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actually, I spell delirious correctly
“Delerious” is incorrect spelling.
The word "delirious" is spelled d-e-l-i-r-i-o-u-s. It is an adjective that means affected with, marked by, or characteristic of delirium. It can also mean wildly excited. For example, you might describe a crowd as delirious if they are cheering wildly
moderates 5 boards with zero members LOL
That’s one way of not having anyone disagree with your opinion.
"Delirious,you continue to make a fool of yourself...."
I would never call a Penny stock an " investment"...that's likely where you all went wrong....I would call it a "play" that started as a "flip" and turned into a "Hold" (bag).
Experienced traders don't fall in love with a stock and never spend more than they can afford to lose.
So....not a big deal, to me
You've been following it for a year and just about lost your total investment.. Not bad.
Of course you did.. It's ok.
So you didn't unload and lost a lot... Never mind it's how we all learn
We'll mark you down as being "Mostly Satisfied" with your Ihub experience.
From a $1:50 to .00005 over 25 years...a most successful scam.
BTW did you unload smme when I told you to?
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delirious, never fall in love with a scam
I don’t own one single share of this crap so it’s safe to say what my feelings are.
Get someone to help you with what DD means.
Never fall in love with a stock, LNM
nutsandbolts has difficulty understanding THERE IS NO CARD
Nutsandbolts is proof that You just can’t fix stupid.
.00005 says it all
"Look, it's soaring to .0001!"
"Oh no, now it's plummeting back to .0001."
"Hopefully, it can hold support at .0001."
LNM has a difficulty understanding that a card can exist without there being any sales
He only defines the existence of the card by the number of sales
Are you related to nutsandbolts? LOL !!
That would explain your statement
Obviously okwife didn’t.
What a lot of garbage, it's directly related.
There is no card hence the price has reached the all-time low of .00005.
But pilgrim go right ahead and buy. On paper it looks like a sound investment 😆😆😆😆😆
Welcome to a new low. .00005... congratulations Chaya you've managed to give investors so much hope... Yet you are the only one laughing all the way to the bank.
$SMME$$$ TIME TO BUY FOR ME!!! .0001!!!
dead spiral of financing. Stock is now stuck bidless and will never recover...Total POS.
Where's the 10k? Supposed to have been out almost two weeks ago...SEC might be paying the CEO a visit shortly...
VISA is currently using biometric cards.
Just not SMME’s. lol !!
As are plenty of other businesses.
How could they use Smme when there is no card ??
Hmmmmm. Too bad there’s not an easy way to check for information regarding BASICALLY ANYTHING !! lol.
Some people just never get it !!
I recall a SMME PR some time back indicating that VISA was not moving forward anytime soon into the biometric card market despite their requests to SMME to develop certain characteristics for the card
Her patents are not worth the paper they're written on. You seriously believe the CEO would be holding patents that prevent Visa from introducing a biometric card?. Especially after her suing them for 13 billion dollars?.
If there was the slightest possibility of any substance to that claim the price would not be sitting at .0001.
Reliable sources say major US banks are negotiating to introduce biometric fingerprint payment cards, backed by VISA’s May 2024 announcement of its upcoming biometric card. SmartMetric Inc., the first to develop fingerprint-activated technology, holds the only approved US patents for this market.
Where is it ? Nutsandbolts probably knows where it is.
He’s the only one that thinks there is a card.
June 27 ,2024
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SmartMetric, Inc. (OTC: SMME), in addressing the projected $5.8 Billion estimated market for biometric cards, is pleased to announce the manufacture of its advanced GEN4 biometric fingerprint activated credit and debit card.
“SmartMetric is excited about having reached this major milestone in bringing its advanced biometric credit card to fruition after years of research and development”
Where is it?... The scam just continues with the occasional update of nothing...
I'm afraid Nuts he has a valid point 😆
Yeah, a completed card with PPS at .0001 LOL!!
Some people just don’t get it.
Interesting that the previous 2 or 3 PRs didn't mention anything about the manufacturing of The Card.
Guess if it's completed there's no need to
stupider ? LOL. I rest my case
Thanks for proving what a fool ( I mean stupider) you are.
Open mouth and serve foot.
Are you related to mrnutsandbolts ?
That would explain a lot. LOL!!
Thanks for the laugh.
Thank you. Positive feedback is always appreciated. We hope you are enjoying your Free Trial subscription.
While you ponder ask yourself what this has to do with the 10K or the fact this whole thing is a scam..
I think you have now unloaded your dumb investment in smme but can't deal with your loss.
Go on a holiday and clear your head
Will we get news this week??
I doubt the CEO has ever released the 10K on time. I do look forward to reading the real deal on how much has been done with this phantom card. At least we know the CEO can't lie in the annual report. My guess is nothing will have been done in the last 12 months.
Form NT 10-K - Notification of inability to timely file Form 10-K 405, 10-K, 10-KSB 405, 10-KSB, 10-KT, or 10-KT405
I see nutsandbolts still thinks he’s an investor
In this scam called Smme.
You’re not an investor…. You’re a victim.
Clueless but still a victim.
There was and never will be anything here to invest in.
Some people just never get it. lol
I notice you also post on CYTTA's stock.
I'm an investor in both.
What is your involvement in them?
Ahh a trip down memory lane of the absolute INSANE patent infringement case 10 years ago. This is how they conned a boatload of people into buying the shares. This is not only place the famous "Treble damages" was touted by this CON Artist.
Seems we aren't getting any update from this scan lately. We usually get some incredible development of an improvement in the card technology at least a couple of times a year. However this year all that has happened is smme has gone into production. But, where is the card?... We will no doubt read about it in the annual report. There we will see the card remains in the development stage as it has for the past 25 plus years.
Chaya are you enjoying spending that 31 million dollars collected from your hard working investors.
What a scam.
The stock and the only employee/owner/boardmember are both strange. My word for them is SCAM.