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The sad thing is they could sell alot more if they let it breathe to a .0003-.0004 range.
Never stop selling....Never give up. You can do it!!!
That's their game plan.
Retail can’t trade a stock that is below 000, so you must be special
Also fyi 316mill were added to the market yesterday. That’s not great it’s the first sign of dilution in months.
Buy at .00005-0001 and sell at .000015-0002. Really that simple.
Sell smaller blocks and never cancel. Keep them good for 60+
I've never been able to sell at .0002 yet. Trying...
Another massive dump today. These guys can't even execute a proper pump and dump even with all of their news releases. Only a dump. Back to .0001 on the ask. The only one making money here is BrickLiar. Just ask him. He will tell you so. That's why he is the moderator...
Man you sure do have some angst against someone that just likes to make money haha
Nice press release...Followed by a massive dump...Now BrickLiar can buy all the .0001's he wants and sell at .00015...LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
Any chance the "talk" reveals something good? I'm sure it's what longs are expecting but you never know. Could it be just an attempt to push it for a few 'ticks' then go silent again for a few years? I need $.0065 for even at this point. Only if there's real volume would I get more. It would have to be fast so I could finally be done with this. I guess we'll see soon enough. GL
WOW actually will hear from the company live. This should be interesting.
Only able to sell at .00015 today but still not bad after scooping up more .0001’s before that. Take profits and ride freebies that’s how trading 101 works buddy.
Why don't you just do what BrickLiar is doing? You should be buying 100 million shares at .0001 and then sell the same 100 million at .0002 for a quick 10k profit. He just buys at the bid and sells at the ask. He has done it several times already. BrickMoron is the smartest guy on the board. That is why he is the moderator...
Goes to .0002 then back to .0001 and no bid. Looks like it'll never get to .0003
See I told you there were plenty of those in this room lol
Let’s try this one more time. The bid is for buying and ask is for selling. My more than 100mil shares have a good concept of that and I’ve told you previously that’s how it works. Trading 101. GLTY
Why don't you share with us peons BrickLiar how you made money in the past 5 days with a .0001 bid? Everyone on this board knows you are full of it. What a shame you are the moderator. It looks like this board has truly hit the bottom of the barrel thanks to your guidance...
If you haven’t made any money over the past 5 trading days I can’t help you lol.
At no bid right now on Etrade,. Yep, someone saw an opportunity to bail and they sure did, taking out the bid again.
Just another day in paradise...
What's cookin Brickhopper? 138 million shares traded and it is .0001 on the bid AND .0001 on the ask. Are you are professional paid pumper? Do you work for the company? Are you over 16 years old?
It’s cookin.
Plenty of those in this room lol
This is a lotto play. Double triple quadruple or lose it all. Only the dumbasses don't understand taht.