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Market cap.Micro Cap ($20.52M)
Shares outstanding1,026,078,464
DOUBLED!!!!!!!!!! since June 30
very good news.....imo, they're getting serious...
should of done this long ago...but thats ok...
will do my dd on to all
$SNWV - Signs Distribution Agreement With Pacific Medical, Inc.
👉Current Price $0.017
Morgan C. Frank
Interim Chief Executive Officer
SANUWAVE Health, Inc.
11495 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
(770) 419-7525
Just a dump fest
Market cap. Micro Cap ($7.68M)
Shares outstanding 548,737,651
but somehow i feel like it would be selling at the bottom
our new CEO . from linked in. sounds like a great guy ....
honeybadger puerto ricohoneybadger puerto rico
Nov 2017 - Present · 5 yrs 8 mosNov 2017 - Present · 5 yrs 8 mos
san juan, prsan juan, pr
Act 20 PR entity. honey badger don't care
Toni Rinow, Ph.D. MBA
Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Toni Rinow joined SANUWAVE® as Chief Financial Officer in August, 2022.
Company CFO??? hmmm ... not a mention on linkedin
this thing is a fickng joke:
they cant even update their website for the CEO change - what a bunch of fucking doofuses
i feel like i should sell my last 2 sheckels in the thing and be done, but somehow i feel like it would be selling at the bottom
I’m guessing there will be another CEO change in the next six months
Janey goes on vacay for a week and SOMETHING actually happens around here. TFG doosh bag is gone. Used this co like an atm.
nah, he's been neutered. Basically gone. Morgan is now the QB
Only as CEO. The miscreant is still connected.
Only as CEO. The miscreant is still connected.
is there ever a point to buy back???? does it really go to zero?
somebody is just dumping this shit
DP has zero legs in the wound care space as is. It's lacking the most critical components to make it successful. The techno has potential however, SNWV's business model is severely broken as are other like techno's. This is a direct result of those involved NOT having the necessary experience or knowledge of the environment. SNWV has been "focused and committed" to shockwave/DP techno for years and yet only 5% of their revenue comes from it. ANYONE investing in this group of incompetents is crazy.
Kevvy Wevvy just doesn’t inspire a lot confidence on those calls. Stumbling over the script and just seeming awkward in general.
Reno wasn’t a whole lot better.
The sales guy seemed stoked and ready for action.
Is dermapace dead - nary a mention ????
not horrific dilution
Common Stock, par value $0.001, 2,500,000,000 shares authorized; 555,637,651 and 548,737,651 issued and outstanding at March 31, 2023 December 31, 2022, respectively
and what even is this
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities (6,797) 3,482
all the ugly debt numbers got worse
OK ... not the worst 10 I've seen - revs up 18% to 3.775mm - x4 = 15mm for the year is all is flat. 2x on revs is 30mm mkt value or 3x from current share price.
is tomorrow the "we are looking at strategic alternatives" call?
5 days until the Qly report is due ... what are the odds its a decent report ?
Sanuwave BOD ... where the phuck is the phiduciary responsibility ?????????????
Morgan C. Frank, Chairman of the Board
Michael Stolarski, Director, Mr. Stolarski founded Premier Shockwave
Jim Tyler , Director, Advisory partner to Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital
Ian Miller, Director, Commercial Vice President of Hoogwegt US
Jeffrey Blizard, Director, Senior Director of Sales at AbioMED
do you think they'll get ACCURATE reports out ON TIME this q?
dilution POTENTIAL - nothing has been diluted yet - but the next Q reporting is coming soon. they gotta get the debt off the books somehow?!?!?!?!
you don't say....
the dilution is very strong with this one.
no reason to buy at this point as it's basically ZERO
With that being said, the company hasn't given ANYONE a reason to BUY
Just getting shit on - time to buy? Or time to sell last little bits
Three debt overhang is killing this stock
One of my rays of hope here was Toni Rinow but even she seems elusive at tiffs point
What an Effin Joke Morgan Frank and Kevin Richardson
$.023 offer and for size.
Sub penny coming ?
0.018 this am
Continuing to be shit on
Janey, you ever speak with Mr. Frank ?
this is when your OS will skyrockt
this is the part that will prove tragic for kevvy
Senior secured debt, in default $ 14,416
Convertible promissory notes 16,713
Convertible promissory note, related parties 7,409