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Sorry, I don't feel for people who don't do their DD beyond what a corrupt ceo said he did or is doing. Using famous names and setting up a famous name through their agent in such a way the famous name has no idea who the ceo or company is that their agent set up just for a publicity resume. It's done every day with the rich and famous. Jlo was used like this as has quite a few others. Do your own DD on that.
I knew about the bad actors running the game.
There's two kinds of people in scams. The bad actor who lies about the company and 'facts' and disparages everyone else. It's the ones that always says they are in touch with the owners.
And the other like myself who actually went to locations to prove their company didn't exist and took pictures. Not this one, others.
But I know a scam when I see one. Don't blame your mistakes on other people.
You must have been part of the scam team to present that argument. Nobody deserves to be ripped off especially when we were being told positive forward looking information by the CEO Bobby Blair,b who took on Martina Navratilova and Barney Frank as name brands to lend legitimacy.
LFAP SEC registration revoked:
100% Agreed. Bobby Blair and all those who were involved in this scam needed to go to jail. I lost over 60K in this one.
Agreed. There are lots of people who were scammed including myself. I lost over $60k in this one.
Bobby BS will be held accountable one way or another.
I lost 30k in this pos. Bobby Blair needs to go to prison for life.
This was a big con job from the beginning.
Did you see any dates for expected response by? All I saw was the filing date. Any kind of SEC action here is good but I'm not sure what we're being protected from after the theft of value of our buy in price happened many years ago. There were several people in on this scam imo. We were informed by a poster here on ihub of Blair's past scam. Too late though.
Id like to know how much they profited from this scam. They still need to be interviewed as material witnesses. They were part of this scam regardless and should have gone public with their suspicions something was wrong. Bobby Blair deserves prison.
Send Bobby messages on his twitter and linkedIn account.
They did nothing… we’re given free shares of a POS company to be on a dysfunctional board. Bobby Flair pumped and lied and got paid of selling shares… the board members had no idea what was going on..
I would prefer it to be a criminal case and handled through the SEC and FBI.
CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT DO WE DO IT..not sure how to go about it.
Agreed. There are a lot of people who have lost similarly if not more, including myself. Bobby the crook needs to held accountable
I lost 30k in this pos. Bobby Blair needs to go to prison for life.
Leys not forget the role Barney Frank and Martina Navritilova played in building confidence in the business model.
Trust me, I have been. He is a crook.
Yes indeed. Our only recourse is to go after Bobby and his crew
This was a big con job from the beginning. our only recourse is to go after Bobby Blair and the officers. Blair has a history of being a con.
We were fleeced by professional cons.
The time for LFAP to voluntarily deregister from the SEC by filing a FORM 15 and to thereafter become an alternate reporting security on the OTC was after their last posted Financials, ie., the company would have needed to be current in their Financials at the time of deregistering. By going into default by not posting any Financials the company no longer qualified to deregister from the SEC and once the SEC Enforcement files an Administrative Proceeding for the Financials delinquencies it is too late for the company to remedy the delinquent Financials.
This linked post will explain the outcome for LFAP will 100% be revocation of the company's stock registration(s).
What if the file a form to no longer SEC report and just stay pink like post of OTC just filing unaudited financials.
It would not matter if any person(s) or entity wanted control or ownership of the shell because the SEC Admin. Law Judges will revoke the company's stock registrations regardless to ownership or changes of control of the company.
The only remedy for LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings Inc after the company's stock registration(s) are revoked is to file a FORM 10 that requires audited Financials for a minimum of the last 2 years of operations. That is usually an insurmountable task because any auditor would have extreme difficulty reconciling all operations and finances prior to the two years of auditing required. Thus, even if LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings Inc wanted to continue business operations it would be as a private company with no public stock, and when companies can no longer use stock for funding operations there is little to no incentive to continue operations whereby the only source(s) of revenues could come from operations.
Hi Renee thats for the response....Can a custodian take the ticker or the note holder(s)? Can the shell be sold?
With all OTC stocks that receive an SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials the SEC will move to have LFAP's stock registration(s) revoked. When, not if, that happens the LFAP ticker will no longer exist and the stock will not be allowed to trade on any public market. Essentially, LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings Inc will become a private company. Shareholders will still own their shares but the shares can never be traded at any price, on any public market.
In the meantime LFAP will be on the Expert Market with no displayed bids or asks.
Bottom line is for shareholders to get rid of their shares while they can before they will own them forever with no value.
Hi're the best on DD. What happens next here?
LFAP SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials: CALL HIS AZZ OUT ON FACEBOOK...HE IS POSTING THERE RECENTLY
How the hell isn’t this guy Bobby Blair not in jail yet?
Mr. Scammer low life Bobby Blair needs some jail time.
He’s a real POS and should not be allowed to promote any business
Can also leave comments about what a POS he is here
Don't know his number but you can message him on Facebook, less than a 1% chance that he replies though lol.
You would think note holder or some custodian would come in here with clean shell and low shore count
HOPEFULLY something comes into shell or something.
Just noticed the share structure was updated in 6/9/24. Considering how delinquent this stock is in reporting anything, why would someone think it's important to update the share structure?
It takes money. Money that we were fleeced of.
I guess an option would be to see if note holders want the shell or it goes to courts for do we get that ball rolling.