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"consensus is that the GG is sorely lacking in that area, even to the point of being misleading, and that a bubble priced Gorilla's vulnerability to a market crash doesn't differ significantly from that of any other stock. "
Well, I didn't miss much, did I? <g>
Now we must put together a recovery strategy, which will take years, I am certain (certain? hrrmph)
God bless you all.
It is a little quiet here but DS showing up is certainly a positive.
>> Can you give me a recap of what the old G/K gang is thinking these days about the G & Ks?
The horrific terrorist attack on the wtc, and it's implications for the future have dominated everyone's thinking for the last 2 1/2 weeks, DS, but even before that, the discussions on the main thread had turned towards valuation rather than vetting new candidates. The consensus is that the GG is sorely lacking in that area, even to the point of being misleading, and that a bubble priced Gorilla's vulnerability to a market crash doesn't differ significantly from that of any other stock.
Things are a bit quiet here, UF. Things are a bit quiet everwhere!
Can you give me a recap of what the old G/K gang is thinking these days about the G & Ks?
SI is down tonight, and this is the assembly point. Welcome, gang.
<< There is supposed to be an follow up announcement tomorrow. >>
Thanks. I've given up wading into the Q&A board which is now a former Q&A board.
Interesting habitat.
- Eric -
>> I'd assume at his disgression.
I can't believe I constructed and posted that lousy sentence.
Please substitute "discretion" for "disgression".
I'd assume at his disgression. There is supposed to be an follow up announcement tomorrow.
How did Not Admin (Bob) become Not Admin (Bob)?
- ce -
<< Not the Kangaroo again >>
If cats have 9 lives, Kangaroo musta got 10.
- ce -
Oh, no. Not the Kangaroo again .
You guys really need to get a life.
>> What is the topic?
Good question. Certainly not tfm after Geoff's recent utterances. Wireless and networking aren't too exciting these days.
Any suggestions?
<< Test >>
Your post is off topic.
What is the topic? <g>
- Eric -
The official thread drink is Opus.
I thought some one else said it was kool-aid?
The official thread drink is Opus.
um, this year it's "oh, piss!"
<< They've added some server power to our bomb shelter site, and need to test under load. If you get a chance, please stop by. >>
Looking good!
I bookmarked this sucker (again),
- Eric -
I may have to re think my 1920 target.
Since this is a virtual world, I can virtually afford it.
The official thread drink is Opus.
I'm here UF.
Where's the beer?
Thanks for the invitation, UF!
I'm a lurker on SI, and greatly appreciate the combined wisdom of the thread, and your foresight to provide a bomb shelter.
>>It's appalling what Mr. Market has done to Crisco.<<
Fried it?
And that's a fact. I'm interested in finding out how it reacts this time around since I intially invested in csco in October of 98 so I've just lost profits mostly; down about 10-15% at the low. This kinda supports LTB&H since profits makes it LOOK like you haven't lost as much as everybody else. LOL.
Today's action is helpful, a few more of these and my nose will be above water....
UF - Thanks for the work in preparing for the escape route
It's appalling what Mr. Market has done to Crisco.
I hold csco LEAPS, which have been absolutely trashed.
I think it's rather crude to be talking about sighting a bottom and testing the load.
--Mike Buckley
>>>my personal portfolio's heaviest weighting is in qcom, sebl, and ntap.<<<
What happened to CSCO? Did you sell, or has it's weighting dropped below the top 3 only because of current value? <g>
Thanks, R, bu what don't you like about the old one?
Thanks, Frank for the new board. rushnomore (eom)
You have a siamese, don't you?
I'll bet tekgirl just loves this verse <gg>:
Who do you blame when your kid is a brat
Pampered and spoiled like a siamese cat
Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who's to blame
The mother and the father
Don't worry about Auric. All the IH threads are moderated.
Try saying "So Pa" again and again, with and without the invisible umlaut. Bet it reminds you of this:
Thanks, UF...
Tommorow will be the real test to see if these puppies are ready for the big show!
<fingers crossed>
Matt, congratulations to you and your gearheads for getting the servers up! This sucker is blazing <lol>.
I'm going to tell some of the gang, try to get some volume, and see if it stands up under load.
Looking real good <gg>.
>> I think we are very close to a market bottom and there will soon be some rising stars
I'm glad to hear that you sense an end is in sight, Reid. The last 12 months of the bear have been brutal, even for those of us lucky enough to have enjoyed the best parts of the preceeding bull market. Gorilla Game methodology leads me to consider positioning in the technology adoption life cycle and the possibility of sustainable competitive advantage when selecting stocks. The G&K gang has chosen 12 stocks to comprise our 2001 Gorilla and King Index, and of those, my personal portfolio's heaviest weighting is in qcom, sebl, and ntap. My expectation is that these 3 will outperform their sectors when the market begins to recover.
Terminating the Terminator
From this post which I find an interesting read.
Frank I realize that you prefer FA above TA. I like both and think it is a mistake to ignore either analogy.
I think we are very close to a market bottom and there will soon be some rising stars. I have a few in mind, do you?
For WIND fans
It appears the "BIGS" like us,they really like us
Ok, I'm here, where is everybody?
This is just like "The Great Escape".
I guess SI has lower switching costs than they might have thought...
Great find UF!
Thanks, Dealie. It always pays to have contingency plans.
Hi Uncle Frank,
Just wanted to pop in and say....."Hi! And nice shelter" before ya'll get too G&K serious.
Just wanted to keep my handle, as if someone would steal my
H Peterson
New iHub thread for Intel-specific discussion:
greg s
<< Intel is a gorilla >>
Of COURSE it is a gorilla. <g>
- el -
Thanks for the housewarming gift <lol>.
Just another G & K lurker here from SI checking out the bomb shelter.
I sure hope they add the "next 10" feature like SI has.