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Charlie and Simon are just puppets. Phoenix is the Puppet Master.
They have filed late in the past long before Charlie and Simon came on board.
As in the past, they did file a FORM 12b-25 NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING.
Charlie and Simon did it again. TCRI is not up to date with their fins.
These bozos are going to destroy TCRI.
This company has no financials. How could they NOT get them in on time?
Just baffles the brain. Unreal.
They even release a video announcement on X about the newly updated website:
Mark out
Phoenix updated their website. Carl is the CEO of Phoenix Technology.
Thank you Potse once again for your insight. Your analysis is second to none. I am becoming more and more convinced each and every day that Phoenix will utilize the TCRI shell in a big way at some point. Just the U.S. election results alone have me more convinced of this. It's probably a major reason why Phoenix/Mr. Malhi are now hinting at a NASDAQ listing at some point in the future. It should be very interesting to see how exactly they plan on utilizing TCRI as more things materialize in the Crypto world.
Mark out
P.S. I agree with you, I'd feel more comfortable if Carl Agren and Sheharyar Haider Malhi were in the roles of CEO/CFO here at TCRI instead of just directors. I am at least pleased with the fact that Phoenix has final say in all financial decision pertaining to TCRI.
Phoenix's Nasdaq intentions......
I still believe that Phoenix will be coming to NASDAQ at some point.
Summary of owned and operated Overview of Carolina site #1 with performance data.
Something to think about.
OTC market is dead. No question about it.
The OTC market volume has dropped almost 50% since 2022. That is horrible.
Investors have moved to high risk low float Nasdaq stocks instead of mostly scam OTC plays.
If Charlie is still involved in TCRI then don’t expect much.
BTW… crypto is going crazy yet Charlie still cannot get financing for this play. Makes you wonder why big investors don’t trust him.
Why don’t you go invest in them instead of worrying about others investing in Tcri.
This shell is NOT owned by Simon Wajcenberg or Charles Faulkner. The majority/controlling owner of this shell is The Phoenix Group headquartered out of the UAE. Based on the recent results of the U.S. election, it is my strong belief that Phoenix will utilize TCRI in a very substantial way in the very near future. Perhaps in a similar way they had planned a few years ago by bringing revenue generating assets into the shell. Or using it in some major capacity to uplist to the NASDAQ perhaps. It's a win/win situation for Phoenix right now. If Simon and Charlie come through with their funding, then great. If not, who cares. I think we'll find out shortly the exact direction they plan on going. Always keep in mind, Phoenix is the real player here!!!!!
Mark out
P.S. Don't let your hatred for Charlie and Simon cloud your judgment! They are irrelevant to the bigger picture that is taking shape throughout the Crypto world right now
I don’t disagree with you but why not invest in real crypto companies? Why waste your money here so Charlie and his cronies can screw you. That is the only thing he is good at. I thought he was going to be canned in June. What’s going on here?
Trump has promised to make America the ‘crypto capital of the world’ and his high level team is filled with strong crypto advocates … . The pro-crypto nature of his team, family, and donors increases the likelihood that Trump follows through on his campaign promises to the industry.
Have you been living under a rock? North America (U.S.) will soon be open for business, especially when it comes to Cryto. Bye, Bye Gary! Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Mark out
I'm extremely happy I held most of my original position in this Shell!
Mark out
How will Phoenix utilize the TCRI shell? Until announced, this will continue to be the main questions.
How will Phoenix utilize the TCRI shell? Until announced, this will continue to be the main questions.
We are less that 2 weeks from the U.S. election. One candidate is somewhat pro Crypto, and the other is very pro Crypto. Should be a win/win for the industry no matter who wins in November. Anything is better than the current administration as it pertains to this technology overall. I expect Phoenix to make some big moves here in north America after these elections regardless of who wins. It will remain a mystery what roll the TCRI shell plays into their overall plans but just a few short years ago, they had big plans for this shell before putting those plans on the back burner. My guess, it was because of this current administration's stance of the crypto industry as a whole. That negative posture all goes away here shortly.
Mark out
Doubtful at this point. Imo.
I still believe that Phoenix will be coming to NASDAQ at some point.
Faulkner bringing value to EDGM maybe TCRI next
EDGM EdgeMode Inc. Announces Acquisition of Synthesis Analytics AB and Entry into AI Data Center Colocation Industry
Possibly a week or so ago.......
I hadn’t seen them on LinkedIn under Techcom before today? Had you seen them?
I hadn’t seen them on LinkedIn under Techcom before today? Had you seen them?
New employee(s).....interesting......
I wonder how the new employees from South America play into Techcom? Sales Executive? Wouldn’t that mean revenue?
I wonder how the new employees from South America play into Techcom? Sales Executive? Wouldn’t that mean revenue?
Wajcenberg...recent LinkedIn post/comment activity.....
Simon Wajcenberg made some LinkedIn posts and a comment in the last week -- all of them regarding artificial intelligence data centers. He specifically mentioned EdgeMode in his comment, so I am assuming the statements he made in his posts are also in reference to EdgeMode. Interesting to note that Charlie Faulkner is one of the people who "liked" Wajcenberg's comment. Similar to my previous post, I just find the timing/nature of these posts/comment to be a little interesting and makes me wonder if this is a sign that some type of corporate development for TCRI continues to draw closer.
Wajcenberg's posts.......
We are building green, efficient, carbon neutral infrastructure for this insatiable AI compute demand.
Very interesting watch. We agree. We are building Green, AI data center infrastructure utilizing renewable energy to supply the insatiable demand for AI compute.
We agree - EdgeMode is building Smart, Green data center infrastructure supplying the insatiable demand for AI compute and the increasing demand for EDGE compute.
I don't think the problem is Mr. Faulkner and Mr Wajcenberg so much, but it's more a problem along the lines of SEC chair Gensler. Hopefully the next administration will go in a different direction. He's costing the U.S. innovation superiority!
Mark out
Yeah, I am not selling anything at these levels. Will see how it goes until tax time...
IMO is scumbag Charlie and his crony friend Simon are still involved then I am NOT a buyer.
Their record says it all.
Good luck.
Hope this works out for you.
But see what they did to FWAV (now Edgemode).
They absolutely destroyed that play with its excellent share structure.
Buyer beware.
TCRI(.09)...Faulkner updated his LinkedIn profile......
Perhaps worth noting that Charlie Faulkner updated his experience section of his LinkedIn profile about a week and a half ago (it shows he is still the active CEO of TCRI). This is the first time since his November 2023 appointment as CEO that a reference to Techcom has appeared anywhere on his profile page. It is also worth noting that Techcom is now one of the companies that he is following.
Maybe these updates are merely some long-overdue "housekeeping" items on his profile. But the timing/nature of these updates suggests to me the possibility that some type of corporate development might be getting closer.
So far this year I haven't had any luck getting fills on buy orders I have tried at prices below ten or eleven cents.
I am guessing that Mr. Faulkner and Wajcenberg have failed in their efforts in securing any reasonable financing as indicated in latest TCRI 8K filing. No other way to read this since there's been no communication from the company and their employment agreement is way past due. I suspect that we'll be hearing from the company at some point in the not-so-distant future that this CEO/CFO combo have been cut loose. Again, no other way to read this at this point.
Mark out
At least they filed. Nothing going on over there. What they said in their previous filings were apparently lies, so not surprised there isn't anything of relevance in this 10q. Probably won't be for the rest of the year.
That’s what I am wondering, too.
$TCRI Who the fuck got 20K shares at 0.0585$!
Was my Bid for days, I got ZERO SHARES!
Are Charlie and Simon still involved here?
Waiting for any filing showing they were canned.
If they keep these 2 involved in TCRI then I am gone.
Either way good luck.
Anxiously waiting for expected news that dumb and dumber have been canned.
Just have no clue why Phoenix wanted these 2 idiots in first place.
Just wasted over 6 months.
This time they need to find a real honest and effective CEO to move this play forward.
Nothing happening here. Wasn't there a deadline for these guys? We need a fricken update.
Phoenix's initial public offering drew strong demand and was 33 times oversubscribed — implying orders worth $12 billion — while the portion reserved for retail investors was oversubscribed 180 times.