would like answering specifically from John let me know.
Well good there's hope yet Thanks for the heads up!
Theo-just spoke with TA and no change in the outstanding shares from yesterday - still 74,764,361. At least doesn't appear to have been dilution.
Too well orchestrated to be retail imo.
This happens every once in a while, like the last run to the .03's. Obviously they aren't being swayed to buy from this or other known wstn forums. Maybe it's someone who knows, friends or family. Wishful thinking anyway.
Funny it's an even 2 million.... like it had to be pieced together
yup vol spike to 1.5 mil here at midday
That must be from a while ago, it's not called the Westlin Bunker anymore. But I would imagine that the bunker is still being advertised.
lookslike we sponsor techxans?
little bit confused here(we have money to burn?)
i guess it all comes down to what you said about finding out what their role is, i think the OS figures around 75million are probably correct and can go in the i-box.there hasnt been anything to suggest otherwise has there?
fair enough steve, by the way i was reading some of stervc old posts and seems we have something to do with la torretta del lago resort. they are scheduled to open in october - check out the link. maybe we'll get news then:
that page was updated in june, so quite recent
Partners, right. The Ibox stays empty until the company says or does something. Anything else could be misleading.
They haven’t said a peep since before the bunker was bought. I read about the ownership change second hand. I stumbled upon contracts changing from Westlin’s name to new owners. They stopped disclosing unaudited finanicals. Their stock dropped to under $400,000 market cap. That’s all we really know. I could put that in the Ibox but I don’t think it would gain interest from passer-by investors.
Don't worry, if something current surfaces I will post it above. Until we hear about Westlin's role in the property beyond working there, and for sure that it's Westlin and not just David, the bunker progress doesn't count IMO.
maybe worth listing some of westlins partners in the ibox (from the website), or the OS or something(anything!) to get a bit more interest from the passer-by investors?
Don't hold your breath.
It'd be nice to get ANY info :-/
if newsletter on the website is quarterly it should be out within a week or 2, could provide a nice boost to SP.
i think it said it would be quaterly somewhere.
so this stock had a spread of 0.007 - 0.0018 last week and now stands at 0.004 - 0.007. i mean whats going on it? it seems there is one seller who wants out competely. some BS trade at 4 as well. whats all that about???????
i am afraid its going the wrong way!! someone looks like they are bailing and took out the 7ss
wow, look at that spread. Just a little news of revenues and this could be trading ten times the current price quickly.
The facility expansion is very large, and rapid. With new lines which came on July the first.
This kind of expansion is gearing up for large business. With 10 new customers alreay on site.
All the new space has to be for serious customers.
Oki Doki. Back in for a couple. Took awhile to fill.
All the best
At least they aren't printing shares
Called TA TODAY-CONFIRMED O/S is 74,764,361 as of 06/26/2008
... Expanding its data storage operation with a new 100,000-square foot underground data center and 320,000 square feet of non-traditional, secure office space.
“Hurricanes Katrina and Rita demonstrated the need for secure information storage and data backup for major companies and organizations,” said David Herr, spokesman and partner at Montgomery Westland. “Our goal is to provide the premier facility for secure storage and disaster recovery.”
It’s a strategy that is working as major corporations, government agencies and service providers are quietly signing up for space in Westland’s secure data domain.
The Westland property, initially constructed by Westlin Oil, included a 38,000-square-foot bunker buried fifty feet underground. Following the oil company’s collapse, the bunker, as it was known to locals, was vacant until 2004, when it was converted to a data center.
Recognizing the advantages of secure, off-site data storage, Westland began attracting interest — and clients. Some companies wanted basic data storage in the climate-controlled rooms of the bunker, while others opted for commercial space from which their businesses could be run during an emergency.
“We have a variety of businesses, hospitals, legal firms and oil and gas companies that we work with,” said Herr. “One major airline has space for 250 employees. They can run the entire operations function of the company from here.”
The Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management is one of several government clients with offices at Westland. The secure location is a major information hub for a variety of civic, government and relief groups in an emergency.
“This is a secure, self-contained facility,” said Summer Scheel, Homeland Security planning coordinator. “We can provide information and logistical support to all of the agencies and organizations needed in an emergency.”
Indeed, the security and capabilities of the 58-acre facility are staggering. Incoming electricity is cleaned and backed up with uninterruptable power sources. If there is a disruption in utilities, Westland has a 57,000-gallon fuel reserve that can provide power for more than 40 days.
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I'm hoping in my lifetime anyway...
I may get some down here ... This thing has to turn UP !!!
so was that a flash in the pan
Someone has been buying... lets see if the continue today.