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Scandium International’s CEO on the impact of the US-China trade war on the global supply of scandium
Some Comments
“Depending on what happens in trade talks between the United States and China there could be some disruption of Chinese sources of scandium and I think that is going to be a good thing for Scandium International. It is going to highlight the fact that we are earliest possible producer outside of China, in the Australian clay belt. We are of a good size and of commercial scale to offer scandium to the waiting global markets outside of the disruptions what are apparently going to be caused by this trade dispute…” States George Putnam, President, CEO, and Director of Scandium International Mining Corp. (TSX: SCY), in an interview with InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky.
George went on to discuss Scandium International’s mine lease for its Nyngan Scandium Project. He said that the company is in discussions with the New South Wales’ Department of Planning and Environment and expects that the mine lease will be reissued soon. George also provided an update on the LOIs with customers. He said that Scandium International is expecting full technical success with two of its LOI partners and are working to add more potential customers in the form of LOIs this year.
listen for more at:
Some fantastic news out today which should be of interest for all potential scandium producers:
Russia REEs
this from NB I Hub
The geology is simple while the metallurgy is not - it took SCY years and millions to understand and crack the HPAL process and get good recoveries. Then you can't just mine ore if you do not have a plant to process it, (what would you do with it???) even if you know how to extract the minerals. Before they can build a plant they must raise money, done via "talking about it" to financiers and banks, usually for about a year or so, sometimes much longer. This is a specialty project after all.
Also there is no way they will get $125k a lb that would provide no value to most industries that desire it. Mass production will drop the price for commoditized 97-99% powder oxide powder hopefully to less than $1500/kilo - providing win win cost benefits to countless industries.
Yes, but it's important to recognize that we are not competing companies in the scandium space - we need each other to be fully successful. NIO will produce 103tonnes p/a which is 7-10 times what the globe sells now, but it's a mere fraction of what is required if the auto/aerospace/fuel-cell industry climb on board the scandium revolution (lighter-stronger-cleaner). Which they want to do - when the supply component is secured.
If the scandium is just lying there waiting to be scooped up ("SCY is easy geology at surface"), it might be nice if they started actually digging the stuff out instead of just talking about it, especially since it goes for $122,500 a pound. The Finland news is IMO pure fluff.
I agree. It should also be noted Niocorp is mainly about niobium while SCY is a pure scandium play, with all the pros and cons that entails. SCY has basically unlimited production potential while Nio's scandium ore is not even correlated directly with niobium, which means they are kind of going in two directions. SCY is easy geology at surface (like Mexus), NIO is deeper and complex. Nio needs a billion dollars (ouch) SCY needs 1/10 that for a much higher margin project. SCY needs 125% market cap for their project, Nio needs 560%+ - very hard to raise 5.6 x your market cap for a project. Very easy in comparison to raise 100m (near market cap) with a DFS that has such a high IRR.
The market desires reliable supply and any one project is insufficient to provide that. If the sector leaders succeed, then the new class of scandium juniors and wannabes will develop their deposits - scandium is found all over the world, US, Canada, northern Europe, Australia etc but nothing quite matches the Australian laterites which are the undisputed mother lode of scandium - bar none - no known comparable deposits exist outside of Australia. Look at the grades and depths side by side - they are striking. Niocorp can easily succeed and make a lot of money for its holders but comparing their scandium discovery to SCY or any of the other Australians like Clean Teq or Metallica is a joke. One is a lean, mean Olympic athlete, the other is a tad overweight.
Side note: Clean Teq now has a Canadian listing (finally!) and is an excellent company with fascinating water purification technology and some of the best scandium on Earth. Kind of an interesting combo, even if they have slowed development of their mining projects as I understand it. On my list to do some research, I really like Friedland.
Probably worth it to own a basket of scandium companies weighted in SCY's favour imo.
I bet SCY starts to raise money here shortly and that should begin the next (less boring) stage of the mine cycle. In the mean time, we wait patiently (or not).
Hey Realtor, the fact is - in order to kickstart this scandium renaissance with the big players like Boeing, Airbus auto industry etc etc. they need to know that there is a safe secure and sufficient amount of Sc being produce
Reliably. Probably in the order of 300-600 tonnes per/annum to start...NioCorp will produce 103 tonnes p/a. So SCY and Clean Teq and a few more is/are required.
With this scandium revolution, more producers that better!
Does that pull the rug out from under this SCY operation?
NioCorp stock-price increases 90% in a week:
Is the global need for scandium deminishing?
Scandium International seems to be a well kept secret!
Scandium International Secures Scandium Exploration Property in Finland
Reno, Nevada--(Newsfile Corp. - September 25, 2017) - Scandium International Mining Corp. (TSX: SCY) ("Scandium International" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary company, Scandium International Mining Corp., Norway AS, has been granted a reservation on an Exploration License for the Kiviniemi Scandium Property in central Finland from the Finnish regulatory body governing mineral exploration and mining in Finland. The Geological Survey of Finland ("GTK") conducted airborne survey work on the area in 1986, conducted exploration drilling on the property in 2008-2010, and published those program results on their public GTK website in 2016.
Kiviniemi property previously identified for scandium and explored by GTK,
Property is a high iron content, medium grade scandium target, located on surface, with on-site upgrade potential,
Early resource upgrade work done for GTK promising, confirmed by SCY,
Property is all-weather accessible, close to infrastructure, and
Finland location is mining-friendly and ideally suited to EU customer markets.
No problem, I just call it like it is...good or bad. It's best to not be an optimist or a pessimist in the a a spade a spade, and crap..crap. lol.
Nice upside move here on some decent volume after rejecting the recent downtrend low. Bollinger Band breaking out from down trend...check out the Weekly chart breaking through the middle Bollinger Band. Next stop $0.40's +, after that the upside is nearly unlimited. If we break through $0.50 it's game on, kaboom!
Irony...yes he was...down right commical! Glad I make my own decisions. Although I greatly appreciate your incisiveness!
The next few months should be interesting indeed!
That broker is an idiot if he said that - it is the exact same company with the exact same results - up or down.
What he probably meant was that there may be a tiny price differential between the Canadian listed exchange and the US exchange. So the bids and offers might be a little skewed on the OTC because Market Makers like to widen the spread a bit to get fools to pay up for shares and/or sell down lower to get out. So your "return on your money" might be less if you sell into a bid on the OTC that is purposefully lower then where the stock is trading at on the TSX.
SCYYF is the Over-the-Counter symbol for SCY (which trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), which is the main exchange it trades on). SCYYF follows SCY trading. Just use a currency converter to adjust for CAD vs USD. It is the EXACT same stock. Numerous companies trade on different exchanges and do the same thing. I would avoid taking advice from that broker again.
The ONLY thing you need to follow is SCY:TSX in the link below. SCYYF:OTC will follow that exchange to the penny. Don't even worry about where SCYYF is trading and the bids/ask - it's all garbage Marker Maker games, it will follow SCY price action regardless.
Just heard from a broker that SCYYF (NASDAQ:US) and SCY (Toronto's Stock Exchange) are the same company's under different exchanges of course and that couldn't guarantee same return for your money!?? :(
Waiting on proceeds from that other one to fruition. Timing will be close. Both will be making substantial moves; one after the other.
Thanks for the update!
I should also add, that the company is currently in the process of merging with SIL (who owns the other 20%) to become 100% owned (vs 80% owned), and the merger is going to be voted on on Sept 11th 2017 at the shareholders meeting. The price is at C$0.30 where the transaction is taking place. THAT is why we are stuck at this PPS right now.
You're welcome. I think it all comes down to getting financing and/or getting an offtake agreement signed and in place. They only need $100mil to fund the mine...that is not that much in the world of building mines.
Also, I do not think they do a good job of marketing what they have, and it's potential for massive returns to potential shareholders. I had to really dig through the Feasibility Study to find that little bit of info about the Feasibility Study using only 10% of M&I resources for it's valuations calculations, that honestly should be in BIG BOLD writing at the very top of the Feasibility Study, not on page 6 as a side note.
Whenever there is a news release I have to go looking for it.
SCY news releases
Thanks for posting feasibility study! This stock is a definite interest. Curious as to why it is still trading in it's current range??
Found this little nugget of overlooked, but great info on Page 6 of the Definitive Feasibility Study.
Significant upside potential.
– DFS outlines 20 year mine life using less than 10% of M&I resources.
Scandium International Consolidates 100% Ownership of Nyngan Scandium Project
Scandium International Consolidates 100% Ownership of Nyngan Scandium Project
Scandium International Mining Corp. (TSX:SCY) ("Scandium International" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and reached agreement with Scandium Investments LLC ("SIL"), to acquire SIL's 20% ownership of EMC Metals Australia Pty Ltd, ("EMC-A"). The transaction will increase the Company's ownership of EMC-A from 80% to 100%. EMC-A holds both the Nyngan and Honeybugle scandium projects located in New South Wales, Australia. The Company will issue 57,371,565 shares of the Company to acquire SIL's shares of EMC-A, representing 20% of the issued shares of the Company on a post-transaction basis. The transaction is considered non-dilutive to existing SCY shareholders. The Company will issue 57,371,565 shares of the Company to acquire SIL's shares of EMC-A, representing 20% of the issued shares of the Company on a post-transaction basis. The transaction is considered non-dilutive to existing SCY shareholders
Transaction consolidates SCY ownership in Nyngan/Honeybugle Projects to 100%,
Will accelerate development of Nyngan Scandium Project through better alignment,
Transaction considered non-dilutive to existing SCY shareholders,
SIL becomes largest Company shareholder, and
SIL to nominate two directors to the Company's board of directors.
FYI Honey Bugle. 80% ownership here as well.
Honey Bugle
Scandium International with Nyngan and Honey Bugle has a primary, scalable scandium supply.
They could also expand production capacity at Nyngan or expand to Honey Bugle, like you said, and start production there as well. That's why when people talk about Scandium International they describe it as a "primary, scalable scandium supply". They could get much more out of the ground in those 26 years of mine life than what they are forecasting for now if they scale up.
Mine life is 21 years. This is because the NSW mining lease is max. 21 years.
The Nyngan resource is big and rich enough to extend the mine life and/or upscale production. The current scenario in the DFS only uses up 1/6 of the resource.
Max. mine life: 6 * 21 = 126 years
Max. production: 38.5 * 6 = 231 tonnes Sc per year.
The combination of 115.5 tonnes Sc for 42 years would also be possible. Remember SCY also owns Honeybugle, which is similar in size and grade.
Hello, can some one tell me what the lifetime from this mine is. Thanks
BTW the 200 million CAD is not correct.
In the DFS: 225 million USD (8% discount rate) = 306 million CAD
1. The outcome of the NPV calculation depends on the discount rate used, individuals may use different rates. The 200 million CAD is not an ‘objective’ company value.
2. Another method often used to calculate the value of a company is based on the EBITDA. Company value = 5 to 10 times the EBITDA.
In the DFS you can find SCY’s EBITDA: 49,5 million USD
5 * 49.5 = 247.5 million USD (= 338 million CAD)
10 * 49.5 = 495 million USD (= 675 million CAD)
3. What you also should take into account is that SCY story is like the scandium story, a growth story. If you assume that SCY will double their production in 3 years, this should also be incorporated in the company value (and share price).
I think this answers your question.
SCY owns 80 percent of a 200 NPV project, so 160 million in value. Current market cap is 90 mil CAD, and they still need to raise 80 percent of 90 ish mil for Capex. So even if it could raise here at 36 cents, its market would be approx equal to NPV... before ground breaks? IMO, must trade down. 23 cents? Why is this wrong?
re:"Mining Lease Grant "
Was expecting more of a boost from that. Oh well.
Once more scandium becomes generally available, the "chicken or the egg" paradox currently inhibiting the scandium market will be resolved.
Scandium International Mining Corp. Receives Mining Lease Grant for Nyngan Scandium Project
Reno, Nevada--(Newsfile Corp. - May 5, 2017) - Scandium International Mining Corp. (TSX: SCY) ("Scandium International" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its subsidiary company, EMC Metals Australia, has been granted a Mining Lease for the Nyngan Scandium Project in New South Wales ("NSW"), Australia. The Mining Lease ("ML") overlays select areas previously covered by two Exploration Licenses. The ML was granted by the Minister for Resources of the State of New South Wales on May3, 2017, and represents the final major approval required from the NSW Government to begin construction on the project.
Mining Lease grant received on Nyngan Project (ML 531),
Represents final key project approval required from NSW Government,
Permits development of the world's first primary scandium mine,
Triggers project partners' decisions to reach Final Investment Decision ("FID") and,
Allows SCY to actively begin mine development, subject to project funding.
The Mining Lease grant represents the final governmental primary approval needed to construct a mine in the State of NSW, Australia. The ML was awarded after all environmental work was completed and reviewed, all social implications of project development were considered, and the NSW Environmental Minister issued a Development Consent in November 2016. The ML grant reflects the further review that the State resource value was considered and approved for extraction based on mine development plans. The ML was offered for a period of 21 years, and is based on the development plans and intent submitted in the ML Application. The ML can be modified by NSW regulatory agencies, as requested by EMC Australia ("EMC-A") over time, to reflect changing operating conditions.
This ML grant represents the culmination of a seven-year effort by SCY and our team of specialists, consultants and technicians, working on the Nyngan Scandium Project since 2010. That process has specifically included:
Defining a NI 43-101 scandium resource on the property,
Testing and proving a metallurgical process to economically produce significant commercial quantities of scandium oxide, and mine plans to extract scandium ore for refining to commercial grade scandium product,
Demonstrating viable economics with an independently prepared (NI 43-101) Definitive Feasibility Study,
Completing all environmental, social, developmental, and regulatory requirements specified by NSW regulators, and
Receiving final NSW Department Ministerial approvals and sign-off on this work.
SCY currently owns 80% of the Nyngan Scandium Project, through ownership of 80% of EMC Metals Australia. Our minority partner, Scandium Investments LLC ("SIL") owns the remaining 20% of the Project, through its 20% ownership in EMC-A. The ML grant triggered an option for SIL to convert their 20% interest in EMC-A into SCY common shares, which SIL may exercise in their sole discretion until mid-June 2017. If SIL does not exercise the option and elects to retain its 20% ownership interest in EMC-A, their free-carry period for development costs will end, and the partners will be required to fund development costs on a pro-rata basis to their ownership of EMC-A.
George Putnam, CEO of Scandium International Mining Corp. commented:
"This Mining Lease grant is a major milestone in the Company's development of the Nyngan Scandium Project. It signals the full support of state government, regulators, and the community for our endeavor, and is validation of the level and quality of work that has been committed to date. We couldn't be more pleased with this show of support and encouragement from NSW regulators to move forward and build Nyngan into the world's first primary scandium mine, and to do so in NSW, Australia"
Willem Duyvesteyn, MSc, AIME, CIM, a Director and CTO of the Company, is a qualified person for the purposes of NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release on behalf of the Company.
The Company is focused on developing the Nyngan Scandium Project into the world's first scandium-only producing mine. The Company owns an 80% interest in both the Nyngan Scandium Project, and the adjacent Honeybugle Scandium Property, in New South Wales, Australia, and is manager of both projects. Our joint venture partner, Scandium Investments LLC, owns the remaining 20% in both projects, along with an option to convert those direct project interests into SCY common shares, based on market value, by mid-June 2017.
The Company filed a NI 43-101 technical report in May 2016, titled "Feasibility Study — Nyngan Scandium Project". That feasibility study delivered an expanded scandium resource, a first reserve figure, and an estimated 33.1% IRR on the project, supported by extensive metallurgical test work and an independent, 10-year global marketing outlook for scandium demand.
For further information, please contact:
George Putnam, President and CEO.
Tel: 925-208-1775
This press release contains forward-looking statements about the Company and its business. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and include, but are not limited to statements regarding any future development of the project. The forward-looking statements in this press release are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company's actual results or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by forward looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without limitation risks related to uncertainty in the demand for Scandium and pricing assumptions; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the project in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's properties; uncertainties involved in the estimation of Scandium reserves and resources; the possibility that required permits may not be obtained on a timely manner or at all; the possibility that capital and operating costs may be higher than currently estimated and may preclude commercial development or render operations uneconomic; the possibility that the estimated recovery rates may not be achieved; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labor disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; risks related to projected project economics, recovery rates, and estimated NPV and anticipated IRR and other factors identified in the Company's SEC filings and its filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, opinions and expectations of the Company's management at the time they are made, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update its forward-looking statements if those beliefs, opinions or expectations, or other circumstances, should change.