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como pasa el tiempo .... y a qui seguimos esperando nuestro nuevo momento dulce de nueva gloria ..... WDDD, BOTY, WNRS, GRNF, NGCG, AIAD, ITOX, BY0C, EMBR, EXLA, URBF, TRDX, PUGE etc...
What is a Custodianship?
There are literally thousands of penny stocks
that are publicly traded.
It isn’t uncommon
for some of those stocks
to get abandoned by their control people
for a variety of different reasons.
When a publicly
traded company gets abandoned
it doesn’t just stop publicly trading.
The abandoned shell
will continue to trade
until the day that the SEC
files an administrative order
to revoke the Issuers registration
(for SEC filers)
or until FINRA deletes the symbol
(for non-SEC filers).
That can often mean years of trading as
nothing but a zombie ticker.
As abandoned shells,
the public Issuers will fall behind
with their business license at the state level
(since nobody is around
to pay the annual fees
due to the Secretary of State).
When two years pass
without an entity paying its business taxes
at the state level,
the entity becomes revoked.
This opens the
door for control of the public Issuer to be
taken over by an interested party
(a shareholder or debt holder for example)
through a custodianship petition.
The interested party
can file a petition with the local court
requesting that the court approve a motion
to let the interested party
(or an individual of their choosing)
take over control of the abandoned shell
“in the best interest of the shareholders“.
The only real concerns the court will have
is that there is no objections to the motion
and that the custodian has a clean background.
The petitioner has to prove to the court
that they have made a legitimate effort
to contact the former control people
and they have to convince the court
that the custodian is a respectable choice
with a clean background
that will act in the best interest
of the existing shareholders.
That usually isn’t hard to do
so most custodianship petitions
will be granted by the court.
The only exception
is usually when the old control people
do show back up to object
or if the petitioner voluntarily dismisses
the petition
(this may happen if the
SEC suspends the Issuer during the proceedings
or initiates an administrative order to
revoke trading in the Issuer during the proceedings).
What Are Custodianship Plays
Why are some Custodianship plays such big movers?
Stocks that end up being taken over
through custodianship petitions can offer
several profit opportunities for
penny stock traders for a number of reasons:
1. The share prices have often fallen on
light volume to relatively low prices
(for the share structure of the stock)
due to years of inactivity putting some
of the stocks in extremely good price ranges
and setting them up with the potential
for large gains if interest builds for the stock.
2. Most have seen very little trading activity
for many years so much of the float is
owned by non-active traders that may not even
realize the stock has become active again ….
this means the retail/active float is
often even smaller than the true float.
3. Custodianship stocks are automatically
considered reverse merger candidates.
As reverse merger plays that allows for
the type of speculation that can create
big message board/social media pumps
Which Custodianship Plays are the Best?
Not all custodianship stocks will turn into good custodianship plays. So which are the best?
• Stocks that are in lower price ranges
(typical under $.01/share or in the low pennies)
with relatively good share structures for the price
have the biggest potential to turn into big plays
so they usually draw the most interest.
• Interest can also depend on who the custodian
is for the shell. Some custodians are
more popular than others. The custodians
that were involved in big movers in the past
tend to get more attention when
they do new custodianships.
De estos valores se han multplicado $TRON $CHLO $XHUA $EXLA $ADSV un 70% aprox
Nuevas acciones hot 2019 $ACTL $TRDX $XNNHQ $CAT $PUGE $TRON $SCRCQ $FONU $URBF
Say Hello to Andrea: The Ears of The Internet of Things.
The power of IoT is here to stay. It’s in Super Bowl ads, and it is something within the grasp of most homeowners. Alexa is the famous name associated with household IoT, and we’re proud to introduce her new best friend, Andrea.
Andrea’s got the powerful ears that can hear you even in extremely noisy environments. That’s why she is used in police cruisers, trucks, virtual teller machines (VTMs), customer service kiosks, intercom systems, and fast food restaurant drive thru order posts. Her patented digital, beamforming and noise cancellation signal processing enables accurate far-field speech recognition performance from up to 14 feet away.
So remember Andrea when you are looking for voice-operated IoT applications that require advanced audio input technology, in particular speech recognition microphones and noise reduction software.
Contact Andrea today to find out more.
Acuerdo Andrea Electronics $ANDR con ASUS Computer:
On January 27, 2016, Andrea Electronics Corporation (the “Company”) entered into a Settlement Agreement with ASUSTeK Computer Inc. and ASUS Computer International (“Asus”). Under the Settlement Agreement the Company settled outstanding litigation between the Company and Asus including Andrea Electronics Corporation v. ASUS Computer Inc. et al., Civ. Action No. 2:15-cv-00214, pending in the Eastern District of New York and Certain Audio Processing Hardware and Software and Products Containing the Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-949, pending at the International Trade Commission. In addition, the Company and Asus entered into a Patent License Agreement.
La patente de SafeCode Drug Technologies Corp. (SAFC):
Safecodes Básica Imformation del 10-K
Resumen de negocio
Nos constituimos en Delaware el 23 de noviembre de 2010 y una compañía etapa de desarrollo. Se firmó un acuerdo de cesión entre el Sr. Uri Tagger (el inventor) y SAFECode Drogas Technologies Corp., una tecnología pendiente de patente para un protector de voz activado para que la administración de la medicina el 15 de diciembre de 2010. Este acuerdo otorgado SAFECode Drogas Technologies Corp. derechos exclusivos, títulos e intereses sobre y para la invención. Todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual, libres de cualquier gravamen, carga, reclamo, derechos de preferencia, etc., para la invención.
Compramos la tecnología pendiente de patente del inventor, una persona con poca experiencia en el campo de los dispositivos médicos. El inventor se dedica al negocio de aplicaciones de medios basados ??en la web, y debido a la falta de fondos y el riesgo de que un producto basado en la solicitud de patente no sería comercialmente viable, no tiene ni desarrollado la tecnología que es el objeto de la solicitud de patente ni intentado comercializar la solicitud de patente antes de vender la tecnología a nosotros. Un prototipo de nuestro producto propuesta aún no ha sido fabricado para probar las capacidades del producto potencial, y no hay pruebas todavía no se ha realizado con respecto a la capacidad del producto propuesto rinda como es debido o en relación con la fiabilidad o la rentabilidad de este tipo de producto . Excepto por haber comprado la solicitud de patente del inventor, no tenemos ningún tipo de relación con el inventor.
La tecnología SAFECode Drogas Tecnologías tiene el potencial para ser adoptado como un estándar en todos los hospitales y centros de atención, para mejorar la seguridad de la administración de medicamentos. Específicamente, la invención está destinada para que coincida con las plantillas de nombre de la droga de voz como un mecanismo de umbral para el desbloqueo de un recipiente de medicamento tal como una caja de la jeringa o la píldora. Esta invención está destinada a ayudar a minimizar la administración accidentalmente el medicamento equivocado a un paciente al requerir un cuidador como un médico o una enfermera, para anunciar verbalmente el nombre del medicamento que se debe administrar. Si el medicamento no coincide con el nombre verbal que el medicamento no se puede administrar.
La tecnología fue transferida a SAFECode Drogas Technologies Corp. por el Sr. Uri Tagger (inventor), a cambio de 10% de las regalías futuras sobre cualquier ingreso que la empresa puede derivar de la patente.
El producto propuesto basado en nuestra invención se centrará en el uso de la tecnología de reconocimiento de voz para asegurar la droga / píldora vial / cuadro de la derecha se abre y se administra al paciente. En él se incluirán tanto el hardware y componentes de software. Se puede incluir un código de barras que identifica el paciente para quien está destinado el medicamento, un identificador de medicamento, un medio legible por ordenador que contiene una plantilla almacenada que identifica el nombre comercial fármaco, el nombre del compuesto, etc. una unidad de procesamiento capaz de enviar la voz almacenada plantillas a un ordenador, y una aplicación de software alojado en un sistema informático. El equipo tendrá equipamiento de serie, como una placa base, teclado, ratón, monitor, etc, pero también tendrá un micrófono capaz de recibir los comandos de voz y grabación de las plantillas de voz contra los que los comandos de voz área de comparación. Los componentes exactos del producto final será determinado por el fabricante que autoriza la invención de SAFECode. En el caso de que el titular de la licencia determina necesario o beneficioso utilizar un sistema de identificación de código de barras para la característica de seguridad coincidente paciente además de la componente de reconocimiento de voz para asegurar el medicamento correcto está siendo administrado, que es parte integral de nuestra oferta de tecnología, se necesitará el fabricante para licenciar los derechos de la patente # 7,347,841 de MediSafe1 Technology Corp.
El equipo debe tener capacidades de Internet que incluyen un módem interno o una conexión a un módem y acceso a Internet para activar el programa para acceder a un repositorio central de plantillas almacenadas de voz de los nombres de marca, nombres de marcas de medicamentos genéricos, o una combinación de ambos. El programa de grabación de audio debe incluir el software de reconocimiento de voz para interactuar con el micrófono y grabar las plantillas de voz.
Tenemos la intención de que el software será desarrollado por contratistas de terceros. Otros componentes o bien se subcontratan o compran a proveedores de equipos informáticos estándar y configurado para trabajar con nuestro software.
Aunque no se considera parte del producto real, prevemos centros de atención y hospitales colocar nuestro producto en un carro móvil que se puede mover con las enfermeras o cuidadores al pasar de una habitación a otra. Al igual que las máquinas de presión arterial, nuestro dispositivo sería tomada de una habitación a dispensar medicamentos.
Dado que el programa de software aún no se ha desarrollado, todavía no es posible determinar la naturaleza exacta de cómo el sistema de protección funcionará en su desarrollo final o para determinar los costos involucrados en el desarrollo del producto. Un sistema de microchip de detección de voz se incluirá de manera que será necesario que el cuidador para indicar el nombre del medicamento que se administra a coincidir plantillas de reconocimiento de voz almacenados dentro del programa.
Este sistema incluirá un sensor de microchip con el software de reconocimiento de voz y un dispositivo de bloqueo electromagnético que estará en comunicación con el sensor de microchip. Para utilizar nuestro producto propuesto, se requerirá que el proveedor de atención para leer en voz alta el nombre del paciente y el nombre de la medicina. Tras un partido del nombre del paciente con el medicamento correcto, el sensor de microchip enviará una alerta electrónica para el dispositivo de bloqueo electromagnético para desbloquear el depósito de almacenamiento.
Desde necesitarían diferentes fármacos para ser almacenado en sus propios recipientes cerrados, tendría que ser almacenado en un contenedor de fármaco bloqueado por separado, conectado al sensor de microchip y dispositivo de bloqueo electromagnético cada medicamento.
Safecodes Basic Imformation from 10-K
Business Summary
We were incorporated in Delaware on November 23, 2010 and are a development stage company. An Assignment agreement was signed between Mr. Uri Tagger (the inventor) and SafeCode Drug Technologies Corp., for a patent-pending technology for a voice-enabled protector for administering medicine on December 15, 2010. This agreement granted SafeCode Drug Technologies Corp. exclusive rights, title and interest in and to the invention. All Intellectual Property rights, free and clear of any lien, charge, claim, preemptive rights, etc. for the invention.
We purchased the patent-pending technology from the inventor, an individual with limited experience in the field of medicinal devices. The inventor is engaged in the business of web-based media applications, and due to a lack of funds and the risk that a product based on the patent application would not be commercially feasible, he has neither developed the technology that is the subject of the patent application nor attempted to commercialize the patent application prior to selling the technology to us. A prototype of our proposed product has not yet been manufactured to test the capabilities of the potential product, and no testing has yet been performed regarding the ability of the proposed product to perform as expected or regarding the reliability or cost-effectiveness of such a product. Except for having purchased the patent application from the inventor, we do not have any relationship with the inventor.
The SafeCode Drug Technologies technology has the potential to be adopted as a standard in all hospitals and care centers, for improving the safety of medication administration. Specifically, the invention is intended to match drug name voice templates as a threshold mechanism for unlocking a medication container such as a syringe or pill box. This invention is intended to help minimize accidentally administering the wrong medication to a patient by requiring a care-giver such as a doctor or a nurse, to verbally announce the name of the medication that should be administered. If the medicine does not match the verbal name the medicine cannot be administered.
The technology was transferred to SafeCode Drug Technologies Corp. by Mr. Uri Tagger (inventor), in exchange for 10% of future royalties on any income the company may derive from the patent.
The proposed product based on our invention will focus on the use of voice recognition technology to ensure the right drug / pill vial / box is being opened and administered to the patient. It will include both hardware and software components. It may include a barcode that identifies the patient for whom the medication is intended, a drug identifier, a computer readable medium containing a stored template that identifies the drug trade name, the compound name, etc. a processing unit capable of sending the stored voice templates to a computer, and a software application hosted on a computer system. The computer will have standard equipment such as a motherboard, keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. but will also have a microphone capable of receiving voice commands and recording the voice templates against which the voice commands area compared. The exact components of the final product will be determined by the manufacturer who licenses the invention from SafeCode. In the event the licensee determines it necessary or beneficial to use a barcode identification system for the patient matching safety feature in addition to the voice recognition component to ensure the right drug is being administered, that is integral to our technology offering, the manufacturer will need to license the rights to Patent # 7,347,841 from MediSafe1 Technology Corp.
The computer should have Internet capabilities including an internal modem or a connection to a modem and Internet access to enable the program to access a central repository of stored voice templates of drug brand names, generic brand names, or a combination of both. The audio recording program should include voice recognition software for interacting with the microphone and to record the voice templates.
We intend that the software will be developed by third party contractors. Other components will either be outsourced or purchased from suppliers of standard computer equipment and configured to work with our software.
Though not considered part of the actual product, we envision care centers and hospitals placing our product on a mobile cart that can be moved with the nurses or caregivers as they move from room to room. Similar to blood pressure machines, our device would be taken from room to room to dispense medicine.
Since the software program has not yet been developed, it is not yet possible to determine the exact nature of how the protection system will work in its final development or to determine the costs involved in developing the product. A voice detection microchip system will be included such that the caregiver will be required to state the name of the medication being administered to be matched against stored voice recognition templates within the program.
This system will include a microchip sensor with voice recognition software and an electromagnetic locking device that will interface with the microchip sensor. To use our proposed product, the care provider will be required to read aloud the name of the patient and the name of the medicine. Upon a match of the patient name with the correct medicine, the microchip sensor will send an electronic alert to the electromagnetic locking device to unlock the storage container.
Since different drugs would need to be stored in their own locked containers, each medication would need to be stored in a separate locked drug container, connected to the microchip sensor and electromagnetic locking device.
Gracias Chewsco ariba ariba SAFC haha
Andrea Electronics ANDR Acuerdo con Hewlett-Packard Co
Esto significa que ANDR COBRARA un royalti por ordenador producto vendido Hewlett-Packard Co qe lleve la tecnologia de ANDREA ELECTRONICS
On December 22, 2015, Andrea Electronics Corporation (the “Company”) entered into a Settlement Agreement with HP Inc. (“HP”). Under the Settlement Agreement the Company settled outstanding litigation between the Company and HP including Andrea Electronics Corporation v. Hewlett-Packard Co., Civ. Action No. 2:15-cv-208, pending in the Eastern District of New York and Certain Audio Processing Hardware and Software and Products Containing the Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-949, pending at the International Trade Commission (collectively, the “Litigation”). In addition, the Company and HP entered into a Patent License Agreement.
Bienvenido Xzibit, el Ask en SACF ya esta en 0.0007 !!!
Harbor Island Development Cor (HIDC)
HIDC está en caliente. El alto reciente fue 0,0059 (el 08/02/2013 en total 10,055,730 acciones negociadas en 0.0059 ~ 0.0035 o en el precio promedio 0,0047 por acción) y la más reciente alta fue 0,0011 ahora cotiza a 0.0002x0,0003 aprox.
El Float creo que es de 150M el autorizado es de 700M
No presenta informes desde noviembre 2013
Vision Industries Corp – (VIICQ)
Visión Industries Corp, es un fabricante con sede en California de vehículos pesados con emisión cero de CO2 con una nueva energía de pila de hidrógeno híbrido eléctrico. A día de hoy con la cotización a 0,0002 capitaliza 20.000 $
VIICQ sólo tenía emitidas 174.378.738 acciones de partir del 08/13/2014 del último informe financiero 10-Q (ver el primer enlace más abajo) y el Numero máximo acciones autorizadas se encuentra a sólo 500 mill.
La compañía presentó la CH11 en 09/25/2014 que generó el mayor volumen de la historia: el total de 250,844,300 acciones negociadas en 0.0020 ~ 0.0093 o al 0,00565 precio promedio por acción! VIICQ puede surgir ya sea directamente de la quiebra o, finalmente, convertirse en una bonita cáscara limpia después de cerrar el caso de bancarrota … En ambos sentidos VIICQ pueden sobrevivir y realizar su valoración.
Safecode Drug Technologies Co (SAFC)
Tienen patentado un tipo de suministro de medicamentos por voz, para evitar confusiones tiene 1 billon acciones autorizadas y unos 220.000.000 en circulación, a dia de hoy capìtaliza unos 100.000 euros, tiene casi el 5 % de una empresa de Israel :
On November 26, 2012, the Company entered into a share exchange agreement with Biomedix Incubator, an Israeli company and a shareholder of Gefen Biomed Investments, a publicly traded Israeli company. The Company issued 1,082,851 shares to Biomedix Incubator and received in return 921,790* shares of Gefen Biomed Investments. The shares were valued at $194,913 which was the market price of the Company’s shares on the date of the exchange. The investment in Gefen is less than 4.9% of Gefen’s outstanding stock.
* Gefen BioMed Investments currently trades @ 15.20 ILS or $3.87 USD per share which makes the total value of this investment $3,567,327 USD
hace unos dos años que no presenta ningun dato:
SMA Alliance, Inc - (SMAA)
Se esperan Noticias de esta empresa que se esta poniendo al dia tras un año de inactividad el numero de acciones autorizadas es de 1 Billon se calcula que el float son 500 millones acciones, el actual valor de la empresa es muy bajo
Dallas, TX -- July 13, 2015 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- SMA Alliance, Inc. (OTCMarkets:SMAA) is pleased to announce
a shareholder update for 2015-2016. First, we will update the financials with current information on OTC markets within
the upcoming days. In other important areas, the company has been involved with a few projects that have taken some
time and hard work to complete but are now coming to fruition. We have been working closely with several mobile app
developers in the creation and development of top of the line gaming applications for IOS and Android Systems. The
games will be available for purchase in the Android Play store and Apple’s App Store. Some games in development
will include rewards that can be redeemed on for any item of similar value or credited towards any
desirable item. Currently in the works is our gaming website where all our mobile applications will be also available
for purchase and download, the website will be going live soon. Stay tuned for exciting announcements that will be
released in the upcoming weeks.
Andrea Electronics Corp ($ANDR). Undervalued
Share Structure
Market Value1 $3,542,882 a/o Dec 09, 2015
Authorized Shares 200,000,000 a/o Nov 12, 2015
Outstanding Shares 64,416,035 a/o Nov 12, 2015
Profile Data
SIC - Industry Classification 3663 - Radio and TV communications equipment
Incorporated In: NY, USA
Year of Inc. 1934
Business Description
Andrea Electronics is a pioneer of digital audio input enhancement software, array microphone technologies and is an industry leading developer of product solutions which optimize the performance of voice user interfaces for applications such as; VoIP, Video Conferencing, Speech Recognition, OEM microphone components and assemblies, Computer gaming, In-Car Computing and 3D Audio Recording among others.
Item 1.01 Entry Into a Definitive Material Agreement.
On October 15, 2015, Andrea Electronics Corporation (the “Company”) entered into a Settlement Agreement with Realtek Semiconductor Corporation (“Realtek”). Under the Settlement Agreement the Company settled outstanding litigation between the Company and Realtek including, (a) Andrea Electronics Corporation v. Realtek Semiconductor Corp., Civ. Action No. 2:15-cv-215, pending in the Eastern District of New York, (b) Realtek Semiconductor Corporation v. Andrea Electronics Corporation, Civ. Action No. 5:15-cv-03184, pending in the Northern District of California, (c) Certain Audio Processing Hardware and Software and Products Containing the Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-949, pending at the International Trade Commission, and (d) IPR2015-1391—1396 pending at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (collectively, the “Litigation”). In addition, the Company and Realtek entered into a Patent and Technology License Agreement
Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
Item 1.01 Entry Into a Definitive Material Agreement.
On November 17, 2015, Andrea Electronics Corporation (the "Company") entered into a Settlement Agreement with Acer Inc. and Acer American Corporation ("Acer"). Under the Settlement Agreement the Company settled outstanding litigation between the Company and Acer including Andrea Electronics Corporation
v. Acer Inc. and Acer American Corporation., Civ. Action No. 2:15-cv-215, pending in the Eastern District of New York and Certain Audio Processing Hardware and Software and Products Containing the Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-949, pending at the International Trade Commission (collectively, the "Litigation"). In addition, the Company and Acer entered into a Patent License Agreement.
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