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Hahaha! That’s right. Bag holders in the dark
I know, right. But wth does it mean. Someone knows just not us bag holders
Nobody would dump into my .60 bid for two days.I ended up buying a couple shares at market. .75 Hope that’s a sign there is not much share dumping left
If I had to guess. Computer programs that spread out little bits of money probably AI
What's up with all of the 1 share sells?
I agree. Not sure it isn't throwing good money after bad but I'm doing it. Avg now only a mere 8 bucks. 😆
I’d say any of us bag holders should buy a couple shares down here. I am slowly accumulating
Big volume today. Something is up
Me too. But wish it would be more consistent. Back to .19 now
Yeah not much going on but I’m much more optimistic now after that action
No activity for a while now after that short time period of action… weird. Sure would be nice to get an update from the “company”.
VITX burned me real bad… I fell for the hype, they were good liars
All of us VITX bagholders are hoping for that. Boy what a mess that was. Lying scumbags......
Sounds good to me as long as it gets pumped up enough so I can break even lol
Strake is Bate and Switch, reverse split and Wa La!
Wtf is strake? I'm an old vitx bagholder and I logged into my account today and actually had some money. Do we have a shot here?
Wonder if we will hit same volume today? Starting off slow
Same here. There is something going on we are not seeing or investors really liked the ad hoc announcement
Same here. There is something going on we are not seeing or investors really liked the ad hoc announcement
Yes it's crazy. But it is the otc. I wrote this of mentally a lonnnggggg time ago. Never in a million years would i of thought this would get active again
Volume getting better everyday! We could get to that $8. I’d like to see it!
Well damn everyone. Sorry. Got 2 tickers mixed up. This one is not limited by scwab. On the brighter side I only need 8 not bucks and I break even.
I tried a limit buy. No go with Swab I'll have to call them.
I can buy as much as I want through RBC
I can’t buy at market on the otc. I have to put a limit price in
I tried to buy some to lower my avg. Scwab won't let me as it's CE . Any idea if that is going away and how are others able to trade this ?
Hopefully it going back to $21 then I’m even.
Over $1!!!!! Never thought I’d see that!
Going to $1 today and beyond! Only 100 shares on the ask at a $1!!!!
I bet you’re real fun at parties…
The laser focus you want to see from a decades long startup company.
"a dynamic company committed to diverse ventures, including boats and yachts rental platform expansion and cutting-edge AI solutions, is pleased to announce a significant milestone in its corporate journey. Commencing October 24, 2023, Strake, Inc. is now trading under the new ticker symbol "SRKE."
We haven't accomplished anything other than running and hiding from previous scam attempts. Here we go again.
Why are you still here? Who’s paying you to post on this site? Or, are you just that miserable that you enjoy constant negativity? Didn’t your momma teach you if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything? Go away already, please.
A director leaves for personal reasons (probably just doesn't want his name associated with this scam) and ChatGTP creates a PR calling it a stratigic move. Come on guys. Do better. At least read what ChatGTP pumps out before you put it out as a PR.
"Mr. Olaf Strathe has amicably resigned from his position as Director effective September 9, 2023, due to personal reasons. This departure is part of a strategic move to reconstitute the board and enhance the company's governance."
Back at ya Rudolph! Let’s hope this new management team is the real deal and we can redeem some losses here…
Hell yea Cheetah!!
That’s great man, thanks for posting. I just didn’t make the effort to search for anything, I’m glad you did. Thank you
Idk if everyone has a hard time doing DD here but
Ad-hoc Announcement: Comprehensive Transformation and Strategic Realignment at Strake Inc.
Press Release | 05/09/2024
Strake Inc. (OTC: SRKE) announces significant progress and a resolute strategic realignment, initiated one and a half years after the takeover by the new management. Since taking over, we have focused on clearing up the legacy issues that burdened the company in the past.
During this time, we have not only eliminated inefficient structures and processes but also completely reorganized our consulting and transfer agency partnerships. These vigorous measures are part of our comprehensive strategy to revitalize Strake Inc. and establish a solid foundation for future growth.
At this point, we must emphasize that we have absolutely no connection to past activities related to the stock price movements of Vitana-X or GH Capital. The reverse split carried out in the past is regarded by us as a misjudgment. We are fully aware of our future responsibilities and have radically overhauled the company's product portfolio to effectively utilize our core competencies and deliver robust results.
Our goal is now to invigorate the trading activities of our shares and increase the stock price through concrete measures. We invite our shareholders to participate in this exciting new phase.
Yee haw!!! Congratulations wing suit for holding with me 3 years!
Haha! I’m just happy to see some life in this thing again, no idea why it’s happening, but I like it. Only about $21.65 left to go until I break even! Let’s go Strake or whoever you are…
Well I have no damn idea it's going up but keep on trucking.....$9 BUCKS to break even
Just surpassed the price of the reverse split .40 I believe that was .0002. That’s a milestone !
Someone knows something because they bought 89 000 shares a couple weeks back.
Hahah! Same here! I only need it to get to about $22 to break even… LOL
I would agree. I don't know what's driving this but I need a lot more