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CLSD on your mark get set because its go time
repost from yahoo
"Exro is excited to share that the company is completing its engineering validation on the 100V Coil Driver and is on track to deliver the electric car inverter by the end of November.
Did you know that the Exro Coil Driver can help make the highest performing vehicles in the market? The Coil Driver can:
Control any electric motor, enabling it to operate more intelligently
Calculate the system’s demands for torque or speed, and seamlessly switch the configuration to match the desired output
Electronically optimizes the powertrain, extends operating ranges, and increases operational efficiencies
Following the 100V Coil Driver engineering validation, Exro will move into its 2021 commercialization strategy. Stay updated by visiting the Exro website and following us on social media." imminent big news
exrof this post from the yahoo board has chased a few folks today that have impatient money riding here
"I talked with Jake from IR yesterday and came away with the following. Maybe not much new here but I will post anyway. My understanding is that the only news re Potencia is an announcement by Exro that the completed coil driver is now being sent to Potencia for road testing. That testing to be done over a period of 3-6 Months. I asked if they have had much interest from institutional investors and Jake said that they have had many inquiries and went on to say "the share ownership structure is about to change". Also, he confirmed that they have a bank balance of about 10M and are burning between 550K and 600K per month. He also shared a report done by Haywood Capital markets. This is a comprehensive analysis of Exro and that included a target price of $6.00 CA. I'm sure he would make the report available
to anyone interested. It is well worth the read."
exrof in play to the upside for the next TEN YEARS
forget all the ev stocks just buy exrof and you buy them all because exrof will be in every thing electric ..EVERYTHING!!! one stop shopping
exrof everyone is tired of this range. me the mm's everyone..time to blastoff
flipped gtec today for a few bucks and bought more exrof on the dip..glta
exrof institutional accumillation LOOK OUT ABOVE
exrof..mark this post 100 billion dollar mkt cap...sooner than you think..
igc something is cooking..picked up 2600 shares at 1.50 avg
exrof + nlst = and hold
long time no hear from you ..hope you are safe ..i have 25k shares of exrof and buying more in the morning..about the same price..ill keep my eyes on it and give a look now..
hi geo, buy HEXO 81 c last close. BUY THIS ONE : canabis play. i like it. they sell canabis drops . i think it will be phoenix rising from the ashes ;).. hope u doing well. i dont come here post often. because i am on other site.
holy chit basillica you posted on lose to profit. one of the all time incredible good guys runs this quiet board. IPRE. the best of the best..thanks for posting here
i got 2.3 million of them...i sure hope you are right bro...
I saw you at pktx and if you want to run and make some serious money check out BMIX look at all the DD and this one is primed for a real move ! I still like PKTX but BMIX IS MONEY !
im over at vyst since .041 130k shares
DTEA....going to be a wild few days...
My main focus still: TECH stocks and OIL related. That's all.
not sure what you are up to but if i had your 1000 and ameritrade let me buy it, I would park it in UNVC..I dont feel so bad however because I am holding INFI..back in at 2.75
i have only 1000 dollar, out unvc, IN MNKD now at 6.60
ipre....i dont know how much money you have but infi and otiv are retirement the dd..both selling about 1.50
best value anywhere in the mkt...i said so
ipre unvc is the one you have been waiting for..wish i could join you with more than the 52k shares i have
I have 2.8million pdgo but no one wants to play there at the moment..UNVC is are finally going to get rich
geo,NETE 0.54$, 11 M Mkt cap:I'm in 1300$ : mobile paymen stuff.
Revenues is 4 x time its market value.
Could it be a +100 bagger ? hehe or a -80% loser.
Worth leave couple of 1,000 $ on table for enternity.
Got my first salary this Agustus after jobless end 2016 !
ipre i had 2000 shares of bvxvw at 1.70...I had to sell them to pay debts and it runs to 3.80 on its way to way north.....
so all I have is 1.1 million shares of pdgo
It's long time no hot stuff. bah TSLA (323) is where i play long
there is no message board for BVXVW..maybe i will start one..not sure how to do it
BVXVW..hard to find a lot of info on it..i think there are about 5 million shares outstanding..universal flu shot in phase three testing...i got 2000shares...i was determined not to sell the INFI but i stumbled upon this and I like the upside better.
well i did it again made a few bucks on the trade
sold infi premkt. to buy
i agree but it is best to not watch the tape and just buy and hold...but i always look around for the monster runner..just a gamblar at heart
I sold before ER.just small 200 sh.Ok i think sometimes we need to stick with a very solid stuff to generate resource by letting the paper work for you.
it the same old story IPRE...when you get that runup before the news sell it because everyone is going to sell the news..its happened to me so many times you would think I am incapable of learning. Maybe it goes up eventually if the earnings were decent. I didn't read it...Im just holding infi...if the insitutions believe who am I to argue..ptx has a fair amount of institutional ownership. from yahoo about 20%
INFI is about 85% owned bu instituions. I will just wait...dont have powder to burn...dont know what your buy in is with ptx but if you believe, just hold. 20% ownership is retty good and if the report is any good they will be buying..i dont care what i think in the future if their is a runup to earnings then i will sell the day of earning about 1.30pm and never look back
In 200 x PTX 4.3$ announce Earning AH hopt with a +100% kaaboom.
PTX bio stuff 4 $ may ROCKET on ER schedule on 28 march.
BY CHART it icould be a violent rally for a double.
i think the market cap is cheap and share price refuses to go down since many months and it has tendancy to go up slowly ,could be sign of Kaboomer in the making.
yes, infi is serious one no debts yet.Their asset has some value even if their product failed, if not then it can be a huge winner.
by the way if you remember SBAC. the cell tower company that was selling at .28 back in the day because they thought they were going to default on the bonds. today 110 dollars
remember Petroleum Gas Services a norwegian gas service company down to .11 cents because they thought they would default. But their ceo jens ulviet Moe figured out a way to create value for the common shareholder after the bk..I made 7,000 dollars on that trade but that was a long time ago...So anything is
keep an eye on will be a revenue monster..1.70 it will be an explosive growth stock for the next couple of years
i got hurt on innv but i continue to hold infi now at 3.55..infi its the science..IPRE think about the science..they have an oral compund that utilizes the immune system to degrade head and neck tumors..they have cancer cornered...this will be a ten billion dollar mkt cap will start moving a buck or two a week..imo...Im holding for 100 a share..hahahahahaha but i actually believe thats what will happen here..over 80% owned by institutions and they keep no more trading now..I cant because i wont trade my position I have in ORAL compound..non invasive...effective...and just in the beginning of things
gl and thanks for keeping me in the loop...
oil offshore skpped debt due:GLF 0.37 from 40$. a potential BK . for those Lottery ticket that could be played for a darefull yoyo move.
conference call after the bell today..moved it up three weeks...good news coming i hope
ok so mainly in innv : setting up wel for ongoing rally.
well ia only have 250 shares of infi
250 shares of otiv
and went all in with 14,000 shares of innv
and i have a little powder