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Successful business?
A business built to be a Ponzi scheme..
Samtrade is a scam in its business towards its customers
It only went public to seem more credible, nothing else
Scam from day 1 until the end
Singapore MAS knew about and allowed SamTrade to operate unlicensed is an indication the operation wasn’t out to scam.
MAS warned Sam not take on new clients but they did and took on over 200K new clients. This massive increase pissed off the MAS to the point of arrests and investigations.
Sam purchased this shell to grow his successful business not to scam it away. imo
‘Their English and Australia license was/is not licenses that give them right to handle investors money, only handle payments like a corner Forex shop where you exchange your money before you go on a holiday...
That's like a scam to me’
Their English and Australia license was/is not licenses that give them right to handle investors money, only handle payments like a corner Forex shop where you exchange your money before you go on a holiday...
That's like a scam to me
Yes, Reverse Merger -
No shares dumped -
Who was scammed?
Facts are not out, all we know is Samtrade operated without a License in Singapore after being warned not take on new clients...
Can you please explain yourself a little better?
New startup?
Nobody scammed?
I guess you refer custodian as a holding company, or do you try to say something else?
Can you please explain yourself a little better?
New startup?
Nobody scammed?
I guess you refer custodian as a holding company, or do you try to say something else?
$SMFX was a custodian play, new startup no dilution, no body was scammed…
‘ Investors do due diligence and don't buy shares like this offense, but the signs of a scam was all over it, and i tried to point you towards that. ‘
Investors do due diligence and don't buy shares like this offense, but the signs of a scam was all over it, and i tried to point you towards that.
This situation is a good example why should only invest funds in the OTC willing to lose… Traders that need their money will take massive losses for peanuts… Investors willing take a complete loss are willing to wait it out…
This situation isn’t as grim as some want us to believe. There’s a buyer @.15 and a buyer bought .17 today… Shorts are smartest traders on the planet, if they are covering it’s good news… if not, could be an insider buying… gl
‘At the moment we can only make assumptions, this share can go to zero, how it can recover, so far not all is lost.’
At the moment we can only make assumptions, this share can go to zero, how it can recover, so far not all is lost.
Selling with MC under 200K is stupid... if this does fold the tax credit is worth it vs waiting for all the facts possible recover. Investing is individualized, what's right one can be wrong for another...
Investors that use their brains sell and move on when they realise that they sit on a losing stock.
You do the right thing!
Investors that use their brains sell and move on when they realise that they sit on a losing stock.
It's better to have something than nothing.
That’s the point, no body sees it until happens… yes, go with gut… Traders able sell above .50 fortunate others still holding better off holding… gl
‘<not give in too early>
I use that approach when I see a path forward or some light at the end of the tunnel.
In this case I see neither. At least for a couple of years as Bearslayer has pointed out in his last post.
Best of luck to you with your approach to SMFX.’
<not give in too early>
I use that approach when I see a path forward or some light at the end of the tunnel.
In this case I see neither. At least for a couple of years as Bearslayer has pointed out in his last post.
Best of luck to you with your approach to SMFX.
Probably won't be posting here anymore, at least until I see something positive happening with this ticker.
Another lesson could be not give in too early…
‘Lost a lot with SMFX. But learned that you can't assume all custodian plays will be winners. An expensive lesson for me to have learned.’
Lost a lot with SMFX. But learned that you can't assume all custodian plays will be winners. An expensive lesson for me to have learned.
This will go into court appointed receivership or bankruptcy. A trustee will be appointed and it will take two years or so to sort out. The shell will be locked up until there is nothing left of value then left for dead. That’s when DL or another vulture will swoop in and take it over again. Get it current and then sell it again.
I’ll wait for this all to be over before getting shares again. Too much time will be wasted with the delisting and legal wrangling.
Hope others can sell what they have and get some cash back.
I thought this would turn out to be a good stock. Wrong again I guess.
Place a request to remove worthless shares from the account via broker...
No concern about being 'stuck' with worthless shares...
Or perhaps to "Caveat Emptor". In either case, this ticker will be very difficult to either buy or sell on either tier.
Next downgrade will be to the expert market.
Or perhaps to "Caveat Emptor". In either case, this ticker will be very difficult to either buy or sell on either tier.
SMFX finally downgraded to Pink Limited.
Took OTC Markets 5+ weeks to downgrade SMFX. Their fins were due Jan. 14, 2022.
Another example of OTC Markets incompetence.
Facts matter… ex: J6 defendants…
As for late filing, I’m not sure when but a warning will hit before a suspension.
As for what’s going on in Singapore just going have wait on a reliable source for information.
‘Do you really think that the company had been forced to stop deposits and withdrawals unless there was proofs?
Do you think they would have been able to provide proof that they were innocent during the last 6 weeks so the business could have been up and running again?
I understand that you really want me to be wrong, you have invested in this company and don't want to accept that I might be right.
Time to start thinking realistic and just accept.’
Do you really think that the company had been forced to stop deposits and withdrawals unless there was proofs?
Do you think they would have been able to provide proof that they were innocent during the last 6 weeks so the business could have been up and running again?
I understand that you really want me to be wrong, you have invested in this company and don't want to accept that I might be right.
Time to start thinking realistic and just accept.
Do really want those in power over us making decisions without all the facts? Because want to see failure is not reason enough…
‘ I wonder how long OTC will accept it.
No report
Management in prison
Funds missing from customers
No software so the company can't earn money
Staff that needs to be paid
Would never have been accepted to be traded on any other marke’
I wonder how long OTC will accept it.
No report
Management in prison
Funds missing from customers
No software so the company can't earn money
Staff that needs to be paid
Would never have been accepted to be traded on any other market..
Still no Q3 filing. Now 1 month late. <eom>
SAM Trade growing fast; possible Singapore Authorities put the breaks on SAMTrade (ST) Brokerage to investigate wrong doing since they were operating without a License (Singapore). Note: Back in July Singapore MAS warned ST not to take on new clients. My understanding there's no mention of ST license being revoked in Australia.
Investors buying during this uncertainty could be buying into a stock with x100 potential if the investigation turns out to be clean. Investors could lose it all if the investigation proves criminality or it's possible Investors stay intact with the Shell surviving.
Still waiting to hear what they are charged with. It could be said the "law" has caused a run that can't be covered that wouldn't have happened otherwise.
GIB Capital is passing Samtrade FX’s ASIC license as its own
Following the freezing of its operations
posted an “FAQ” statement
I think that withdrawals was closed the second they was arrested, and since they claimed all customers funds was held separately, it shouldn't matter anyway?
Still waiting to hear what they are charged with. It could be said the "law" has caused a run that can't be covered that wouldn't have happened otherwise.
So more news early April, as the business won't reopen until this is sorted I would say that a bankruptcy is almost guaranteed.
Samtrade FX placed under judicial management, US$167m in assets seized
Continued from Page 3
These are the 6 entities and their re spective functions listed in Sam Goh's af fidavit:
S.A.M. Trade (V) Limited, formerly known as Samtrade FX, which was incorary shares in Volopa Capital, a company porated in the Republic of Vanuatu in July 2016, It provides brokerage ser vices:
Samtrade FX Limited, which was incor- porated in St Vincent and Grenadines (SVG) in January 2019 with an issued capital of US$50,000, also for providing brokerage services:
Samtrade Custodian Limited, incor porated in SVG in December 2018 with an issued capital for US$50,000. While set up to offer a number of trading and brokerage-related activities, it has so far only held monies and accounts with its liquidity providers, claims Sam Goh
S.A.M. Fintech Pte Ltd, incorporated in Singapore in July 2019 with an issued capital of S$10. Its principal business in cludes management consultancy and in- formation technology services (except
cybersecurity) to the group of compan- ies. It holds 18 per cent of the original shares in Zana Capital, which has a cap ital markets services licence to carry out fund-management activities in Singa pore. It also holds 10 per cent of ordin authorised to carry out certain invest ment activities in the UK:
Samtrade Custodian Pte Ltd, an ex empt private company limited by shares incorporated in Singapore, which provides management con- sultancy services to the group of com- panies. Its issued capital is S$10,000. tions.
S.A.M. Marketing Private Limited, also an exempt private company limited by shares incorporated in Singapore in July 2019, with 5510 in issued capital. Its principal business includes providing management consultancy and market ilities. ing services to the group of companies. SAM. Marketing holds 100 per cent of the shares in S.A.M. Marketing (Hong Kong) Limited.
Sam Goh is chief executive of S.A.M. partner Patrick Ang. Trade (V) and Samtrade FX, and a dir-
ector in all 6 companies.
Another individual named Goh L Xing is also listed as a director in S.A.M. Fintech, Samtrade custodian Pte Ltd, and S.A.M. Marketing.
The current investigations have prompted many clients to withdraw from their accounts on the online trad ing platform, but Samtrade FX and S.A.M. Trade (V) are unable to pay these withdrawals, Sam Goh had said.
The management and officers have also been unable to access the relevant accounts due to the ongoing investiga
He also said that S.A.M. Fintech and S.A.M. Marketing have approximately $$360,000 and $$250,000 respectively in outstanding liabilities, but both do not have sufficient cash to meet the liabunds. It had collected almost 3,000 sig
In their application to appoint the in terim judicial managers, the companies are represented by a team of lawyers from Rajah & Tann, led by managing
Sam Goh said in a statement dated laid off.
Jan 3, following the announcement by the police and the MAS on investiga tions into his companies, that his team has appointed Rajah & Tann to advise them "on all legal matters relating to the ongoing investigations".
MAS and the police said on Jan 3 that 3 men aged between 31 and 36 had been arrested in connection with the in vestigation. A pre-trial conference was held on Thursday (Feb 10) and the in terim judicial managers' report is expec ted to be available by early April. The case is scheduled to be heard again in court on Jun 27.
Retail investors have started a peti tion calling on authorities to lift the sus pension of accounts they have with trade FX, so they can withdraw their natures as at 9.15 pm on Friday.
The petition, listed on ates that a good portion of retail in vestors who have used Samtrade FX are retirees. Another significant group com prises office workers who were recently
Over 100 million is missing, Sam claimed there is over 270 million, but the management can only find 167 million.
We still have no clue what their customer debt is..
Hahaha, as easy as that :)
I don't know anything about this missing 100mm dollars other than the hearsay... that said, must be the worlds fastest accountants make such a find so fast... we'll see
$100M a mere pittance.
All Sam has to do is sell his 90M shares of SMFX to some "investor"/sucker willing to pay $1/share and all will be well. LOL
Either that or declare bankruptcy for protection from creditors.
$100M a mere pittance.
All Sam has to do is sell his 90M shares of SMFX to some "investor"/sucker willing to pay $1/share and all will be well. LOL
Either that or declare bankruptcy for protection from creditors.
Next hearing in court will be the 11th of February, it seems like 100 million of the customers money is missing and more details about that will be revealed in 10 days
Here's an interesting fact regarding SMFX OTC status.
SMFX is now 2+ weeks late with their Q3 financial disclosure report. Technically they are NOT Pink Current anymore. Yet OTCMarkets for some reason has not yet downgraded them to the Pink Limited tier.
Why not?? The SEC Rule 15c2-11 requiring current information went into effect on Sept. 28, 2021. (See the quote below from the Federal Register.)
The SEC specified a compliance date for amended Rule 15c2–11 (except for paragraph (b)(5)(i)(M)) of nine months after the amended rule’s December 28, 2020 effective date, which is September 28, 2021.
I’m calling from the facts that are available... have a good day
You really need to start digging deeper in your fact findings.
Apparently there is 100 million USD missing in the account balance that the police can't find.
The videos has correct info, you can email and ask them since you don't trust the info I post here, it's better you ask them yourself.
As of 1st of February, samtradefx has no trading software since metaquotes cancelled their agreement.
100 million dollars is missing
Management is still arrested
And you want to paint a picture that things are ok, so others invest in smfx and your shares increase in value..
You really need to start digging deeper in your fact findings.
Apparently there is 100 million USD missing in the account balance that the police can't find.
The videos has correct info, you can email and ask them since you don't trust the info I post here, it's better you ask them yourself.
As of 1st of February, samtradefx has no trading software since metaquotes cancelled their agreement.
100 million dollars is missing
Management is still arrested
And you want to paint a picture that things are ok, so others invest in smfx and your shares increase in value..
What we know as fact:
1) Samtrade was warned last July 2021 not take on new clients because were not licensed in Singapore.
2) Samtrade, per their website, over 300k clients.
-This is a three fold increase in a short amount time.
3) Indictments recently filed by Singapore Authorities resulted in the arrest of Executive Management for operating without a license.
4) Investigation of brokerage
5) Next SEC filing is due
Any news or update not from SamTrade or Singapore Authorities could be false information.
Believing anyone else just opinion…
I find it odd that before the arrest, we were warned of a ponzi scheme or similar ill behavior of the company. Short time later lo and behold an arrest was made about not having a license.
Now we are pointed to videos that can’t be confirmed. Especially the video that’s not legible.
Starting look like someone in the know is purposely trying to cause a panic sell to accumulate this small float before next Q shows the explosive growth.
‘Well, I have tried to give everyone here a part of the due diligence I did on the company, you don't agree with my research and that's up to you.
The last video is from a massive affiliate to fin888, he wants everything to be good and that he and the people he referred gets his money back. He has absolutely nothing to win on trying to lie about the actual facts.
He gives all the information he can to keep the people he referred calm, after all they can't withdraw their money thanks to a recommendation he did.
I have no interest in buying shares, I was interested before my due diligence, after that I just tried to make others aware of the danger..’