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Nobody trust this scam...
As per usual. Nothing. Spom is complete trash.
They are already one week late....
It seems to be a scam...
Well they seem to be answering. Got this reply
As I thought. This is much more then just a Marble and Granite store. They are actually into mining as they stated in todays press release. That's a huge margin rev stream!!
For More Information
For investor inquiries, please contact:
Send them some emails. Ans let's see how they respond Looks like dilution IMO
Biggest problem is the news is only posted on OTC Markets so there's no new eyes seeing the good going on here. Otherwise we'd probably be way higher
News! Lots more to come
No special knowledge here buy Maybe some updates soon. imho
Today is December 3. Let's hope They get some updated News out!!
More Companies being registered under the Spo Global address in Florida! It was stated in the PR more to this then just ALLURE Marble and Stone.
They are supposed to be launching the new socials says by "end of November" so we will see
Seems concerning that is was only announced in their filings. Nothing from Allure’s Instagram.
Not enough people aware it was only issued on otc markets
This is great news.
I'm surprised that we did not have a nice pop in
Share price.
As I’ve felt from all the shares issues this is more then just Allure and in their PR they stated there’s much more to come which is the reason for the shares issued! Can’t wait to see it all develop!
Set the buy at .002 and you’ll get them.
Anyone able to buy shares? It's really strange I can only buy in 10k share blocks. Otherwise I get an error that there are not enough shares
Well nice to be right about something once in a while.
General Information Update: New Direction of the Company, Corporate Structure,
and Operations;
As reflected in the Company’s Disclosure Statements published earlier this year, the Board of
Directors/Company’s Management, elected to separate activities and operations of Gerpang
S.P.O. Global Inc. and GP Healthcare Group from SPO Global Inc. The Company began
negotiations with other entities to potentially acquire and/or merge with, to bring new
operations to the Company and to move into a new direction prior to this decision being made.
This decision was not made lightly. It was however, decided unanimously by the Board of
Directors, in the effort to bring value to the Company and its Shareholders. With the new
direction of the Company, and its operations being Stateside, the Shareholders will be able to
receive timely updates. Shareholder Updates and Company News about ongoing operations will
be made public more frequently going forward.
Platform “X”: The Company would like to inform its Shareholders that Company’s
Management will begin posting updates on the platform “X” in addition to OTC Markets
website. The Company will NOT be posting any “forward looking statements” on this platform,
but will provide information about what the Company is doing more frequently. The account is
not yet set up, but shall be by the end of the month of November 2024. Management will inform
its Shareholders once the account is active by announcing it via “NEWS” on the OTC Markets
website. Any pre-existing accounts on this platform from this Company should not be relied
upon. Management is unaware of any active account currently on this platform.
Announces Strategic Acquisition to Expand into Marble and Stone Import Market
CEO of SPO GLOBAL, INC., announces, “We’ve successfully executed an Agreement and
acquired the majority control of a leading company in the Import and Wholesale Sector of
Marble and Stone, positioning us to expand our presence within this high-demand market."
This recent acquisition aligns with SPO GLOBAL INC.'s new direction and business model of
identifying and partnering with companies capable of leveraging public markets to enhance
growth and cash flow stability. Management stated, “Our goal is to focus on companies that
support a fundamental foundation for cash flow stabilization, particularly those with products
that maintain a stable shelf life in the global market."
As part of this strategy, SPO GLOBAL INC., hereby announces its acquisition of majority control
of Allure Marble and Stone, Inc. This move is expected to enhance both companies'
capacity to serve a broader clientele, offering high-quality Marble and Stone Products to meet
the rising demand in various international markets.
The Company would like its Shareholders to know that there is much more information coming.
Management will be making a formal introduction of Allure Marble and Stone Inc. to its
Shareholders in the upcoming days. This will include detailed information about its operations,
company goals, website information, and contact information. Company’s CEO stated, “There
are many announcements forth coming in the weeks ahead. We as a Company will do our very
best to get these announcements out in a timelier manner. This recent acquisition of Allure
Marble and Stone Inc. is just the start. The Company has recently adjusted its Share Structure,
and for good reason. This allowed us to engage with our Strategic Investors that are willing and
able to provide the necessary capital to grow as a Company as we reach our intended
Yes, if you take the time to go through exactly how many companies are under the Allure scope as well as others like Sinai Granite and much more. There's a ton of things I think are working that'll come out. Especially with the amount of shares issued. Has to be bigger then just ALLURE
His name is on the reporting. That’s who people have been communicating with. Sounds like this is just the beginning, several more companies going to be acquired.
Where did you hear that? I am hopeful it's true since we have been drug along for so long now on silence.
PR coming out early next week.
Not much information given in that report. Looks like we will have to wait to see what is in the Annual report due end of March 2025
I wonder what that even means in terms of acquired value here. I am not abkle to review the quarterly report at the moment, was anything else financials wise provided for the acquired company?
Effective September 30, 2024, the Company acquired Allure Marble & Stone as a 100% owned subsidiary. Due to
the late date in the quarter, no revenues or expenditures are reported for the remaining two days of the quarter.
Third qtr report will show here ( any day now. Hopefully we see merger news in report if no PR.
What are you trying to highlight?
Third qtr report for Sept 30 due this week. (Nov 15th)
Let's go SPOM. Patiently waiting for the NEWS!
100,000,000 more in OS
Updated Co profile showed new on OTC today! Could mean news soon!
Word on the street is Co is working as fast as they can to get all done and announced.