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I got in a long time ago in the .30s uggh
Grabbed a few .033! Ya never know
Ok I get it…..a size guy is freeing up $ and I need to not worry about the chart or the base or psychological price points or HENI’s ability to clean up and be thin
It’s 2023 and spots that look like easy money sometimes aren’t….so as stupid as 034-042 looks, I need to back off and be open to the idea of stupider prices and longer delays
As of now my little amount is @ a 0566 average
A real shaker and mover.
We see who's going to get paid first.,
This might be closer to our guy: Joseph Dubois Cornwell: Address & Maps
Residential Address
6143 Cartmel Ln, Windermere, 34786 Florida
Joseph Cornwell: Mailing Address same as company address
Po Box 711 Windermere, 34786, Fl
(company Mailing Address. P.O. BOX 711. WINDERMERE, FL 34786)
Principal Address 9300 CONROY WINDERMERE RD,
Windermere, FL Post office address:
Address: 9300 Conroy Windermere Rd, Windermere, FL 34786
True. But the Chinese are the only ones going public
his name aint Chinese so its a good start...
Ive been living in my place for over 20 years to.
8th richest city per capita in America.
It's not some 2 bedroom apartment in North Atlanta.
The guy might have a sweet house of cards he's building down in Fla.,
but it's over 20yrs old lol
Any DD hounds dug into the New Co?
A start.
hopefully we need more info on the co.
Does this mean we can finally go up?
Advance Global Technologies, LLC change of control
Pharma plays. Not for the faint of heart.
Clinical trials can be a bear.,
The FDA is the worse.
Parasite Shorts love to screw with them.,
They go long stretches without updates. And to get a drug to FDA approval cost bucks.
But a buy out can change your zip code.
They are great lotto tickets.
No no I meant the shell :)
holding mine
shell flag removed ?? $HENI
( Current, AS: 50M, OS: 23M, US: 9.2M
??Shell Badge Removed
Chart (, OTC Profile (, Twitter ($HENI&src=typed_query), @otcupdates
Update: 2023-03-15 15:52:12 (UTC)
I HOPE SO!!!!!!
Strange this hasn't moved since the announcement. The company and names associated seem to be from high level backgrounds. Seems to be very solid RM.
I have no position
$HENI have a few interested parties but nothing close to a closure of a deal yet. I do have an nice equity deal as a back up plan.
SS updated to reflect the lower OS
Yes that’s always good
Nice thing about this holding... I pay long term tax gain if and when I sell..
I am so tired of paying that 37% short term cap gains, last year my tax liability bought an F-16
Yes at least we’re getting volume now
I'm in here for the long haul, it's just that spike when it first gets known is a good time to get your investment back and let the rest just go along for the ride.
dont think youll need a pumper for this one ben has a lot of shares he'll want this one to be a good one
Thank you for that information.
Sometimes they take a while, especially when we are playing startup orphans in this wasteland.
Buy them on events,
1. hold until they develop into a real story
2. something good enough for some pump artist to come along and jack the living chit out of the price with all his legions of mulligans
How's that for a business plan?
thanks bud
Synergy Management (@synergymgtgroup)
$HENI filing today
Filed & Entered:08/12/2022
Close Bankruptcy Case
Twitter•Today at 11:08 AM
Synergy Management (@synergymgtgroup)
$HENI talked to court clerk today and was told the bk will be closed around 8/15.
Synergy Management (@synergymgtgroup)
$HENI trustee final report in as of 7/12. We now wait for the court.