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As a long , with not as many shares as you, I welcome your post and Thank you. seems to agree with you as well.>>>
Stoked !
MGRM is a full on buy now. Convergent factors make this stock a serious bull in the weeks ahead. Selling from Russell delisting is coming to an end this week. Shorts accomplished their goal in making that happen. They are covering while others accumulate. Huge institutional ownership makes this float far smaller than many realize. And Pfizer's approval of Maraviroc, hence a serious ramp up in MGRM's Trofile usage (and subsequent analyst upgrades pending), is imminent with unanimous fast track recommendation meaning approcal is perhaps days away, but likely no more than weeks. This is the perfect momentum entry. The upside is quite large. 2 analysts have set $3 and $3.25 targets, though in reality this could be a future $10 stock in the coming 18 months. MGRM is a strong buy now. I hold a half million shares and have the conviction I made the right move into this stock.
Lets hope the other 49 states follow suit :)
News afterhours today.
Monogram Spearheads Effort to Improve Disease Management for All HIV Patients and Physicians
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Monogram Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: MGRM - News) announced today that Medi-Cal has expanded its coverage of HIV resistance testing to include treatment naive patients as well as patients failing therapy. While genotypic resistance testing has traditionally been covered for patients who fail anti-HIV treatment, the expanded coverage allows for baseline genotypic resistance testing for all HIV infected patients, including those who are newly diagnosed and who are treatment naive. Medi-Cal is California's Medicaid program, which provides medical service coverage for low-income and disabled individuals.
This coverage expansion was driven by scientific evidence that documents an increasing prevalence of patients who become infected with drug resistant virus: up to 16% in some geographic areas. Drug resistant virus may persist during the pre-treatment phase of HIV infection. The BGRT identifies anti-HIV drugs likely to be ineffective, when treatment becomes necessary, even when begun months or years later. Evidence shows BGRT guided initial therapy results in longer time of viral suppression.
The evidence was compiled by physician experts whose efforts were supported by Monogram Biosciences and advocates working to better the lives of patients living with HIV. Guideline recommendations from a antiretroviral guidelines Panel convened by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation documents scientific evidence that supports expanding BGRT coverage to include chronically infected HIV treatment naïve patients. Specifically, the Panel recommended performing BGRT prior to initiating antiretroviral therapy in patients with acute or chronic HIV infection.
"We applaud Medi-Cal for setting coverage policies designed to bring personalized care to patients infected with HIV." says Tien Bui, Monogram Vice President of Medical Affairs. "Medi-Cal's coverage expansion is an important step towards ensuring that HIV patients and their physicians across California can make the best, most informed treatment decisions possible."
I hope so too! I hear it's gong to be a BLAST!
It was certainly a great close for a good week. This coming week could be full of action, emotions and... short covering?
Large volume ; ta goes up.
IMO back over 2.00 by next week.
"Sumpins UP" and I think I know what it is.
I totally agree - 100 share blocks keeps the MM's under the radar. I've seen it done on the big boards. Also watch for a large volume posted AH. What a racket!
100 share trades
Do you believe what they say about the MM's and the 100 share trades?
We all know this stock is over 13,342,700 shares short, and this is how the company is owned:
MGRM $ 1.73
Monogram Biosciences Inc. -0.10
Shares Short 13,342,700
Days to Cover (Short Ratio) 2.4
Short % of Float 10.20 %
Shares Short - Prior 12,049,100
Short % Increase / Decrease 10.74 %
Squeeze Ranking™ -1
% from 52-Wk HIGH ( 2.70 ) -56.07 %
% from 52-Wk LOW ( 1.30 ) 24.86 %
% from 200-Day MA ( 1.80 ) -4.05 %
% from 50-Day MA ( 1.80 )
-4.05 %
Price % Change (52-Wk) -3.70 %
Trading Volume - Today 2,003,775
Trading Volume - Average 5,489,400
Trading Volume Vs. Avg. 36.50 %
Total Shares - Float 130,850,000
Total Shares - Outstanding 131,940,654
% Held by Insiders 9.76 %
% Held by Institutions 65.50 %
Market Cap 228,257,334
EPS -0.39
PE Ratio
If you look at how short this stock is, and how it is owned there is no wander they the MM's are keeping it low. When the MM's purchase 100 share blocks it means THAT THEY NEED SHARES. This company being owned 74% by insiders and institutions they are in dire need for shares. The only place they can get them is from scaring the day traders or small guys ( US ) into selling when it drops .10 or .25. DNDN was owned the same way. That is why it jumped almost tripled overnight, institutions don't sell or day trade. This company is going to jump very high if the pussies would quit F--k--g selling off.
I know what you mean. Between the weak hands, daytraders, and MM's trading amongst each other, we've been getting beat to a pulp (I've never seen so many 100 share trades in all my life). But, when news hits I think it will pop. Unfortunately, if management continues to keep a low profiler - like they have in the past, it may be Q3/Q4 when the company starts reporting some real earnings before we see that pop.
They need to publish Something
some news is better than no news. There are to many people selling off when the shorts run this down 5-10% Sad they don't have the balls to stay in.
I hope they'll issue a PR after the ASCO conference to highlight the eTag presentation with a blurb about the Trofile test thrown in for good measure.
One good PR and she blow's
You know how these drug companys are, one good news report and the stock triples in Two hours. Did you guys see DNDN go back over 13 bucks in ONE HOUR last week? From 8 to 13, that is awesome. MGRM will be the sameway. this company is very short, and mostly h ald by institutions.
Following this gem is like watching paint dry.
It seems like the same cycle continues every day although the bottom seems to be getting a little higher. I'm starting to think we may not see over 2.00 until Q3/Q4 - when revenues start coming in. What's your opinion?
Have a great weekend!
All day long, today is going to be a good day.
Finally got back on track. 5 day chart looks good as June is almost here!
Yep ! It'll be back over 2
I'm glad I bought more.
My momma always told me to Buy low and Sell High.
We'll see another 10% tomorrow.
Lets post somethng here is there anyone alive? They are still short 12,250,000 shares as of 1300hrs they've got a long way to cover in a couple of days!
They are starting to cover the shorts, hurry up and get in before it hits 2.00.
We're off to the races.
Any buying is good buying. And everybody should be getting it now while it is cheap.
Certainly the institutional investing increase could scare someone to start covering the shorts
SS is Coming
Look at, the May report is out. MGRM is now short over 13 million shares up from last month. Also 63% of this company is held by institions. Not JOE BLOWS lie us. They will be holding there share for the long hall like we should be doing. Good news and we'll be in the TEENS.
We've got to buy now, L2 is clear once we get there. She's going to blow all we need is some PR.
It is awesome watching the shorts keep the price of this stock down. They're doing a great job of it, until we get the FDA news, then she'll blow. I am loading up here, buying a couple thousand shares a day as I rotate funds around. When we get some good news it'll double in after hours trading like DNDN. One day it'll be a buck 70, then at open the following morning it'll cost 4 bucks, everyone will say What the hell happened? Thats because a gaint like Phizer can put in a buyout or large purchase order foe say 10 million shares at 7pm at night. She'll blow we've gotta be patient.
Here we go back up !
Glad I took a greater position dow low.
Amen, It is easy to look back after the fact and say it was a market correction. Correction my ass, this is my cash we're talking about. I try to pick like Cramer says good companys under valued. I have done very well with company at or near their 52 week low.
Yeah, then there was Tokyo Joe and now Jim Cramer. btw...the graph was not invented by Cramer and cycles are not that simple as it shows.
Summers coming,
There is still a lot of money to be made, I buy a few of the big blues, I like the risk down here, down here where stocks go up and down everyday.
IMO, due for a correction. I bought QID (ETF, short nasdaq). Just a matter of time...........the Dog Days of summer are approaching.
His graph awesome for the big boards, it is right on time
Hey guys does anyone think the market is over valued? Maybe a downturn? I know that is bad language,but I remember 1999 and 2000. not 9/11 but before then the same type market and economy. Am I incorrect?
My best lesson learned from Cramer is the graph he has in the one book comparing the trend of the GDP to what you should be buy and selling. It works great, for the BIG BOARDS! Probably useless with pennies.
My eight year old daughter is a big fan, but says he needs anger management classes.
63 If you really like Cramer.
Hey I have read both of Cramer's books, and he is the MAN. I try to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes others make. If you know Cramer, His biggest and most important lesson is: (1. With any stock your only purchasing paper, trying to make money. 2. Stock holders don't own the company the bond holders do. 3. The company does not care about you, don't care about them. It is not personnel it is money, your money. 4. Buy and homework, which can mean in and out of a stock several times a year. 5. The most important and most backward way to think but you've got to learn it. Buy the stock when everybody hates it. ( Like this one ) You might have to hold it for a few monthes, if it level longer. You have got to sell it when everybody loves it, a very hard way to think. It cost me Tens of Thousands of dollars until I learned it all and a couple years. )
I knew the stock market was rigged, etc........ When I got my head out of my ass and implemented those lessons from Cramer I started winning. Yes winning, yes we are gambling, Yes gambling, call it investing if it makes you feel better. This is poker, betting on football. Pussies call it investing. Investments are savings CD's NO RISK. 4% or 5% a year SUCKS I need to make at least 10% a trade.
Yes a wierd way to look at it, If you want to win read those books. Charts help, but you've got to think like 1% of the people to WIN, or as some people say Have a good return on my investments, pussies.
Keep buying this stock will moore than double.
That's very odd way of thinking:)) If you look around the boards, everybody is chasing next gapper, figuring out Q's moves from 5-min chart or buying Cramer's yesterday pick. I don't know if promiscuity is a sin, I know overtrading can kill a trader even in small quantities.
Where that new generation of day-traders is coming from? Weren't they killed in 2000?
Here is how I see things, however only from when I switched from Canadian markets due to currency risk:
(Also, these that are sold longer then two weeks ago are not shown ie. BRCD, XIDE,IPAS)
Well this is the point to load up. Buy from 1.95 to 1.30. When she jumps it'll be worth it. Like I told another friend of mine. I said "What the f--k do you want? We're doubling our money twice a year!" 150% to 250% per year. Last year I didn't get shit. 10% here 15% there, still good money. Until the first week of Nov. Boom. From Nov. to the end of Dec. Two full double pops in a row. CHCG, and AXTG Two long shots, OTC's. So point is, you know how it is: the charts don't lye, but you've got to own them when they pop. If your chasing them on the way up, your just paying for my exit.
Have a nice summer, we are stuck for another four months before break-out of the recent range.
We need to hang in there, DNDN was coming off of a 52 week low in march, just three weeks earlier when she blew it wide open.
The key to the S/S, look at how many of those shares are held by insitutions. ( IE: other company's ) That are also in this for the long haul. 1/2 of the stock is already accounted for and will not be up for sale on short trem good news.
I will continue to buy this company all the way to 1.95, I've been loading up at 1.6 to 1.75 this is a nice base formimg. 2.00 would be better. Go to and type in the ticker, look at how many shares short MGRM still is.
BK, i'm still holding and hope your correct on you assumption.
I'll tell ya what, when this baby gets the good news,and the shorts try to cover their positions this board will light up like a x'mas tree. Every Tom, Dick and Harry will be on this thing. DNDN we see you.
No did not sell--going to hold for the long haul--just don't post in here until there is some sign of life...