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Saffron’s next fluff release coming. Then caviar, Wagyu, truffles. The possibility of fake thugs is endless. Can’t believe they didn’t go straight to the Kopi Luwak. Probably saving that for another news release.
And Kaki’s saving his specialty for a rainy day, foie gras. He can feed something else to major shareholders like Zzatt the same way they feed the ducks.
Step into the Future: Pluri Launches Sustainable Cell-Based Coffee as Countermeasure for Global Coffee Crisis
Going To Change The World !!!,slash%20water%20usage%20by%2098%25.
Pluri Inc. Launches the Latest Global Cell Therapy CDMO, PluriCDMO™
Pluri expands cell therapy capabilities into CDMO space
I bet they have a pretend partner lined up in Japan for this too, just like they did before. Wonder if they’ll get fast tracked for this too. But then again, you never know. We may still hear about that partner they promised was coming by the end md of 2016. Fingers crossed.
Japanese government making changes in approach to cell-based meat regulation and safety.
Israel Becomes First Country In The World To Approve The Sale Of Cultured Beef
Grasping at straws bud. What the hell is Plurihealth. Is that their benefit package where you get massages every day for doing zero work all day long? LMAO. So what you’re saying is Kaki’s lying to shareholders then. Probably the FIRST thing you’ve been right about. Or you just can’t read English.
Grasping at straws bud. So what you’re saying is Kaki’s lying to shareholders then. Probably the FIRST thing you’ve been right about. Or you just can’t read English.
You Are Mixing Bioreactors For 2 Different Purposes! PluriHealth & PluriFoods Use 2 Different Bioreactor Platforms. Someday You May Get A Clue? But It Appears For Now....You Are Unable To Comprehend That.
They’re doing jack squat with a 15L bioreactor. If it was so efficient, why are they thinking they will be able to get a 1400L one…IN 2 YEARS. LMAO. They don’t have a 1400L bioreactor, let alone a patent on it.
The clowns are way behind the 8 ball already. And they’re going to take 2 more years to have anything that could even possibly bring the cost down slightly. But in 2 more years, others will be light years ahead capturing the vast majority of the market share. I posted you the link which came from the head clown mouth himself from under a month ago. Didn’t want to read I it? Then weep?
Here it is again for you.
“In the next couple of years, we expect to launch the 1,400-liter bioreactor that can produce 400 kilos of cultivated meat per run with very competitive COGS.”
Get it now? THEY DONT HAVE A 1400L ONE AND WONT FOR AT LEAST 2 years. A 10k one is decades away. Maybe they can grow some ball sack hairs in the meantime with their 15L one. Or asshole hairs might be more fitting. Kakis an expert on that one, since he’s seen every shareholders asshole hairs, past and present.
Just like the clowns and how they messed up keeping their “state of the art” technology to themselves all these years. Now over a decade later, they want to get into manufacturing cells for others now that the competition has basically taken that market from them. They’re going to be left with the scraps which nobody wants. Can’t wait for quarter after quarter go by with the usual ZERO revenue.
We have zero evidence that their pathetic bioreactor can do anything close to what they’re saying. The clowns reign as one of Israel’s biggest scam of a company that’s milked over $400,000,000.00 from investors without having any revenues, is coming to an end.
It becomes more laughable watching someone try and defend this company and the true clowns that run it. Right up there with Zzatts reason to be in about half a million…WE GOT ZZIENTISTS.
Can’t LMAO more at the two of you. Hopester, Doc and all the others too. Maybe you and whoever you work for will go down with the ship. You all need a cellmate named Bubba. Would be bitter sweet seeing how you’re in on this scam.
Pay Attention And Learn:
PluriHealth Utilizes 15 Liter Bioreactors For Expanding PLX-Cells. One Bioreactor Can Produce 20 Billion Cells In 12 Days.
Pluri-Ever After Foods Utilizes Their Patented 35 Liter Plurimatrix Bioreactor
Pluri-Ever After Foods Will Utilize Their Patented 1400 Liter Bioreactor,have%20a%20huge%20cost%20advantage.%E2%80%9D
They put out a press release in 2012 how they made it to a 15L bioreactor. So in the last 12 years they’ve barely doubled the size. Again can’t make this stuff up. Cant wait to see your “homework” FDA. I’ll await your silence as usual once you’re schooled so bad that only Zzatt loves your posts still. He has no other choice as he’s broke once this pig fails.
“Plluristem Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSTI; TASE: PLTR) today announced that it has initiated the process of scaling up the Company’s manufacturing bioreactors from their current size of 5 liter (L) to 15L. The up scaling process is being coordinated to go on-line as part of Pluristem’s current plant expansion. With the completion of the scaling up process,”
Sorry my bad. I should have said 35L bioreactor. These clowns have not increased the size of their bioreactor for a decade or two. Laughable truly. But in a couple of years, they’re hoping to expand to get a 1400L one. You can’t make up the incompetence of this entire company. Truly astonishing how they’ve fleeced so many for so long. These scammers should be in shackles.
Crazy I thought they had 75L ones but apparently they don’t. But nobody will be growing meat within 2 years though right? Not like anyone’s doing it already. They got this so don’t worry.
Dec 4, 2023
“Using the current scale and technology Ever After can produce more than 10 kilos of cultivated meat mass with just a 35-liter production bioreactor and have a proven path to scale and reach price parity,” says Pluri CEO Yaky Yanay.
“In the next couple of years, we expect to launch the 1,400-liter bioreactor that can produce 400 kilos of cultivated meat per run with very competitive COGS.”
Kaki the clown said so himself and you know it. You’ve posted articles about it. Laughable just like the clowns that run this pos of a company.
Pluri Does Not Use A 75 L Bioreactor. Please Do Your Homework!
Doesn’t negate the fact that Pluristem’s 75L bioreactor will be producing nothing like it has for the last 25 years. Pluristem clowns are chasing anything and everything to keep those paycheques rolling in for the e 180 employees who sit on their ass doing absolutely nothing every day.
At least on a roundabout way, you’re finally acknowledging what I’ve said for a decade. Used to say oh they can’t do this, do that. Even though I showed proof every time. This time you went after that companies underfunded endeavour. Others are far ahead and ALWAYS will be.
FYI: A WIRED investigation can reveal that even as the company embarked on the nine-figure bioreactor project, there were concerns it was struggling to pay vendors and contractors. Ultimately the Good Meat deal would collapse into a legal dispute, with bioreactor firm ABEC alleging that the company owes more than $61 million in unpaid invoices. The startup is also being sued in two separate recently-filed legal disputes. One from an engineering firm for more than $4.2 million for alleged unpaid work and another from a food processing firm alleging more than $450,000 in unpaid invoices for ingredients.
Go look at this article about Good Meat. Serum free with 6000L bioreactors, soon to be 100,000L ones. But the clowns have their 75L pumping out PLX-STEAK as fast as they can stuff em full of steaks took good…for the ladies. Trying for price parity with real meat by 2027.
This article shows what FDA says is nothing but bs and always has been.
“Good Meat will drive their serum-free media cost further down from the current $1 per liter to “tens of cents,” according to Tetrick, allowing the company to produce “hundreds of thousands of pounds” of cultivated meat. “Our next phase is to install vessels north of 100,000 liter each, which will enable tens of millions of pounds,” he told me, “but that won’t be up and ready until late 2024.”
There you are. Thought we lost you there. Still loving management? Still loving the Zzientists? Love the eternal fluff these clowns use to milk every penny from gamblers like you? Do you now grasp the expression DEAD MONEY?
And most importantly, don’t you wish you listened to me? LMAO!!!
PluriTakeItInTheButtLikeZzatt’s a top contender.
And here I thought all those 75L bioreactors were full of steaks. I heard they’re hiring someone full time to come up with new Pluri names for all their fake indications. PluriTakeItInTheButtLikeZzatt’s a top contender.
Wonder how much that 47 thousand square foot clean room has cost them over the last 15 years.
Kaki’s coming out with a book too. How Dp You Blow Through $400,000,000.00 With Nothing To Show For It. That’s chapter 1.
PluriCDMO™ will offer its unique knowledge and technology and over 20 years of
development and manufacturing experience. Its state-of-the-art 47 thousand square foot Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) cell therapy production facility is expected to help customers and PARTNERS address key challenges in the development and manufacturing of cell-based therapies.
Convincing News
0.5800-0.0330 (-5.3834%)
As of 11:29AM EST. Market open.
Hey wasn’t I saying they should do this over a decade ago. You know, before there were others in this field doing the same thing. Too bad they’re a decade late. May get some scraps the big boys don’t care about like the pre clinical crap. That’s about all the clowns could handle.
Good ole Zzatty boy used to laugh when I said this, saying he thinks the ceo knows more than me. I guess I was right after all about this one huh Zzatt.
Shoulda listened Zzatt. And the clown crew shoulda listened too. .
But but but, we got ZZIENTISTS!!!
Pluri Launches Advanced Global Cell Therapy Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization
January 19th Advanced Therapies Week, Phacilitate Conference Miami
Lior Raviv, Pluri CTO will be presenting in the following sessions at the conference:
Development of controlled systems to support the success of large scale Allogeneic Cell Therapies during the 9am-10.30am session and will be the Chairman for The Future of CGT Supply – How Can We Collaborate Better, Cut Costs, and Get Therapies to Patients Faster session from 12.30pm-1.30pm
Looks great. Why are we still under 1.00?
I hope we go up before we have to do a reverse split.
Happy Chanukah!,
Pluri Company Presentation Out Today !!!
And the cycle continues. Mice studies that give “miraculous” results that become irrelevant once tried on humans. Clowns think they’re going to be able to fund their paycheques with the fluff they’ve used for decades.
Don’t think they’re going to survive a third decade without having a single viable product. But if anyone can get milk from a dried up crusty teat it’s these master schemers. They’ll go for one more rs once the money's almost gone and raise a couple million for another quarter or two of paycheques.
Once that runs out they’ll be pillaging the office furnishings right down to the pencils and scraps of paper. These guys thrive off of taking every last penny from shareholders to enrich themselves.
According to the latest estimates there were around 22 million cocaine users worldwide with the highest number found in the Americas.
Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal-like Adherent Stromal Cells as an Effective Cell Therapy for Cocaine Addiction in a Rat Model
Pluri and Bar-Ilan University to Develop PLX Cells for the Treatment of Cocaine Addiction
Drug Addiction Treatment Market size is expected to be worth around USD 24.4 Bn by 2032 from USD 10.9 Bn in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 8.6% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032.Nov 6, 2023
“Two years ago, we pivoted from being solely pharma focused, to becoming a cell-based technology platform”
And now that they’ve taken every penny they could from investors on that one, they’re pivoting as a matter of survival. Paycheque survival.
"We know that our technology may position us as one of the most significant enablers in the industry: compared to the second-best technology in the field, we offer a 90% reduction in costs, a 700% increase in efficiency." Yaky Yanay
It's Coming !!!
Quote: " There are big projects underway in the U.S. with the NIH, DOD, and we even have a project with NASA." ...Yaky Yanay
Pluri's New Plant Cell Patent Indicates They Have The Ability To Produce Paclitaxel.
The present invention is aimed to provide a possible cost and time effective solution by cultivating plant cells in a packed bed bioreactors in a proprietary method that mimics the natural environment of the plant. The system and methods disclosed herein may be applicable to all and/or most plant species and may be used for cultures may present a possible solution, as they allow for controlled, closed and sustainable manufacturing of plant-based products that are used in various industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and else.
According to Precedence Research, the global paclitaxel injection market size was reached at US$ 5 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit over US$ 15.88 billion by 2032.
Pluri Patent: