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wow, that's great stuff.
My better half has on Rush the man, great Fox channel last night, Rush the man on it hot and heavy this am, the convention was over the top.
I thank dearly all our troops for serving. I was just thinking about it so threw the add in here.
Sept is really looking good.
kind of right, a smart card only knows what is in it from man or woman.
Yes Sir mick , now just me needs more smarts, I never give up trying to learn, that's for sure, long as my mem can member most of it : )
Smart cards wave of the future.
this is a rare item. smart cards, smart cars, smart phones.
Yes mick and good day to you,
smartcards increased something like 45% over last year on a note worth note.
me again, summer goes by quickly. so better to enjoy da summer too.
Thanks mick, have been busy offline, hope to catch another tuna trip, hear they all got 65 lbs of fillets the last trip.
Thanks mick, have been busy offline, hope to catch another tuna trip, hear they all got 65 lbs of fillets the last trip.
hi americano, how ya doing? haven't seen much of ya.
At the end of every workshop, each attendee is asked to share their "take-aways" from that particular workshop.
Below are a few of these take-aways and a few comments from email correspondence.
We actually have more than 15 pages of such "testimonials".
(How do you choose what to publish??)
Please call the IWPC for the complete list.
"T-Mobile hosted an IWPC meeting in September 2004 addressing the topic of reducing Opex of Base Station systems. The emphasis was of reducing Opex for the Operator. As host I was able to propose this topic which is close to our heart and judging by the comments of other Operators, we're not alone.
The conference was attended by a wide range of organizations which represented the full supply chain, with some talking about improved LD-MOS technologies and antenna designs, to landlord resistance of new cell sites.
I believe it was useful for the whole supply chain to gather an understanding of the issues facing all.
Generally we as an Operator deal mostly with major infrastructure suppliers and not with component suppliers. In an environment where we are constantly seeking year on year cost reductions, sometimes new hardware innovations are used by suppliers to maintain their margins and these innovations are invisible to us. Meeting with the whole supply chain was useful in that I was left with an impression of a vast amount of exciting technologies being developed.
IWPC organization and administration was efficient and even as host, a minimal amount of my effort was needed.
As a direct result of the conference we are following up on a number of items which could help us with our aggressive Opex targets."
(email correspondence)
Head of RaN Platform Design
(workshop host)
"Hosting and participating with the IWPC E-Band development conference was a pleasure and valuable experience.
It was great to have open dialog between equipment developers, components supply chain and operators who will deploy and operate E-Band wireless fiber systems. I felt it was especially valuable for all parties to engage in discussing the many networking application possible and getting a consolidate vision of the real potential for these products. Openness, mutual respect and dialog between equipment / technology companies and operators was clearly a benefit for all attendee's. Even when Q&A didn't produce the desired answer it was important that reasonable expectation boundaries where Established between suppliers and operator's in advance of fielding and testing first deployments of E-Band systems.
Hats-off to Don and Rene, who kept a tight schedule, robust agenda and sparked leading questions to all participates and presenters.
Sprint gained valuable information about E-Band technology and established equipment developer relationships to move forward with this new technology option.
Thanks Don, Rene and IWPC members for a great experience!"
(email correspondence)
Director Access Technology
(workshop host)
"O2 hosted an IWPC meeting in November 2003 addressing the topic of upgradeable base-stations. From my perspective there were several benefits we had as a host, and the workshop represented good value.
As host we were able to tailor the agenda to address the topics of most interest to O2, and we assisted IWPC in attracting a good representation of delegates. The result was a conference which directly tackled issues relevant to O2, with a full range of relevant industry inputs. This is in contrast with many commercial conferences, where typically the agenda can become too broad, and where organizers rely on an open call for papers rather than a targeted set of presentations. We were also able to influence the syndicate breakout topics to focus on areas of most interest to us.
The IWPC membership is very broad across all aspects of the supply food chain for mobile. Whilst we regularly have reviews with our major vendors and their suppliers, it is not easy to keep in touch with the wide range of subsystem and component suppliers. Understanding their technology roadmap and seeing the potential future technologies at a component level is valuable in helping us to assessing our major vendors' product plans. The IWPC workshop gave us ready access to the views across the supply chain, which would be difficult and time consuming to access via dialogues with individual companies
O2 hosted a visit to our HQ and network management centre. This was useful to emphasize the real issues and priorities facing a network operator.
Hosting near to our own offices allowed us to have additional delegates without travel cost overheads.
IWPC organization and administration was effective and helpful. There were no additional costs or administrative efforts required from O2 in volunteering to host the workshop."
(email correspondence)
Head of Standards
(workshop host)
"Varsha, Joe and I think that the workshop went extremely well, we made contacts with many people, we conveyed our needs and I think suppliers at all level understand our need, more important that we are serious in deploying these short range sensors in medium time frame (automotive time frame, of course).
We also would like to thank you for organizing the meeting, it is not easy to get so many diverse people in one location and handle all the logistics."
(email correspondence)
General Motors
General Motors R&D and Strategic Planning
(workshop host)
"Thanks again for all your efforts in pulling together last weeks marathon activity.
As we discussed off line it was hard work for me so I have no doubts it was much harder for you folks.
I was uncertain coming to my first set of IWPC meetings, how well it would work out and how good a use of time it would be.
Overall I cannot fault organization, structure, venue.
My conclusion on IWPC concept overall and this event is very positive.
I enjoyed the whole week, and will support in the future. It was definitely good use of my time. The content was largely interesting and in places highly valuable. The mix of the value/supply chain in one room was without doubt the major value especially the ability to meet and talk offline and the potential follow up."
(email correspondence)
MMIC Solutions
"This IWPC workshop was a first for me. I very much appreciated the open and earnest discussions between all the players in the value chain present at the meeting: from the satellite operators all the way to the IC level component manufacturers.
These workshops are indeed very useful to bridge the knowledge gap, by encouraging close-quarters discussions amongst the participants. I certainly got a good update on where the various technology leaders stand today, and on what we might imagine possible in the near future. My hats-off to the organizers for creating an atmosphere of open & constructive discussion, very rarely found in regular industry conferences".
(email correspondence)
SKYLOGIC - A Eutelsat Company
Executive Director & Member of the Board
"I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for organizing the last IWPC [workshop, April 2005 in Detroit]. It helped us (GM) work on focusing our own vision for V-V [vehicle to vehicle], V-I [vehicle to infrastructure], and telematics. I also got a chance to make quite a few connections that will be valuable to me as we work toward future products."
(email correspondence)
General Motors
Head - Electrical Controls Integration Lab
"Well, what can I say. It is not often a product lives up to all the hype and that's even more impressive when the products appear to give far more than it takes.
My team has attended the last 2 workshops, Celestica and PA's and found the experience rewarding and most importantly a good use of their time."
(email correspondence)
Anaren Microwave Inc
Corporate Business Development Manager
“Honestly, my opinion is that the meetings are always good. One for networking. Two for alliances. Three to set expectations. Four to learn something about what is happening or about to happen. Don and Rene set it up so the entire food chain is present in one room to discuss all the issues and understand why certain things do or don't happen. My summary and I don't mind writing it with Rene and Don attached because it's my honest opinion. I won't support something I don't believe in.”
(email correspondence)
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Inc.
CTO Office
"You have created one of the most innovative ways of capturing the voice of the customer in an industry. I can tell you that it is going to cost us [his new company] much much more than 10K per year to get this type of info. While your organization would only be one of my tools, in hindsight, it is perhaps the best valued tool in terms of industry knowledge one can get."
(email correspondence)
Former IWPC Member
Now the Vice President of Global Marketing of another company (unrelated to the wireless industry)
"The $10 K per year I spent for IWPC membership for the MCM [Micro Circuit Materials] business was one of the best investments I made with DuPont's money over my career with DuPont As you might understand I have spent my share of DuPont's money on market research reports, courses and consultants in the last 30 years.
Looking at the direct benefit of IWPC membership (the opportunity to meet OEM decision makers and hear about their needs first hand) IWPC was and continues to be an outstanding investment."
(email correspondence)
DuPont Microcircuit Materials
Marketing Manager
“I do believe, I have not seen any other organization looking at the value chain. And I do believe formats like this are going to give a lot of value to the people because it is giving a lot of good perspective.”
AVP Business Development
“Well I always come here hoping that I’ll learn something new technically, which I always do.”
Director, New Business Development
“When I came over here to the conference, I didn’t know what to expect. So after the two days, basically what I can say is the experience of all the different opinions and technologies and different views about the technologies. I liked this a lot.”
Engineering Manager
“And I really enjoy getting a lot of the feedback from the phone manufacturer, just to get that first hand information. Even at the level that we did was valuable. And I definitely welcome us getting together here again to do a little more of that investigation and sharing of information. And then I think I’ve met a lot of good people and made some contacts. And I really enjoyed talking with a lot of you today.”
RF Micro Devices
Design and Development
“If there are anymore optoelectronic millimeterwave packaging workshops in the future, I will highly recommend to our millimeterwave design expert to participate.”
Harris Corp.
Chief Engineer
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60 GHz Multi-Gigabit Short Range Wireless Connectivity
60 GHz Multi-Gigabit Short Range Wireless Connectivity Hosted by:IBM, Motorola, Philips September 17-18, 2006
A Day with Elcoteq Network Corp.
A Day with Elcoteq Network Corp. November 9-10, 2003 Hosted by: Elcoteq Helsinki, Finland
A Day with Ford Motor Company
A Day with Ford Motor Company April 6-8, 2004 Hosted by Ford Motor Co. Dearborn, MI
A Day with General Motors
A Day with General Motors 2 Way Wireless Voice/Data Delivery Equipment and Service Options for Automotive Applications Hosted by: General Motoros April 20-21, 2005
Advanced Handset Technologies
Advanced Handset Technologies Hosted by: France Telecom October 24-27, 2006
Antennas for 2010 Handsets
Antennas for 2010 Handsets Hosted by: T-Mobile February 26-29, 2008
Automotive Radar - Regulatory Challenges to Lowering Equipment Costs
Automotive Radar - Regulatory Challenges to Lowering Equipment Costs Hosted by: SARA Sept. 18-21, 2007
Automotive Wireless Packaging
Future Automotive Wireless Packaging & Ford Research Library Tour -- Dec 2000, Dearborn, MI
Base Station Power Amplifier Linearization Teleconference Series
Base Station Power Amplifier Linearization Teleconference Series
Basestation Coverage Enhancement Equipment
Basestation Coverage Enhancement Equipment Low Cost, Easily Implemented Solutions Repeaters, In-building Coverage Extenders, Smart Antennas, Software Defined Radios, Superconductor Subsystems Hosted by: Sprint PCS March 4-7, 2003 Ka
Broadband Millimeterwave Service Providers and Packaging Supply Chain Summit, July 15-16, 2000
Broadband Millimeterwave Service Providers and Packaging Supply Chain Summit, July 15-16, 2000, New Orleans
Broadband VSAT Challenges for Ku/Ka Band
Broadband VSAT Challenges for Ku/Ka Band Hosted by: Telespazio, Eutelsat, Skylogic June 21-24, 2005
China Handset Development for Asian and Global Markets
China Handset Development for Asian and Global Markets Hosted by: Haier June 26-29, 2006
Cost & Size Effective Handset Integrated Packaging and Supply Chain Dynamics
Cost & Size Effective Handset Integrated Packaging and Supply Chain Dynamics, Towards 40% Reduction, Sept. 2002, hosted by Flextronics
Cost Effective Automotive Wireless, Telematics and Multimedia Systems Packaging
Cost Effective Automotive Wireless, Telematics and Multimedia Systems Packaging, Dec 3-6, 2002, Dearborn, MI, Hosted by: Ford Motor Company and Solectron
Demystifying Options of Short Range Radios
Demystifying Options of Short Range Radios Competing Markets, Standards, and Technologies Hosted by: CSR, EPCOS, IBM, Infineon, Intel, Mark IV, Motorola, Philips, RFM April 18-20, 2005
Distributed Basestation Equipment for Increased Capacity and Coverage
Distributed Basestation Equipment for Increased Capacity and Coverage Hosted by: Siemens November 8-11, 2005
Driving Down Costs of Millimeterwave Automotive Radar Sensors
Driving Down Costs of Millimeterwave Automotive Radar Sensors Hosted by: GM Sept. 19-21, 2006
Driving Down Millimeterwave System Costs Through Advanced Device/Module Packaging
Driving Down Millimeterwave System Costs Through Advanced Device/Module Packaging Hosted by: IWPC Members with Kyocera Tour March 13-16, 2006
Emerging 60 and 70-90 GHz GigaBit Wireless Communications
Emerging 60 and 70-90 GHz GigaBit Wireless Communications January 18-21, 2004 Hosted by Cisco San Jose, CA
Emerging In-Building and Short Range Wireless Equipment
Emerging In-Building and Short Range Wireless Equipment, Jan 15-16, 2003, Co-Hosted by: EMS Technologies and Intersil Corporation
Enclosure and Cooling Technologies for Outdoor Base Stations
Enclosure and Cooling Technologies for Outdoor Base Stations July 31, 2007
EPDeS 1 Workshop
Electronic Product Design System (tm) (EPDeS (tm)) Initiative 1 hosted by Nokia Corporation, Oct. 1998 Helsinki, Finland
EPDeS 2 Workshop
Electronic Product Design System Initiative 2 Workshop, hosted by Qualcomm Corp, Feb 1999, LaJolla, CA
EPDeS 3 Workshop
Electronic Product Design System Initiative 3 Workshop featuring a LIVE Demonstration of the EPDeS System, planned to be held at Lucent World Headquarter Auditorium, Murray Hill, NJ, Nov 15-16, 1999.
EPDeS 4 Working Groups Workshop
On June 15-16, 2000, the IWPC held it EPDeS 4 Working Groups workshop, in Boston, MA, during which 3 working groups continued the development of the database structures.
EPDeS Initative - General Documents not listed elsewhere
EPDeS Initiative, General Documents
Equipment Challenges for Commercial SDR Basestations
Equipment Challenges for Commercial SDR Basestations Hosted by: Nextel May 16-19, 2005
Extending the Life of GSM/EDGE Networks
Extending the Life of GSM/EDGE Networks Keynote by: Vodafone Group Networks Radio March 26-28, 2008
Fanless Base Station Packaging Workshop
Fanless Base Station Packaging Workshop, Sponsored by Nortel Networks and Harris Corp. July 1999, Calgary, Canada
Flexible 4G Base Station Architectures
Flexible 4G Base Station Architectures Future Proofing LTE and WiMAX Infrastructure Planning for expansions in data rate and capacity, Hosted by Nokia Siemens Networks and OBSAI, June 10-13, 2008, London, UK
Frequency-Agile, Adaptive Base Station Workshop
Frequency-Agile, Adaptive Base Station Workshop, Impact on RF Equipment of Software Defined Radios, hosted by Alcatel, Stuttgart, Germany, April 9-11, 2002
Future Bluetooth (tm) & Bluetooth (tm) - Like Applications and Packaging
Future Bluetooth (tm) & Bluetooth (tm) - Like Applications and Packaging, May 15-17, 2001, Phoenix, AZ, Hosted by: Philips Semiconductor
Future Bluetooth, Home RF, WLAN and Automotive Wireless Packaging Workshop
Hosted by Intel and co-sponsored by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Richardson, TX, May 15-17, 2000
Future Handset Applications vs Next-Gen Hardware
Future Handset Applications vs Next-Gen Hardware Hosted by: Nokia December 4-7, 2007
Future Handset Power Management
Future Handset Power Management Hosted by: Verizon Wireless and Telus Mobility September 13-16, 2005
Future SmartPhone Power Management
Future SmartPhone Power Management Devices, Architectures and Packaging to move from 100 to 300 Standby Hours For 1XRTT, GPRS/EDGE and future WCDMA Portable Mobile Devices
GigaBits to the Desktop
GigaBits to the Desktop Convergence of Millimeterwave Radio & Opto-Electronics Packaging at 10's of GigaBits per Second Co-Hosted by Endwave and Lucent January 16-18, 2001
Government Security Applications for Millimeterwave Sensors
Government Security Applications for Millimeterwave Sensors Sept. 21-22,2006
Handset Antenna Technologies for Multi-Mode, Multi-Band
Handset Antenna Technologies for Multi-Mode, Multi-Band Hosted by: Sony Ericsson January 30-February 2, 2007
Handset Autonomy Model
Handset Autonomy Model December 4, 2007
Handset Autonomy Model Working Group: Working Session, May, 2007, Germany
Handset Autonomy Model Working Group: Working Session, May, 2007, Germany
Handset Integration Tradeoffs vs Margin vs Liability Sharing for Lowest Overall Cost
Handset Integration Tradeoffs vs Margin vs Liability Sharing for Lowest Overall Cost January 17-20, 2005 Raleigh, NC Hosted by: Sony Ericsson, RIM, Amkor Technology, Elcoteq, Perlos, Tessera
Handset Power Management for Multi-Mode, Multi-Band-- Improving the User Experience and Operator ARPU
Handset Power Management for Multi-Mode, Multi-Band -- Improving the User Experience and Operator ARPU, Hosted by: Vodafone, May 7-10, 2007, Dusseldorf, Germany
Handset RF Front-Ends & Transceivers
Handset RF Front-Ends & Transceivers Hosted by: Analog Devices, Fairchild Semiconductor, Filtronic, M/A-COM, RFMD, TriQuint Semiconductor October 23-24, 2006
High Capacity-Power Efficient 2.5G/3G Basestations & Systems
High Capacity-Power Efficient 2.5G/3G Basestations & Systems, Hosted by Nortel Networks, July 2001, Calgary, Canada
High Data Rate Mobile Network Overlays & Base Station Upgrades
High Data Rate Mobile Network Overlays & Base Station Upgrades Hosted by Huawei August 1-3, 2007
High Efficiency, High Linearity Power Amplifiers for 3G+ BaseStations: Power Devices and Linearization and Thermal Management Techniques: Hosted by: Andrew, Filtronic, Powerwave, REMEC, Sept 20-21, 2004, London, UK
High Efficiency, High Linearity Power Amplifiers for 3G+ BaseStations: Power Devices and Linearization and Thermal Management Techniques: Hosted by: Andrew, Filtronic, Powerwave, REMEC, Sept 20-21, 2004, London, UK
High Efficiency, High Linearity Semiconductor Devices for Basestation Power Amplifiers
High Efficiency, High Linearity Semiconductor Devices for Basestation Power Amplifiers Hosted by: Cree Microwave, Filtronic, Freescale, Infineon Technologies, RF MicroDevices, Nitronex, Philips, TriQuint November 7-8, 2005
High Efficiency, High Linearity Semiconductor Devices for Basestation Power Amplifiers - II
High Efficiency, High Linearity Semiconductor Devices for Basestation Power Amplifiers - II Hosted by: Cree, Freescale, HVVi, Infineon, Mimix Broadband, Nitronex, NXP, RFMD, TriQuint December 11-12, 2006
Implementing Environmental Compliance in the Wireless Industry Supply Chain, August 10-13, 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Implementing Environmental Compliance in the Wireless Industry Supply Chain, August 10-13, 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Interviews from MultiClient Study
"The Economics of Wireless and RF Communications Packaging", completed 1st Quarter, 1998, by Don Brown
Ka-Band Broadband Satcom Terminals - Are Consumer Prices Possible?
Ka-Band Broadband Satcom Terminals - Are Consumer Prices Possible? Hosted by Alenia Spazio, February 26-March 1, 2002, Rome, Italy
Last Mile Broadband Solutions
Last Mile Broadband Solutions, July 2002, hosted by: Bell Canada, Telcordia and Lucent Technologies
Last Mile Broadband Solutions - Are Consumer Prices Possible?
Last Mile Broadband Solutions - Are Consumer Prices Possible? Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2003 Hosted by British Telecom Cambridge, U.K.
LMDS Packaging Workshop
Breakthrough Packaging for LMDS Equipment Interactive Technical Workshop, sponsored by Raytheon Systems, Richardson, TX, August 1999.
Low Cost Broadband User Terminal Packaging Over X-Band - Hosted by Alcatel, Paris France, Oct 2000
Low Cost Broadband User Terminal Packaging Over X-Band - Hosted by Alcatel, Paris France, Oct 2000
Lowering BaseStation Equipment OPEX: Tower Top Electronics, Backhaul and Antenna Options, for reducing costs of Energy, Backhaul and Site Leasing: Hosted by: T-Mobile, Sept 21-24, 2004, London, UK
Lowering BaseStation Equipment OPEX: Tower Top Electronics, Backhaul and Antenna Options, for reducing costs of Energy, Backhaul and Site Leasing: Hosted by: T-Mobile, Sept 21-24, 2004, London, UK
Lowering Mobile TV Costs - II
Lowering Mobile TV Costs - II -- Infrastructure and Handsets: Architectures, Options and Tradeoffs, Hosted by Abertis Telecom, March 20-23, 2007, Barcelona, Spain for lowest CAPEX and OPEX
Lowering Mobile TV Infrastructure Costs
Lowering Mobile TV Infrastructure Costs Equipment, Architectures, Options and Tradeoffs for lowest CAPEX and OPEX With Tour: O2's Oxford Trial May 16-19, 2006 Hosted by: O2 and Arqiva London/Oxford, England
Microelectronics Marketing Research Council, MMRC, Jan 2000
Future Trends in Electronic Design and Assembly Outsourcing, Jan 19-20, 2000, Austin TX
Millimeterwave Automotive Radars, RF Sensors and Communications Equipment, October 18-21, 2004, Stuttgart, Germany, Hosted by: DaimlerChrysler, Alcatel and Siemens
Millimeterwave Automotive Radars, RF Sensors and Communications Equipment, October 18-21, 2004, Stuttgart, Germany, Hosted by: DaimlerChrysler, Alcatel and Siemens
Millimeterwave Base Station Backhaul and 60GHz Unlicensed Radios
Millimeterwave Base Station Backhaul and 60GHz Unlicensed Radios
Millimeterwave Initiative
Millimeterwave Design and Manufacturing Supply Chain Initative
Millimeterwave Markets, Applications and Technologies from 20-100 GHz
Millimeterwave Markets, Applications and Technologies from 20-100 GHz - An Overview, May 5-9, 2003, Host: Daimler Chrysler, Endwave, Stratex Networks, Raytheon, Velocium, UMS, and IBM
Millimeterwave Sensor Solutions for Government Security Applications
Millimeterwave Sensor Solutions for Government Security Applications, Law Enforcement, Homeland Defense, Airport and Transportation Security, Border Monitoring and Perimeter Detection, Feb 2007
Millimeterwave Sensors for Security & Commercial Applications
Millimeterwave Sensors for Security & Commercial Applications A New Growing Market for Millimeterwave Devices, Packaging and Assembly Technologies Reading, UK October 10-13, 2005
Millimeterwave Sensors for Transportation Security Applications - Airport, Marine Ports and Mass Transportation Security, London, UK, Sept 2007
Millimeterwave Sensors for Transportation Security Applications - Airport, Marine Ports and Mass Transportation Security, London, UK, Sept 2007
Millimeterwave Supply Chain Summit II
Millimeterwave Supply Chain Summit II, Lowering the Cost of Broadband Systems Service Providers, Equipment Makers, Device and Packaging Suppliers & Special Tour of Winstar’s Network Operations Center, April 8-11, 2001, Dulles, VA
Millimeterwave Wireless Options for Fiber Substitution - Pros and Cons of E-Band, 60 GHz, FSO
Millimeterwave Wireless Options for Fiber Substitution - Pros and Cons of E-Band, 60 GHz, FSO Cellular Backhaul, Infrastructure Replacements, Last Mile Access for Enterprise, ILEC, CLEC and WISP Networks, Hosted by: Sprint, March 8-10, 2005
MMRC -- Future Automotive Electronics
MMRC -- Future Automotive Electronics Dearborn, MI June 28-30, 2000
MMRC -- Future Communication Networks
MMRC Meeting -- Future Communication Networks, NYC, June 1999
MM-Wave Sensors for Layered Security of Critical Infrastructure
MM-Wave Sensors for Layered Security of Critical Infrastructure Using Emerging MM-Wave Screening Solutions to Protect Airports, Transportation and Other Critical Assets Atlantic City, NJ USA April 15-18, 2008
Mobile Broadband Solutions and Equipment - The Great Debate
Mobile Broadband Solutions and Equipment - The Great Debate December 13-16, 2004 San Francisco, CA Hosted by: France Telecom
Motorola/Teledesic LEO User Terminal Packaging
January 1999 Phoenix Workshop on Consumer Priced Microwave/Millimeter Wave Antenna Sub Systems for Ground Based LEO Satellite Systems
Multi-Band, Multi-Mode Handsets
Multi-Band, Multi-Mode Handsets, Handling 10+ mobile bands with 2G, 3G and 4G simultaneously along with TV, FM Radio, Bluetooth, WiFi, UWB, NFC and others - May 6-8, 2008
Multi-GigaBit OptoElectronics -- Breakthrough Packaging and Assembly
Multi-GigaBit OptoElectronics -- Breakthrough Packaging and Assembly
Next Generation "Ecological" Handset Design & Manufacturing
Next Generation "Ecological" Handset Design & Manufacturing December 9-12, 2003 Hosted by: Motorola, Amkor Technology, Nextel Communications Plantation, FL
Next Generation Handset Integrated Packaging Roundtable - Towards 40% Functional Integration at NO Additioinal Cost, Oct 31, Nov 1, 2001
Hosted by Sony Ericcson Mobile Communications, Inc.
Next Generation Handset Packaging Workshop - March 15-17, 2000, Hosted by: Sprint PCS
Next Generation Handset Packaging Workshop - March 15-17, 2000, Hosted by: Sprint PCS
Non-50 Ohm Matching Working Group Meeting, Germany, May, 2007
Non-50 Ohm Matching Working Group Meeting, Germany, May, 2007
Outsourcing Trends in the Wireless Industry
Outsourcing Trends in the Wireless Industry June 17-20, 2003 Hosted by Celestica Nashua, NH
Performance Benchmarking Working Group Meeting
Performance Benchmarking Working Group Meeting September 11, 2007
Power Amplifier Devices for WiMAX, LTE and UMB Basestations
Power Amplifier Devices for WiMAX, LTE and UMB Basestations Co-Hosted by: Freescale, NXP, RFMD, Nitronex, Infineon Technologies October 19, 2007
Reconfigurable Radios for Versatile Basestations
Reconfigurable Radios for Versatile Basestations Hosted By: Siemens December 12-15, 2006
Reliable Tower Top Electronics Packaging and Smart Antennas
Reliable Tower Top Electronics Packaging and Smart Antennas, Hosted by Ericsson, Sept 6-8, 2000, Research Triangle Park, NC
Semiconductor Transmitter Solutions for Multi-Use, Multi-Band Handsets
Semiconductor Transmitter Solutions for Multi-Use, Multi-Band Handsets January 16-17, 2005 Raleigh, NC Hosted by: ANADIGICS, Infineon Technologies, Fairchild Semiconductor, RF MicroDevices, Philips
Short Range Radio Outlook
Short Range Radio Outlook April 4-6, 2004 Hosted by EPCOS, Motorola, RF Monolithics, Fairchild Semiconductor, Philips, Skyworks, Infineon Technologies, Texas Instruments Dearborn, MI
SuperComm 2000 - Selected Presentations
Selected presentations from the SuperComm 2000, Atlanta, GA
Technology Partnering Opportunities for Global Mobile Broadband Infrastructure Equipment
Technology Partnering Opportunities for Global Mobile Broadband Infrastructure Equipment Hosted by: ZTE December 5-9, 2005
Toward Use of GigaBit Millimeterwave Wireless in Cellular and Enterprise Networks
Toward Use of GigaBit Millimeterwave Wireless in Cellular and Enterprise Networks Hosted by: Sprint Nextel June 19-21, 2007
Tutorial - Automotive Radar & RF Sensor Technology, Principals and Practices
Tutorial - Automotive Radar & RF Sensor Technology, Principals and Practices, System, Device, Material and Packaging Technologies - Instructors: Dr. Carsten Metz, Lucent Technologies and Dr. Alfred Hoess, Siemens VDO Automotive AG, October 2004, Stuttgar
Tutorial - Automotive Radar & RF Sensor Technology, Principals and Practices II
Tutorial - Automotive Radar & RF Sensor Technology, Principals and Practices II Instructors: Dr. Alfred Hoess and Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider September 19, 2006
Tutorial - Microwave, Millimeterwave and Terahertz Sensor Systems for Security Applications, February 2007, Instructor, Dr. mike Kemp, Washington, DC
Tutorial - Microwave, Millimeterwave and Terahertz Sensor Systems for Security Applications, February 2007, Instructor, Dr. mike Kemp, Washington, DC
Tutorial - Security Detection Techniques and Requirements
Tutorial - Security Detection Techniques and Requirements
Ultra Low-Cost to Feature-Rich Handsets 2008-2010
Ultra Low-Cost to Feature-Rich Handsets 2008-2010 April 25-27, 2006
Unlicensed Band Short Range Radios - Applications and Packaging
Unlicensed Band Short Range Radios - Applications and Packaging - hosted by Wayport Corp., Intersil Corp and Philips Semiconductors, Jan 29-31, 2002, Austin, TX
Upgradeable Basestations and 2G/3G Transition
Upgradeable Basestations and 2G/3G Transition November 4-7, 2003 Hosted by: O2 London, U.K.
Wall Street Meets the Wireless Industry Supply Chain
Wall Street Meets the Wireless Industry Supply Chain, Jan 14, 2003, Hosted by: Merrill Lynch, San Francisco, CA
Wall Street Meets the Wireless Industry Supply Chain, May 2004
Wall Street Meets the Wireless Industry Supply Chain, May 2004
WiMAX CPE & Access Point Devices, Packaging and Assembly - Are Consumer Prices Possible?
WiMAX CPE & Access Point Devices, Packaging and Assembly - Are Consumer Prices Possible? February 7-10, 2005 San Mateo, CA Hosted by: Alvarion, Motorola, Redline Communications
WiMAX, LTE and UMB Infrastructure - RF Technology Challenges and Comparisons
WiMAX, LTE and UMB Infrastructure - RF Technology Challenges and Comparisons Hosted by Alcatel-Lucent October 16-18, 2007
Wireless GigaBit Transport for Distributed Antenna Systems -- -- Is it a Viable Option?
Wireless GigaBit Transport for Distributed Antenna Systems -- -- Is it a Viable Option? Hosted by: ClearLinx, PT Wireless, NextG Networks Arquiva, American Tower, Crown Castle International, Fiber Tower, San Francisco, CA USA, January 24-26, 2006
Wireless Internet - Impact on Next Generation Handheld Product Packaging
Wireless Internet - Impact on Next Generation Handheld Product Packaging
Wireless IP/Ethernet Backhaul for Next Generation Mobile Networks
Wireless IP/Ethernet Backhaul for Next Generation Mobile Networks Hosted by: Alcatel-Lucent January 23-25, 2008
Wireless Mobile Broadband Markets, Hype or Reality?
Wireless Mobile Broadband Markets, Hype or Reality? Hosted by: Deutsche Bank Securities, San Francisco, CA USA, January 23-24, 2006
Published Papers
Where Published/Presented "Title", Author
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
Center for Telecom Management (CTM)
February 25, 2005
Long Beach, CA USA Audio presentation (no slides) made by Don Brown, IWPC Director, at CTM Executive Round Table Panel
"Emerging Value Chains" Left click the Title to launch the WAV file, or
Right click and "Save Target As"
~3.4 MB file size
You need a Media Player
June 2004
IWPC Newsletter - June 2004
June 2004
Ft. Worth, TX USA Trends in RF/Wireless Packaging -
An Overview, 2004 Left click to view
Right click and "save target as"
PDF File
5.7 MB
November, 2003
Boston, MA Commercial Wireless Industry -
Overview, 2003
Download the movie clip, 3 Men in a Sauna,
115 MB (right click, "save target as")
Left click to view
Right click and "save target as"
WIC 2002 Trends in RF/Wireless/High Speed Integrated Packaging - An Overview
May, 2001
Phoenix, AZ Trends in RF, Wireless and High Speed Integrated Packaging - An Overview
Don Brown - Director, IWPC
PDF File -- 8.4 MB
IMAPS Nordic 37th Annual Conference
September 10-13, 2000
Helsingor, Denmark Trends in RF/Wireless Integrated Packaging - An Overview
Don Brown - Director, IWPC
PDF File -- 7.5 MB
Nepcon East
Philadelphia, PA
Spring 1998
IMAPS UK Conference
June 1998 "The Future Economics of Wireless and RF & Communications Packaging -- An Ongoing Journey...", Don Brown
PowerPoint Presentation
IMAPS 3rd Advanced Technology Workshop on Integrated Passives Technology
Denver, CO
April 17-18, 1998
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications
College of NJ
Trenton, NJ
March 17, 1998 "The Economics of Integrated Passive Component Technologies", Don Brown View
Selected Industry Links
American Ceramic Society
AMI-C (Generating Telematics Solutions for the Automotive Market)
Best Fares -- (Travel Fares)
Bluetooth Consortium
CDMA Developers Group - CDG
Cellular Telephone Industry Association -- CTIA
Ceramic Interconnect Initiative
Continental Automated Buildings Association
CorpTech Database of 50,000 High Tech Companies
EDGE Consortium (on-line directory to Satellite industry)
Electronics Design, Technology & News Network --EDTN
Electronic Industries Alliance -- EIA
European Research Projects on Microwave Based Systems under IST
Federal Communications Commission -- FCC
Fixed-Mobile Convergence Alliance - FMCA
Georgia Tech -- Microwave Packaging Materials Database
GSM Association
GSM World
Hyper Transport Consortium
IDB Forum (The IDB Forum™ actively promotes the global integration of IDB networking into vehicles, consumer electronics, and automotive electronics)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -- IEEE
IEEE 802.11 Group
International Microelectronics Packaging Society -- IMAPS
Intelligent Transportation Society of America, ITSA
IPC Lead Free Website
Lead Free Soldering Technology Center
Lloyd's Satellite Constellations
Materials Database Structure from NIST, called MatML
MEMS Industry Group
Microelectronics Marketing Research Council
MultiMedia Telecommunications Association -- MMTA
N-WEST - National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed -- NIST
Optical Transmission in a Communications Network Tutorial - Nortel Networks
Personal Communications Industry Association -- PCIA
Relative Metrics -- Electronic Packaging Material Library
RF Globalnet
SDR Forum (A Forum on Open Architecture Reconfigurable Wireless Technology)
Silicon Integration Initiative (SI2) -- Electronic Component Information Exchange (ECIX)
Software Radio Resource Page
Telecommunications Industry Association -- TIA
Wireless Communications Association International -- WCA
Wireless Industry Calendar (Wireless Week Newspaper)
Wireless Design On-Line
Wireless Systems Design
Wireless Week
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After hundreds of face-to-face interviews during nearly 18 months of work with wireless and RF industry experts in the US and Canada and 10's of thousands of traveled miles, one thing has become very clear:
There continues to be a significant "packaging knowledge gap"
between OEM's and suppliers.
Nearly 100% of the time, when discussing new packaging technology(ies) with top level OEM engineering managers -- they say "…what's that…?"
The companies in the RF/wireless OEM community…
are so busy working on new products, they often do not have time to objectively evaluate alternate packaging technologies and tools. They feel that if they have something that worked in the past, it will work now!
The companies in the RF/wireless supplier community…
find it difficult to objectively identify the needs of the wireless OEM who are further up the supply chain. The "OEM Technology Tradeoff Analysis Managers" are so busy, they do not often have time to come to conferences or trade shows to meet the suppliers who exhibit.
The net result -- since this industry is moving forward at warp speeds, the suppliers and OEM's are not efficiently learning about each other, hence, costs are higher and time to market is slower.
The Consortium is a pro-active organization of WIRELESS AND RF PRODUCT OEM’s and their suppliers. Our mission is to facilitate communication up and down the supply chain, to:
Reduce Costs
Improve performance and
Decrease time to market
... with an emphasis on packaging and interconnect technologies.
Suppliers are able to efficiently learn about the technical and business needs of wireless & RF OEM's so they can make the appropriate development investments.
OEM's are able to efficiently learn of the developments of suppliers so they can consider these developments on their product development roadmaps.
Short Term
Simply put -- to provide accurate, objective and timely information to members in order to facilitate:
Improving performance of wireless and RF products,
Reducing "total" costs ultimately to the service provider and consumer, and
Reducing time to market.
for ALL types of wireless and RF products, from RF shelf tags to satellites
Shelf Tags
Base Stations
Commercial Radar
Other products…
for ALL levels of packaging, from device technology to system
Design Tools
Raw Materials
Active Device Technology
Passive Device Technology
Device Interconnect
Substrate Interconnect
System Packaging
by ALL available means of communication.
Longer Term
As we proceed with meeting the short-term goals, our goals will evolve.
For example:
One potential longer-term goal already being considered is to identify developments, which exceed the capabilities and resources of a single company. Once these developments are identified, the Consortium will work to prepare a "White Paper" Proposal, which makes the business and technical case for that development, then seek funding from appropriate sources.
Once funding is obtained, the Consortium will manage the development, demonstration and commercial insertion of this new technology with its members & selected outside sources.
Short Term
The Consortium members will identify those companies, worldwide, whose products and technologies need to be understood more clearly.
Travel, worldwide to conduct 100-125 face-to-face interviews with selected companies to identify the current and future needs of wireless & RF OEM's and the capabilities of suppliers. These interviews will result in detailed interview reports and analysis and these reports will be made available on the WEB to members.
Travel, worldwide, to attend as many technical conferences on relevant topics and report findings on the WEB to members.
Maintain an ongoing wireless and RF packaging industry "keyword index service" for many major technical proceedings, trade newspapers and magazines, interview reports, sales literature, etc. and make this searchable index available to members on the WEB page. (see sample, page *)
Set up, manage and run 2 to 3 Forums per year, on topics identified as important by members. These Forum provide face to face interaction with all levels of the supply chain to address pressing technical challenges and provide plenty of "hall time" for attendees to interact.
Design, set up and manage a WEB page to:
Disseminate the interview report information to members.
Disseminate technical conference reports.
Disseminate RF materials data
Disseminate the key word index resource to members.
Disseminate Forum transcripts.
Provide a question and answer interface between professionals, worldwide
Link to other relevant WEB sites
Those companies who wish to obtain timely, unbiased, objective and ongoing visibility to the needs of the wireless/RF OEM's AND the current and future capabilities of the supplier supply chain, worldwide.
Here's why…
Timely interview reports
Timely conference reports
Access to Forums and Forum transcripts
Keyword index with internet links on WEB page
Company link on the WEB site
Access to consultant(s)
To provide a ready access of OEM's and suppliers requirements and developments.
Member Benefits Automatic receipt of reports created by face-to-face and telephone interviews with relevant companies during the membership year.
Access to detailed wireless literature index (1,000's of documents key-word indexed).
Access to Forums held during the year.
Access to deepest levels of WEB site.
Can suggest companies and/or topics to research.
Company link on WEB site.
WEB Site The WEB site will be created and used as a central point of information dissemination and for questions and answers related to Wireless Technology, worldwide.
The WEB site will be created with various levels of access.
The highest level will be available to anyone.
The deepest levels will contain detailed information available ONLY to members.
Forums At least 2 Forums will be held each year with 3 to 4 half-day sessions on various product topics.
We will try to tie these Forums to existing Wireless Conferences, so that we have access to experts in the various areas of interest.
Investment Please call IWPC for details.
Below is a model describing the supply chain of the wireless & RF Packaging Industry. One of the goals of the consortium is to conduct interviews with ALL levels of the supply chain and invite members of all levels of the supply chain to take part in the interactive Forums. This concept provides invaluable visibility up and down the supply chain to all present at the Forums.
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The International Wireless Industry Consortium ™
(Click HERE to read why we changed our name.)
The Hype-Free Wireless Industry Community ™
600 Louis Drive, Suite 104
Warminster, PA 18974 USA
TEL: (215) 293-9000
FAX: (215) 293-9898
Email: donbrown @ iwpc . org
The Consortium is a Pro-Active International Community of WIRELESS AND RF PRODUCT OEM's and their SUPPLIERS. Our Mission is to facilitate communication up and down the entire supply chain to:
Identify and Clarify Markets, Products/Service Opportunities
Reduce Costs
Improve Performance
Decrease Time to Market
for ALL things wireless.
NEW: Join IWPC WEB Discussion Centers
Click HERE for
Instructions for how to use the IWPC Research Library
NEW...IWPC Events Coming Up....
Extending Battery Life in Complex Handsets
Improving the User Experience and Operator ARPU
Hosted by: Verizon Wireless
Workshop to examine case studies for:
T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless
September 23-26, 2008
West Orange, New Jersey USA
And Tour: Verizon Wireless Handset Test Lab
(Restrictions may apply)
Click HERE to Register
With special event:
Handset Autonomy Model Working Group Meeting
Improvements to the Model Upgrades for Version 1.2
September 23, 2008
West Orange, New Jersey USA
Click HERE to Register
MMwave/THz Security Systems
Critical Infrastructure & Mass Transport
Technology Options for Meeting New Challenges
Hosted by: Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA)
October 7-10, 2008
Tours, France
and Tour of:
Chinon Nuclear Power Plant
(Restrictions may apply)
Click HERE to Register
Deadline for Tour Registration - Sept 8, 2008
Next Generation Automotive Radar
Applications, Reliability, Sensor Fusion,
Frequency Regulations, Tradeoffs vs Cost
Co-Hosted by:
Daimler AG
Continental Automotive
October 15, 16, 17, 2008
Ulm, Germany area
and Tour: Daimler AG Research Labs
Driving Demos in Mercedes Vehicles
Click HERE to Register
Handset Power Management Autonomy Model Project
Developing a Model to estimate the length of time a handset's power source will operate before charging is required (autonomy) given different "use cases" and different sets of handset components.
We are looking for companies to help develop the model's requirements
for ALL power consuming handset components.
Hosted by: Verizon Wireless
Click HERE to learn more about this project
Click HERE to join the project (conditions apply)
Don Brown, Director
(215) 293-9000
DonBrown @ iwpc . org
Don's Bio
Rene Douville, Technical Director
(613) 860-1258
Rene . Douville @ iwpc . org
Rene's Bio
Joe Madden, Technical Director
(408) 499-8747
joe @ iwpc . org
Joe's Bio
Professor Song Junde
Senior Advisor, China Wireless Industry
Professor Song's Bio
Linda Showaker, Administrative Manager
Linda @ iwpc . org Linda's Bio
some big known blue chips here. reviews.
Millimeterwave Sensor Solutions for
Government Security Applications
Law Enforcement, Homeland Defense, Airport and Transportation Security,
Border Monitoring and Perimeter Detection
Hosted By:
Government Panel:
US National Institute of Justice
US Department of Homeland Security
Transportation Security Administration
Department of Defense
Federal Bureau of Prisons
UK Home Office
Transport Canada
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA)
Hilton Washington Dulles Airport
13869 Park Center Road
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703-478-2900
Fax: 703-478-9286
February 19-21, 2007
Organized by: International Wireless Industry Consortium