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guys/gals, keep and eye on…
s y s x. but i dont like the pumping going on there, never liked seeing that on a stock. dont know if it will dip and run or run and run, but watch it.
it was a good day, look at my sysx stock.
Hope nothing bad happened to ya.
today is friday the 13th, just noticed that. lol
Thanks Gail, that was very thoughtful of you!
ihub went ahead and updated andy’s …
profile with the ribbon. its the least i can do for my good old ihub buddy.
i talked to the lady (today on facebook) who did his funeral in Nicaragua and she said they dont do a public obit. they simply have car go around and announce it on a p/a system.
man, im glad i dont live in a 3rd world country. i guess no one will every know he is gone. i searched for an obit, hoping maybe his brother, in pa, did one for him, but nope, no one did. its very sad.
anyway, he gets to rest in peace at least here on ihub for what its worth.
we love you andy!
he really was, he took care of a ton of strangers, got them work on his farm, fed them, their kids, and it appears they moved in with him.
i worry he was kind of taken advantage of as well, but he was very happy, so, i guess its a trade off.
I do remember Andy and chatted with him several time on IHUB. Seemed like a great fellow!
update, being that he had not posted since 2019, admin told me that it just doesnt show up on searches. hmm, thats odd, but she gave me his link so i have clicked to follow it, just for now, incase anyone wants to see his page here.
correction… he was “acc724” but still cant …..
find that handle anymore, maybe the people that took all his money in Nicaragua and his land, deleted his page?
anyway, i let admin know, but we cant put a ribbon on his profile since its gone now. sigh.
welp, turns out we lost Andy (i thought his old handle was acc22 but cant find it now) but im facebook friends with him and i went to wish him happy bday and turns out he passed of stomach cancer in jan. He never told me.
we knew he had a stroke and was doing much better.
so, there ya go. sigh.
sooo sad!! i just found out that ihubbers “onebgg” had passed, i had no idea.
he loved music and he loved to post on the American Idol ihub page.. its a singing competition show that has been on for years.
me, him and skilz loved to post there, over the years.
i was replying to him but no reply back, to find out that he is gone.
so sooooo sad about this.
so, being that he loved music, and i love to sing, i just picked this one song out that maybe he would have liked….
rest in peace my friend and im sorry i had to look you up here to see the sad ribbon, that ihub placed on your profile.
Happy Easter all, and remember, he died for us and our sins. just sayin’
You too Gail.
dont forget, freebie ihub friends, you can post with on restrictions from 4 to 5pm e/t like right now.
have a great weekend all.
keep your eye on psww and also agyp.
Good for you Gail. Let's hope your stocks make a huge run up so you can call all of us "The Little People"!
all went great with surgery, weee! keep an eye on …
psww and agyp.
Gail, I had cataract surgery 10 years ago, on my one good eye,. I went in with 20/600 vision.
I asked the Doc what sort of corrective glasses I would be needing
Doc. "You won't need any. The lens I put in should give you about 20/40 vision."
It was true. One day of dark sun glasses and I no longer needed glasses. I'd worn them since I was 13. I'm now 85.
Bad news. I'm now nearly blind, but it's because of a condition not related to cataracts
Good News. You'll be getting updates from AGYP. Lots of 'em.
hi all, if you dont mind, toss in a little prayer for me that my cataract surgery goes great tomorrow morning. (monday). its super early, and im not thrilled about that as i am a night owl and not a morning person,, lol.
i will have stock withdrawal if i cant get on line after that, but my guess is that i can pop in as i am super excited about my main stock, psww.
this week, if all goes well with that stock, i will not be a small fry anymore. if it runs and doesnt shake me out, it will be a huge win for me. i dont have a lot, but its a lot for a small fry.
also, keep an eye on agyp and tqlb. agyp appears to be producing oil from old wells, and hoping for updates soon.
tqlb bounces time to time.
but im super stoked about psww.
anyway, wish me luck. i had it done on my other eye a few years ago, and am glad i did.
i hear ya, i was not going to do any of it but figured, i get the flu shot every year, after getting it super bad many years ago, and never having a shot, i have not had the flu (not full on) since, but yes, i have heard of those with the shots still getting it. i dont know if it works, but the fact that i feel horrible, means its not sugar water, so its making me feel like crap. i guess it may help, i dont know.
Congrats on being cancer free!!!
The wife and have NOT had nor do we plan to get any of the jabs. That should be a personal decision and not something jammed down everyone's throat because of some bogus use of some emergency authorization.
Follow the money to find the real reason for the jab. I know several people that got all the available jabs and booster and still got covid. The wife has two friend that were hospitalized after getting to first jab, one for blood clotting and the other for a heart attack.
Again congrats and if getting the jabs make you or anyone feel more at ease then that's a decision that works well for ya and no one should be critical of your decision!!
BTW, we both take zinc and vitamin D3 also.
hey, any of you, who are …
ihub paid members that can reply here, tell me if you had a pfyzer booster and if a day later, you felt like crap? i did great with one and two.
wasnt going to do the booster but im finding out more and more places wont let you go there, etc, without it, so i figured, just get the darn thing. but im not feeling well and i dont like being sick, lol.
i never really get sick anymore (for years) since i have been taking zinc, vit d3, and c.
its made a huge diff and i know its the zinc and d3 the most. its known to stop virus and also cancers! which is how i found out about d3, was AFTER my breast cancer. not had an issue since, knock on wood (and thx to prayer too).. over 4 years NO cancer so far.
Happy New Year Gail and all!!
A Happy 2022 to you Gail
happy new year to ….
roach and all of you ihub buddies that i have known over the years!
love you guys!
i got it to work in my other post here so there! lol
and Merry Christmas to you and…
i will be sad when ihub takes away the chance for freebies, like robert himself, so post here. so, lets enjoy each other here, while we can!
this time i think it will work, its now set as my temp profile and siggy for a while.
been so long since i tried to change things like this. lol.
testing my temp pic but it didnt work. lol
you too my friend!
I hope that everybody has a very merry Christmas and an awesome new year and healthy
not with that group there, they dump hard
Gail- take a look at CGAC might meet your trade parameters. Let me know what you think. Hope your well oh, happy holidays!!
it really is when it comes to chatting with friends about a bunch of nothing.