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Once again, you manage to generate an ethereal fog in your efforts to spin a sow's ear into a spider-silk purse.
Have you thought about going into politics? Politicians enjoy turning day into night and vice versa, just as you do.
Stop making so much sense. I want to stay in my lovely fantasy world, not be confronted by ugly reality...
Thompson's PRs continue to be vague and fail to address the month-by-month status of production. I didn't buy any shares on this news. Did you?
So many investors have a long experience with KBLB failing to follow up on significant developments. Remember the immunity silkworms? We never learned what happened when they were tested. Nearly pure spider silk? Has that been replaced by Darwin's Bark silk? Using silkworms to produce valuable drugs (like insulin) in place of sericin? No clue about where that is.
I'd love to see a quarter for my shares. 50 cents would be amazing. A dollar a share lands me at the liquor store buying up all their champagne. Multi-dollar share prices mean I'm flipping through car magazines, deciding how many Ferraris and how many Lamborghinis I want to buy, and trying to find a house with a 5+ car garage.
We need solid information on production, distribution, and sales to start breaking down some of those barriers, not vague news about a new strain.
Dimes… let me just summarize everything you just said with this response…” when it comes to Thompson YOU WILL NEVER KNOW because he doesn’t want you to know” .. yeah yeah I get it, You’re a shareholder… but this man doesn’t give a shit about you as a shareholder. You’re nothing but vile excrement to him that he would give anything in the world for you to go away and leave him alone… just be sure to do one thing, keep your money invested with him. …
This PR makes it clear that Thompson knows how to run a PR campaign ... into the ground.
Everyone is waiting on production news. Several times in the past, Thompson has announced KBLB was in the process of scaling up for commercialization, only to have the process fail in the end. KBLB has released news that is stronger than what we have seen in the past (even as he revealed how weak the past news has actually been), only to go silent about production. Again.
He puts out a PR about a new transgenetic silkworm based on Darwin's Bark spider silk proteins. As far as I know, none of the patents that Notre Dame controls protect silkworms based on Darwin's Bark DNA. Thus, the new strain won't be covered by existing patents. (Is KBLB pursuing a patent on this new strain? We don't know.)
As you point out, KBLB did not release any properties of the new fibers. Darwin's Bark silk is tougher than DS because it stretches more than DS does. But stretchiness is not a useful property in bullet-proof vests. Bullet-resistant vests have to pass a stringent backface signature requirement (meaning how far the bullet stretches the material) because the blunt-force trauma of a bullet can kill you just like the bullet entering your body can kill you. If you have a 10-inch shoot pack with a 90% stretch capability, the fibers could stretch to 19 inches. With a triangular profile, the bullet could travel 8 inches into your body.
One could argue that a stretchy silk is better for fabrics. Unfortunately the force required to stretch Darwin's Bark silk is higher than people produce as they move around, so the silk would not feel stretchy on your skin. In any case, we don't know how tough the new strain of silk is because KBLB neglected to mention any properties.
This news will probably give KBLB a little boost -- in the short run. But this same news could have had a much bigger impact AFTER KBLB had proven out production. Now we are stuck not knowing exactly when to expect more production news from KBLB. Did production get put on pause because of the weather? The Tet holiday period? Is there a problem that has unexpectedly cropped up?
I HOPE that KBLB will shortly (next 2 weeks) provide a production update. I HOPE that KBLB will provide more details about the new Darwin's Bark fibers that allow us to understand where this new fiber might be best employed. I HOPE that KBLB will release information about production and sales. I HOPE that KBLB will tell us about exciting ventures with big-name companies.
Investors running on Hopium...
The KBLB way!
Chij … banana Bob has been saying that more times in the last 14 years than Pamela Anderson‘s body count… but he’ll quickly tell you it’s going to “ SOON “
I think you had better say that KBLB is going to rocket within the next several months not two years.
ChiJ.....I think you had better say that KBLB is going to rocket within the next several months not two years. GO KBLB!
“ stick around because i believe this stock is going to rocket in the next 2 years.“
I know this is just your opinion, but this has been said literally since I arrived in September 2010.. what is really sad is there are people that invested in this when they were in their mid to late 60s or early 70s? That will not see their investment pay off because they will no longer be around. That should give you some idea how this lame ass CEO has jerked around his people with carrot filled PR’s intentionally I might add.. I’m willing to bet anybody on here that when December 31, 2025 rolls around he still will not have made one sale . I mean, think about it, He already has something else to talk about for the next couple years with his new invention the bark spider…. This is how he plays the game… keep your eye on the newest shiny object and forget about everything else
I have been invested for 5 years and cannot imagine hanging in there for 15. I feel like I have either seen it all or heard about all of it here. I stick around because i believe this stock is going to rocket in the next 2 years.
KBLB has harnessed one of the toughest materials on the planet. If you love that Darwin’s Bark Spider photo then you’ll like these:
If timelines shift but the product continues to improve and move closer to commercial reality, that’s credibility in action.
Kim’s credibility isn’t measured by whether he hit every timeline—it’s measured by whether he kept pushing, kept iterating, and kept making progress.
And he has.
Let’s face it this isn’t about facts anymore. It’s about your frustration over timelines and unmet expectations.
But frustration doesn’t equal fact.
Disappointment doesn’t equal deception.
And missed projections don’t equal incompetence.
You’re upset because you wanted a straight line to commercialization, and instead, you got a winding road filled with setbacks, adjustments, and breakthroughs.
But that’s how innovation works. That’s how biotech works.
The milestones are real.
The technology is working.
The path to commercialization is clear.
The only credibility issue here is your unwillingness to acknowledge progress because it doesn’t align with your personal expectations.
So keep chanting ‘credibility issue’ if it makes you feel better. But while you’re stuck on repeat, the rest of us will be watching KBLB move forward—toward commercialization, toward revenue, and toward success.
At the end of the day, Kim Thompson will be judged by results, not timelines. And if you can’t see that, the problem isn’t with him—it’s with you.
#KBLBProgress #FactsOverFrustration #InnovationIsntLinear
yet it’s clear you don’t fully grasp the complexities, challenges, and unpredictable nature of pioneering something that’s never been done before
yet you continue to chant ‘credibility issue’ like it’s some protective shield against admitting your lack of understanding.
The reality is, credibility isn’t about hitting every estimate—it’s about making measurable progress
If Kim truly lacked credibility, you—and your "not the only one" crowd—wouldn’t still be here.
The real credibility issue here isn’t with Kim Thompson—it’s with
Not believed by those still invested? What logic is that?
You invested in a cutting-edge biotechnology company working to commercialize a material hailed as the “Holy Grail of textiles,” yet it’s clear you don’t fully grasp the complexities, challenges, and unpredictable nature of pioneering something that’s never been done before. Instead of understanding the iterative progress required in biotech, you cling to the oversimplified buzzphrase ‘credibility issue’ every time a timeline shifts. You’ve admitted Kim isn’t lying, isn’t untrustworthy, and that you still see the potential for a massive payoff—yet you continue to chant ‘credibility issue’ like it’s some protective shield against admitting your lack of understanding.
The reality is, credibility isn’t about hitting every estimate—it’s about making measurable progress. And KBLB is progressing: Bam-1 hybrids are producing, scalability is improving, and commercialization is closer than ever. If Kim truly lacked credibility, you—and your "not the only one" crowd—wouldn’t still be here. Your frustration doesn’t stem from Kim’s leadership; it stems from your own misunderstanding of what you invested in. You’re hedging your emotional bets, hoping for success while preparing to claim “I told you so” if there’s a stumble. That’s not insight—it’s self-preservation. The real credibility issue here isn’t with Kim Thompson—it’s with you. FACT!
Great post Gimme,
My sentiments exactly. With probably over 25-30 posts last year alone and hardly any
movement in pps with all being positive PRs it’s pretty obvious he is not believed
By investors. Some here just refuse to accept this.
Popularity doesn’t make an argument correct
So go ahead, keep chanting your favorite buzzphrase while the rest of us focus on the milestones, the science, and the vision.
You’re still here (along with the "I'm not the only one" crowd), because you know the payoff will be enormous.
Because when KBLB crosses that commercialization finish line, and they will, all your ‘credibility issue’ talk will fade into irrelevance—
Popularity doesn’t make an argument correct. Whether one person or one thousand people repeat a flawed narrative, it’s still flawed.
You can repeat ‘credibility issue’ until you’re blue in the face, but it won’t change the fact that:
-Progress is happening.
-Commercial scalability is closer than ever.
-You’re still here (along with the "I'm not the only one" crowd), because you know the payoff will be enormous.
So go ahead, keep chanting your favorite buzzphrase while the rest of us focus on the milestones, the science, and the vision.
Because when KBLB crosses that commercialization finish line, and they will, all your ‘credibility issue’ talk will fade into irrelevance—just like every other troll narrative before it.
#KBLBProgress #CredibilityIsProvenInResults #SameTiredNarrative
At the end of the day, you’re still here, still holding, still hoping for a big payoff. That’s not the behavior of someone who thinks the CEO has a fundamental credibility issue
You’ve essentially admitted:
-Kim isn’t lying.
-Kim isn’t untrustworthy.
-You believe in the potential of this company.
So maybe it’s time to let go of the tired ‘credibility issue’
At the end of the day, you’re still here, still holding, still hoping for a big payoff. That’s not the behavior of someone who thinks the CEO has a fundamental credibility issue.
You’ve essentially admitted:
-Kim isn’t lying.
-Kim isn’t untrustworthy.
-You believe in the potential of this company.
So maybe it’s time to let go of the tired ‘credibility issue’ safety blanket you’ve been clutching and admit what’s really happening here: You’re in because you believe in the endgame, even if you won’t say it outright.
Drop the act, embrace the investment, and move forward.
#KBLBProgress #LogicCheck #TrollsTalkingInCircles
You say Kim’s credibility issue was self-created
You claim Kims ‘credibility problem’ is a fact
Missed estimates aren't lies
If Kim Thompson has such a ‘credibility problem’ and dilution is so certain to crush the share price, why are you still here?
Investing in a company requires belief in the leadership
You can’t simultaneously argue that the CEO can’t be trusted
So let’s drop the tired ‘credibility issue’ line.